Why are blacks such cowards?

Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Because they know it's fake, but it's all they have.

There hasn't been anything close to actual racism ever in this country.

The meaning of racism was changed so that segregation, prejudice, and discrimination became the new racism.

Racism is defined as race being a distinguishing characteristic of superiority or inferiority. So you are saying that Jim Crow laws, which were in effect until 1965 and negative image marketing were not by products of racism?

Following are some pictures of some "non racist" ad campaigns from the earlier part of the 20th century.

And before the rest of you have a butt hurt attack about the age of these pictures....remember this is in response to tge statement
Blacks are not cowards when it comes to discussing racism. It's easy to have a straightforward, sincere, interesting, educational conversation with a Black American about race.

Where things go into the toilet is when the PC Police stick their noses into it. That's when any challenge to American Blacks is met with the diversionary scream of "racist!". In a private conversation, an American Black will usually agree that much work needs to be done by everyone.


Yes they are cowards. And no, you can't have a straightforward, sincere, interesting, educational conversation with a Black American about race.

I tried.

You are one person in a population of millions. Just because "you cannot" does not mean others are not able to. Maybe you should re examine what prohibits you.

That is if you really desire to have a two way discussion.
If you only want to be heard, and not listen, that is not a discussion.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Do you mean to say "why don't blacks agree with your opinion"?


That being said, then how is it possible for you to have an honest two way conversation about race when you have stated in this forum that you believe "blacks harbor hatred/animosity towards all white people"?

Most open dialouge that is productive requires some objectivity on both sides.

I stated what I observe. By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.

This is an internet message board. How many black people do you personally know or personally encountered that have openly voiced resentment towards white people in general? And if the answer is yes, what was their reason for feeling that way?
Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Because they know it's fake, but it's all they have.

There hasn't been anything close to actual racism ever in this country.

The meaning of racism was changed so that segregation, prejudice, and discrimination became the new racism.

Racism is defined as race being a distinguishing characteristic of superiority or inferiority. So you are saying that Jim Crow laws, which were in effect until 1965 and negative image marketing were not by products of racism?

Following are some pictures of some "non racist" ad campaigns from the earlier part of the 20th century.

And before the rest of you have a butt hurt attack about the age of these pictures....remember this is in response to tge statement
Blacks are not cowards when it comes to discussing racism. It's easy to have a straightforward, sincere, interesting, educational conversation with a Black American about race.

Where things go into the toilet is when the PC Police stick their noses into it. That's when any challenge to American Blacks is met with the diversionary scream of "racist!". In a private conversation, an American Black will usually agree that much work needs to be done by everyone.


Yes they are cowards. And no, you can't have a straightforward, sincere, interesting, educational conversation with a Black American about race.

I tried.

You are one person in a population of millions. Just because "you cannot" does not mean others are not able to. Maybe you should re examine what prohibits you.

That is if you really desire to have a two way discussion.
If you only want to be heard, and not listen, that is not a discussion.

Jim Crow in my understanding was segregation in public schools and in public facilities. Of course it was based on race relegating blacks as a second class citizen, it was a democrat doctrine and to a large degree they still see blacks as second class. They see blacks as a people that need help in almost every aspect of life, from education and housing to the food on their tables. Why anyone black man of intelligence would vote Democrat is beyond me.
I know that word gets tossed around by both sides. Frankly, I'd like an agreement on what "racist means. Because the very question "Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?" is racist as it starts by lumping people together based upon nothing but race.

How is it possible to discuss racism without discussing race?

It is perfectly possible. Perhaps the problem is you.

Prove it's possible.

Ok. You are a coward. Want to have a serious conversation with me?

Why do you think I'm a coward and are you capable of a serious conversation?

You see your response? Yet you think you can call an entire group of people you have never met "cowards" and then don't think you have anything to do with them not wanting to talk with you. A serious conversation requires both sides to not just talk but to listen. Listening requires you make an attempt to understand the other point of view, not just wait for them to shut up so you can talk.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.

By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.

Human beings are pack animals. Distrusting outsiders is natural behavior. The more isolated the group, the more likely there will be distrust. There will always be people who hate other people because of the way they look, or talk, or where they were born, or what religion, or any of a million other differences. People have killed because they didn't like the sports team the other person supported.

You can't control this in other people. You can only control it in yourself.
Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Do you mean to say "why don't blacks agree with your opinion"?


That being said, then how is it possible for you to have an honest two way conversation about race when you have stated in this forum that you believe "blacks harbor hatred/animosity towards all white people"?

Most open dialouge that is productive requires some objectivity on both sides.

I stated what I observe. By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
I don't believe all black people resent all white people but they certainly have reason to do so. Our history of marginalizing them and keeping them from buying homes in nice neighborhoods has resulted in generational poverty. We won't even bring up slavery.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?

By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?


No. I'm trying to figure out why you think it will get ugly. Its no worse now than it was in the past, and it hasn't gotten ugly yet. Maybe I should have asked what you meant by "ugly".
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?


No. I'm trying to figure out why you think it will get ugly. Its no worse now than it was in the past, and it hasn't gotten ugly yet. Maybe I should have asked what you meant by "ugly".
I disagree that it's not worse now, I think it's deteriorating, and a majority of Americans agree with me (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/us/negative-view-of-us-race-relations-grows-poll-finds.html?_r=0).

I think it's quite possible we're going to see increased violence as a result.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?


No. I'm trying to figure out why you think it will get ugly. Its no worse now than it was in the past, and it hasn't gotten ugly yet. Maybe I should have asked what you meant by "ugly".
I disagree that it's not worse now, I think it's deteriorating, and a majority of Americans agree with me (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/us/negative-view-of-us-race-relations-grows-poll-finds.html?_r=0).

I think it's quite possible we're going to see increased violence as a result.

More cops killing unarmed black people. I should hope not. The opposite should prevail.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?

The way things are now are mild compared to the way things were in the past. Mild doesnt mean ok. It all relative.
So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.
Well, the process is definitely slowed down by those who want to slow it down, I can't argue.

But if this gets much worse, it could get ugly.


Much worse than what?
Um, than the way things are now.

Is this a trick question?


No. I'm trying to figure out why you think it will get ugly. Its no worse now than it was in the past, and it hasn't gotten ugly yet. Maybe I should have asked what you meant by "ugly".
I disagree that it's not worse now, I think it's deteriorating, and a majority of Americans agree with me (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/05/us/negative-view-of-us-race-relations-grows-poll-finds.html?_r=0).

I think it's quite possible we're going to see increased violence as a result.

That may only happen if whites keep displaying their racism.

GA principal fired after making black people remark - CNN.com
How is it possible to discuss racism without discussing race?

It is perfectly possible. Perhaps the problem is you.

Prove it's possible.

Ok. You are a coward. Want to have a serious conversation with me?

Why do you think I'm a coward and are you capable of a serious conversation?

You see your response? Yet you think you can call an entire group of people you have never met "cowards" and then don't think you have anything to do with them not wanting to talk with you. A serious conversation requires both sides to not just talk but to listen. Listening requires you make an attempt to understand the other point of view, not just wait for them to shut up so you can talk.

Of course I do, I wrote it.

And yes I can call an entire group cowards if I so desire. It's called freedom. Free to express one's views, free to have an opinion....etc.

I'm waiting for other points of views, but so far all I've seen is whining.
Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Do you mean to say "why don't blacks agree with your opinion"?


That being said, then how is it possible for you to have an honest two way conversation about race when you have stated in this forum that you believe "blacks harbor hatred/animosity towards all white people"?

Most open dialouge that is productive requires some objectivity on both sides.

I stated what I observe. By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
I don't believe all black people resent all white people but they certainly have reason to do so. Our history of marginalizing them and keeping them from buying homes in nice neighborhoods has resulted in generational poverty. We won't even bring up slavery.
You will find that most Black people dont resent all white people. They may resent what they stand for but that rarely bleeds over into dislike for an individual white person.
Why are blacks such cowards when it comes to discussing racism?

Do you mean to say "why don't blacks agree with your opinion"?


That being said, then how is it possible for you to have an honest two way conversation about race when you have stated in this forum that you believe "blacks harbor hatred/animosity towards all white people"?

Most open dialouge that is productive requires some objectivity on both sides.

I stated what I observe. By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
I don't believe all black people resent all white people but they certainly have reason to do so. Our history of marginalizing them and keeping them from buying homes in nice neighborhoods has resulted in generational poverty. We won't even bring up slavery.

I stated:
"blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way"

Your first sentence indicates you didn't fully understand my statement.

No one is keeping them from buying nice homes in nice neighborhoods, so stop with the bullshit. As a matter of fact the government forces banks to make house loans to people that can't afford them. That's what got us into the recession to begin with.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.

Human beings are pack animals. Distrusting outsiders is natural behavior. The more isolated the group, the more likely there will be distrust. There will always be people who hate other people because of the way they look, or talk, or where they were born, or what religion, or any of a million other differences. People have killed because they didn't like the sports team the other person supported.

You can't control this in other people. You can only control it in yourself.

Pack animals?

Have you ever owned a pack animal? I have and they are very trusting animals.
By all accounts blacks resent whites, of course I'm generalizing, I know not all blacks feel that way but I believe the majority do. Take assclapius for example, he believes that everything the white man has was stolen form the black man. That sounds like resentment to me.
Just remember that, if that's the case, they were raised in a culture that fed into that. Anyone, anyone who is raised in such a culture is more likely to feel that way, even worse when it becomes inter-generational.

You can't turn a culture around on a dime, and sadly, too many have a vested political interest in actively maintaining the status quo, slowing the process down even more.

So if the culture is one that harbors animosity then there is no way to change it, the culture is what it is and if anything it's getting worse. So I guess the only thing to do is accept the fact that some blacks hate whites and vice versa and deal with it.

Human beings are pack animals. Distrusting outsiders is natural behavior. The more isolated the group, the more likely there will be distrust. There will always be people who hate other people because of the way they look, or talk, or where they were born, or what religion, or any of a million other differences. People have killed because they didn't like the sports team the other person supported.

You can't control this in other people. You can only control it in yourself.

Pack animals?

Have you ever owned a pack animal? I have and they are very trusting animals.
Like wolves stupid. Not pack animals that carry stuff.

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