why are dems trying to impeach when the election is only 1 year away ?

i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ??? the truth is two fold 1st they know they are going to lose in 2020 especially with the radicals running on their side ....2nd and most importantly they think that by keeping the Trump administration preoccupied with false allegations that it would deflect attention and resources from their own crimes !! heck this time they are trying to impeach Trump for something Biden admitted to on national television ! but unfortunately for them Trump does not wilt under pressure !! he thrives !
Because they've got nothing and nobody to run and they know it so there is nothing to lose. They already know they can't possibly beat Trump in an election. It's called a desperation play.
And now this latest desperation play has just cost them some senate seats and the slim majority in the house so now that too will be gone and the democratic party is done for. Super majorities in both houses would kill them off for good making room for another more legitimate party to take its place. And that would not be a bad thing because today's democratic party is nothing more than a distraction and an impediment for the nation as a whole.
I certainly the abject stupidity of the American voter doesn't disappoint your optimism.
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ??? the truth is two fold 1st they know they are going to lose in 2020 especially with the radicals running on their side ....2nd and most importantly they think that by keeping the Trump administration preoccupied with false allegations that it would deflect attention and resources from their own crimes !! heck this time they are trying to impeach Trump for something Biden admitted to on national television ! but unfortunately for them Trump does not wilt under pressure !! he thrives !
Because they've got nothing and nobody to run and they know it so there is nothing to lose. They already know they can't possibly beat Trump in an election. It's called a desperation play.
And now this latest desperation play has just cost them some senate seats and the slim majority in the house so now that too will be gone and the democratic party is done for. Super majorities in both houses would kill them off for good making room for another more legitimate party to take its place. And that would not be a bad thing because today's democratic party is nothing more than a distraction and an impediment for the nation as a whole.
I certainly the abject stupidity of the American voter doesn't disappoint your optimism.
Well if that much of the American public is that damn cluless and stupid then we likely deserve to have what's coming to us.
There is an old old saying that goes something like this. The people of any nation will ultimately get the government that they truly deserve.
they are using impeachment to suppress GOP voter turn-out
Do you think that will work?
It has worked before.
The Dems said that they would impeach President George H. W. Bush if he was reelected, and he was not reelected.

Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials - Wikipedia

On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21.
they are using impeachment to suppress GOP voter turn-out
Do you think that will work?
It has worked before.
The Dems said that they would impeach President George H. W. Bush if he was reelected, and he was not reelected.

Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials - Wikipedia

On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21.

Yep to not reelected
Nope to why
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ??? the truth is two fold 1st they know they are going to lose in 2020 especially with the radicals running on their side ....2nd and most importantly they think that by keeping the Trump administration preoccupied with false allegations that it would deflect attention and resources from their own crimes !! heck this time they are trying to impeach Trump for something Biden admitted to on national television ! but unfortunately for them Trump does not wilt under pressure !! he thrives !
Demtards tipped their hands.

Hail Mary...
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ??? the truth is two fold 1st they know they are going to lose in 2020 especially with the radicals running on their side ....2nd and most importantly they think that by keeping the Trump administration preoccupied with false allegations that it would deflect attention and resources from their own crimes !! heck this time they are trying to impeach Trump for something Biden admitted to on national television ! but unfortunately for them Trump does not wilt under pressure !! he thrives !
They know they can't beat him in the election, hell, Pelosi can't even pass a resolution to have an impeachment inquiry.

Bombshells But No Wrongdoing In Trump Phone Conversation with Ukraine’s President.

Ukraine, Donald Trump and Joe Biden — Quid Pro No

It appears that the DNC Server — the one that was hacked and set off the whole Trump-Russia mania — is in the Ukraine. This from the memo:

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot. of things that went on, the whole situation .. I think you’re _surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.
Holy smokes!!! What in the world is going on with that? This stinks to high heaven.

One of the most corrupt aspects of the entire Trump-Russia coup attempt was the FBI’s failure to secure and investigate the DNC server. You remember, of course, that the DNC claimed Russia hacked its server. The DNC based this claim upon a report from Crowdstrike, a computer analytic firm that Perkins Coie hired on the DNC’s behalf. Because the DNC refused to hand its serve to the FBI / DOJ, those agencies could only clutch to their collective breasts a redacted, draft version of the Crowdstrike report. It was this report, based upon a server they never analyzed, that the FBI / DOJ used as a foundation for the Trump investigation.

Why in the living hell would the DNC server be in the Ukraine?

Trump said that people in the Ukraine were involved both in the hoax and in meddling with the 2016 campaign.

U.S. Attorney John Durham is investigating Ukraine’s role in the 2016 FBI probe of President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, the Department of Justice confirmed Wednesday. . . .

“A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election,” DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement.

Ms. Kupec said Ukrainians who are not government officials have already volunteered information as part of the probe. She also said that Mr. Barr has not yet contacted the Ukrainian government over the investigation. . . .
A few points: One, this is starting to sound like a Tom Clancy novel. Two, it is no wonder that some people are near frantic to impeach Trump and short circuit the investigation into the Trump-Russia coup. Three, the MSM is studiously ignoring any part of the transcript Trump released that doesn’t deal directly with Biden. This means that the MSM’s audience, unless its members are curious enough to read the transcript themselves, will never know about the peculiar relationship between the DNC and Ukraine or about the missing DNC server that triggered the whole Russiagate hoax.

Trump did not propose a quid pro quo nor did he commit any wrongdoing vis-a-vis his phone conversation with Ukraine’s president. Biden predicated previously-agreed-upon financial aid to Ukraine by demanding at the last minute that Ukraine agree to fire the prosecutor general investigating his son. There is nothing in the transcript that sees Trump saying “I’m doing nothing for you unless you first do this for me.”

Nor did Trump propose aid in return for investigating Joe Biden’s corrupt act. It is apparent that, while Trump’s request for a follow-up investigation occurred in the context of other agreed-upon exchanges of goods and services (so to speak), none of these other arrangements were contingent upon Ukraine agreeing with Trump’s request.

Most importantly, perhaps, as to those things the President of the Ukraine indicated that he intended to investigate, the only promises he made to President Trump were to conduct open and fair investigations and to provide honest information.

Crazy Nancy has given in to the radical fringe of her party (as an aside, it was not long ago that she was the radical fringe) and is still trying to keep the dream alive. She issued this statement today, slanderous, as it was based on falsehoods.

This is Biden’s Waterloo
Biden is already in trouble, running a moribund campaign and falling behind Sitting Bull in the latest national poll. This transcript turns the spotlight onto Biden’s corrupt act in the Ukraine, a topic that will be invoked endlessly as long as it is in the news. And it is just going to get worse when all of the China corruption involving Hunter Biden is forced into the mainstream. Biden doesn't survive this. And the real irony of it all is that the “whistleblower’s” lead attorney has donated to Biden.
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ??? the truth is two fold 1st they know they are going to lose in 2020 especially with the radicals running on their side ....2nd and most importantly they think that by keeping the Trump administration preoccupied with false allegations that it would deflect attention and resources from their own crimes !! heck this time they are trying to impeach Trump for something Biden admitted to on national television ! but unfortunately for them Trump does not wilt under pressure !! he thrives !
They know they can't beat him in the election, hell, Pelosi can't even pass a resolution to have an impeachment inquiry.

Bombshells But No Wrongdoing In Trump Phone Conversation with Ukraine’s President.

Ukraine, Donald Trump and Joe Biden — Quid Pro No

It appears that the DNC Server — the one that was hacked and set off the whole Trump-Russia mania — is in the Ukraine. This from the memo:

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike … I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot. of things that went on, the whole situation .. I think you’re _surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it.
Holy smokes!!! What in the world is going on with that? This stinks to high heaven.

One of the most corrupt aspects of the entire Trump-Russia coup attempt was the FBI’s failure to secure and investigate the DNC server. You remember, of course, that the DNC claimed Russia hacked its server. The DNC based this claim upon a report from Crowdstrike, a computer analytic firm that Perkins Coie hired on the DNC’s behalf. Because the DNC refused to hand its serve to the FBI / DOJ, those agencies could only clutch to their collective breasts a redacted, draft version of the Crowdstrike report. It was this report, based upon a server they never analyzed, that the FBI / DOJ used as a foundation for the Trump investigation.

Why in the living hell would the DNC server be in the Ukraine?

Trump said that people in the Ukraine were involved both in the hoax and in meddling with the 2016 campaign.

U.S. Attorney John Durham is investigating Ukraine’s role in the 2016 FBI probe of President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, the Department of Justice confirmed Wednesday. . . .

“A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election,” DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in a statement.

Ms. Kupec said Ukrainians who are not government officials have already volunteered information as part of the probe. She also said that Mr. Barr has not yet contacted the Ukrainian government over the investigation. . . .
A few points: One, this is starting to sound like a Tom Clancy novel. Two, it is no wonder that some people are near frantic to impeach Trump and short circuit the investigation into the Trump-Russia coup. Three, the MSM is studiously ignoring any part of the transcript Trump released that doesn’t deal directly with Biden. This means that the MSM’s audience, unless its members are curious enough to read the transcript themselves, will never know about the peculiar relationship between the DNC and Ukraine or about the missing DNC server that triggered the whole Russiagate hoax.

Trump did not propose a quid pro quo nor did he commit any wrongdoing vis-a-vis his phone conversation with Ukraine’s president. Biden predicated previously-agreed-upon financial aid to Ukraine by demanding at the last minute that Ukraine agree to fire the prosecutor general investigating his son. There is nothing in the transcript that sees Trump saying “I’m doing nothing for you unless you first do this for me.”

Nor did Trump propose aid in return for investigating Joe Biden’s corrupt act. It is apparent that, while Trump’s request for a follow-up investigation occurred in the context of other agreed-upon exchanges of goods and services (so to speak), none of these other arrangements were contingent upon Ukraine agreeing with Trump’s request.

Most importantly, perhaps, as to those things the President of the Ukraine indicated that he intended to investigate, the only promises he made to President Trump were to conduct open and fair investigations and to provide honest information.

Crazy Nancy has given in to the radical fringe of her party (as an aside, it was not long ago that she was the radical fringe) and is still trying to keep the dream alive. She issued this statement today, slanderous, as it was based on falsehoods.

This is Biden’s Waterloo
Biden is already in trouble, running a moribund campaign and falling behind Sitting Bull in the latest national poll. This transcript turns the spotlight onto Biden’s corrupt act in the Ukraine, a topic that will be invoked endlessly as long as it is in the news. And it is just going to get worse when all of the China corruption involving Hunter Biden is forced into the mainstream. Biden doesn't survive this. And the real irony of it all is that the “whistleblower’s” lead attorney has donated to Biden.
i would not want this guy coming after me .....the dems are scared [rightfully] shitless . John-H.-Durham-.jpg
Ignore the hype — this is not an impeachment inquiry.

“What is portrayed as an ‘impeachment inquiry’ is actually just a made-for-cable-TV political soap opera. The House of Representatives is not conducting a formal impeachment inquiry. To the contrary, congressional Democrats are conducting the 2020 political campaign.”
There is no impeachment inquiry. There are no subpoenas.

The House has not voted as a body to authorize an impeachment inquiry. What we have are partisan theatrics, proceeding under the ipse dixit of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). It raises the profile, but not the legitimacy, of the same “impeachment inquiry” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) previously tried to abracadabra into being without a committee vote.

Moreover, there are no subpoenas. As Secretary Pompeo observed in his fittingly tart response on Tuesday, what the committee chairmen issued was merely a letter. Its huffing and puffing notwithstanding, the letter is nothing more than an informal request for voluntary cooperation. Legally, it has no compulsive power.

The Democrats, of course, hope you don’t notice that the House is not conducting a formal impeachment inquiry. They are using the guise of frenetic activity by several standing committees — Intelligence, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Reform, Financial Services, and Ways and Means — whose normal oversight functions are being gussied up to look like serious impeachment business.

But standing committees do have subpoena power, so why not use it? Well, because subpoenas get litigated in court when the people or agencies on the receiving end object. Democrats want to have an impeachment show — um, inquiry — on television; they do not want to defend its bona fides in court.

They certainly do not want to defend their letter. The Democrats’ media scribes note the chairmen’s admonition that any failure by Pompeo to comply “shall constitute evidence of obstruction of the House’s impeachment inquiry.” What a crock.

In criminal proceedings, prosecutors demand information all the time and witnesses often resist — just as congressional Democrats encouraged the Justice Department and FBI to resist when Republican-controlled committees were trying to investigate such matters as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse. Presumptively, resisting an information request is not evidence of obstruction. It is evidence that the recipient of the demand believes he or she has a legal privilege that excuses compliance. The recipient can be wrong about that without being guilty of obstruction.

Congressional Democrats know this, of course — many of them are lawyers. They are issuing partisan letters that pose legally offensive threats, rather than subpoenas, because this is a show, not an impeachment inquiry. Subpoenas don’t require chest-beating about obstruction. Everyone knows they are compulsory, but everyone also knows they may be challenged in court. Such challenges take time, though, and Democrats are in a hurry to close this show after a short run.

The courts maintain their authority to protect the legal rights of persons and institutions ensnared in kangaroo tribunals. The fact that House Democrats invite you to their circus does not require you to beclown yourself.

Any competent court asked to evaluate a demand for information under the rubric of impeachment will observe that the process has a history. When the Framers debated whether to include an impeachment clause in the Constitution, they had serious concerns. They were designing a separation-of-powers system that endowed the coordinate branches with checks and balances to police each other. They understood that impeachment authority was necessary, but feared it would give the legislature too much power over the executive.
The framers also worried that impeachment could be politicized. If it were too easy to do procedurally, or it could be resorted to for trifling acts of maladministration, factions opposed to the president would be tempted to try to overturn elections and grind the government to a halt.

To address these concerns, the Framers adopted a burdensome standard — high crimes and misdemeanors (in addition to treason and bribery) — that would restrict impeachable offenses to truly egregious abuses of power. Then they erected an even higher bar: a two-thirds supermajority requirement for conviction in the Senate.

All this was to ensure that the electoral will of the people must never be overturned in the absence of misconduct so severe that it results in a broad consensus that the nation’s well-being requires removing the president from power.

Although the House has the raw power to file articles of impeachment based on frivolous allegations and minor abuses, the Senate supermajority requirement for removal is designed to have a sobering effect on the lower chamber. Impeachment should not be sought out of partisanship. There must be misconduct that would convince objective Americans, regardless of their politics, that the president must be ousted — not merely criticized or censured, but stripped of authority.

Any reasonable judge asked to weigh the demands for information presented to Pompeo would not give them the time of day. They do not reflect the judgment of the House. They are reflective, instead, of partisan House leadership that realizes it does not have impeachable offenses — so much so that Pelosi & Co. fear the wrath of voters if Democrats in districts friendly to President Trump are put to the test of voting to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry.

Every presidential impeachment inquiry, from Andrew Johnson through Bill Clinton, has been the subject of bipartisan consultation and debate. The House has recognized that its legitimacy, and the legitimacy of its most solemn actions, must be based on the consideration of the whole body, not the diktat of a few partisan bosses.

Not this one. This one is a misadventure in exactly the bare-knuckles partisanship the Framers feared. To be sure, no one has the power to prevent willful House leadership from misbehaving this way. But we’re not required to pretend the charade is real.

Democrats are mulishly determined to ram through an article of impeachment or two, regardless of whether the State Department and other agencies cooperate in the farce. Their base wants the scarlet-letter “I” attached to Trump. The party hopes to rally the troops for the 2020 campaign against Trump (although smarter Democrats know it could boomerang on them).

If Democrats truly thought they had a case, they wouldn’t be in such a rush — they’d want everyone to have time to study it. But they don’t have a case, so instead they’re giving us a show.
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ???

Because is a dangerous lunatic who is committing crimes right now!
i mean think about it ! if Trump is so corrupt and unpopular like the left keeps claiming why are they taking the risk of politically damaging themselves if impeachment fails to remove Trump ?? especially with the election right around the corner !! the dems are always claiming how unpopular and corrupt Trump is why wouldnt they just wait and trounce him in a few months ???

Because is a dangerous lunatic who is committing crimes right now!
Yeah right.

Former CIA Officer: Trump Impeachment 'Hoax' "Very Similar To A KGB Operation"

"...people have got to understand this is another shadow government Deep State operation actually trying to remove the President..."
Trump couldn't force NK to end nuke program, Trombies blame the media.

Trump gets no wall built, Trombies blame the Dems.

Trump increases deficit while growth lags, Trombies blame the Fed.

Trump fails to grow his base and faces almost certain defeat in 2020, Trombies blame congressional oversight.

Trump couldn't force NK to end nuke program, Trombies blame the media.

Trump gets no wall built, Trombies blame the Dems.

Trump increases deficit while growth lags, Trombies blame the Fed.

Trump fails to grow his base and faces almost certain defeat in 2020, Trombies blame congressional oversight.

Growth "lags" what? Obama's last year was 1.6% which we were assured was the "new normal". The first half of 2019 averaged 2.6% growth. The current quarter Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0%, so growth "lags" what exactly?
Trump couldn't force NK to end nuke program, Trombies blame the media.

Trump gets no wall built, Trombies blame the Dems.

Trump increases deficit while growth lags, Trombies blame the Fed.

Trump fails to grow his base and faces almost certain defeat in 2020, Trombies blame congressional oversight.

Growth "lags" what? Obama's last year was 1.6% which we were assured was the "new normal". The first half of 2019 averaged 2.6% growth. The current quarter Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0%, so growth "lags" what exactly?


What growth rate did Trump PROMISE you?

What did he say would happen to the deficit?

Trump couldn't force NK to end nuke program, Trombies blame the media.

Trump gets no wall built, Trombies blame the Dems.

Trump increases deficit while growth lags, Trombies blame the Fed.

Trump fails to grow his base and faces almost certain defeat in 2020, Trombies blame congressional oversight.

Growth "lags" what? Obama's last year was 1.6% which we were assured was the "new normal". The first half of 2019 averaged 2.6% growth. The current quarter Blue Chip Consensus is 2.0%, so growth "lags" what exactly?


What growth rate did Trump PROMISE you?

What did he say would happen to the deficit?

All you can come up with is insults? Sad! Trump's growth over his first full 9 quarters is 33% stronger than Obama's "new normal" which we were all told should be all we can expect.

I now leave you to your frustrations.

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