Whose dumb idea was it to "expose trump" for biden's son's corruption

Does the revelation of Trump's phone call HELP or HURT Biden?

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Dims are morons and losers. Don’t think so? Look at your choices for 2020. You can’t stop stupid!

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What it did was piss Biden off. And a pissed off Biden isn't something that Rump wanted. Biden is on his Hackles now and starting to talk pretty damned good. Rump already knew if Biden got to that point Rump was going to lose to him. How did Rump know it would be Rump's own actions that would cause Biden to man up. You will notice Rump doesn't really have much of a game plan lately and is very very quiet. He gets that way while he is trying to figure out a way to make us look another way so we won't notice what's important. I really don't see a way out of this for him without him doing something else that is really, really stupid. He knows he's in serious trouble. Biden still will take more EC votes than he will in a general election no matter what the fantasy rumpster graphs presented say. And he still won't get the simple majority of the total vote either. So he's going to have to do something fantastic.

He can't win on the Economy. All he's done is kept the economy in autopilot. He can't win on Foreign Relations. He's been a friggin disaster. He can't win on the Border. His border relations has been a disaster. He can't win on Tax Reform. If the Taxes are kept like they are, by 2030, at the latest, our GPA will be lower than our Deficits which means we will have turned into a Greek economy. Good chance, it will even out in 2025 with him at the helm.

Rump is going to have to start being PResidential real fast or he's going to loose in 2020. And he's going to have to do some mighty big things fast as well. If not, Slo Mo Joe will Tortiose his way into the job.
Hope springs eternal, from the inexhaustable well of desperation...
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory.

But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.



No idea who could have thought this was a good idea. Wait....

What it did was piss Biden off. And a pissed off Biden isn't something that Rump wanted. Biden is on his Hackles now and starting to talk pretty damned good. Rump already knew if Biden got to that point Rump was going to lose to him. How did Rump know it would be Rump's own actions that would cause Biden to man up. You will notice Rump doesn't really have much of a game plan lately and is very very quiet. He gets that way while he is trying to figure out a way to make us look another way so we won't notice what's important. I really don't see a way out of this for him without him doing something else that is really, really stupid. He knows he's in serious trouble. Biden still will take more EC votes than he will in a general election no matter what the fantasy rumpster graphs presented say. And he still won't get the simple majority of the total vote either. So he's going to have to do something fantastic.

He can't win on the Economy. All he's done is kept the economy in autopilot. He can't win on Foreign Relations. He's been a friggin disaster. He can't win on the Border. His border relations has been a disaster. He can't win on Tax Reform. If the Taxes are kept like they are, by 2030, at the latest, our GPA will be lower than our Deficits which means we will have turned into a Greek economy. Good chance, it will even out in 2025 with him at the helm.

Rump is going to have to start being PResidential real fast or he's going to loose in 2020. And he's going to have to do some mighty big things fast as well. If not, Slo Mo Joe will Tortiose his way into the job.

LOL, yeah TRUMP talking to the press and answering questions everyday along with tweeting several times a day is really quiet...

You know who hasn't been talking much is Biden, it's also weird how quiet Obama has been. Democrats will be choking with all they have to swallow in order to vote for Biden. Democrats have fallen in the same trap they did with Hillary. They have to protect Biden in order to impeach TRUMP, because if they allow any of those running in 2020 to go after Biden it will legitimize TRUMP's case regarding his dealings with the Ukraine.

Democrats are stuck with Biden, he will have to be the nominee. If they try and force through impeachment all Mitch will have to say is he's leaving it up to the American people.
This a purposeful attempt by the Democrats to get RID OF BIDEN while attempting to smear Trump at the same time.
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
If there is no "evidence," that is due mainly to the fact that you have blinders on. Sorry for your really lousy and lacking information. Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy
Sorry, not going to accept "evidence" from this source. Give us a cite from a someone that can be
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
How does one believe Trump corrupt but Biden not? It’s hard to believe one and not the other. Well no one said partisans were smart.
LOL!!! You realize you just admitted Trump is corrupt, don't you? I agree, you partisans aren't very smart.
He is only admitting Trump is corrupt by the same measure that we consider Biden corrupt.Do you even read?
So is Biden corrupt or not? Be careful with your answer, because that would mean "Trump is corrupt by the same measure".

That source is more reliable than any source you have been getting news from silly.
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
If there is no "evidence," that is due mainly to the fact that you have blinders on. Sorry for your really lousy and lacking information. Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy
Sorry, not going to accept "evidence" from this source. Give us a cite from a someone that can be
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
How does one believe Trump corrupt but Biden not? It’s hard to believe one and not the other. Well no one said partisans were smart.
LOL!!! You realize you just admitted Trump is corrupt, don't you? I agree, you partisans aren't very smart.
He is only admitting Trump is corrupt by the same measure that we consider Biden corrupt.Do you even read?
So is Biden corrupt or not? Be careful with your answer, because that would mean "Trump is corrupt by the same measure".
That source is more reliable than any source you have been getting news from silly.
Sorry, you're just going to have to do better.
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
If there is no "evidence," that is due mainly to the fact that you have blinders on. Sorry for your really lousy and lacking information. Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy
Sorry, not going to accept "evidence" from this source. Give us a cite from a someone that can be
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
How does one believe Trump corrupt but Biden not? It’s hard to believe one and not the other. Well no one said partisans were smart.
LOL!!! You realize you just admitted Trump is corrupt, don't you? I agree, you partisans aren't very smart.
He is only admitting Trump is corrupt by the same measure that we consider Biden corrupt.Do you even read?
So is Biden corrupt or not? Be careful with your answer, because that would mean "Trump is corrupt by the same measure".

Yes, both are corrupt like Gipper told you. Name a damn politician that was not and my bet you will name a list of Democrats while proclaiming only Republicans are corrupt...
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.

LMAO Of course Hunter didn't commit a crime. Nothing criminal about it.

His father, however, used his position as a sitting VP to pressure the ousting of the Ukranian prosecutor who was looking into the company that hired Hunter Biden for a position he had no knowledge in.

If Biden hadn't opened his big mouth on national television no one would have known.

Trump didn't pressure the Ukranian President. He merely asked him to look into the matter because people were interested in it. I'd bet those people are the DOJ and AG Barr.

Impeachment?? What a steaming load of horse shit. Barr's report should be interesting as hell.
... If the Taxes are kept like they are, by 2030, at the latest, our GPA will be lower than our Deficits which means we will have turned into a Greek economy. ...

Oh no! Does that also mean we'll fail out of school?
You know who hasn't been talking much is Biden, it's also weird how quiet Obama has been. Democrats will be choking with all they have to swallow in order to vote for Biden. Democrats have fallen in the same trap they did with Hillary. They have to protect Biden in order to impeach TRUMP, because if they allow any of those running in 2020 to go after Biden it will legitimize TRUMP's case regarding his dealings with the Ukraine.

Democrats are stuck with Biden, he will have to be the nominee. If they try and force through impeachment all Mitch will have to say is he's leaving it up to the American people.

He really does play 4D chess with these clowns lol.
In a Dem primary, it is unclear if it helps or hurts Biden. Democrats know their "leaders" steal like crazy, and don't care one bit.

In a general, this is a decisive problem for low IQ Biden....
Like I don't even post on USMB lately, cuz 2020 is a done deal for Trump, ez victory. But LOL, this latest jab by the Dems is just...BACKWARDS.
There's no evidence of any Biden corruption. It's just a tactic to try and deflect from Trump's own crimes. He leaned on the president of Ukraine and undoubtedly has been leaning on others to produce "evidence" against Biden.
If there is no "evidence," that is due mainly to the fact that you have blinders on. Sorry for your really lousy and lacking information. Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy
Sorry, not going to accept "evidence" from this source. Give us a cite from a someone that can be
How does one believe Trump corrupt but Biden not? It’s hard to believe one and not the other. Well no one said partisans were smart.
LOL!!! You realize you just admitted Trump is corrupt, don't you? I agree, you partisans aren't very smart.
He is only admitting Trump is corrupt by the same measure that we consider Biden corrupt.Do you even read?
So is Biden corrupt or not? Be careful with your answer, because that would mean "Trump is corrupt by the same measure".
That source is more reliable than any source you have been getting news from silly.
Sorry, you're just going to have to do better.
That response merely proves you aren’t capable of intelligent debate.

Please apologize and leave the thread. Trolls aren’t liked here.
That response merely proves you aren’t capable of intelligent debate. Please apologize and leave the thread. Trolls aren’t liked here.
LOL!!! A troll complaining about trolling. That's rich!
That response merely proves you aren’t capable of intelligent debate. Please apologize and leave the thread. Trolls aren’t liked here.
LOL!!! A troll complaining about trolling. That's rich!
Well, here is another Independent media outlet that uses all sides of the narrative to give you a complete picture of what is going on.

This source is, again, not beholden to advertisers, corporations, government, or foundations.

Sorry if it does not meet your preconceived notion of what is going on in the world, but it is JUST THE FACTS.

September 28, 2019
On The Motives Behind Whistleblower-gate
MoA - On The Motives Behind Whistleblower-gate

"The recent impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump is the second attempt by the CIA and the Democratic establishment to sabotage Trump's presidency. The first attempt was the 'Russiagate' conspiracy theory which falsely claimed that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the election. It took more than two years to defeat it. It had the intended side effect that it disabled Trump from making peace with Russia.

The second is likewise run by the CIA and the Democratic establishment. The CIA created an artificial issue that the Democrats used to justify the launch of an impeachment process against Trump. The impeachment attempt has little chance to dethrone Trump. But the affair will again hamstring any attempts for better relations with Russia. The operation is also designed to further prevent Trump digging into the background of Russiagate and the people behind it.

The second attempt is a simpler construct than Russiagate. A CIA operative who was temporarily delegated to the White House constructed a 'whistleblower complaint' that is completely based on hearsay and public sources. It is also about issues that are outside of the CIA's immediate business.

Until very recently the intelligence community complaint form required that any claimant had first hand knowledge of the complaint issue. The form was changed in August (more here) but uploaded only on September 24 to also allow for hearsay to be the basis of a complaint. This reinforces the impression that the complaint is part of a larger intelligence operations. Who initiated the change?

The whistleblower statute says that the matter in question must be an "urgent concern" that is defined as:

... a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters
At the core of the complaint in question is a claim that Trump used a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Ukraine to press Zelensky to investigate two issues. The call memorandum was declassified and published.

During the phone call Zelensky had two requests. He wanted U.S. anti-tank weapons and he wanted an invitation to the White House. (He got both.) Trump also had a request. He asked that Ukrainian authorities investigate two issues of U.S. public interest. The first is the reported interferences by Ukrainian government officials in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election campaign. This also involved the notorious security company CrowdStrike which made some false claims about Russian hacking in the Ukraine. The second one is the also well-know intervention by then Vice-President Joe Biden against a Ukrainian Attorney General who had an open investigation against a company that was sponsoring his son Hunter Biden.

The U.S.and the Ukraine have a treaty that requires them to cooperate on law enforcement matters. That Trump wanted the Ukrainian authorities to investigated these issues was well known. His personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani had said for several months that he was looking into these questions.. . . (MORE)"
That response merely proves you aren’t capable of intelligent debate. Please apologize and leave the thread. Trolls aren’t liked here.
LOL!!! A troll complaining about trolling. That's rich!
Well, here is another Independent media outlet that uses all sides of the narrative to give you a complete picture of what is going on.

This source is, again, not beholden to advertisers, corporations, government, or foundations.

Sorry if it does not meet your preconceived notion of what is going on in the world, but it is JUST THE FACTS.

September 28, 2019
On The Motives Behind Whistleblower-gate
MoA - On The Motives Behind Whistleblower-gate

"The recent impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump is the second attempt by the CIA and the Democratic establishment to sabotage Trump's presidency. The first attempt was the 'Russiagate' conspiracy theory which falsely claimed that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the election. It took more than two years to defeat it. It had the intended side effect that it disabled Trump from making peace with Russia.

The second is likewise run by the CIA and the Democratic establishment. The CIA created an artificial issue that the Democrats used to justify the launch of an impeachment process against Trump. The impeachment attempt has little chance to dethrone Trump. But the affair will again hamstring any attempts for better relations with Russia. The operation is also designed to further prevent Trump digging into the background of Russiagate and the people behind it.

The second attempt is a simpler construct than Russiagate. A CIA operative who was temporarily delegated to the White House constructed a 'whistleblower complaint' that is completely based on hearsay and public sources. It is also about issues that are outside of the CIA's immediate business.

Until very recently the intelligence community complaint form required that any claimant had first hand knowledge of the complaint issue. The form was changed in August (more here) but uploaded only on September 24 to also allow for hearsay to be the basis of a complaint. This reinforces the impression that the complaint is part of a larger intelligence operations. Who initiated the change?

The whistleblower statute says that the matter in question must be an "urgent concern" that is defined as:

... a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operations of an intelligence activity involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters
At the core of the complaint in question is a claim that Trump used a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Ukraine to press Zelensky to investigate two issues. The call memorandum was declassified and published.

During the phone call Zelensky had two requests. He wanted U.S. anti-tank weapons and he wanted an invitation to the White House. (He got both.) Trump also had a request. He asked that Ukrainian authorities investigate two issues of U.S. public interest. The first is the reported interferences by Ukrainian government officials in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election campaign. This also involved the notorious security company CrowdStrike which made some false claims about Russian hacking in the Ukraine. The second one is the also well-know intervention by then Vice-President Joe Biden against a Ukrainian Attorney General who had an open investigation against a company that was sponsoring his son Hunter Biden.

The U.S.and the Ukraine have a treaty that requires them to cooperate on law enforcement matters. That Trump wanted the Ukrainian authorities to investigated these issues was well known. His personal lawyer Rudi Giuliani had said for several months that he was looking into these questions.. . . (MORE)"
Starting off the an article with talking about "sabotaging Trump's presidency" doesn't give me much confidence in this organization's "independence". Sorry, but you're going to have to do MUCH better.
At this point, I feel like I am pissing in the wind. . . .

That response merely proves you aren’t capable of intelligent debate. Please apologize and leave the thread. Trolls aren’t liked here.
LOL!!! A troll complaining about trolling. That's rich!

I am not a troll.


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