Why anti gun people are so angry.....

well , as employees you can put that limitation on cops and it might be ok but regular taxpayers should have the same capability as the military Brian .

You are already limited in that regard.
Except for this,
And, as citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some darkalley.
everything you posted is patent dis-information.

There's a reason the anti-rights advocate such as yourself cannot manage to present a rational point... you don't have one.

WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up? HINT: The answer is not even close to "1.7 million."

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Background checks are much more a barrier for criminals than law abiding citizens.
Interesting. In what way?

I'm a law abiding citizen and I've never had trouble buying a gun.
Neither, apparently does anyone. It's just that you are compelled to ask permission, and criminals feel no such compulsion.

Why is that?

Given gun sales I'd say they aren't a barrier for any law abiding citizen...
Then what's the actual purpose for them then?
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WOW, you sure made a strong case...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up?

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Well gee whizzzzzz... there is a simple solution. Just have the criminals admit they are not law abiding citizens...
What do you suppose that plan will accomplish?

I was making fun of you...
most of the USA can easily buy full capacity magazines Brian so I don't see any limitation in most of the USA on taxpayers !!
and if there was limitation I'd want that type of gun control done away with Brain !!
most of the USA can easily buy full capacity magazines Brian so I don't see any limitation in most of the USA on taxpayers !!

Does the military have machine guns? Can you go to the store and buy a new made in 2015 machine gun? The military has grenades. Can you go to the store and buy a live grenades? The military has rocket launchers. Can run to the store and buy a rocket launcher with live rockets?
I'll challenge you. Show me a reasonable proposed gun law that would have averted Newtown that is not an outright ban.
There SHOULD be an outright ban on assault weapons. There is NO NEED for a private citizen to have an assault weapon for personal protection...NONE!
Again...how exactly would that have averted Newtown?

Still waiting...

Wait all you want...Newtown is not the only reason for passing sensible and reasonable gun laws. America leads the world in gun violence.

There is no way to completely prevent a tragedy like Newtown. But it could have been 'less' tragic if Lanza didn't have an assault rifle with a rate of fire of 50 rounds per minute and ten 30 round magazines.

Sorry, but that is not true. Cho killed more, they were adults AND he didn't use a rifle at all. Lanza had two pistols just like Cho AND many of Lanza's magazines were discarded after only using 15 rounds,

P.S. - the modern sporting rifle that you mis-attributed as an assault rifle has the same "rate of fire" as every other semi-automatic...one round per trigger pull.

I wish you guys/gals would do you homework, gain an understanding of firearms, instead of this knee-jerk reactionary stuff.

And I'm not saying that to be mean. Take a day at the range and shoot an AR-15, and a Glock, and a .38 special. Find out what it is you are talking about.

Hell, I'll take you if you live near me.

I love a good mag dump every once and awhile.
Add a rubber band and bump fire it and it gets even better.
machine guns are legal in most states Brian , of course there are controls that should be gotten rid of . As far as Grenades go , Grenades are area weapons and the theory is that they aren't afforded the same 2nd Amendment protection that guns and one man weapons are afforded . --- you oughta go to a machine gun shoot some day , see whats legal Brian .
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.
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machine guns are legal in most states Brian , of course there are controls that should be gotten rid of . As far as Grenades go , Grenades are area weapons and the theory is that they aren't afforded the same 2nd Amendment protection that guns and one man weapons are afforded . --- you oughta go to a machine gun shoot some day , see whats legal Brian .

You didn't answer my question at all. I know they are legal. Can you go out and buy a new made in 2015 machine gun?
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

I think it is because they have been used in a few mass shootings and look like military weapons. Not everyone is a gun person so they look scary. But I agree with you they are just a fancy looking hunting rifle with a large magazine.

Well this is what I think would happen if we put a ban on the sale of new hi cap magazine like we did previously. And it would take a lot of years for it to have any real effect but would be a step in the right direction. New sales would have mags with a limited magazine. The value of the magazines that hold more would skyrocket and would eventually get hoarded up by the gun nuts. As they become less easy to get the gang bangers won't have them as they don't need them to rob someone. They use them now because they are the norm. And it seems like the majority of mass shooters just run to the store and get a gun. I doubt they will go through the effort of trying to get higher capacity magazines. And if they do well I'd rather they have to go through more effort.
As for the argument that bad guys can easily buy guns illegally, so no background check law should be passed, you might as well cancel all requirements for having a driver's license, since most illegals and people who have lost their licenses due to DWI's drive anyway.

Exactly...you can't prevent them from getting fake drivers licenses or stop them from driving without them...no law can prevent Law breaking....why don't you guys see that...it nullifies all of your ideas about background checks, gun registration, magazine limits........like a drivers license, all you can do is arrest and jail the guy driving without the license....you can't preempttively stop him from breaking that law....

background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns...ever....not here, not in Europe or anywhere else in the world.....all you can do is when you catch a criminal with a gun....you arrest them and lock them up...

but that isn't your concern is it......you really only care about Joe Citizen buying a gun....because you can make him not get a gun with the law....and you can scoop him up with background checks if he gets a false positive...or if he makes a mistake when he actually fills out the legal paperwork to get a gun...like that security guard who owned the gun legally, and wasn't a felin, but mistakenly left the loaded gun in his glove box after work.....now he is facing a felony...

That is the guy you want to get...that is the guy you can punish for having a gun....
Ever had someone point a gun at YOU? I have. Wasn't a nice feeling. By a relative, he wanted to SHOOT me...because I was pouring his booze down the sink...He later died, and cancer wasn't scared of guns. My da passed away from lung cancer from smoking ....Cancer .

Should have been armed. And why would you let some nut job live in your house in the first place?
And last of all...what the hell do cigarettes have to do with guns?
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

I think it is because they have been used in a few mass shootings and look like military weapons. Not everyone is a gun person so they look scary. But I agree with you they are just a fancy looking hunting rifle with a large magazine.

Well this is what I think would happen if we put a ban on the sale of new hi cap magazine like we did previously. And it would take a lot of years for it to have any real effect but would be a step in the right direction. New sales would have mags with a limited magazine. The value of the magazines that hold more would skyrocket and would eventually get hoarded up by the gun nuts. As they become less easy to get the gang bangers won't have them as they don't need them to rob someone. They use them now because they are the norm. And it seems like the majority of mass shooters just run to the store and get a gun. I doubt they will go through the effort of trying to get higher capacity magazines. And if they do well I'd rather they have to go through more effort.[/QUOTE]

and it would be a back door ban as it has proven in Colorado....their 15 round magazine limit has made many models of perfectly legal handguns illegal, since they use magazines that hold more than 15 rounds....the one female state legislator said she didn't realize that would happen when they passed the law.....but she is a lying witch...that was exactly the plan.....

Brain.....magazine bans are gun bans by proxy....
We both know it, in spite of your fatuous use of emoticons.

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Talk about 'emotions'...the most powerful 'emotion' is FEAR. The right wing mind is infested and overwhelmingly controlled by fear...Your need to create 'monsters of the mind' is a dead giveaway...

And you are full of shit...

Closing gun show loophole is right way to go

So, I'm full of shit while your little article both validates the point I made, and then immediately blunders ahead with a reiteration of patent nonsense that fails to consider any valid point, in favor of validating their superstitious fear of guns.

Of the "1.7 million" criminal attempts to obtain guns cited by the article--attempts, mind you, where a record of the perpetrator's name and address was created--how many prosecutions resulted? Why don't you look that up?

Background checks and "assault-weapons" bans do not stop black market gun transactions, and do not prevent violent sociopaths from obtaining guns.

For OBVIOUS reasons.

Background checks and AWBs are effective in their designed purposes: to be a barrier to the acquisition of guns by law abiding citizens., to put law abiding folks at a disadvantage when confronted by criminal violence, and to strengthen the black market transactions for gun acquisition.

The question is, what possible problem do anti-rights proponents have with law-abiding citizens openly and freely acquiring guns?

Another question: Why do anti-rights proponents prefer that law abiding citizens be at a tactical disadvantage to violent sociopaths?

Well gee whizzzzzz... there is a simple solution. Just have the criminals admit they are not law abiding citizens...
What do you suppose that plan will accomplish?

I was making fun of you...
Looks like you're making fun of yourself.
most of the USA can easily buy full capacity magazines Brian so I don't see any limitation in most of the USA on taxpayers !!

If you are so concerned about the taxpayer, maybe you need to look at the whole picture?

The Public Health Cost of Gun Violence

Gun Violence Costs U.S. Health Care System Taxpayers Billions Each Year

What gun violence costs taxpayers every year - CBS News

JAMA Network JAMA The Medical Costs of Gunshot Injuries in the United States

and guns save even more money each year in lives saved and criminals taken off the streets by average, law abiding citizens who use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives. 1.6 million times a year on average....

for example...the woman raped in Colorado because the college was a gun free zone....because she wasn't allowed to carry her gun...she was raped and at least two other women were raped, and at least one of those victims was murdered....

Each criminal captured by a law abiding citizen with a gun saves lives down the road...that doesn't get counted because the crimes don't happen...but it is an actual benefit....

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