Why Are Moms Like Me Being Called Domestic Terrorists?

So you advocate threats of violence at school board meetings because you don't like the way bail is determined? I have no idea about any meeting last night. Your claim of pornography is bizarre at best and insane in reality. You've fallen for too many bullshit conspiracy theory stories.
I listened to the School Board meeting held in a liberal district last night. Parent after parent described the books their kids are being asked to read, including one involving pedophilia - with pictures no less.

The fact that I report FACTS, which you call bullshit conspir theories, just shows you are ignorant of what is truly going on in liberal school districts. And this is the problem: liberals are ignorant of news and current events, and then when someone brings it into a conversation, they call it a conspiracy theory because they “have no idea” about it.

AND I said I do NOT advocate violence. Why lie about what I said? What I said was that I object to the fact that liberals are very tolerant of violent and threatening behavior when it is perpetrated by leftists against conservatives.
Part of it. I'd threaten the POS superintendent also.

You're obviously out of the loop. Sit down
Odd, but I didn't hear that superintendent mentioned in any of the many school board videos I saw. They were all ranting about masks and vaccinations, and whatever they think critical race theory might be. Where did that rape incident happen? Have the police become involved?
And what did this woman do to consider herself a target?

Lifelong liberal? Sure. Give us a name so we can see her social media garbage.

I’m calling bullshit
What is not bullshit is the unprecedented move of placing parents who challenge school curriculum content on some type of terrorist “watchlist”. This comes from the Left side of the aisle; the same side that turns a blind eye towards agents and proxies who operate under flags that say ANTIFA and BLM while burning our cities and inflicting violence on innocent people.

It's all over the news, get off your dead ass and look.

The father was arrested at a school board meeting for demanding answers
So true! Can you believe these leftists? An enraged father, whose daughter was raped by a boy pretending to be a girl so he could gain access to the bathroom, is the one who is treated like a common criminal, while the school covered up the rape* and transferred the scum to another school where he assaulted a second girl.

*The reason the school didn’t report the rape is because the liberal Governor, Northam, who of course in true leftist fashion sides with criminals and said that schools don’t have to report assaults to police.
An enraged father, whose daughter was raped by a boy pretending to be a girl so he could gain access to the bathroom, is the one who is treated like a common criminal, while the school covered up the rape* and transferred the scum to another school where he assaulted a second girl.
Heard it on Facebook huh freak?
Come on get with the program. According to the deplorables, you should only be for law and order if it involved dark skinned people. If you're white, you should be able to do as you please with no consequences.
And right on cue….a leftist comes out playing the race card. Where in this thread was race even mentioned? I have no idea if the rapist in the girls‘ bathroom is white or black, and it never occurred to me to wonder.

Leftists are totally obsessed with skin color. That in itself is a “tell” of racism.
I listened to the School Board meeting held in a liberal district last night. Parent after parent described the books their kids are being asked to read, including one involving pedophilia - with pictures no less.

The fact that I report FACTS, which you call bullshit conspir theories, just shows you are ignorant of what is truly going on in liberal school districts. And this is the problem: liberals are ignorant of news and current events, and then when someone brings it into a conversation, they call it a conspiracy theory because they “have no idea” about it.

AND I said I do NOT advocate violence. Why lie about what I said? What I said was that I object to the fact that liberals are very tolerant of violent and threatening behavior when it is perpetrated by leftists against conservatives.
You can't even name what district or where it is. Am I supposed to take your word for it with no way to verify it?
So you don't oppose efforts to reduce threats of violence at school board meetings after all. Why were you whining about it?
Heard it on Facebook huh freak?
The fact that you can’t negate the rape incident, which has been all over the news, and resort to a nasty, childish name-calling tells me you know you’re wrong and are just “acting out.”

My child used to do that when she had no response to something she did wrong and was frustrated at being caught. She didn’t call me a “freak,” as you did, but something like ”Bad Mommy!” She was about three years old when she used to that, but grew out of it within a couple of years.
You can't even name what district or where it is. Am I supposed to take your word for it with no way to verify it?
So you don't oppose efforts to reduce threats of violence at school board meetings after all. Why were you whining about it?
I’ve said over and over it was at the Loudoun County school board meeting, located in liberal Northern Virginia.

And for the third and final time, I am “whining” about putting conservative parents on an FBI target list while bailing out real criminals how are rioting for the liberal cause.
The fact that you can’t negate the rape incident, which has been all over the news, and resort to a nasty, childish name-calling tells me you know you’re wrong and are just “acting out.”

My child used to do that when she had no response to something she did wrong and was frustrated at being caught. She didn’t call me a “freak,” as you did, but something like ”Bad Mommy!” She was about three years old when she used to that, but grew out of it within a couple of years.
So give a link to your story, and that will solve any questions.
So give a link to your story, and that will solve any questions.
It was just linked to below. I’ll await your apology. And I won’t eat any cake until you apologize. (I’m trying to lose the 10 pounds I gained over COVID lockdowns.)

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