Why are democrats so ungrateful ?

From my link..

Former MSNBC anchor Toure was far more vocal, tweeting out "F--k Independence Day. Not only were we not free, the whole reason the Colonies wanted independence was because Britain was moving toward abolishing slavery. Why would Black people celebrate a day so wrapped up in our enslavement?"

He also tweeted out his own opinion piece for the website The Grio titled "F--k Fourth of July: The only independence day I recognize is Juneteenth."
Why are a few democrats saying what is on their mind and some see it as being ungrateful?

Isn't this a day that commemorates the adoption of the declaration of independence. Declaring independence from GB. The right to be free.

Is it written how some should interpret this. The right to be free.

They the colonies have a right to reject the power of GB because the colonies were not treated justly.

People have a right to interpret this as they see fit. If they see injustice then is the 4th of July a good day to bring that injustice to light.

On the other side of the coin people can just have a party.
A knuckledragging soulless shit beast like cory bush hates America.

Something like that should be shunned, ignored, and laughed at.

I'll do my part.
Ah because they are lazy fat ass mooching losers.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four more pointing back at you.

Virtually all of the leftists posting in this forum are retirees. There are a lot of conservatives posting in this form who claim to be 30, 40 and 50 somethings. They also claim to be entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Yet they’re here all day long making 30+ posts a day. One would think people in their peak earning years would be using that time to make more money rather than posting for free on a bulletin board.

When my crafting business gets orders I stop posting all together. I guess their businesses aren’t very busy at all.

Unless I’m in lockdown, I don’t make anywhere near that number of posts. Yesterday I went to the farmers market. Today I’m making jam and watching tennis. Later I’ll. Go over to check on my plants and tend to them.

We reopened last week, so there’s more opportunities to get out and shop. In restaurant dining isn’t open but patios are!!!
Ah because they are lazy fat ass mooching losers.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four more pointing back at you.

Virtually all of the leftists posting in this forum are retirees. There are a lot of conservatives posting in this form who claim to be 30, 40 and 50 somethings. They also claim to be entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Yet they’re here all day long making 30+ posts a day. One would think people in their peak earning years would be using that time to make more money rather than posting for free on a bulletin board.

When my crafting business gets orders I stop posting all together. I guess their businesses aren’t very busy at all.

Unless I’m in lockdown, I don’t make anywhere near that number of posts. Yesterday I went to the farmers market. Today I’m making jam and watching tennis. Later I’ll. Go over to check on my plants and tend to them.

We reopened last week, so there’s more opportunities to get out and shop. In restaurant dining isn’t open but patios are!!!
I pay my share and the share for many mooching deadbeats too lazy to work a job. Getting pretty tired of the mooching deadbeats expecting me to work overtime to pay THEIR bills. :45:
Fine. If July 4th is such a bad day, FUCK IT.

I will celebrate March 2 as independence day, and push to seceded from the union that has done nothing but fuck everything up and make black people inferior.

Remember the Alamo!!! Remember Goliad!!!
Fine. If July 4th is such a bad day, FUCK IT.

I will celebrate March 2 as independence day, and push to seceded from the union that has done nothing but fuck everything up and make black people inferior.

Remember the Alamo!!! Remember Goliad!!!
imo it's just that if you're a "blue eyed devil" (-: you probably just need to accept the fact that a black person does not share the same "cultural appreciation" of July 4 as you do. But if you're a white or black person, you probably should consider the fact that lots of black people who were denied rights fought (literally in some cases) so others could be fully equal to white americans, and they did that because they saw something worthwhile in being an american.
This is what happens when history isn't taught correctly in public schools.
Are you under the impression black people were freed on independence day?
Last I checked there isn't a slave that is still alive. Minorities have it better here than they can anywhere else. They should be grateful they live in this wonderful country.
This is what happens when history isn't taught correctly in public schools.
Are you under the impression black people were freed on independence day?
Last I checked there isn't a slave that is still alive. Minorities have it better here than they can anywhere else. They should be grateful they live in this wonderful country.
Ice dodge, but it's not gonna work. Answer the question.

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