Why are liberals so awed that we're going to treat them like they treated us?


Senior Member
Jan 23, 2017
We´re now having our vengeance. We the American people are now taking back power from them illegitimate, fascist liberals, and once again rule the country with honesty and dignity. We will strike Obama from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by that illegal immigrant. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!
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Why? Because they're utterly shocked to find that they're on the short end of the stick.

They literally never thought it was going to happen over the course of the next 20-30 years, if ever in our lifetimes.

Demographics, blah, blah, blah. Never another Republican president, blah, blah, blah. Hillary the most qualified ever, blah, blah, blah.

and now, Trump won, wah, wah, wah! lol.
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We now having our vengeance. We the American people are now taking back power from them illegitimate, fascist liberals, and once again rule the country with honesty and dignity. We will strike Obama from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by that illegal immigrant. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!
As someone who strongly disagrees with nearly everything liberals and progressives stand for I say, crawl back under whatever rock you've been under and stay there. There is no room in this country for people who are unable, or unwilling to have a UNITED nation. If some people must go for you to be willing to have this, then you need to join them.
We now having our vengeance. We the American people are now taking back power from them illegitimate, fascist liberals, and once again rule the country with honesty and dignity. We will strike Obama from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by that illegal immigrant. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!
As someone who strongly disagrees with nearly everything liberals and progressives stand for I say, crawl back under whatever rock you've been under and stay there. There is no room in this country for people who are unable, or unwilling to have a UNITED nation. If some people must go for you to be willing to have this, then you need to join them.
Remember when you mother told you not to run with scissors? She was lying! Try it, it´s fun!

Unfortunately, none but a few on the left are willing to do so. The right used to take the high road to their almost ultimate demise.
It's a sad reality I have had to come to accept: one must fight fire with fire or become consumed by it.
We now having our vengeance. We the American people are now taking back power from them illegitimate, fascist liberals, and once again rule the country with honesty and dignity. We will strike Obama from the history books, repeal every executive order, and repeal every law passed by that illegal immigrant. We will wipe the fascists from the face of the Earth and establish a beautiful country, a republic of justice that will last 10,000 years!
As someone who strongly disagrees with nearly everything liberals and progressives stand for I say, crawl back under whatever rock you've been under and stay there. There is no room in this country for people who are unable, or unwilling to have a UNITED nation. If some people must go for you to be willing to have this, then you need to join them.
The high road went nowhere.

Now it's time grab 'em by the balls - their hearts and minds will follow.

All of that great to imagine but but:

1. They have no balls.
2. They have no hearts.
3. "Minds" is an inappropriate use of the plural; all they have is The Democrat Party hive mind (singular).

Seems that just leaves elimination with extreme prejudice as the only workable option.

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