Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Obama--he funds Israel's military.
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Obama--he funds Israel's military.
So will Hilary or whatever comes next.
This is another problem the US can't fix by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Hamas and the people who elected hamas are responsible. This country would quickly become a shit sandwich if we elected a neo nazi group to run our country, and we would deserve whatever repurcussions that followed.
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

The Hamas are responsible. They use civilians has human shields.
In war, when man fights man for land -- there is blood on all hands, except the children.
This isn't war between sovereign states.
Gaza is occupied territory, and Israel the occupying power.
Jews can't claim self-defense against the population of a territory they occupy.

Oh..So this is about Jewish people.....Shut the fuck up you anti Semitic bitch.
C Montgomery Burns.
Hamas, they provoked the attack.
Hamas isn't blockading Israel.
What did they do to provoke an attack by their occupying power, send too many of their children to the beach?

You know, the whole firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel thing.

That's a really, REALLY good way to provoke an attack.

If I was responsible for protecting civilians, I would blockade the people who keep attacking us. Unfortunately for Israel, even the blockades cant stop Hamas from getting SOME of their murderous rockets. I imagine the blockades reduce the attacks significantly though.
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

it is really puzzling

why you folks support

the likes of Hamas

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdCsl98naqM]Hamas terrorists Kill PalestinIans - A MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! - YouTube[/ame]

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