Whose fault is it really?

First you try to blame Trump (just like Biden does) and then sing the praises of Biden when he screwed up the entire thing, against the advice of his generals.

Pay attention to known facts bewfore you continue your lies.
Not trying. Blaming Benedict Donald for his actions throughout 2020. He tried to stab everybody in the back.

The Generals advice was given to Biden prior to the decision to complete the evacuation. The decision to leave was all his. The logistic of the withdrawal was given to our the experts of war. The guys who Defeated ISIS.

Thus far you have no facts, just the usual Trumpytalkingpoints.
Don't want to do your homework for you, you never learn if I do.

There is a thing called Google that an supply the answers to in in support of my statements. It also proves you to be a liar.
So you can't support your position that it was all the democrats pressuring Trumpybear to withdraw without conditions? Where in those transcript do the general say that?

Like this exchange on the planning.

Senator Warren: (02:01:15)
By 2021, it was clear that 2,500 troops could not successfully prop up a government that had been losing ground and support to the Taliban for years. Secretary Austin, I understand that you advised the President Biden to stay in Afghanistan, but as you acknowledge, staying or withdrawing is a decision for the President alone. So I want to focus on what happened next. Once President Biden made the decision to have US forces leave the country who designed the evacuation?

Sec. Austin: (02:01:55)
Well, Senator, again, I won’t address the advice I gave the President. I would just say that, in his calculus, this was not risk free. And the Taliban we said earlier in this hearing, were committed to recommencing their operations against our forces. His assessment was that, in order to sustain that and continue to do things that benefited the Afghans, that would require at some point that he increase our presence there in Afghanistan. So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce......
that’s too bad…they had time to get back in complaints since we hadn’t left yet..

xiden ignored rve agreement, and the military leaders
Sure we'd only needed to redeploy all the troops, and probably more, that the Trumpybear withdrew. Why did he withdraw all those troop without making those withdrawal conditional like he said they were going to? You understand that the conditional withdrawal was what the Accords called for in the first 135 days, not 10 months later after most all the troops had been withdrawn.

Sure sure Biden was given the option to re-deploy and take over Kabul right away. The Generals advised him it would take about 10 to 15 thousand troops only cost about a thousand casualties. Injured and killed.
Who, in your fevered little mind, is "they"? "They" were the ones who stated that the country could be held by 2500, not Trump. Once again, get some facts before you twist them to your lies.
You have nothing. 2500 would not hold the country when the truce expired. No general every said that they would.
Not trying. Blaming Benedict Donald for his actions throughout 2020. He tried to stab everybody in the back.

The Generals advice was given to Biden prior to the decision to complete the evacuation. The decision to leave was all his. The logistic of the withdrawal was given to our the experts of war. The guys who Defeated ISIS.

Thus far you have no facts, just the usual Trumpytalkingpoints.
You say that the decision was all on Biden, yet he has yet to admit that he screwed up. He continues to try and blame it on anyone else when in fact it was all his decision. Like most democrats, especially you, try and blame any fault where it does not belong.
So you can't support your position that it was all the democrats pressuring Trumpybear to withdraw without conditions? Where in those transcript do the general say that?

Like this exchange on the planning.

Senator Warren: (02:01:15)
By 2021, it was clear that 2,500 troops could not successfully prop up a government that had been losing ground and support to the Taliban for years. Secretary Austin, I understand that you advised the President Biden to stay in Afghanistan, but as you acknowledge, staying or withdrawing is a decision for the President alone. So I want to focus on what happened next. Once President Biden made the decision to have US forces leave the country who designed the evacuation?

Sec. Austin: (02:01:55)
Well, Senator, again, I won’t address the advice I gave the President. I would just say that, in his calculus, this was not risk free. And the Taliban we said earlier in this hearing, were committed to recommencing their operations against our forces. His assessment was that, in order to sustain that and continue to do things that benefited the Afghans, that would require at some point that he increase our presence there in Afghanistan. So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce......
Having difficulty with your comprehension? You believe only those that agree with your bigoted platform and the continuing of your lies.

You appear to think that you are a foreign policy expert and like all of your arguments fail miserably.
You have nothing. 2500 would not hold the country when the truce expired. No general every said that they would.
If I truly have "nothing", it must be you that I have. The generals all said that 2500 was the minimum that should be left. Bumbling Biden was the one who ignored the advice of his generals and pulled them all out without preperaton and in a manic and disorganized fashion. Just like you liberals wanted and disaster followed, as predicted by any who had actual military experience.

You guys are all armatures and should have no say in anything of importance.
Sure we'd only needed to redeploy all the troops, and probably more, that the Trumpybear withdrew. Why did he withdraw all those troop without making those withdrawal conditional like he said they were going to? You understand that the conditional withdrawal was what the Accords called for in the first 135 days, not 10 months later after most all the troops had been withdrawn.

Sure sure Biden was given the option to re-deploy and take over Kabul right away. The Generals advised him it would take about 10 to 15 thousand troops only cost about a thousand casualties. Injured and killed.
we didn’t have to replay anyone the military said 2500 , that’s what xiden inherited

we only had to redeploy troops after xiden surrendered in the middle of the night…betraying our allies and leaving americans behind and earning the contempt of the United Kingdom
No, you don't got it. I was mocking him.
Strange how your "mocking" sounds an awful lot like praise, coming from you.
You mean Trump, right? :rolleyes-41:
If I had meant Trump, I would have said that. You, on the other hand, claim to have never heard of Biden claiming anything false. Just like of good little sheep.
Strange how your "mocking" sounds an awful lot like praise, coming from you.

If I had meant Trump, I would have said that. You, on the other hand, claim to have never heard of Biden claiming anything false. Just like of good little sheep.

Perhaps my satire was too subtle. Does anyone really believe this country's problems are because of "MAGA-Republicans" or "White Supremacists"?

Apparently Joe Biden and the Democrats do.
we didn’t have to replay anyone the military said 2500 , that’s what xiden inherited

we only had to redeploy troops after xiden surrendered in the middle of the night…betraying our allies and leaving americans behind and earning the contempt of the United Kingdom
Again to say the stupid stuff you say you must ignore the Generals testimony.

At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. That was a year ago. My assessment remained consistent throughout. Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January. When president Biden was inaugurated,"
Again to say the stupid stuff you say you must ignore the Generals testimony.

At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition. In the fall of 2020 my analysis was that an accelerated withdrawal without meeting specific and necessary conditions risks losing the substantial gains made in Afghanistan, damaging US worldwide credibility, and could precipitate a general collapse of the ANSF and the Afghan government resulting in a complete Taliban takeover or general civil war. That was a year ago. My assessment remained consistent throughout. Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021.

Gen. Milley: (32:48)
After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January. When president Biden was inaugurated,"
yeah and we keep the 2500 there...we didn't withdraw them...not until Xiden came into office and surrendered. Why is that hard for you to grasp?

Prior to Xiden taking office the Taliban was meeting some of the objectives, such as the fact they entered into peace talks, and released prisoners of war. Once Xiden came into office, they knew that he'd be soft on terror
Not trying. Blaming Benedict Donald for his actions throughout 2020. He tried to stab everybody in the back.

The Generals advice was given to Biden prior to the decision to complete the evacuation. The decision to leave was all his. The logistic of the withdrawal was given to our the experts of war. The guys who Defeated ISIS.

Thus far you have no facts, just the usual Trumpytalkingpoints.
who did trump stab in the back? His peace plan was agreed to by the UN...and backed by our allies. He wasn't the one held in contempt of the United Kingdom...that was Xiden for betraying our ally.

"I will give you my honest opinion, and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation [to the president]," McKenzie said. "I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.... I also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually the Afghan government." Gen. Milley

The military told Xiden what would happen if he didn't keep the Trump levels in place, Xiden didn't care.
yeah and we keep the 2500 there...we didn't withdraw them...not until Xiden came into office and surrendered. Why is that hard for you to grasp?
Why do you ignore that those troops and our EU allies were protected by the truce, the only condition that the Taliban adhered to.
Prior to Xiden taking office the Taliban was meeting some of the objectives

Our troop reduction were suppose to be condition based on the peace talks starting including a cease fire between the Afghans and the Taliban. It was suppose to happen within days of the signing. It never did. Trump ordered the troop reduction to 8600 within the 135 days. The Taliban never had a cease fire with the Afghanis. Further reductions to the final 2500 by the end of his term were ordered by Trump even though the only condition the fully met was not shooting at our butts as we skedaddled out of town. He practically handed the country over to the Taliban.

President Biden could have gone back to war with the Taliban. With only xxx number of casualties, the generals assured him they could turn it all around.........

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