Why anti gun people are so angry.....

and from 'new jersey' land of the mafia and corrupt politic , an east coaster to boot BFG !!
hey , like I said , he is a statist and a gun controller , taxpayers paid his and his families / parents wages for his entire life I suppose . He is a kings man with latest goal of Disarming Americans using his wife as a prop !! You and others can worship him if you like but I have no use for him BFG !! Brady gang reduced to one member that is losing steam so replacement is needed , 'ta da' meet the Kellys !!

So please tell me how closing a loophole that allows criminals to buy guns at gun shows is "Disarming Americans"?

Funny, the NRA is infested with "statist" card carriers...

Strong Majority of Americans NRA Members Back Gun Control - US News

The survey purposely over-sampled gun owners and those living in homes with guns to better estimate the differences between gun-owners and non-gun owners. For the most part, the study found there was little difference in support between the two.

"Not only are gun owners and non-gun-owners very much aligned in their support for proposals to strengthen U.S. gun laws, but the majority of NRA members are also in favor of many of these policies," Daniel Webster, co-author of the study and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, said in a statement.

In addition to favoring universal background checks, the majority of NRA members surveyed supported prohibiting people with recent alcohol or drug charges to purchase guns, and 70 percent supported a mandatory minimum of 2 years in prison for selling guns to persons who are not legally allowed to have one.
I don't play your game BFG , I simply say that Americans have the RIGHT to arms .
No not really. Look at how many ugn owners there are vs how many incidents of gun violence. If guns correlated to incidents of gun violence we'd have far more incidents than we do.

Criminals account for gun violence, not law-abidding gun owners.

And look at the carnage an assault weapon can cause in mere seconds in a public place. And look at how easy it is for a criminal to walk into a security safe gun show, and buy any weapon he desires without a background check.

And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some dark alley.

But, that's where the criminal should be forced to buy a gun. In a totally illegal setting, with all the inherent dangers that come with it. BUT, our current laws sanction criminals being able to walk into a gun show, receive expert advice, discounts, then buy whatever weapon(s) they desire without a background check or having to pay black market prices or risk the dangers of buying a weapon from another criminal in a dark alley.
Except for this,
And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some darkalley.
everything you posted is patent dis-information.

There's a reason the anti-rights advocate such as yourself cannot manage to present a rational point... you don't have one.

WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up? HINT: The answer is not even close to "1.7 million."

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?
The guy who shot Ronald Reagan is a law abiding citizen. He is free to walk the streets, and he is not even a felon. Yet, this guy can walk into any gun show in my state and buy any gun he chooses, because there is no background check required at those shows.
This is a lie. he cannot buy a gun sold by a licensed dealer because there is a background check, and so he cannot buy any gun he chooses.
He can buy any gun he wants on Craig's list, and neither he, nor the seller has any legal responsibility to do a background check.
You live in a free country. Enjoy.
The only people who have any rights curtailed would be those that, for legal reasons, should not be provided the opportunity to legally buy a gun.
Another lie. Background checks also curtail the rights of the law abiding.
To state it simply, we should not be living in a society where John Hinckley can legally buy a gun.
You know that he can never legally buy a gun.

Thank you for contuning to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
And look at the carnage an assault weapon can cause in mere seconds in a public place. And look at how easy it is for a criminal to walk into a security safe gun show, and buy any weapon he desires without a background check.

And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some dark alley.

But, that's where the criminal should be forced to buy a gun. In a totally illegal setting, with all the inherent dangers that come with it. BUT, our current laws sanction criminals being able to walk into a gun show, receive expert advice, discounts, then buy whatever weapon(s) they desire without a background check or having to pay black market prices or risk the dangers of buying a weapon from another criminal in a dark alley.
Except for this,
And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some darkalley.
everything you posted is patent dis-information.

There's a reason the anti-rights advocate such as yourself cannot manage to present a rational point... you don't have one.

WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up?

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Well gee whizzzzzz... there is a simple solution. Just have the criminals admit they are not law abiding citizens...
And look at the carnage an assault weapon can cause in mere seconds in a public place. And look at how easy it is for a criminal to walk into a security safe gun show, and buy any weapon he desires without a background check.

And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some dark alley.

But, that's where the criminal should be forced to buy a gun. In a totally illegal setting, with all the inherent dangers that come with it. BUT, our current laws sanction criminals being able to walk into a gun show, receive expert advice, discounts, then buy whatever weapon(s) they desire without a background check or having to pay black market prices or risk the dangers of buying a weapon from another criminal in a dark alley.
Except for this,
And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some darkalley.
everything you posted is patent dis-information.

There's a reason the anti-rights advocate such as yourself cannot manage to present a rational point... you don't have one.

WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up? HINT: The answer is not even close to "1.7 million."

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Background checks are much more a barrier for criminals than law abiding citizens. I'm a law abiding citizen and I've never had trouble buying a gun. Given gun sales I'd say they aren't a barrier for any law abiding citizen...
and Felons , well you guys release them at taxpayer expense back into society instead of keeping them locked up and even though I have no use for drug users even a nonviolent marijuana guy can be a felon . So yeah , in the case of a nonviolent person called felon when he has done his time , paid his debt and is released into society I'd like to see him released with full RIGHTS restored and with no trail so he can maybe get a job !! Violent felons of course should be locked up forever BFG and Brian !!
and Felons , well you guys release them at taxpayer expense back into society instead of keeping them locked up and even though I have no use for drug users even a nonviolent marijuana guy can be a felon . So yeah , in the case of a nonviolent person called felon when he has done his time , paid his debt and is released into society I'd like to see him released with full RIGHTS restored and with no trail so he can maybe get a job !! Violent felons of course should be locked up forever BFG and Brian !!

You guys?
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable. I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.
well , as employees you can put that limitation on cops and it might be ok but regular taxpayers should have the same capability as the military Brian .
Except for this,
And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some darkalley.
everything you posted is patent dis-information.

There's a reason the anti-rights advocate such as yourself cannot manage to present a rational point... you don't have one.

WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up?

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Well gee whizzzzzz... there is a simple solution. Just have the criminals admit they are not law abiding citizens...
What do you suppose that plan will accomplish?
Brian sounds like he doesn't understand the reason for the 2nd Amendment !!
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

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