Why are all these BIG Tough Republicans scared little Rats???

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
Rats played a pretty big role in bubonic plague that hit in 1347 killing a third of the European human population. Good reason show caution around rats be they four legged or human.
Dood, your RAT sized brain is getting carried away.
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Martha Stewart or Monica? Monica Lewinsky loved the guy. She was a 22 year old kid who was infatuated with the most powerful man in the world and he took advantage of her and his wife enabled the disgusting relationship. The DNA on Monica's dress was enough to indict the sexual predator. Comey is the giant rat in the room and sooner or later the hammer is going to come down on him and maybe Hillary.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??

Another stupid, useless trolling thread.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??

Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??

Why are democrat arguments so weak? Your post amounts to, "I know you are, but what am I?" Fifth grade is calling. Shall I buzz them through or put you in the corner?
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??

Why are democrat arguments so weak? Your post amounts to, "I know you are, but what am I?" Fifth grade is calling. Shall I buzz them through or put you in the corner?
The truth hurts I know.
You try to act tough, but at the end of the day the republicans are just weak little rats.

Again, Martha Stewart did her small time and didn't rat, Monica Lewinsky was a victim of the biggest witch hunt in US politics and she stood strong refusing to rat.

Then we have big tough Flynn, a man facing the same amount of time as Martha Stewart and what does he do? Does he toughen up and strand strong just like Martha???? NOPE!!! He rats like a weak little bitch.

I ask you why are republicans so weak??? Don't try to act tough then roll over a rat. Be tough, just like Martha Stewart.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

Here's an offer.

Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

If you stood the chance of going to jail, you’d bitch up in a minute. Or you would be everybody’s bitch. Although you might enjoy it. You libs are all about smoking weed an anal sex after all. Take it, bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

Here's an offer.

View attachment 233666
Great retort, I love the use of facts!!!


The truth hurts I know, facts are kryptonite to the republicans.

It's a sad day in GOP land when you suddenly realize that you are weaker than Martha Stewart. What a bunch of pussies
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
The FACTS are anything but devastating to the RIGHT. It is the LEFT who keep running from them...facts such as....

Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws in the mishandling of TOP SECRRT data, classified servers, files, and devices ... Violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act over 15,000 times each, and committed Obstruction in an attempt to destroy all of that subpoenaed evidence ... according to both the FBI Anand Comey himself in testimony before Congress.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC - according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile - rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws ... and STILL had to give Hillary the DNC Nomination she could not and did not win from Bernie Sanders, as Brazile admitted they stacked the deck against Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history, arrogantly choosing to not even campaign in several key states she was sure she would handily win...only to lose those states, which comprised the margin of her loss.

The Russians had been interfering - running a Counter-Intelligence OP in the US using social media, getting snowflakes to organize and march for them, paying willing liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence, attempting to hack the US power grid, and trying to hack the emails of senior US officials -- in the US since 2014. Obama knew it, did nothing about it, and let it continue for 2 years.

In 2016 President Obama declared NO ONE - not even the Russians - could hack the US election system. HE SHOULD KNOW - HE AND HIS DHS TRIED REPEATEDLY AND FAILED!

NOT ONE VOTE WAS ALTERED due to the Russian's actions.

The greatest damage the Russians did was to:

1) Steal TOP SECRET data from off of Hillary's illegal server

2) Publicly expose how Hillary and the DNC attempted to alter / control the outcome of the 2016 election - which is what Democrats would later accuse Trump of doing - by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing nominations

3) Expose DNC emails containing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content

Jonathon Gruber declared over and over that the Democratic Party and leaders rely on the stupidity of their vase / voters...

Conservatives / Republicans rely on facts, the very things snowflakes / Democrats run from and that their surrogate fake news media seeks to avoid reporting.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

If you stood the chance of going to jail, you’d bitch up in a minute. Or you would be everybody’s bitch. Although you might enjoy it. You libs are all about smoking weed an anal sex after all. Take it, bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
WOWWW!!!!! Spoken like a true rat and a true weakling. GOP, party of the weak. What a disgrace.

Martha Stewart didn't "bitch up" she stood up and did her time... Monica Lewinsky didn't "bitch up" she told the special prosecutor to fuck off... Seems like the only bitches here are the republicans....

Funny how the libs stand strong and keep their mouths shut, but the republicans are a bunch of weak rats.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
The FACTS are anything but devastating to the RIGHT. It is the LEFT who keep running from them...facts such as....

Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws in the mishandling of TOP SECRRT data, classified servers, files, and devices ... Violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act over 15,000 times each, and committed Obstruction in an attempt to destroy all of that subpoenaed evidence ... according to both the FBI Anand Comey himself in testimony before Congress.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC - according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile - rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws ... and STILL had to give Hillary the DNC Nomination she could not and did not win from Bernie Sanders, as Brazile admitted they stacked the deck against Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history, arrogantly choosing to not even campaign in several key states she was sure she would handily win...only to lose those states, which comprised the margin of her loss.

The Russians had been interfering - running a Counter-Intelligence OP in the US using social media, getting snowflakes to organize and march for them, paying willing liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence, attempting to hack the US power grid, and trying to hack the emails of senior US officials -- in the US since 2014. Obama knew it, did nothing about it, and let it continue for 2 years.

In 2016 President Obama declared NO ONE - not even the Russians - could hack the US election system. HE SHOULD KNOW - HE AND HIS DHS TRIED REPEATEDLY AND FAILED!

NOT ONE VOTE WAS ALTERED die to the Rusdian's actions.

The greatest damage the Russians did was to:

1) Steal TOP SECRET data from off of Hillary's illegal server

2) Publicly expose how Hillary and the DNC attempted to alter / control the outcome of the 2016 election - which is what Democrats would later accuse Trump of doing - by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing nominations

3) Expose DNC emails containing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content

Jonathon Gruber declared over and over that the Democratic Party and leaders rely on the stupidity of their vase / voters...

Conservatives / Republicans rely on facts, the very things snowflakes / Democrats run from and that their surrogate fake news media seeks to avoid reporting.

You know you're a racist, don't you easyt65 ?

Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

If you stood the chance of going to jail, you’d bitch up in a minute. Or you would be everybody’s bitch. Although you might enjoy it. You libs are all about smoking weed an anal sex after all. Take it, bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
WOWWW!!!!! Spoken like a true rat and a true weakling. GOP, party of the weak. What a disgrace.

Martha Stewart didn't "bitch up" she stood up and did her time... Monica Lewinsky didn't "bitch up" she told the special prosecutor to fuck off... Seems like the only bitches here are the republicans....

Funny how the libs stand strong and keep their mouths shut, but the republicans are a bunch of weak rats.

Martha did u with a strap on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!

If you stood the chance of going to jail, you’d bitch up in a minute. Or you would be everybody’s bitch. Although you might enjoy it. You libs are all about smoking weed an anal sex after all. Take it, bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
WOWWW!!!!! Spoken like a true rat and a true weakling. GOP, party of the weak. What a disgrace.

Martha Stewart didn't "bitch up" she stood up and did her time... Monica Lewinsky didn't "bitch up" she told the special prosecutor to fuck off... Seems like the only bitches here are the republicans....

Funny how the libs stand strong and keep their mouths shut, but the republicans are a bunch of weak rats.
Martha Stewart was facing time in the most cushy 'institution' around....

Democrats got nabbed doing the same thing she did, and these f*ers actually publicly declared that they DIDN'T KNOW INSIDER TRADING LAWS APPLIED TO THEM.


They apologized and said 'FROM NOW own we will obey the law....


Try breaking a law, telling the cops and the judge, 'My bad - didn't know the law applied to me - won't happen again', and try to walk out. They would taser your ass, & drag you to a cell.

Politicians are the most corrupt, criminal bastards on the planet!
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
The FACTS are anything but devastating to the RIGHT. It is the LEFT who keep running from them...facts such as....

Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws in the mishandling of TOP SECRRT data, classified servers, files, and devices ... Violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act over 15,000 times each, and committed Obstruction in an attempt to destroy all of that subpoenaed evidence ... according to both the FBI Anand Comey himself in testimony before Congress.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC - according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile - rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws ... and STILL had to give Hillary the DNC Nomination she could not and did not win from Bernie Sanders, as Brazile admitted they stacked the deck against Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history, arrogantly choosing to not even campaign in several key states she was sure she would handily win...only to lose those states, which comprised the margin of her loss.

The Russians had been interfering - running a Counter-Intelligence OP in the US using social media, getting snowflakes to organize and march for them, paying willing liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence, attempting to hack the US power grid, and trying to hack the emails of senior US officials -- in the US since 2014. Obama knew it, did nothing about it, and let it continue for 2 years.

In 2016 President Obama declared NO ONE - not even the Russians - could hack the US election system. HE SHOULD KNOW - HE AND HIS DHS TRIED REPEATEDLY AND FAILED!

NOT ONE VOTE WAS ALTERED due to the Russian's actions.

The greatest damage the Russians did was to:

1) Steal TOP SECRET data from off of Hillary's illegal server

2) Publicly expose how Hillary and the DNC attempted to alter / control the outcome of the 2016 election - which is what Democrats would later accuse Trump of doing - by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing nominations

3) Expose DNC emails containing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content

Jonathon Gruber declared over and over that the Democratic Party and leaders rely on the stupidity of their vase / voters...

Conservatives / Republicans rely on facts, the very things snowflakes / Democrats run from and that their surrogate fake news media seeks to avoid reporting.
AHAHAH... I know you are but what am I...

Nice non sequiturs...Like i said the facts are just devastating to the right, you can't handle this. I seem to have struck a nerve here. Papadopolous was facing a few months in prison and he rolled over like a bitch.

FLynn the big tough General, "Lock Her UPPP!!!"" Ratted instantly crying to his mommy the whole time. Cohen.... Cohen!!! He crapped his pants like a scared little republican that he is. The right is just a bunch of pussies trying to act tough, meanwhile the code of Omertà belongs to the democrats. Maybe someday you will learn, but as for now you're just a pussy like your party.
Papadopolous RAT
Gates RAT
Cohen RAT
Flynn RAT

Big, bad, tough Gen Flynn tries to talk tough, act tough, be tough, and he is nothing but a WEAK scared rat. There is nothing weaker than a rat.

Martha Stewart did her little time. Monic Lewinsky stood up to the Special counsel witch hunt and didn't testify against Bill Clinton, BUT Flynn, he is a weak little rat, weaker than Martha Stewart or Monica...

Why are Republicans so weak??
What are you babbling about, snowflake?

Mueller, the guy who has a history of putting innocent people behind bats, gets exposed for using PERJURY TRAPS against Trump associated to set up crimes - that have nothing to do with his investigation or Trump - for which he indicts them so he will have leverage over them, to extort them into agreeing to LIE against the President ... Mueller has to go through all of this to CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE (extorted false accusations) because after 19 months he STILL has ZERO EVIDENCE against the President.

And you are attacking his victims, calling THEM weak?!

Mueller is THE 'Point Man, THE lead 'Political Assassin', in an attempted coup - that evidence has been exposed - which began KNOWINGLY by Obama under his administration!
--- Strzok's text messages revealed how Obama demanded to be kept briefed on what was going on. The Directors of HIS FOJ, CIA, NIA, and FBI were involved...there is NO WAY IN HELL Barry did not know!

We are talking about the biggest scandal in US History, a President and Party protecting his party's candidate from prison while attempting to control the outcome of a Presidential election...which has turned into a full-fledged operation to undermine the President, to overthrow the democratically elected government, and to affect a COUP to oust the President of the United States.

All of the existing evidence of actual crimes support / prove this; yet, with the help of the Liberal media, no actual US AG in 2 years, and co-conspirators in the key positions to protect the traitors and to keep this going it keeps going.

Yet snowflake traitor supporters keep attacking the targets if the witch hunt and ignoring all the real evidence of crime.

Now I fully understand the wisdom of Karl Marx who said the US would never be defeated from an outside enemy but would be taken down by traitorous enemies from within ...

Still unable to come to grips with a failed felon candidate who was REJECTED by her party, was given the nomination any way, and then lost the 2016 election AND still being unable to graciously accept that loss, Democrats and snowflakes have become the bitter, hate-driven, power-hungry, traitors who stand for everything this country opposes, who have been doing everything they can to undermine the President / govt and affect a coup.

Its not Trump and his associates, or those standing up to the coup who are weak but the f*ing losers who turned to treason / sedition / a witch hunt after not getting their way in 2016!
I just love how the facts are just so devastating to the right!!!!

Martha Stewart did her year in prison, Big Bad Tough guy Flynn was facing that same year and what'd he do???? Ratted like a little weak bitch. AHAHAHAH!!!!

FLynn could've manned up and stood string and did his little Martha Stewart time, but no... He's a typical weak republican ratting like a pussy.

Ohhh Nooo look out the facts are coming!! run and hide, run and hide!!!
The FACTS are anything but devastating to the RIGHT. It is the LEFT who keep running from them...facts such as....

Hillary Clinton violated numerous laws in the mishandling of TOP SECRRT data, classified servers, files, and devices ... Violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act over 15,000 times each, and committed Obstruction in an attempt to destroy all of that subpoenaed evidence ... according to both the FBI Anand Comey himself in testimony before Congress.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC - according to DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile - rigged primaries, cheated in debates, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws ... and STILL had to give Hillary the DNC Nomination she could not and did not win from Bernie Sanders, as Brazile admitted they stacked the deck against Sanders and gave the nomination to Hillary.

Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history, arrogantly choosing to not even campaign in several key states she was sure she would handily win...only to lose those states, which comprised the margin of her loss.

The Russians had been interfering - running a Counter-Intelligence OP in the US using social media, getting snowflakes to organize and march for them, paying willing liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence, attempting to hack the US power grid, and trying to hack the emails of senior US officials -- in the US since 2014. Obama knew it, did nothing about it, and let it continue for 2 years.

In 2016 President Obama declared NO ONE - not even the Russians - could hack the US election system. HE SHOULD KNOW - HE AND HIS DHS TRIED REPEATEDLY AND FAILED!

NOT ONE VOTE WAS ALTERED die to the Rusdian's actions.

The greatest damage the Russians did was to:

1) Steal TOP SECRET data from off of Hillary's illegal server

2) Publicly expose how Hillary and the DNC attempted to alter / control the outcome of the 2016 election - which is what Democrats would later accuse Trump of doing - by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, & stealing nominations

3) Expose DNC emails containing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content

Jonathon Gruber declared over and over that the Democratic Party and leaders rely on the stupidity of their vase / voters...

Conservatives / Republicans rely on facts, the very things snowflakes / Democrats run from and that their surrogate fake news media seeks to avoid reporting.

You know you're a racist, don't you easyt65 ?

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By that definition, I am a proud, card-carrying member... :p

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