Whose fault is it really?

Don't feel too bad, no other Neo-Republican can answer that question either. They simply don't know what he did, like for example what did he mean when he said this while was bragging......

Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

What the hell did Benedict Donald do?

To fix what Benedict did would have meant redeploying tens of thousands of fresh bodies, I mean troops, to force the Taliban to Comply with all the conditions Benedict ignored as he reduced our forces to a mere fraction of the troop strength of the occupation Army.
Wrong, of course.
His peace plan was agreed to by the UN...and backed by our allies.
And a fine plan it could have been if the conditions within it were ever met by the Taliban and the Afghans.

He wasn't the one held in contempt of the United Kingdom

More false narratives from where ever you get your information.
Several Conservative politicians in the UK did.

"I will give you my honest opinion, and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation [to the president]," McKenzie said. "I recommended that we maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.... I also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually the Afghan government." Gen. Milley
Where it the rest of the conversations? Is that quote from General McKenzie of General Milley?


Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.
Why do you ignore that those troops and our EU allies were protected by the truce, the only condition that the Taliban adhered to.

Our troop reduction were suppose to be condition based on the peace talks starting including a cease fire between the Afghans and the Taliban. It was suppose to happen within days of the signing. It never did. Trump ordered the troop reduction to 8600 within the 135 days. The Taliban never had a cease fire with the Afghanis. Further reductions to the final 2500 by the end of his term were ordered by Trump even though the only condition the fully met was not shooting at our butts as we skedaddled out of town. He practically handed the country over to the Taliban.

President Biden could have gone back to war with the Taliban. With only xxx number of casualties, the generals assured him they could turn it all around.........
1) no it wasn't the only condition, they released prisoners, and entered into peace talks. They did back out of the talks, and thus we didn't have to leave...but Xiden ignored it and surrendered.
2) are complete withdraw was conditioned on all the conditions being met. Xiden didn't have to leave, as dembots claimed...he did anyway
1) no it wasn't the only condition, they released prisoners, and entered into peace talks. They did back out of the talks, and thus we didn't have to leave..

The Generals specifically said it was the only one they fully complied with. It was a 5 to 1 swap and Trump had to lean on the Afghanis to release the 5000 too. The peace talks which included a cease fire was scheduled to start 10 days after the signing. There should have been no start of troop reductions at that point, or until cease fire was in place for the Taliban and the Afghanis, not at the very end of our reductions when we only had a skeleton force left in the country.
And a fine plan it could have been if the conditions within it were ever met by the Taliban and the Afghans.

More false narratives from where ever you get your information.
Several Conservative politicians in the UK did.

Where it the rest of the conversations? Is that quote from General McKenzie of General Milley?


Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.
1) agreed, sadly Xiden decided to ignore that fine plan that he inherited.

Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan​

MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal and his criticism of Afghan troops left behind to face Taliban

It was a majority vote.

3) Here's the entire transcript if you want to review it...it's not good for your Cult leader, it highlights how he lied a lot about the discussions and decsions he made in his surrender: Military Leaders, Gen. Milley Testify on Afghanistan Exit: Full Hearing Transcript

4) yep it is certainly possible there could have been a fight...but there is no doubt that the military told him there would be a complete failure if he left then, and told him to leave the trump levels. Xiden knew, and still surrendered to the taliban, and betrayed all our allies.
The Generals specifically said it was the only one they fully complied with. It was a 5 to 1 swap and Trump had to lean on the Afghanis to release the 5000 too. The peace talks which included a cease fire was scheduled to start 10 days after the signing. There should have been no start of troop reductions at that point, or until cease fire was in place for the Taliban and the Afghanis, not at the very end of our reductions when we only had a skeleton force left in the country.
Nope, they also began the peace talks...of course they did retreat from them later. Which met that we didn't have to withdraw. It's true we had far more of their prisoners then they did of the Afghans, so the numbers weren't going to be even....and prisoners swaps are common practice in peace talks...it's sad that Xiden was a traitor and screwedthe peace talks up, siding iwth the terrorist
Perhaps my satire was too subtle. Does anyone really believe this country's problems are because of "MAGA-Republicans" or "White Supremacists"?

Apparently Joe Biden and the Democrats do.
Or, perhaps your "satire" is simply nonexistent. That would be my vote.
The economy is not Biden's fault.
The border is not Biden's fault.
85,000 missing kids are not Biden's fault.
The Fentynal crisis is not Biden's fault.
Afghanistan was mostly not Biden's fault.
13 dead Americans are not Biden's fault.
Stranded Americans / allies - Not Biden's fault
Criminal, Treasonous DOJ - Not Biden's fault
Criminal, Treasonous FBI - Not Biden's fault
VP Kamala Harris - Biden's fault
Nope, they also began the peace talks...of course they did retreat from them later. Which met that we didn't have to withdraw. It's true we had far more of their prisoners then they did of the Afghans, so the numbers weren't going to be even....and prisoners swaps are common practice in peace talks...it's sad that Xiden was a traitor and screwedthe peace talks up, siding iwth the terrorist
Trump reduced our troop strength by 80 % in his last year, after the Taliban broke the agreement within 10 days and never started the peace talks. Accord to the Accords the first thing the talk were to do was establish a cease fire between the Afghanis and the Taliban. Never happened. After the Military took him to the woodshed after he tried to remove all troops by Jan 15 2021, he wash his hands of the whole business. He left no plan to remove the final 2500 by May 1st.
Trump reduced our troop strength by 80 % in his last year, after the Taliban broke the agreement within 10 days and never started the peace talks. Accord to the Accords the first thing the talk were to do was establish a cease fire between the Afghanis and the Taliban. Never happened. After the Military took him to the woodshed after he tried to remove all troops by Jan 15 2021, he wash his hands of the whole business. He left no plan to remove the final 2500 by May 1st.
yep, he brought the troops home and was able to maintain the peace, and get a united support for the peace agreement from all our allies and the world.

Xiden surrendered.

See the difference?
yep, he brought the troops home and was able to maintain the peace,
Only the US Troops and our EU allies had peace. Afghanistan was on fire in 2020. That fact was routinely ignored by the US MSM, more than just Faux too. That peace or truce between the US and the Taliban held all the way through the final evacuation too. We never lost a single soldier in battle with the Taliban under President Biden. Sadly of course, we lost 13 in a terrorist attack by an ISIS SBer. Recall one of the conditions the Taliban didn't comply with was to not allow Afghan territory to be used by other Islamic Terror groups. ISIS was active throughout 2020 in Afghanistan. That said, it is awful hard to stop a human guided bomb in a crowd.
Only the US Troops and our EU allies had peace. Afghanistan was on fire in 2020. That fact was routinely ignored by the US MSM, more than just Faux too. That peace or truce between the US and the Taliban held all the way through the final evacuation too. We never lost a single soldier in battle with the Taliban under President Biden. Sadly of course, we lost 13 in a terrorist attack by an ISIS SBer. Recall one of the conditions the Taliban didn't comply with was to not allow Afghan territory to be used by other Islamic Terror groups. ISIS was active throughout 2020 in Afghanistan. That said, it is awful hard to stop a human guided bomb in a crowd.
no the entire country was not on fire in 2020..the people were free...there were some minor issues in remote regions...but the country wasn't on fire til xiden surrendered leaving chaos and death behind.

Just look at women rights...in 2020 21 percent of the civil servants jobs were made up of women in the Republic of Afghan....now....they are sex slaves....thanks xiden.
no the entire country was not on fire in 2020..the people were free...there were some minor issues in remote regions...but the country wasn't on fire til xiden surrendered leaving chaos and death behind.

Just look at women rights...in 2020 21 percent of the civil servants jobs were made up of women in the Republic of Afghan....now....they are sex slaves....thanks xiden.
"At least 369 pro-government forces and 212 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in October, marking the highest civilian death toll in a single month since September 2019."

Only the US Troops and our EU allies had peace. Afghanistan was on fire in 2020. That fact was routinely ignored by the US MSM, more than just Faux too. That peace or truce between the US and the Taliban held all the way through the final evacuation too. We never lost a single soldier in battle with the Taliban under President Biden. Sadly of course, we lost 13 in a terrorist attack by an ISIS SBer. Recall one of the conditions the Taliban didn't comply with was to not allow Afghan territory to be used by other Islamic Terror groups. ISIS was active throughout 2020 in Afghanistan. That said, it is awful hard to stop a human guided bomb in a crowd.

So, another treaty violation that Biden ignored.
If I had meant Trump, I would have said that. You, on the other hand, claim to have never heard of Biden claiming anything false. Just like of good little sheep.
Got a cite for my “claim”? Went through all my posts and couldn’t find it. Smells like another MAGA lie! :cool-45:
Have you ever heard of Joe Biden admitting something was his fault or just trying to blame it on others?
well, we long ago lost even the spontaneous thought that Potato is at least sometimes 1/2 assed normal

I mean your Q is seemingly based on the premise that he should, like normal folks, admit a mistake once in awhile..

key word here: normal
"MAGA-Republicans coming out of the fields carrying torches in their hands, their veins bulging, spewing the same antisemitic bile that was heard in Germany in the 1930s..."

wait... wait

Did he actually say even half of that?!

I mean, there are quotations marks... :oops:
So, another treaty violation that Biden ignored.
Our obligations in the Doha Accords were complete in the Summer of 2020. The extra troop reduction was done in the final months of 2020 over the objections of the Generals. The Taliban only fully complied with the truce and none of the peace measures of the Agreement. So Trump ignored all that while withdrawing the bulk of the forces. The forces that could be used as leverage to get the Taliban in compliance. But you want to blame Biden for not re-deploying enough troops to force them to comply? Did you want him to reconquer the 5 bases Trump abandoned too?
"At least 369 pro-government forces and 212 civilians were killed in Afghanistan in October, marking the highest civilian death toll in a single month since September 2019."

wow sounds like a long period of peace before that surge of attacks near our election
You say that the decision was all on Biden, yet he has yet to admit that he screwed up. He continues to try and blame it on anyone else when in fact it was all his decision. Like most democrats, especially you, try and blame any fault where it does not belong.

The first line in the article quoted in the OP says that “Biden admits he made mistakes”.

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