Why Americans will NOT vote for Biden....

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Maybe some Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, and think that Trump is an embarrassing, damaged, dangerous buffoon.

Not everyone is a talk radio Trumpster.
OH I agree there are some Americans agree with Biden. No question. Who are those people though? The perception that the above attachment represents is also represented by these photos...
View attachment 372579View attachment 372580
There are indeed some pretty nasty people on both ends of the spectrum.

Most Americans are not like that.

All one has to do is open both eyes, and they'll see that.
Yea you are right regarding the continuum. The major problem though is the media bias favoring the Democrats because of this reason which I'd like your comment on!
View attachment 372585
The media has always leaned left, and at this point very little can be taken as the full story, no matter where you get it.

Regardless, Americans' opinions on Trump and the issues are what they are. Those Americans who are concerned about his behaviors and fitness for office arrived at their opinion through simple observation. It's pretty obvious. So are the differences in issues.
And who reports these observations to the public?
I don't like Trump personally either! I think he's a loud mouth. Braggart, tweets too much. Agree with the childish perceptions
I have and duplicated by a lot of people INCLUDING the press!
The reality is Trump is a businessman. A boss. Both of which I've been around his type and probably you've not been around.
They are boorish. Opinionated. And EFFECTIVE!
So being more of a jaded adult with a 77 year perspective, I have found Trump disgusting in some ways but when it comes to
two factors... I'm a Trump supporter.
Factor one...
The biased MSM was pissed they donated 96% to Hillary! I know these people as I have had journalism classes
with people like them that are truly "globalists" who prefer the world FIRST then America... which is realistically stupid!
As a result with this biased MSM influencing people evidently like you it is truly sad that you can't see beyond those personal
idiosyncrasies of Trump and see he is effective.
Factor two...
Is again I've had bosses like Trump and knew people from Queens NY exactly like Trump! Loud, boisterous, braggarts, nouveau riche... etc. These same people like Trump ALSO have a great selfish LOVE for America and the opportunities. A great selfish love for his family..albeit married at least 3 times... he is settled today. His selfish Love for law enforcement and the military. All of which if you do a little digging beyond the MSM biased reporting you will see these values have benefited from Trump as President.

In summary, I think if you are an intelligent, jaundiced, seasoned adult and you compare the alternatives, i.e. an accused pedophile, (see attached photos)..Biden and who's been in the swamp for 40+ years will truly re-instate the policies that will destroy the USA you should come to a logical and rational conclusion supporting that brash, crude,braggart, President Trump.
The way the pandemic was handled was inept. I don't blame the Potus however. The richest most powerful nation in the world was not prepared for this but the possibility was always there. To me it's says something sad about america We should have been prepared years and years ago. Blaming the Potus is not correct. I'm disappointed in my country.

It's tramp virus and he handled it poorly.
Maybe some Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, and think that Trump is an embarrassing, damaged, dangerous buffoon.

Not everyone is a talk radio Trumpster.
OH I agree there are some Americans agree with Biden. No question. Who are those people though? The perception that the above attachment represents is also represented by these photos...
View attachment 372579View attachment 372580
There are indeed some pretty nasty people on both ends of the spectrum.

Most Americans are not like that.

All one has to do is open both eyes, and they'll see that.
Yea you are right regarding the continuum. The major problem though is the media bias favoring the Democrats because of this reason which I'd like your comment on!
View attachment 372585
The media has always leaned left, and at this point very little can be taken as the full story, no matter where you get it.

Regardless, Americans' opinions on Trump and the issues are what they are. Those Americans who are concerned about his behaviors and fitness for office arrived at their opinion through simple observation. It's pretty obvious. So are the differences in issues.
And who reports these observations to the public?
I don't like Trump personally either! I think he's a loud mouth. Braggart, tweets too much. Agree with the childish perceptions
I have and duplicated by a lot of people INCLUDING the press!
The reality is Trump is a businessman. A boss. Both of which I've been around his type and probably you've not been around.
They are boorish. Opinionated. And EFFECTIVE!
So being more of a jaded adult with a 77 year perspective, I have found Trump disgusting in some ways but when it comes to
two factors... I'm a Trump supporter.
Factor one...
The biased MSM was pissed they donated 96% to Hillary! I know these people as I have had journalism classes
with people like them that are truly "globalists" who prefer the world FIRST then America... which is realistically stupid!
As a result with this biased MSM influencing people evidently like you it is truly sad that you can't see beyond those personal
idiosyncrasies of Trump and see he is effective.
Factor two...
Is again I've had bosses like Trump and knew people from Queens NY exactly like Trump! Loud, boisterous, braggarts, nouveau riche... etc. These same people like Trump ALSO have a great selfish LOVE for America and the opportunities. A great selfish love for his family..albeit married at least 3 times... he is settled today. His selfish Love for law enforcement and the military. All of which if you do a little digging beyond the MSM biased reporting you will see these values have benefited from Trump as President.

In summary, I think if you are an intelligent, jaundiced, seasoned adult and you compare the alternatives, i.e. an accused pedophile, (see attached photos)..Biden and who's been in the swamp for 40+ years will truly re-instate the policies that will destroy the USA you should come to a logical and rational conclusion supporting that brash, crude,braggart, President Trump.
View attachment 372588
Well yes, that's the view of a Trump supporter.
I don't recall Obama allowing these things. Perhaps you forget who is in charge?
If the democrats here got their way in 2016, Bill Clinton would be partying in the white house today with epstien and the DNC trolls here would be calling anyone who suggested they are pedophiles conspiracy theorists.

Not all democrats are pedophiles, but they do choose to ignore pedophiles when they vote for democrats. It's why a Biden sign is a good indication not to let your kids near those people.
Trump will lose, due to his awful COVID response...

Maybe some Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, and think that Trump is an embarrassing, damaged, dangerous buffoon.

Not everyone is a talk radio Trumpster.
Yes SOME Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, MOST do not. I find it interesting that Biden supporters who also claim to be BLM supporters have no issues with his multiple demeaning statements directed at Black people.
I don't recall Obama allowing these things. Perhaps you forget who is in charge?
You are right about Obama "allowing" ...
FACT is Obama is a "Globalist" first and American ...somewhere behind.
Proof is in the attached ACTUAL words and policies of Obama who did everything to put the USA 2nd.

Maybe some Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, and think that Trump is an embarrassing, damaged, dangerous buffoon.

Not everyone is a talk radio Trumpster.
Yes SOME Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, MOST do not. I find it interesting that Biden supporters who also claim to be BLM supporters have no issues with his multiple demeaning statements directed at Black people.
That is because most democrats are nothing more than useful idiots who have no clue what's happening around them.
Joe Biden's party stands for the following and frankly, logical thinking American would agree that the Democrats are for the most part in favor of all of the attached!
View attachment 372572
Now here is what the Democrats/Biden were in FAVOR of doing to America!
View attachment 372573

Several Red State governors closed their businesses, schools, churches, hair salons. Blaming Biden is intellectual dishonesty.
That and there is the fact that Joe Biden currently holds no office and has no power to do any of those things.
Maybe some Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, and think that Trump is an embarrassing, damaged, dangerous buffoon.

Not everyone is a talk radio Trumpster.
Yes SOME Americans agree more with Biden on the issues, MOST do not. I find it interesting that Biden supporters who also claim to be BLM supporters have no issues with his multiple demeaning statements directed at Black people.
Both candidates are badly flawed, whether their supporters will admit it or not.

Personality and temperament matter to voters. So do issues. A lot can go into it.

There are Americans who don't share your life experiences, worldview, perspective, priorities and concerns. That's life.
Biden may sink himself. Despised Governor Wretched Gretchen has emerged from her bolt hole to visit the royal basement. Perhaps the crown of VPness will settle on her head. This was enough to cause black Auntie Maxipad to issue a threat about withholding the black vote for such treason. That would be the last blow from which Biden would not recover.
There are some links, but they are screen shots of links and the first part of this thread is clearly an email that he just copied and pasted from. I left this report for a second moderator opinion and they feel it should be closed as it does not really meet the standard for a new thread
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