Why are guns so important to Americans?

Actually, they have all served in the military. Of the 100 million plus US males over the age of 18, how many have served in the military? See the difference yet, or do I need to type more slowly...

So now you are claiming someone having served in the military would never commit a crime while still claiming every male in the Country does not have a rifle with ammo in their closet.

If you are going to claim training matters, then you should take to task the gun grabbers, they curtailed gun training starting in the 60's.
So now you are claiming someone having served in the military would never commit a crime while still claiming every male in the Country does not have a rifle with ammo in their closet.

If you are going to claim training matters, then you should take to task the gun grabbers, they curtailed gun training starting in the 60's.
I am not trying to argue with this question. Do you think gun owners should have gun training? EVen though I am a liberal I have no problem with the NRA, for they have programs for children on gun safety.
I am not trying to argue with this question. Do you think gun owners should have gun training? EVen though I am a liberal I have no problem with the NRA, for they have programs for children on gun safety.

Formal training? Nope. However anyone with alf a brain should get some kind of training. Used to be schools taught that in some areas of the country and of course my grandfather and father taught me about shooting.
Formal training? Nope. However anyone with alf a brain should get some kind of training. Used to be schools taught that in some areas of the country and of course my grandfather and father taught me about shooting.
Thanks! But some people are stupid who own guns. Maybe you should have to join the NRA if you are a gun owner! I don't know I just wanted to know what you thought.
He doesn't believe in legislating every breath we take, I imagine. I know I don't.
He doesn't believe in legislating every breath we take, I imagine. I know I don't.
I am sure he doesn't I was just asking a question because I really don't know how I believe on the subject! I know I don't believe in banning guns because it wouldn't solve the problem. I just figured he knew more about it then me.
Lies, lies, lies.......

The Japanese have no guns, and they have almost no gun violence.
Is your premise the assertion that there's no violence other than gun violence?

I would like to point out that Persians do not have chop-sticks, and they don't have chop-stick violence either. Is it valid of me to confine the definition of violence to chop-stick violence so I can conclude that Persians are not violent?
This isn't entirely true. The guns are distributed and owned by the army, and are not intended for personal use.

The differance being that no one has a right to have those gun, they have a duty to have them.
Then I submit that rather than "owners" they are "possesors", and still don't run around blowing folks away in the manner asserted by those who argue possession of assualt weapons causes violence.
You have some problem with::eusa_whistle:

I'm not the fucktard bringing in "anecdotal evidece."

Uh, no::lol: #1 means "number one". I am pointing, and laughing at you, fucktard. :lol:

A little reminder:

You are getting mixed up aren't you little guy. You said the UK was number 1 AFTER South Africa. Go back and reread your post. Er, no it is number one before south africa..Now, I'm laughing at you ijit :lol::lol:

That aside, where on your link does it say that they are UN stats?? It is a link to nationmaster who btw, doesn't state what year the stats have been collected (although you say it is 2002 - great Dumbfuck! six year old stats really help your argument!! NOT!)

That aside, your links have absolutely NO credibility for several reasons, but I'll just give one. Kidnapping. UK is first, with Iceland coming in last on 2. Wow. No US in there. So out of a nation of 300 million people, according to Loki's great stats, the US had no kidnappings. But wait! Whoops! Look at this: CNN.com - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog
According to this link alone, 115 kids are kidnapped every year in the States, let alone other folk. Before you say it is a blog, I can find stories in your media until the cows come home on kidnappings in the US.
So what is your explanation for the stats you have supplied, other than the fact nationmaster says it "collects" them from the CIA and other govt agencies? Don't you think the US missing from your kidnapping stats is kinda relevent??

Finally, just because I did a comparative of violence and used guns, doesn't mean i believe that to be the FULL and final argument. This is about polite societies, and as I am showing you, your guns don't tend to make you guys more polite, although using your own statistical source, when it does come to GUN violence (and yes, I am NOW being deliberate), you do come in fourth behind such wonderful first world nations as Thailand, Columbia and South Africa. NationMaster - Murders with firearms (most recent) by country Bravo!! :clap2: Polite indeed...
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Well, not that I want to cause any trouble in your original debate, but I can at least supply you with some more facts:

Swedish Armed Forces

So, far from every male adult has a weapon.

I wonder why the Swedish government feels it is important for a its citizens to be armed with "Inferior" assault weapons to defend its nation?? Since....of course....according to some posters here.....they would most likely run like cowards and leave their piddley "pea-shooters" behind.
You are getting mixed up aren't you little guy. You said the UK was number 1 AFTER South Africa. Go back and reread your post. Er, no it is number one before south africa..Now, I'm laughing at you ijit :lol::lol:

That aside, where on your link does it say that they are UN stats?? It is a link to nationmaster who btw, doesn't state what year the stats have been collected (although you say it is 2002 - great Dumbfuck! six year old stats really help your argument!! NOT!)

That aside, your links have absolutely NO credibility for several reasons, but I'll just give one. Kidnapping. UK is first, with Iceland coming in last on 2. Wow. No US in there. So out of a nation of 300 million people, according to Loki's great stats, the US had no kidnappings. But wait! Whoops! Look at this: CNN.com - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog
According to this link alone, 115 kids are kidnapped every year in the States, let alone other folk. Before you say it is a blog, I can find stories in your media until the cows come home on kidnappings in the US.
So what is your explanation for the stats you have supplied, other than the fact nationmaster says it "collects" them from the CIA and other govt agencies? Don't you think the US missing from your kidnapping stats is kinda relevent??

Finally, just because I did a comparative of violence and used guns, doesn't mean i believe that to be the FULL and final argument. This is about polite societies, and as I am showing you, your guns don't tend to make you guys more polite, although using your own statistical source, when it does come to GUN violence (and yes, I am NOW being deliberate), you do come in fourth behind such wonderful first world nations as Thailand, Columbia and South Africa. NationMaster - Murders with firearms (most recent) by country Bravo!! :clap2: Polite indeed...

You are getting mixed up aren't you little guy. You said the UK was number 1 AFTER South Africa. Go back and reread your post. Er, no it is number one before south africa..Now, I'm laughing at you ijit :lol::lol:
If you consider having more kidnappings to be better, fine; the UK is ahead of South Africa in kidnappings. BRAVO! I'm fully convinced, And you said The UK was #2 where it clearly was not.

That aside, where on your link does it say that they are UN stats??

It is a link to nationmaster who btw, doesn't state what year the stats have been collected (although you say it is 2002 - great Dumbfuck! six year old stats really help your argument!! NOT!)
The statistics I'm providing are proving far more than your unsupported assertions.

That aside, your links have absolutely NO credibility for several reasons, but I'll just give one. Kidnapping. UK is first, with Iceland coming in last on 2. Wow. No US in there. So out of a nation of 300 million people, according to Loki's great stats, the US had no kidnappings.
First, these are not my statisics; Secondly, just because the U.S, didn't make the top 39, doesn't mean I'm asserting that there were no kidnappings.

But wait! Whoops! Look at this: CNN.com - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog
According to this link alone, 115 kids are kidnapped every year in the States, let alone other folk. Before you say it is a blog, I can find stories in your media until the cows come home on kidnappings in the US.
Ok. DUDE, A FUCKING BLOG!!!:lol::lol::lol:


Certainly none that have refuted a single fact I have provided.

So what is your explanation for the stats you have supplied, other than the fact nationmaster says it "collects" them from the CIA and other govt agencies? Don't you think the US missing from your kidnapping stats is kinda relevent??
Sure. It means that the U.S. is not in the list top 39 nations for kidnapping. It's a relevency you seem to not wish to recognize.

Finally, just because I did a comparative of violence and used guns, doesn't mean i believe that to be the FULL and final argument. This is about polite societies, and as I am showing you, your guns don't tend to make you guys more polite, although using your own statistical source, when it does come to GUN violence (and yes, I am NOW being deliberate), you do come in fourth behind such wonderful first world nations as Thailand, Columbia and South Africa. NationMaster - Murders with firearms (most recent) by country Bravo!! :clap2: Polite indeed...
Which demonstrates exactly what Grump? That having guns, Americans use them? Where do you intend to go with that?
:The statistics I'm providing are proving far more than your unsupported assertions.

Apparently not. They don't even state how many kidnappings there are in the US, so one wonders what else they are missing out on..

First, these are not my statisics; Secondly, just because the U.S, didn't make the top 39, doesn't mean I'm asserting that there were no kidnappings.

Well why use such superfluous stats if it appears you do not believe in them yourself..

:And you have NO FUCKING STORIES, OR STATISTICS AT ALL!!!! Certainly none that have refuted a single fact I have provided.

I certainly have refuted the kidnapping stats and if you honestly believe 1) that your stats are reputable (with no mention of the US in there) then 2) I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska..:lol::lol::lol: And see that part I bolded in your response. That you think they are FACTS, is half the problem..

Sure. It means that the U.S. is not in the list top 39 nations for kidnapping. It's a relevency you seem to not wish to recognize.

Which means it had to have less than 2 in the whole year (whichever year it was, because your stat doesn't say - yet another chink in your armour). Again, if you think the US had less than 2 kidnappings in a year, you are delusional..:cool::cool:

Which demonstrates exactly what Grump? That having guns, Americans use them? Where do you intend to go with that?

It demonstrates I am 11 times more likely to be killed in the US by a gun than I am in NZ. As I said, a polite society indeed...:cuckoo:
I am very anti gun. I think they should all be collected and melted down to make something useful. When i say this most people look at me like I am crazy. You may too. I just want to know why people feel the need to have them. Please explain this need if you would be so kind.

Great question...

The reason is that everyone on earth is not a pansy... living on the hope tha tsomeone else will be there to protect them should they be so unfortunate to come across a sub-human who has been raised upon the idiocy of leftism and feels entitled to that which belongs to you.

Now I own and train with firearms so as to defend against those who may be so foolish as to try and bring injury or loss to myself or those in my immediate presence... I do this because I recognize that my life and the lives of those around me are gifts from our creator and that the right inherent to that life comes with the responsibility to defend it against unjustified attack which would threaten the viability of that life. In short we each have a moral obligation to strike down, as quickly as possible, with as little risk to our own life and the lives of others, those who would threaten our lives.

Of course people who think like you do, only encourage the sub-human elements who do not recognize human rights... People who think like you are what nature has designated a "FOOD." That you aren't able to defend yourself means someone else needs to risk THEIR LIFE to defend you; and if they're not there to do so, your failure to do so will only risk another's life by your failure to terminate the moron yourself.
Great question...

The reason is that everyone on earth is not a pansy... living on the hope tha tsomeone else will be there to protect them should they be so unfortunate to come across a sub-human who has been raised upon the idiocy of leftism and feels entitled to that which belongs to you.

Now I own and train with firearms so as to defend against those who may be so foolish as to try and bring injury or loss to myself or those in my immediate presence... I do this because I recognize that my life and the lives of those around me are gifts from our creator and that the right inherent to that life comes with the responsibility to defend it against unjustified attack which would threaten the viability of that life. In short we each have a moral obligation to strike down, as quickly as possible, with as little risk to our own life and the lives of others, those who would threaten our lives.

Of course people who think like you do, only encourage the sub-human elements who do not recognize human rights... People who think like you are what nature has designated a "FOOD." That you aren't able to defend yourself means someone else needs to risk THEIR LIFE to defend you; and if they're not there to do so, your failure to do so will only risk another's life by your failure to terminate the moron yourself.

Truly spoken like somebody who lives their life afraid of their own shadow. Poor you...

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