Why are Asians, the fastest growing minority in the US, abandoning the GOP?



Why America's Fastest Growing Demographic Is Abandoning The Republican Party - Fortune

When we examine presidential exit polls, we see that 74% of the Asian-American vote went to the Republican presidential candidate just two decades ago. The Democratic presidential vote share among Asian Americans has steadily increased from 36% in 1992, to 64% in the 2008 election to 73% in 2012. Asian Americans were also one of the rare groups that were more favorable to President Obama in the latter election. This dramatic change in party preference is stunning. No other group has shifted so dramatically in their party identification within such a short time period. Some are calling it the “GOP’s Asian erosion.” Moreover, Asian Americans as a group have a number of attributes that would usually predict an affinity for the Republican Party.

When Joseph Choe, an Asian-American college student, stood up to ask a question about South Korea, Donald Trump cut him off and wondered aloud: “Are you from South Korea?” Choe responded, “I’m not. I was born in Texas, raised in Colorado.” His answer prompted laughter from the audience (they were laughing AT you and not WITH you), and nothing more than a shrug from the GOP presidential candidate.

Media outlets like NPR and the Huffington Post mocked this interaction as a “Where are you from?” moment. A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe subsequently joked, “You’re gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!”

American Enterprise Institute’s notes:

“If you’re looking for a natural Republican constituency, Asians should define ‘natural’ … And yet something has happened to define conservatism in the minds of Asians as deeply unattractive.”

The feeling of social exclusion stemming from their ethnic background might be pushing Asian Americans away from the Republican Party.


The GOP is 90% white. That 10% left over isn't just blacks. It also includes Asian, Native American, Hispanic and anyone else who does not identify as white.

Republicans may win when only 30% of the electorate votes, but they will get slaughtered every four years from now on as long as they are seen as the ignorant racists so many of them are.
Every minority embraced the Republican party at one time or another.

their rhetoric of rugged individualism and economic prosperity through hardwork--you know, the basic outline of the American dream, draws them in.

Then something happens. Minorities begin to flee from the GOP like a house on fire.

I guess the Asians are going to be the house help while Blacks work the fields on the Democratic plantation?
Every minority embraced the Republican party at one time or another.

their rhetoric of rugged individualism and economic prosperity through hardwork--you know, the basic outline of the American dream, draws them in.

Then something happens. Minorities begin to flee from the GOP like a house on fire.

I guess the Asians are going to be the house help while Blacks work the fields on the Democratic plantation?
What is the "Democratic Plantation"?
Every minority embraced the Republican party at one time or another.

their rhetoric of rugged individualism and economic prosperity through hardwork--you know, the basic outline of the American dream, draws them in.

Then something happens. Minorities begin to flee from the GOP like a house on fire.

I guess the Asians are going to be the house help while Blacks work the fields on the Democratic plantation?

"their rhetoric of rugged individualism and economic prosperity through hardwork" - Most people find out that's a load of crap.

Most of the modern uber wealthy inherited their money and those in bygone past were cutthroats.
Why America's Fastest Growing Demographic Is Abandoning The Republican Party - Fortune

When we examine presidential exit polls, we see that 74% of the Asian-American vote went to the Republican presidential candidate just two decades ago. The Democratic presidential vote share among Asian Americans has steadily increased from 36% in 1992, to 64% in the 2008 election to 73% in 2012. Asian Americans were also one of the rare groups that were more favorable to President Obama in the latter election. This dramatic change in party preference is stunning. No other group has shifted so dramatically in their party identification within such a short time period. Some are calling it the “GOP’s Asian erosion.” Moreover, Asian Americans as a group have a number of attributes that would usually predict an affinity for the Republican Party.

When Joseph Choe, an Asian-American college student, stood up to ask a question about South Korea, Donald Trump cut him off and wondered aloud: “Are you from South Korea?” Choe responded, “I’m not. I was born in Texas, raised in Colorado.” His answer prompted laughter from the audience (they were laughing AT you and not WITH you), and nothing more than a shrug from the GOP presidential candidate.

Media outlets like NPR and the Huffington Post mocked this interaction as a “Where are you from?” moment. A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe subsequently joked, “You’re gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!”

American Enterprise Institute’s notes:

“If you’re looking for a natural Republican constituency, Asians should define ‘natural’ … And yet something has happened to define conservatism in the minds of Asians as deeply unattractive.”

The feeling of social exclusion stemming from their ethnic background might be pushing Asian Americans away from the Republican Party.


The GOP is 90% white. That 10% left over isn't just blacks. It also includes Asian, Native American, Hispanic and anyone else who does not identify as white.

Republicans may win when only 30% of the electorate votes, but they will get slaughtered every four years from now on as long as they are seen as the ignorant racists so many of them are.

I take it you haven't bothered to read the polls? Hillary once led all the Republican candidates in all the polls by double digits. Today, not only have they closed that big gap but Hillary is actually trailing some of the Republican candidates in some of the polls. You carry on though.
Why America's Fastest Growing Demographic Is Abandoning The Republican Party - Fortune

When we examine presidential exit polls, we see that 74% of the Asian-American vote went to the Republican presidential candidate just two decades ago. The Democratic presidential vote share among Asian Americans has steadily increased from 36% in 1992, to 64% in the 2008 election to 73% in 2012. Asian Americans were also one of the rare groups that were more favorable to President Obama in the latter election. This dramatic change in party preference is stunning. No other group has shifted so dramatically in their party identification within such a short time period. Some are calling it the “GOP’s Asian erosion.” Moreover, Asian Americans as a group have a number of attributes that would usually predict an affinity for the Republican Party.

When Joseph Choe, an Asian-American college student, stood up to ask a question about South Korea, Donald Trump cut him off and wondered aloud: “Are you from South Korea?” Choe responded, “I’m not. I was born in Texas, raised in Colorado.” His answer prompted laughter from the audience (they were laughing AT you and not WITH you), and nothing more than a shrug from the GOP presidential candidate.

Media outlets like NPR and the Huffington Post mocked this interaction as a “Where are you from?” moment. A fellow conference attendee who walked by Choe subsequently joked, “You’re gonna have to show him your birth certificate, man!”

American Enterprise Institute’s notes:

“If you’re looking for a natural Republican constituency, Asians should define ‘natural’ … And yet something has happened to define conservatism in the minds of Asians as deeply unattractive.”

The feeling of social exclusion stemming from their ethnic background might be pushing Asian Americans away from the Republican Party.


The GOP is 90% white. That 10% left over isn't just blacks. It also includes Asian, Native American, Hispanic and anyone else who does not identify as white.

Republicans may win when only 30% of the electorate votes, but they will get slaughtered every four years from now on as long as they are seen as the ignorant racists so many of them are.
And classists.
The answer is simple .

The GOP is the party of racists and that's a deal breaker for minorities .

The GOP will claim they are all bought by the dems . Which is bullshit . Even financially susacessful minorities like the Jews go democratic .
Why America's Fastest Growing Demographic Is Abandoning The Republican Party - Fortune

Oooh, nows my chance to do my Republican impression. Ahem!

"Asians are abandoning Republicans because they want free stuff and dont know the facts. They also suck at math"

Aaaaannnnd Scene
The Koch brothers forgot to put in a Asian candidate this time around..lol..:rofl:

They have a Woman, Black, Hispanic, Tea party extreme, moderate...and dumb ass Bush...
My girlfriend's cousin who I use to work with at the NYSE was pretty shocked by the GOP's treatment of kids fleeing Central America. He was a staunch Republican but he said something that sort of surprised me. "Why are we beating up on these little kids, I thought we were the good guys.."

Her mother who use to vote Republican also voted for Obama in the last couple of elections for the very same reasons. Stance on immigration and overt racism.
And their the
Why America's Fastest Growing Demographic Is Abandoning The Republican Party - Fortune

Oooh, nows my chance to do my Republican impression. Ahem!

"Asians are abandoning Republicans because they want free stuff and dont know the facts. They also suck at math"

Aaaaannnnd Scene

Their theories are also insulting .

"You don't vote republican because you are a stupid welfare sucking dummy ! Vote republican !"
sooner or later RW's will find themselves at the end of the line standing behind everyone with an IQ above 70 ..
And yet the author conveniently disregards the 2014 Asian vote:

National exit polling of voters in House races last night found that almost half of Asian-Americans -- 49 percent -- supported the Republican candidate. This is about twice the share who supported Mitt Romney in exit polling conducted after the 2012 presidential election. It also reverses a trend that began roughly during the 1990s, of increasing Asian-American support for Democratic candidates (starting with Bill Clinton).

Republicans Courted Asians, and It Paid Off - Bloomberg View

Let's just call it the Obama effect. With more recent victimization of Asian grocers at the hands of the likes of Big Mike Brown, they are a Republican shoe-in.

What a fluff piece!
And yet the author conveniently disregards the 2014 Asian vote:

Could it be because thats not what he's talking about at all, maybe?
No, that exactly what she was talking about. What kind of stupid comment is that anyway?

Get a life and a functioning mind FFS. Being black is no excuse!

They arent talking about 2014 assface. You want to talk about it. Go create a thread about it crybaby
This is not an affirmative action site. You're not going to be cut slack because you're black. Stupid is stupid regardless of race.

Being black is not an excuse, once again.
And yet the author conveniently disregards the 2014 Asian vote:

Could it be because thats not what he's talking about at all, maybe?
No, that exactly what she was talking about. What kind of stupid comment is that anyway?

Get a life and a functioning mind FFS. Being black is no excuse!

They arent talking about 2014 assface. You want to talk about it. Go create a thread about it crybaby
This is not an affirmative action site. You're not going to be cut slack because you're black. Stupid is stupid regardless of race.

Being black is not an excuse, once again.

Of course its not a AA site. Now once again, no one is talking about 2014 dick breath. Check the calendar and then read the OP lost one
And yet the author conveniently disregards the 2014 Asian vote:

Could it be because thats not what he's talking about at all, maybe?
No, that exactly what she was talking about. What kind of stupid comment is that anyway?

Get a life and a functioning mind FFS. Being black is no excuse!

They arent talking about 2014 assface. You want to talk about it. Go create a thread about it crybaby
This is not an affirmative action site. You're not going to be cut slack because you're black. Stupid is stupid regardless of race.

Being black is not an excuse, once again.

Of course its not a AA site. Now once again, no one is talking about 2014 dick breath. Check the calendar and then read the OP lost one
You could at least write in English. Democrats went from 73% to 50%, and though I know math is inherently difficult for you, take it from me, that is not abandoning the Republicans, In fact it is abandoning the Democrats.

Try this. You've got 10 fingers, 5 on each hand, right? Put up 7, that's all the fingers of one hand plus two from the other. Then take the two fingers down from the second had and you probably notice that you have fewer fingers.

Maybe you can figure it out now.
Could it be because thats not what he's talking about at all, maybe?
No, that exactly what she was talking about. What kind of stupid comment is that anyway?

Get a life and a functioning mind FFS. Being black is no excuse!

They arent talking about 2014 assface. You want to talk about it. Go create a thread about it crybaby
This is not an affirmative action site. You're not going to be cut slack because you're black. Stupid is stupid regardless of race.

Being black is not an excuse, once again.

Of course its not a AA site. Now once again, no one is talking about 2014 dick breath. Check the calendar and then read the OP lost one
You could at least write in English. Democrats went from 73% to 50%, and though I know math is inherently difficult for you, take it from me, that is not abandoning the Republicans, In fact it is abandoning the Democrats.

Try this. You've got 10 fingers, 5 on each hand, right? Put up 7, that's all the fingers of one hand plus two from the other. Then take the two fingers down from the second had and you probably notice that you have fewer fingers.

Maybe you can figure it out now.

Wow, now your trying to make this about counting fingers? Sheesh...sadness

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