Why are barriers around the Capitol considered effective by Dems, but not border barriers

Why are there jersey barriers between opposing lanes of traffic on highways? Barriers do not work.
How does this make any sense?

Well, because people coming here (if they come over the border) aren't trying to overthrow the US government.
They just want a better life than the crap hole they came from
Progs already did overthrow the government.

How so? The 2020 election was free and fair. 50 states certified the vote. 68 court cases thrown out for no evidence of massive voter fraud. Trump's own handpicked AG, his own election security head, Republican and Democrat election officials across the country said this was the most secure election in our lifetime. Didn't see any Clinton supporters storming the Capitol in 2016 trying to do the same thing.
They said the election interference defense from Russia was the most secure. Nothing about 6 states that broke chain of command. Ballot boxes not secured, millions of dead voters. If they did can you provide the evidence they released?

No one broke any chain of command. Legislatures passed their own voting regulations and they were followed. Last I looked, all the states you are questioning except Wisconsin had Republican majority legislatures.

There is no evidence of massive voter fraud, much less millions of "dead" people voting. Only the deepest of alt-right pin heads believe this.

So ballot boxes on the street corner or in front of a black church is secure? Lol
GA Legislators just made it illegal to put ballot boxes in front of black churches, You can only drop them off at a precinct when it’s open going forward.

Somebody saw this. Somebody saw that. I've lost track of how many conspiracy theories Trump supporters have put forth to excuse him losing.
All I see is...68 court cases..dismissed. But thanks for playing!
Lol Biden lost .. everyone knows that.. if the media covered the whistleblowers and witnesses like they did Cavanaugh’s whistleblowers trumps whistleblowers.. Joe Biden would be in jail right now.. have the media report real witness

He won and if he wants to run in 2024, he'll win again. Those fences around the Capitol are there because his predecessor's supporters tried to overthrow the government...and are still plotting to do so.
People coming across the border are just trying to make it to a better life...not overthrow the government of the country they're trying to come to in order to make a better life. :)

After four years of the Biden/Harris shit show I'd bet he couldn't get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

Right now Americans are getting a look at his EO's and green shit and once they hit you can bet Biden won't be popular at all.

The election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history and there is more than enough proof out there to prove it. Biden got handed this country and will ruin all he can.

New Mexico went for Biden and he promptly landed over 11,000 in the unemployment line. You can bet the New Mexico voters aren't happy and no one that voted for his stupid ass will be happy. We've already got illegals swarming across the border since Biden handcuffed ICE and stopped constructin on the wall. He doesn't care that most Americans want all illegals out of our country as they cost us billions each year. Not to mention the robberies, rapes and murders they commit every year.

Oh I'd say Biden and Harris will be far from popular once 2024 gets here. I'd also bet the Reps take the House and Senate in 2022.
Oh? You think Biden will do as bad as Trump?

He already has. More to come. Stay tuned.
How does this make any sense?
They're cutting holes in it, climbing over it with ladders, and digging under it.
That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace
Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though. I was surprised by this as well, but it's true, according to Customs and Border Patrol.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has asked contractors for help making President Trump’s border wall more difficult to climb over and cut through, an acknowledgment that the design currently being installed along hundreds of miles of the U.S.-Mexico boundary remains vulnerable.

That’s was june 2020, you said they cut through his new wall, when in fact it was old wall Democrats refuse to replace with stronger wall,, trumps new wall sends ice agents a instant alert the wall is being attacked. And can prevent aliens
I'm not there, but the article says it is NEW wall. Please read the article before commenting.

The president has ceased promoting the $15 billion barrier as “impenetrable” in the months since The Washington Post reported that smuggling crews have been cutting through new sections of the structure using inexpensive power tools.
That article is from 2019! Lol err
WTF are you talking about? It's the same article that you still refuse to read. I'm not wasting anymore time on you. Stay stupid, your choice..
Click the link it said nov 2019
Nowhere does that article indicate 2019. In fact, there's a photo of a portion of the fence in that article with the caption...

U.S. Border Patrol agents look at the border fence construction in Lukeville, Ariz., on Jan. 7, 2020. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post)
I’m not wasting my time with your nonsense .. she provided two links one was dated November 2019. The other one was in 2020 today is march 4, 2021 the border wall that was cut through was an old border wall.
No it wasn't. It was Trump's wall...

Current and former CBP officials confirmed that there have been cutting breaches, but they said the new bollard system remains far superior and more formidable than any previous design.
Smugglers with reciprocating saws were able to cut through previous versions of the barrier in far less time, agents note, and the new bollard design makes the smugglers’ task significantly more difficult. Other Homeland Security officials note that the narrow gap created by a cut bollard permits only one person to pass through at a time, making it more difficult for large groups of migrants or smugglers to cross.
Where does that say the car full of aliens cut through part of the wall that trump built?
Why would that article state that? That was a different incident.
That’s the only incident I responded to lol they cut through old wall not new wall. Thank you
I am talking about your denial of holes being cut in Trump's wall from an article you said was from 2019.
Lol you can cut through almost any wall.. im saying this car went through an old wall. NOT TRUMPS GREAT WALL
Who disagreed with that?
The bimbo
Do you mean OldLady??
Yes she makes you wonder about Principles of voting rights
WTF does this have to do with voting rights? <smh>
You mentioned her...
But you tied her to "Principles of voting rights."

What has she said that has anything to do with voting rights??
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
Faun, thelegended....stop the quote of the quote of the quote of the quote....it is making scrolling a nightmare, please.
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
The Capitol building complex is a relatively small area. Building fences around it is definitely easy to do. Those fences can be monitored and guarded easily. It would not be possible to tunnel underneath or climb over the fence without guards noticing.

Building a wall across the 2000 mile Tex-Mex border is an almost impossible from an engineering point of view. It would have to cross major geographical obstacles. The wall could not be monitored and would be subject to sections being destroyed. It could be tunneled under or climbed over easily.

Any other stupid questions?

Oh I forgot, the orange buffoon needs to have his wall like the Great Wall of China or Hadrain's wall.

All good Trump Qunatics MUST give the orange buffoon his wall!!!!
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
I put him on ignore for being too stupid to bother with, so let him spew more garbage. (Btw, I acknowledged the recent incident involved old wall--it's right in my post).
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
I put him on ignore for being too stupid to bother with, so let him spew more garbage. (Btw, I acknowledged the recent incident involved old wall--it's right in my post).
Glad you finally told the truth ya bimbo
I answered all your questions, be gone fly

No, you never answered what OldLady said to inspire you to "wonder about the principles of voting rights." So that's not true. But then it was an absurd thing to say to begin with, so I never really did expect a lucid answer from you.

But even funnier is you bashing her when it was really all due to your own inability to read English, just as I pointed out earlier.

Yes, you did point out the section of wall that was penetrated was in the older wall, not Trumps...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace

But then then you claimed OldLady disagreed with you on that...

... even worse, you then suggested OldLady makes you wonder about voting rights. :ack-1:

But in reality (you should check it out sometime), OldLady DIDN'T disagree with you. She actually agreed with you...

Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.

[emphasis is mine to highlight your illiteracy]

So now that this thread sees the problem is yours, not OldLady's. You can't read. :eusa_doh:
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
I put him on ignore for being too stupid to bother with, so let him spew more garbage. (Btw, I acknowledged the recent incident involved old wall--it's right in my post).
Glad you finally told the truth ya bimbo

What do you mean, "finally?" She agreed with you from the start...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace
Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.

... seems you owe OldLady an apology.
I answered all your questions, be gone fly

No, you never answered what OldLady said to inspire you to "wonder about the principles of voting rights." So that's not true. But then it was an absurd thing to say to begin with, so I never really did expect a lucid answer from you.

But even funnier is you bashing her when it was really all due to your own inability to read English, just as I pointed out earlier.

Yes, you did point out the section of wall that was penetrated was in the older wall, not Trumps...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace

But then then you claimed OldLady disagreed with you on that...

... even worse, you then suggested OldLady makes you wonder about voting rights. :ack-1:

But in reality (you should check it out sometime), OldLady DIDN'T disagree with you. She actually agreed with you...

Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.

[emphasis is mine to highlight your illiteracy]

So now that this thread sees the problem is yours, not OldLady's. You can't read. :eusa_doh:
I said a fact that the car that was hit came through a old wall. Not the Great Wall of trump. And you give me links to things from 2019 2020 lol
I answered all your questions, be gone fly

No, you never answered what OldLady said to inspire you to "wonder about the principles of voting rights." So that's not true. But then it was an absurd thing to say to begin with, so I never really did expect a lucid answer from you.

But even funnier is you bashing her when it was really all due to your own inability to read English, just as I pointed out earlier.

Yes, you did point out the section of wall that was penetrated was in the older wall, not Trumps...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace

But then then you claimed OldLady disagreed with you on that...

... even worse, you then suggested OldLady makes you wonder about voting rights. :ack-1:

But in reality (you should check it out sometime), OldLady DIDN'T disagree with you. She actually agreed with you...

Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.

[emphasis is mine to highlight your illiteracy]

So now that this thread sees the problem is yours, not OldLady's. You can't read. :eusa_doh:
I said a fact that the car that was hit came through a old wall. Not the Great Wall of trump. And you give me links to things from 2019 2020 lol

I gave you no links. You really are disconnected from reality. :cuckoo:
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
I put him on ignore for being too stupid to bother with, so let him spew more garbage. (Btw, I acknowledged the recent incident involved old wall--it's right in my post).
Glad you finally told the truth ya bimbo

What do you mean, "finally?" She agreed with you from the start...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace​
Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.​

... seems you owe OldLady an apology.
Definitely @ me if that ever happens.

Thanks for the defense, btw.
I answered all your questions, be gone fly

No, you never answered what OldLady said to inspire you to "wonder about the principles of voting rights." So that's not true. But then it was an absurd thing to say to begin with, so I never really did expect a lucid answer from you.

But even funnier is you bashing her when it was really all due to your own inability to read English, just as I pointed out earlier.

Yes, you did point out the section of wall that was penetrated was in the older wall, not Trumps...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace

But then then you claimed OldLady disagreed with you on that...

... even worse, you then suggested OldLady makes you wonder about voting rights. :ack-1:

But in reality (you should check it out sometime), OldLady DIDN'T disagree with you. She actually agreed with you...

Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.

[emphasis is mine to highlight your illiteracy]

So now that this thread sees the problem is yours, not OldLady's. You can't read. :eusa_doh:
I said a fact that the car that was hit came through a old wall. Not the Great Wall of trump. And you give me links to things from 2019 2020 lol

I gave you no links. You really are disconnected from reality. :cuckoo:
No the bimbo did you quoted her links same thing.
I was making a Objective observation.. calm down bro
It was a pretty serious "observation." Voting is a constitutional right. You question those rights based on something she [presumably] said, but you can't even say what she said that led you to post that. There was nothing "objective" about what you said.
I put him on ignore for being too stupid to bother with, so let him spew more garbage. (Btw, I acknowledged the recent incident involved old wall--it's right in my post).
Glad you finally told the truth ya bimbo

What do you mean, "finally?" She agreed with you from the start...

That’s old wall that Democrats refuse to replace​
Yes. The new wall is being cut through as well, though.​

... seems you owe OldLady an apology.
Definitely @ me if that ever happens.

Thanks for the defense, btw.
I doubt it will. But will see if he's man enough to own up to his mistakes.

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