Why anti gun people are so angry.....

I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....
Arizona Dry Creek 2003 , --- dry creek arizona machine gun shoot - Bing Videos --- this is my favorite video of a machine gun shoot but there are others all over the USA Brian . He11 , we have 2 - 4 locally every year advertised over local radio and held at a couple of ranges .

What a surprise, you refuse to answer. Well you cannot go out an buy a brand new made in 2015 machine gun. So yes you are limited.
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....

The people using them are mass shooters and gang bangers.
A Killing Machine Half of All Mass Shooters Used High-Capacity Magazines Mother Jones
most of the USA can easily buy full capacity magazines Brian so I don't see any limitation in most of the USA on taxpayers !!

Does the military have machine guns? Can you go to the store and buy a new made in 2015 machine gun? The military has grenades. Can you go to the store and buy a live grenades? The military has rocket launchers. Can run to the store and buy a rocket launcher with live rockets?

No...you can easily get all of those things in France, Belgium, Sweden and Denmark....and they all have more strict and absolute gun control than we do....dittos for Mexico.
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

and a 15 round or 10 round magazine limit would make your legal gun outlawed and useless...since the odds the company will spend money to retool to retrofit your gun is small to non existent....you are now the victim of a gun ban by proxy......
Arizona Dry Creek 2003 , --- dry creek arizona machine gun shoot - Bing Videos --- this is my favorite video of a machine gun shoot but there are others all over the USA Brian . He11 , we have 2 - 4 locally every year advertised over local radio and held at a couple of ranges .

What a surprise, you refuse to answer. Well you cannot go out an buy a brand new made in 2015 machine gun. So yes you are limited.
Unless it's a rimfire. The 1938 law applies only to center fire cartridges. Many make a hobby out of .22 LR automatic rifles.

I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....

The people using them are mass shooters and gang bangers.
A Killing Machine Half of All Mass Shooters Used High-Capacity Magazines Mother Jones

Brain...you should stop using that stupid article...it says Half used those magazines...because they are standard magazines ( a deception by lying gun grabbers first of all) and the other half.....USED Something else.....so if you ban standard issue magazines.........the first half will also use something else.....so the problem will not be solved by your magazine/gun ban.....

What a stupid fucking article.....that only gun grabbers suck up and believe.....
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.

Too many in the military see the order and regimentation of the military as the goal, and they are raised from early adulthood in a top down power system where the guy at the bottom must obey orders.....

There is no personal freedom in the military, and individuality must be sacrificed for the good of the whole...in the service of the government.....

But like I said.....he takes his orders from us....not the other way around.....if he gets a rifle with a standard 30 round magazine...we paid for it, we own it and if we want one as well.....screw him....he works for us......not the other way around.......
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....

You are consistently proving my earlier point. We even have scientific proof...

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains

I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....

You are consistently proving my earlier point. We even have scientific proof...

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains

And liberals have centers in their brain that tend toward killing people in their millions, in pursuit of perfecting the human condition...evidence......the 20th century.......
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.

Why? Because he has a conscience and is not afraid to state the obvious?
I agree that any assault rifle ban is silly. They are seldom used in murders and when they are a semi auto handgun would have been just as effective but more concealable.

I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I do however believe in magazine capacity limits. Studies show defense is 2-3 shots. Any more and all the strays are just endangering everyone around. The only time I see people needing hi cap magazines it is to kill lots of innocent people. Gang bangers also get off a few extra stray killing innocent people thanks to them.

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.

Why? Because he has a conscience and is not afraid to state the obvious?
The 1994 assault weapons ban cost Democrats control of congress. Clearly banning guns is not "obvious" to most Americans.
I have fired many weapons, including semi-automatic pistols.

The similarity between an assault rifle and a semi automatic handgun end at rate of fire.
Most assault rifles were designed to be effective up to 450 yards. Most handguns are accurate only up to about twenty-five yards. Rifle rounds have twice the velocity and four times the muzzle energy of handgun rounds.

Are you being dishonest or obtuse?

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Did you forget what we were talking about?

Who was shot from further than 25 yards at Newtown?

Who brought up rate of fire?

Still waiting for you to come up with one of those reasonable gun laws that would have averted Newtown...

I already answered your question. Are you now going to claim a pistol is as accurate as a rifle at anything but point blank range?

I asked you a question that you ignored. I will restate/rephrase/expand it.

I support reasonable gun control measures. I do NOT want to disarm Americans. I DO support universal background checks for any gun sales at gun shows and Internet sales, but not requiring them of family members and friends giving or selling guns to each other.

I also support a ban on assault weapons and large magazines that have no use for personal protection.

WHAT do you support?

How do you know large magazines have no role in personal protection...do you live in an isolated community...on the border, or have you been camping where there is no law enforcement...where you might need to hold off attackers till you can get clear......ask the 43 Mexican student teachers rounded up by the drug cartel if they needed guns and large capacity magazines........while the drug cartel in conjuction with the Mexican government official rounded them up...

What about the isolated land owner on the border...what if they run into drug cartel members running drugs or illegals...do you think a 6 shot revolver will be enough against heavily armed cartel assholes with fully automatic, illegal rifles (probably sold to them by eric holder and barak obama)

You do not have the right to disarm law abiding citizens because you don't like certain guns or pieces of equipment....

You are consistently proving my earlier point. We even have scientific proof...

Study: Conservatives Have Larger 'Fear Centers' in Their Brains

And liberals have centers in their brain that tend toward killing people in their millions, in pursuit of perfecting the human condition...evidence......the 20th century.......

You clearly don't know what you are parroting, do you? Liberals have NEVER been behind mass killings.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Well this is what I think would happen if we put a ban on the sale of new hi cap magazine like we did previously. And it would take a lot of years for it to have any real effect but would be a step in the right direction. New sales would have mags with a limited magazine. The value of the magazines that hold more would skyrocket and would eventually get hoarded up by the gun nuts. As they become less easy to get the gang bangers won't have them as they don't need them to rob someone. They use them now because they are the norm. And it seems like the majority of mass shooters just run to the store and get a gun. I doubt they will go through the effort of trying to get higher capacity magazines. And if they do well I'd rather they have to go through more effort.

3D printing will allow and criminals to get all the hi-cap magazines that they want...because there will be a profit in it. Unless we are going to outlaw springs.

And I don't think reducing the amount of rounds a gangbanger can put in his gun is going to reduce the number of bullets that he or she shoots.
Last edited:
I agree. Can you explain why gun control activists have such an irrational fear of them?

I disagree with you here. Gangbangers and criminals are going to get hi-cap magazines no matter what. When you make something like this illegal, the only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens.

I have a Ruger 10/22 with 25 round magazines. I'd never choose it for self defense. It mostly only goes to the range or to plink.

You going to be online for awhile? This Week is on.

WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.

Why? Because he has a conscience and is not afraid to state the obvious?
The 1994 assault weapons ban cost Democrats control of congress. Clearly banning guns is not "obvious" to most Americans.

Oh, so assault weapons are fine on the streets and particularly around the schools in America
WOW, I guess you can make it all the way to General being afraid of how a weapon "looks"

McChrystal: Assault Rifles Aren't for Civilians

Many in the military are statists....they have been raised since the age of 17 in a government organization that puts personal freedom behind the needs of the state.......and he works for us.......we tell him what he needs, not the other way around.......

That was disappointing to find out about General McCrystal, one of the few generals with the balls to stand up to this president.

Why? Because he has a conscience and is not afraid to state the obvious?
The 1994 assault weapons ban cost Democrats control of congress. Clearly banning guns is not "obvious" to most Americans.

Oh, so assault weapons are fine on the streets and particularly around the schools in America

In the hands of law abiding citizens yes....of course...since they aren't the ones using them to commit crimes.......and since they are used less frequently to commit murder than bare hands and feet.....the CDC statistics show this....should bare hands and feet be banned from schools...since they kill more people than assault weapons every year..?they are far more dangerous to public safety since they kill more people than assault rifles....right?

if that is your criteria for banning things on the streets and in schools...right?
I have posted a poll on gun legislation to see where we can agree on gun safety.....anti and pro should try to look at it...it may help us see where we agree...

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