Why America needs guns

Does the word "accidentally" escape you?
How about the murder rate in Chicago? Tracking Chicago shooting victims

Yeah, accidentally someone died. If there weren't guns, if idiots shooting signs didn't happen, then that former Marine would still be alive. Right?

What about the murder rate in Chicago? Is it fucking high? Does it point to the fact that guns in society is a bad thing TOO?

Nonsense. Guns are why you even HAVE a society.
Guns didn't exist until the mid 1000s. How did society exist before that based on your retarded delusions?

Swords, spears, catapults.
Does the word "accidentally" escape you?
How about the murder rate in Chicago? Tracking Chicago shooting victims

Yeah, accidentally someone died. If there weren't guns, if idiots shooting signs didn't happen, then that former Marine would still be alive. Right?

What about the murder rate in Chicago? Is it fucking high? Does it point to the fact that guns in society is a bad thing TOO?

Nonsense. Guns are why you even HAVE a society.
Guns didn't exist until the mid 1000s. How did society exist before that based on your retarded delusions?

Swords, spears, catapults.

Or death by stoning....
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.

Yes there would. But people would still need to get around. And there'd still be accidents.

People don't need to shoot signs.

Also, if measure were taken to reduce deaths on the road, that would work. Because it works in countries which actually have a proper government.

The US has 10.6 road fatalities per 100,000 people.

Norway has 2.2
Switzerland 2.6
Sweden 2.8
UK 2.9
Netherlands 3.4
Denmark 3.5

Well, let's see who shares a similar rate to the US.

The Philippines

Yeah, poorer former eastern European countries and the Philippines.

But people would still need to get around

Yeah, well some people still need to defend themselves.

maybe your fortunate enough to not live in South Central LA, but for those who do ..... they should have the freedom of choice. Be able to defend themselves or depend on the police to show up after the fact.

Yes, defend themselves from fuckers shooting signs. Wait, how do you defend yourself from a redneck shooting signs when you can't even see him.

I know, let's ask former marines how to do it.

When I almost died of a fatal medical malady, it just happened, out of the blue.

I had no choice.

When some people get struck and killed by lightening, they have no choice, it just happens.

To use freak accidents as an excuse to limit the rights of hundreds of millions of people just doesn't make logical sense to most of us. I do understand your anxiety though, and many famous philosophers throughout our civilization have too.

Freedom can be damn scary man, it is the price we pay for living truly authentic lives. Really, if you wish, there are less free societies you could choose to live in. Rather than trying to convince the majority to be less free, why not consider picking up and moving to a less free community if you can not handle so much freedom?

I do agree with you though, living with freedom does entail more risk.


Freak accidents that happen because of stupidity are not the same as heart attacks.

Freak accidental deaths that happen to the person that died? It doesn't matter to the person he dies, it is all the same once you are dead.
Using that same logic there are people who still be alive if illegal aliens who committed murder had been deported there would be people alive today if irresponsible drivers weren't allowed to buy a car there are a number of people who would be alive today if not for the actions of stupid irresponsible people. So I guess the answer here is to punish all the intelligent responsible people because of the actions of the stupid irresponsible ones.

No, the logic here is that you let in those immigrants who you think are going to be positive.

You make laws that reduce deaths on roads (you know, many civilized countries have a death rate on the roads 1/3rd that of the US, it's possible)

That's logic.
So you use a merit based system for immigration the very kind Trump wants that the left opposes with every fiber of their being you know these other countries might have a lower death rate on the roads because they have a consideribly smaller population that drives cars less and depends more on public transportation that the U.S. does.

Yes, I oppose the left on immigration.

"might have" a lower death rate... so you don't know?

Oh wow, that's amazing. You can't even be bothered to make your own fucking argument. Great.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

List of countries and dependencies by population density - Wikipedia

US has 10.6 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 86 people per square mile.

Norway has 2.2 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 41 people per square mile.

Hey, you might be onto something.

The UK has a 2.9 road deaths per 100,000 people and a population density of 704 people per square mile.

Oh, wait, sorry, your made up "argument" just went up like a shit stick.
Yeah if you want to make your case try using an actual source instead of Wikipedia that's the cry of the truly desperate your response was the classic example of the shit stick. With that said i'm going to finish watching the Astros and Red Sox and you can kiss my snow white ass.

Yeah, you just fuck off and do something intellectually stimulating like watch baseball.

Leave the intelligent stuff up to other people.

Not only do you not back up your argument, you attack me for actually doing it for you.

Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.

Yes there would. But people would still need to get around. And there'd still be accidents.

People don't need to shoot signs.

Also, if measure were taken to reduce deaths on the road, that would work. Because it works in countries which actually have a proper government.

The US has 10.6 road fatalities per 100,000 people.

Norway has 2.2
Switzerland 2.6
Sweden 2.8
UK 2.9
Netherlands 3.4
Denmark 3.5

Well, let's see who shares a similar rate to the US.

The Philippines

Yeah, poorer former eastern European countries and the Philippines.

But people would still need to get around

Yeah, well some people still need to defend themselves.

maybe your fortunate enough to not live in South Central LA, but for those who do ..... they should have the freedom of choice. Be able to defend themselves or depend on the police to show up after the fact.

Yes, defend themselves from fuckers shooting signs. Wait, how do you defend yourself from a redneck shooting signs when you can't even see him.

I know, let's ask former marines how to do it.

The CDC shows that Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack. Shooting at signs is generally not in that group of violent crimes stopped 1.1 million times a year.

Speaking of the natural right to self defense. . . .

You might enjoy this 2aguy. . . .

There is actually a guy in MI that is running for Senate whose platform includes the philosophy that it is unfair that the homeless do not have the right to be armed, since almost all gun sellers require the use of an address purchases.

One of the riskiest parts of being homeless is the risk of assault and abuse, by both thieving predators and brutes of the state. So, he has a campaign to ARM THE HOMELESS. I shit you not. Only a libertarian.


US Senate candidate proposes arming homeless people with shotguns
US Senate candidate proposes arming homeless people with shotguns

" . . . Ellison, a Libertarian who is expected to be the party’s candidate in the November midterm election, said he had settled on pump-action shotguns for practicality purposes.

“Frankly I think the ideal weapon would be a pistol,” he told the Guardian, “but due to the licensing requirements in the state we’re going to have a hard enough time getting homeless people shotguns as it is.

“Getting them pistols is probably next to impossible. The pistols need to be registered, people have to have addresses. . . ”
Well I like having my guns.

If Frigidass doesn't like his, he can always sell them or give them away. I'm sure someone will take thm.
Well, you don't think that skews the "gun violence" statistics just a tad bit?

Not really. Because I'm only looking at gun murder statistics. There it's about 5 times higher than other first world countries.

But don't let me stop you trying to eliminate gang murders and immigrant murders to try and get the rate down.

Back the train up. What do your "gun murder statistics" tell you?
How many deaths per year are attributed to murder via firearm?

What's your point?

My point is very simple, how many MURDERS are attributed to guns each year?

I'm sure you're being rather pedantic here, aren't you?

Whatever figure I'll give, you'll say "but guns don't kill people, people do."

Which ignores the fact that people with guns are much more powerful killers than people without guns, hence why soldiers are given guns to fight in wars, and why the US murder rate is 3/4 gun murders.

I implied nothing of the sort, I asked you a very simple question. How many MURDERS, on average, are committed with guns each year?
If we had no guns the Marine never would had been born because our country would had been obliterated by Communists, Japanese Imperialist, Nazis, fascists, or Muslims long ago, take your pick.

Just like the UK was.... right?
Not really. Because I'm only looking at gun murder statistics. There it's about 5 times higher than other first world countries.

But don't let me stop you trying to eliminate gang murders and immigrant murders to try and get the rate down.

Back the train up. What do your "gun murder statistics" tell you?
How many deaths per year are attributed to murder via firearm?

What's your point?

My point is very simple, how many MURDERS are attributed to guns each year?

I'm sure you're being rather pedantic here, aren't you?

Whatever figure I'll give, you'll say "but guns don't kill people, people do."

Which ignores the fact that people with guns are much more powerful killers than people without guns, hence why soldiers are given guns to fight in wars, and why the US murder rate is 3/4 gun murders.

I implied nothing of the sort, I asked you a very simple question. How many MURDERS, on average, are committed with guns each year?

Dude, I'm not playing games with you.
Back the train up. What do your "gun murder statistics" tell you?
How many deaths per year are attributed to murder via firearm?

What's your point?

My point is very simple, how many MURDERS are attributed to guns each year?

I'm sure you're being rather pedantic here, aren't you?

Whatever figure I'll give, you'll say "but guns don't kill people, people do."

Which ignores the fact that people with guns are much more powerful killers than people without guns, hence why soldiers are given guns to fight in wars, and why the US murder rate is 3/4 gun murders.

I implied nothing of the sort, I asked you a very simple question. How many MURDERS, on average, are committed with guns each year?

Dude, I'm not playing games with you.

Asking a legitimate question is "playing games"? Are you stupid or what?
What's your point?

My point is very simple, how many MURDERS are attributed to guns each year?

I'm sure you're being rather pedantic here, aren't you?

Whatever figure I'll give, you'll say "but guns don't kill people, people do."

Which ignores the fact that people with guns are much more powerful killers than people without guns, hence why soldiers are given guns to fight in wars, and why the US murder rate is 3/4 gun murders.

I implied nothing of the sort, I asked you a very simple question. How many MURDERS, on average, are committed with guns each year?

Dude, I'm not playing games with you.

Asking a legitimate question is "playing games"? Are you stupid or what?

Ignore list, this is a waste of time.

Teenager Accidentally Kills Marine After Shooting at Road Sign"

"A teenage boy, shooting a pistol at a road sign, ended up killing a retired Marine who was sitting on the front porch of his house."

Yeah, with MORE GUNS this event wouldn't have happened because the person who shot the sign, and then killed the retired Marine, would ALREADY BE DEAD.

More guns.
What occurred is a sad and pointless loss of life, and a young person’s life forever destroyed.

And I wouldn’t presume to have a solution to this problem.

All I know is what won’t work and what is the wrong response to this tragedy.

It is wrong and ridiculous to say that we’re helpless to do anything; just as wrong and ridiculous is the notion that gun violence, crime, and deaths are the ‘price of freedom.’

More laws, regulations, and restrictions are not the answer.

Likewise, it would be naïve to presume that gunowners would realize some sort of an epiphany and voluntarily surrender their firearms.

Just as naïve is to expect in this political climate, and given the ideological makeup of the Supreme Court’s majority, that any meaningful firearm regulatory measures might be enacted, and if enacted, would survive a court challenge.

The ‘solution’ may only be that in time we will ‘evolve out of’ gun ownership; that in the coming centuries owning firearms and the shooting sports will become extinct, along with gun crime, violence, and deaths.

Teenager Accidentally Kills Marine After Shooting at Road Sign"

"A teenage boy, shooting a pistol at a road sign, ended up killing a retired Marine who was sitting on the front porch of his house."

Yeah, with MORE GUNS this event wouldn't have happened because the person who shot the sign, and then killed the retired Marine, would ALREADY BE DEAD.

More guns.

Why do you demand that we radically increase violent crime in our country?
Said dumbass teenager could have just as easily plowed his car into an innocent victim because he was texting on his phone. Kids do dumb shit. Let's ban cars because "stupid people". You game?

Yes, and therefore you might want to consider why the US has a car death rate 3 times higher than many other first world countries.

I don't disagree with the issue of dealing with BOTH gun deaths (4-5 times higher than other first world countries) AND road deaths (3 times higher than other first world countries).

But no, this is the US where nothing ever gets done about anything that white men like.

Mah car and mah guns are my masqueuelinahteee.

Serious question: Are you aware that 67% of our "gun deaths" are suicides?

And why are you asking this?

Well, you don't think that skews the "gun violence" statistics just a tad bit?

Not really. Because I'm only looking at gun murder statistics. There it's about 5 times higher than other first world countries.

But don't let me stop you trying to eliminate gang murders and immigrant murders to try and get the rate down.

Why then do those other countries have such radically higher rates of violent crime than America?

Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says

We’ve had a massive decline in gun violence in the United States. Here’s why.
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Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.

I like where you're going with this however you're thinking too small.

Let's get rid of people, not only will there be less accidents but traffic will be a hell of a lot better as well. :)
Stupid OP's definitely deserve stupid replies.

Believe it or not, most of my friends that are misanthropes, atheists and nihilists tend to be liberal. And they actually have that same philosophy, not tongue in cheek, they are damn serious.

They all hold these conflicting POV's that we should somehow depopulate the human population, that humans are bad, and evil, but nature is good. I don't understand it really. If animals are good, but humans are bad. . .

Wait, what? Aren't humans an animal?

I know where 4000 people could be deleted.

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