Why are black activist agitators showing up in WI to protest the Rittenhouse verdict?

Can one of you fascists even define communist?

Dude, that moment was caught on video and doesn't support your rationalization. Nor does testimony around it.
Wow! You are too fucking stupid to watch a simple video and see what it contains.

Does someone have to remind you to breathe?
What makes you think I'd share anything with you? I have no interest in a collectivist way of life, no interest in an over riding central planning (although if Joe keeps going the ay he is we'll get there).
I get it. You have no idea what those words really mean, but they sound really scary, so you use them to indicate anything you don't like or understand. It's all that can be expected from an uneducated conspiracy theory loving trump supporter.
If Rittenhouse were black…..

He would not have Republicans supporting his case
He would not be a celebrity with the NRA
He would be in prison by now
If he was black, RWNJ’s would be making a big a deal about his being underage and a high school dropout. “Another black kid on his way to thugdom“.
If he was black, RWNJ’s would be making a big a deal about his being underage and a high school dropout. “Another black kid on his way to thugdom“.
Hey look everyone, the resident moron shows up to try to play a lame race card.

Fuck off, it isn't working, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

If George Floyd was white, nobody would know his name. See how this works?
Yeah, the white privilege card has already been played.
How? Please explain in detail how a white guy defending himself from attacks from 3 other white guys is "the white privilege card" being played.

This should be fun.

How? Please explain in detail how a white guy defending himself from attacks from 3 other white guys is "the white privilege card" being played.

This should be fun.

See previous post

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