Who’s the Worst President?

Worst President

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Early days yet and I'm no spring chicken, but I have never seen anyone fuck up this much this fast before.
But the Senile old bastard is NOT making the decisions. His STAFF is. All Obama holdovers.
You need a manure spreader for all of that horseshit? You totally ignore:

1. Barack Obama: giving guns to drug cartels that were then used to kill American border agents
1.1 Barack Obama: using the FBI to spy on a presidential campaign
1.2 Hillary Clinton: Paying Russia for disinformation on a presidential candidate
2. Joe Biden: giving our terrorist enemies BILLIONS of dollars of American arms
3. Bill Clinton: Lying under oath
Unlike mine... all from a single party... not a Republican in your list, eh?... you're a partisan hack that may safely be ignored.
Ranking Presidents in the last 50 years (post Vietnam)

Bush 41
Bush 43
Oh, I understood... I just thought that the OP was a "stacked deck" and decide to provide a hand-grenade enema, to crack things wide open... :cool:
It’s a trolling “Democrats suck”thread
Obama broke the peaceful transfer of power by spying on Trump.
You're full of $hit clean up to your ears... even if Obumble DID spy on Rump... there was no substan\tial violence associated with it...

Unlike January 6, 2021, when you traitorous disloyal phukks engaged in Insurrection against the United States and assaulted Congress...

And now those of you who were stupid enough to actively participate in that are being (metaphorically) crucified in the criminal law courts...
It’s a trolling “Democrats suck”thread
Yep... naturally, I recognized the same state of affairs... but my Mean Streak won-out today and I decided to phukk with the Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers a bit, just for fun.

But it only has so much Amusement Value... after all, it's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel ;)
Kondor3 have you been practicing your goosestepping?
...you are just like the hitlerjugend
Up until now, I thought Obama was the worst president you guys have had, then along came Biden. America, you have stupidity in abundance to have that halfwit as president, what on earth are you playing at?
Obama was the most inconsequential president
8 years of Obama was a continuation of the same shit we've been putting up with the last 40 years.

And the fact that the national debt doubled under Obama.... I think we'll have some consequences from that.

In fact between Bush and Obama 2000 to 2016 the national debt quadrupled from 5 trillion to 20 trillion.

By the time Trump got to office and finally did something about the Chinese trade deficit it was too late essentially..... we can't even afford the interest on our national debt right now.
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You're full of $hit clean up to your ears... even if Obumble DID spy on Rump... there was no substan\tial violence associated with it...

Unlike January 6, 2021, when you traitorous disloyal phukks engaged in Insurrection against the United States and assaulted Congress...

And now those of you who were stupid enough to actively participate in that are being (metaphorically) crucified in the criminal law courts...
I wish I could come across you in real life just to see what you're like.

No offense.:71:

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