Whose news is fake?

I'm not sure that is necessarily true.

If the system is a monopoly, what choice do they have?
People can support independent journalists, they still exist. Though they are increasingly threatened by the Starkey's of the world.
How do you distinguish " independent journalist" from "clickbait rube rancher"?
You seem like a smart enough person, it's not that difficult to sniff out the shit that passes for journalism these days.
But I'm not the problem...the problem is the disquieting number of idiots who uncritically huff from the font of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart etc, and believe themselves informed.

And then go out and vote accordingly....
Lots of blame to go around. I don't think scapegoating "fake news" is going to solve anything. Americans have been the victims of propaganda for so long now we as a whole are very confused. Time to slow down and not let the purveyors of propaganda (the corporate media) send us into a deeper hole where we start accepting censorship.

Besides, fake news didn't cost Clinton the election, her neo conservative, neo liberal positions did as far as I'm concerned.
Propaganda and fake news are not the same things. Fake news can be used as propaganda, but all propaganda does not fall under the definition of completely made up news, i.e., total lies. Fake news is not spin, exaggeration, embellishments or misinterpretation of real events.
One thing you can almost always be certain of, if post has information, and it comes from Jake, chances are the news is Fake.

People can support independent journalists, they still exist. Though they are increasingly threatened by the Starkey's of the world.
How do you distinguish " independent journalist" from "clickbait rube rancher"?
You seem like a smart enough person, it's not that difficult to sniff out the shit that passes for journalism these days.
But I'm not the problem...the problem is the disquieting number of idiots who uncritically huff from the font of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart etc, and believe themselves informed.

And then go out and vote accordingly....
Lots of blame to go around. I don't think scapegoating "fake news" is going to solve anything. Americans have been the victims of propaganda for so long now we as a whole are very confused. Time to slow down and not let the purveyors of propaganda (the corporate media) send us into a deeper hole where we start accepting censorship.

Besides, fake news didn't cost Clinton the election, her neo conservative, neo liberal positions did as far as I'm concerned.
Propaganda and fake news are not the same things. Fake news can be used as propaganda, but all propaganda does not fall under the definition of completely made up news, i.e., total lies. Fake news is not spin, exaggeration, embellishments or misinterpretation of real events.
Fake news is BS right. Easy to spot and fact check. If you are fooled by it, it's because you want to be. The problem is when a supposedly credible source like the Washington Post, which peddles propaganda, attempts to expand the definition of fake news and capture within its sphere journalists who often times are uncovering the Post's very own propaganda. This whole "fake news" campaign reeks of a propaganda (social engineering) campaign. We need to be careful is all I'm saying. Censorship is a bad road to start down. And it is the "left" who look poised to lead us down it in their attempt to come to grips with the loss of an election. Wake the fuck up would ya. Your anger and frustration is misplaced and you are being taken advantage of.
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Tehon, I agree all of us need to be careful, gather info more carefully, and be careful of propaganda engineering from the alt right to the crazy left.
How do you distinguish " independent journalist" from "clickbait rube rancher"?
You seem like a smart enough person, it's not that difficult to sniff out the shit that passes for journalism these days.
But I'm not the problem...the problem is the disquieting number of idiots who uncritically huff from the font of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart etc, and believe themselves informed.

And then go out and vote accordingly....
Lots of blame to go around. I don't think scapegoating "fake news" is going to solve anything. Americans have been the victims of propaganda for so long now we as a whole are very confused. Time to slow down and not let the purveyors of propaganda (the corporate media) send us into a deeper hole where we start accepting censorship.

Besides, fake news didn't cost Clinton the election, her neo conservative, neo liberal positions did as far as I'm concerned.
Propaganda and fake news are not the same things. Fake news can be used as propaganda, but all propaganda does not fall under the definition of completely made up news, i.e., total lies. Fake news is not spin, exaggeration, embellishments or misinterpretation of real events.
Fake news is BS right. Easy to spot and fact check. If you are fooled by it, it's because you want to be. The problem is when a supposedly credible source like the Washington Post, which peddles propaganda, attempts to expand the definition of fake news and capture within its sphere journalists who often times are uncovering the Post's very own propaganda. This whole "fake news" campaign reeks of a propaganda (social engineering) campaign. We need to be careful is all I'm saying. censorship is a bad road to start down. And it is the "left" who look poised to lead us down it in their attempt to come to grips with the loss of an election. Wake the fuck up would ya. Your anger and frustration is misplaced and you are being taken advantage of.
Of course, the side that is against Trump can use the same exact explanation. The weakness of a free press is that it allows individuals who own or control press venues to interpret, spin, politicize, and offer commentary about the "news". One may hope a source only offers objective data, but a story that includes twenty objective facts can be completely corrupted by slipping in one subjective opinion that changes the entire analytical conclusion of a story.

Only the consumers of news can resolve the issue of the "bad" press without negatively impacting a free press. This task is being made extremely difficult due to the "Babble Effect", a reference to the Biblical story about the Tower of Babble that caused people to not understand the different languages being used by mankind. It halted communication among the various factions of the various communities of the civilized world.

On a much lesser scale, the phenomena of factions refusing to accept standard dictionary definitions of words and terms, redefining words and terms to fit political agendas and simply ignoring and or rejecting traditional definitions makes it impossible to communicate between parties and factions in many cases. Every day we see these phenomena occurring right here on these pages. 'Fraudulent' and 'Fake' have been given new meanings and the old meaning tossed aside for political expediency.
Is a police planted story designed to get perps to come to them fake news? It has been happening for decades.

Well, if the people actually demanded better news, and bought from those companies that provide better news, then you'd get better news.

But people complaining about the media being biased, then buying biased media is complete hypocrisy. The same as electing politicians and then saying that nothing they do is in the name of the people.

You can't make excuses.
You claim to want to solve the issue, and then promote the same thing that caused the issue.

This isn't about fake news. Its about bias. People will consume and buy news that agrees with their own personal beliefs. The same can be said about politicians. When asked about politicians, everyone thinks their representative/senator is doing a good job; its the other guy who sucks.

Want to do away with fake news? Educate yourself on the issues (not the parties or the cult of personality) and make choices from an reasoned, not emotional, perspective.

Also, do away with the party affiliations in the media. No news organization should be doing 'everything they can' for ANY candidate for office. Ever.
It is about fake news, the outright lying about basic facts and numbers.

You do it, you get the good guys walking right up your back, darkwind.
Yep. But unlike the alt right fake news, the LEO fake news is good.
Good fake news, bad fake news? Sliding down that slope is how we have gotten to where we are at.
You have even named professional deceivers as arbiters of which is which.
The better news offers clear OPs with objective evidence and critical thinking.

AltRightpropagandaspeak does not do that.

But that is not its purpose......

It exists to confirm the uninformed biases of slack jawed imbeciles...
Only slack jawed imbeciles believe your point, iceberg.
What they believe is of no consequence...

My point is unimpeachable.

You have no point, your posts are pointless.
Jake may be getting his socks confused.
The better news offers clear OPs with objective evidence and critical thinking.

AltRightpropagandaspeak does not do that.

But that is not its purpose......

It exists to confirm the uninformed biases of slack jawed imbeciles...
Only slack jawed imbeciles believe your point, iceberg.
What they believe is of no consequence...

My point is unimpeachable.

You have no point, your posts are pointless.
Jake may be getting his socks confused.
JimBowie is merely a sock.
On a much lesser scale, the phenomena of factions refusing to accept standard dictionary definitions of words and terms, redefining words and terms to fit political agendas and simply ignoring and or rejecting traditional definitions makes it impossible to communicate between parties and factions in many cases. Every day we see these phenomena occurring right here on these pages. 'Fraudulent' and 'Fake' have been given new meanings and the old meaning tossed aside for political expediency.

Take it up with the Washington Post, that's who blurred the definition of fake news.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Well, if the people actually demanded better news, and bought from those companies that provide better news, then you'd get better news.

But people complaining about the media being biased, then buying biased media is complete hypocrisy. The same as electing politicians and then saying that nothing they do is in the name of the people.

You can't make excuses.
You claim to want to solve the issue, and then promote the same thing that caused the issue.

This isn't about fake news. Its about bias. People will consume and buy news that agrees with their own personal beliefs. The same can be said about politicians. When asked about politicians, everyone thinks their representative/senator is doing a good job; its the other guy who sucks.

Want to do away with fake news? Educate yourself on the issues (not the parties or the cult of personality) and make choices from an reasoned, not emotional, perspective.

Also, do away with the party affiliations in the media. No news organization should be doing 'everything they can' for ANY candidate for office. Ever.

I agree with you. I've been saying to those who are moaning about biased news that they could start up their own media, that Fox controls more than 50% of the TV news, and yet the right keep waffling on about biased media simply because they think they've hit on a good argument to make themselves win.

I mean, they were talking about change, getting rid of the old guard and this was their argument, as soon as Trump got in they dropped this argument like a lead balloon and decided having the old guard and keeping the old system was great.
The better news offers clear OPs with objective evidence and critical thinking.

AltRightpropagandaspeak does not do that.

But that is not its purpose......

It exists to confirm the uninformed biases of slack jawed imbeciles...
Only slack jawed imbeciles believe your point, iceberg.
What they believe is of no consequence...

My point is unimpeachable.

You have no point, your posts are pointless.
Jake may be getting his socks confused.
I was thinking the same thing after I made that post.

I had always thought about making a key to which poster was posting to which sock in key thread. The only one I am reasonably certain of now is Jake and Iceberg slim. lol I'm sort of thinking TyroneSlothrop is Rightwinger. :badgrin: Not sure though, could be any of them. Maybe Guno, or Deano too. He links to a lot of sources, so could be any of them.

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