Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

In other words, you insist that women who don't keep their legs closed and women that have their tubes tied are sluts? WOW

Don't know about Australia, but where I come from not all women that get pregnant are sluts.

Obviously women are not sluts, but some people sure seem to think they are.
Seems you are one of those that think that. :eusa_whistle:

You know what? Some women ARE sluts, so are some men, get over it!

Watched Jerry Springer at my father in laws once (he always has it on) Some lady was claiming that one of 5 different men was the father of her baby. Turned out none of them was. That means she slept with 6 different men over a two week period. I consider that a slut. Worse, again at my father in law's they were doing a follow up. Now she was claiming it was one of 2 different men (in addition to the 5 men she already claimed). It wasn't even one of them either. Now we are up to at least 8 men that she slept with in a two week period. She's either a slut or a hooker.
Obviously women are not sluts, but some people sure seem to think they are.
Seems you are one of those that think that. :eusa_whistle:

You know what? Some women ARE sluts, so are some men, get over it!

Watched Jerry Springer at my father in laws once (he always has it on) Some lady was claiming that one of 5 different men was the father of her baby. Turned out none of them was. That means she slept with 6 different men over a two week period. I consider that a slut. Worse, again at my father in law's they were doing a follow up. Now she was claiming it was one of 2 different men (in addition to the 5 men she already claimed). It wasn't even one of them either. Now we are up to at least 8 men that she slept with in a two week period. She's either a slut or a hooker.

Yes some are, but not every woman that gets pregnant is a slut, however noomi acts as if all are.
I am sorry you lost your longed for 'babies', but that doesn't give you the right to expect women to carry an unwanted child to term.

What is conveniently ignored are the abortions that end a wanted pregnancy.

I've read that as many as 2/3 of all abortions ended a wanted pregnancy.

I've known several women that have had abortions.

Anecdotal and legally irrelevant.

That you’ve ‘known several women’ doesn’t constitute objective, documented evidence to support the state denying a woman her right to privacy.

And it would be truly wrong of a society to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not.
any anti-choicers on this thread NOT Repub/t party voters?

I'm libertarian not republican. Defending the right of the baby to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Heart beating? Then you are an American with rights, IMO.

Except if that beating heart belongs to a homosexual, transgender, a person of color or a woman.

Before you can BE a Libertarian, you first must know what it means.

From your posts, I'd say you're t-potty, through and through.

What a bunch of bullshit. You lie to cover up the fact that you champion killing black and female babies and all innocent defenseless life

tapatalk post
So you believe that women should also be forced to have a child if she is raped or due to incest? YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT.

Abortion is NOT your choice, it is up to the individual and that is how it will stay as long as sane individuals prevail over you extreme fucks. You cannot tell a woman that she cannot have an abortion, because you do not agree with it....that is not a determination of yours to make, ONLY HERS.

So you can throw religion around like monkeys throwing feces, or try and stand tall on the quicksand which is your moral ground...It will not work, your argument is a losing one. Enjoy knowing that!

Is that how you excuse your support of baby killing?

tapatalk post
Not relevant. What is relevant is that it resides in her body, and uses her body to survive.

The baby didn't ask to be placed there it's not it's fault maybe the woman should have kept her legs closed or had her tubes tied.

In other words, if the woman didn't act like a slut, she wouldn't be in this situation.

You do know how babies are made don't you dunmy?

tapatalk post
What is conveniently ignored are the abortions that end a wanted pregnancy.

I've read that as many as 2/3 of all abortions ended a wanted pregnancy.

I've known several women that have had abortions.

Anecdotal and legally irrelevant.

That you’ve ‘known several women’ doesn’t constitute objective, documented evidence to support the state denying a woman her right to privacy.

And it would be truly wrong of a society to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

You are correct sir. These righties are basing their arguments on emotion, anecdotal evidence, and encyclopedia entries :eusa_doh: Oh!!! And the wholly babble :eusa_angel:
I've known several women that have had abortions.

Anecdotal and legally irrelevant.

That you’ve ‘known several women’ doesn’t constitute objective, documented evidence to support the state denying a woman her right to privacy.

And it would be truly wrong of a society to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not.

You are correct sir. These righties are basing their arguments on emotion, anecdotal evidence, and encyclopedia entries :eusa_doh: Oh!!! And the wholly babble :eusa_angel:

Why would it be based on emotion to be against infanticide based on race ,sex and convenience?

tapatalk post
I never called anyone a slut. I was responding to a poster who does believe that women who have abortions are sluts.

Who is that poster, nooms, and please link the post where she called women who get abortions "sluts".

I think it was me she was referring too.

Did you call all women who get abortions sluts?

I assume you didn't, since I see no link or quote.

Gads I get sick of the lies. And what a thing to lie for!
No, he called the female graduate students who want to sleep around, go to elitist liberal schools, and force the catholic church to pay for their abortions and birth control...sluts.

And they are.
No, he called the female graduate students who want to sleep around, go to elitist liberal schools, and force the catholic church to pay for their abortions and birth control...sluts.

And they are.

Democrats, yes. Sluts not so much.

So now we are to call all women that have safe pre-marital sex sluts? Or just the ones that are liberals?

Religious republicans need to realize that the public at large are not all members of the catholic church.

Forgive, me but I'm trying to ramp down my rhetoric in this thread.
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Where in my statement did I say "all "?

Sometimes people are so busy forming their own rhetoric that they don't actually read what is written, but instead add their own spin to it.

I find that really dishonest.
SOCONs, doing what they THINK they do best- policing people's naughty bits :rolleyes:

In other news, the top 1% made-off w/ 90% of the total profits of this great nation in the last 4 yrs since the banksters own Congress. Priorities SOCONs..... GET SOME!!! :bang3:
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Nobody is policing naughty bits, as you call them, in your demeaning, misogynistic way.
No, he called the female graduate students who want to sleep around, go to elitist liberal schools, and force the catholic church to pay for their abortions and birth control...sluts.

And they are.

Democrats, yes. Sluts not so much.

So now we are to call all women that have safe pre-marital sex sluts? Or just the ones that are liberals?

Religious republicans need to realize that the public at large are not all members of the catholic church.

Forgive, me but I'm trying to ramp down my rhetoric in this thread.

Women who have safe pre marital sex and want someone else to pay their bills ARE sluts. The cost really at least partly belongs to their sexual partner but asking for a share of cost is too much like telling the guy to pay for it, making that woman a slut! Shifting the cost to anyone else is slutty.

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