Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

We do live in a democracy. The distinction you're making a fool of yourself over is that for most part we don't have direct democracy,

as opposed to representative democracy.

Both, however, are democracies.

do you really expect rightwingnut toons to understand nuance?

To liberals, "nuance" means to spin a shallow rationalization that explains your overt hypocrisy. I wouldn't say the rest of us don't understand it, we understand it fine. What we don't do is buy it...
The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

We do live in a democracy. The distinction you're making a fool of yourself over is that for most part we don't have direct democracy,

as opposed to representative democracy.

Both, however, are democracies.

do you really expect rightwingnut toons to understand nuance?

They are enamored with the idea that we don't have a democracy because they see that as hope that their extremist minority agenda might somehow find a loophole to slip through.
I really do miss 'Firing Line'.

Firing Line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe the intellectual left could be introspective enough to support dissenting opinions.

They did in the 60's.


Wm F Buckley was a bloviator of the highest order, but he was also brilliant and thoughtful. Guys like Rose and Moyers are just morons who act earnest and heady as a way to attempt to disguise their intellectual shortcomings.

You've got a strange idea of what constitutes a moron as far as an on-air personality is concerned. Rose and Moyers offer thoughtful and thought provoking questions in a quiet environment which elicits thoughtful responses. By contrast, men like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity engage in loud, and usually partisan attacks (not to mention regular emotional rants) on guests, and they do this in a studio full of lights and noise and other guests trying to jump in to get 15 seconds of speaking time. All this is little more than a sensory overload to both the guests and the viewers which is designed to distract anyone from being able to carefully analyze what was said in order to separate fact from fiction. Instead, the whole set up encourages viewers to have their own immediate visceral emotional response much like what happens when someone watches a sporting event instead of an exchange of information and ideas.

I don't recall saying anything about the Fox Heads, nor do I see any such mention in my post you quoted.

Rose and Moyers are no better or worse than Hannity and O'Reilly. None of them are particularly smart, and they all lead with their agenda. At least The Fox bozos let you know that upfront, they never pretend to be even-handed while supporting their agenda. Moyers in particular is a chimp.

Not only are Rose and Moyers better than Hannity and O'Reilly, PBS is better than ALL the cable shows as far as news goes if content matters to you at all.

At PBS, in a dark studio where there are no distractions, the interviewer better damn well know what he's doing and know his topic or his idiocy will be readily apparent.

Conversely, only a bright studio with flashing lights, and wild graphics, and multiple station feeds, monitors, and sound bytes can men like Hannity (who only has a HS education, by the way) hide his general ignorance due to his lack of exposure to any ideas or concepts beyond his own uninformed opinion (which I'm sure he regards quite highly).
We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

We do live in a democracy. The distinction you're making a fool of yourself over is that for most part we don't have direct democracy,

as opposed to representative democracy.

Both, however, are democracies.

do you really expect rightwingnut toons to understand nuance?

To liberals, "nuance" means to spin a shallow rationalization that explains your overt hypocrisy. I wouldn't say the rest of us don't understand it, we understand it fine. What we don't do is buy it...

No one is trying to deny you the right to believe in Big Foot.
Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Liberals are kind simple in the head that way. Don't bother them with principles or evidence. It's faith in the rightfulness of their view that counts and liberal are all about faith.

Conservatives are thinkers.
Liberals are feelers.

Now THAT is REALLY bumpworthy as it sums it all up! LOL

Conservatives feel too, Fear, Anger, Loathing, Suspicion, Xenophobia, try being a "good" conservative without these and you will quickly find that it is not possible. You know that "liberal" tone you find so objectionable about PBS? It's the mostly neutral tone that they adopt in order to not be overtly partisan as most conservatives seem to think is the only way to present news is predigested. Americans such as yourself have no taste for news and commentary that does not tell them how to feel about something.
I really do miss 'Firing Line'.

Firing Line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe the intellectual left could be introspective enough to support dissenting opinions.

They did in the 60's.


Wm F Buckley was a bloviator of the highest order, but he was also brilliant and thoughtful. Guys like Rose and Moyers are just morons who act earnest and heady as a way to attempt to disguise their intellectual shortcomings.

You've got a strange idea of what constitutes a moron as far as an on-air personality is concerned. Rose and Moyers offer thoughtful and thought provoking questions in a quiet environment which elicits thoughtful responses. By contrast, men like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity engage in loud, and usually partisan attacks (not to mention regular emotional rants) on guests, and they do this in a studio full of lights and noise and other guests trying to jump in to get 15 seconds of speaking time. All this is little more than a sensory overload to both the guests and the viewers which is designed to distract anyone from being able to carefully analyze what was said in order to separate fact from fiction. Instead, the whole set up encourages viewers to have their own immediate visceral emotional response much like what happens when someone watches a sporting event instead of an exchange of information and ideas.

I don't recall saying anything about the Fox Heads, nor do I see any such mention in my post you quoted.

Rose and Moyers are no better or worse than Hannity and O'Reilly. None of them are particularly smart, and they all lead with their agenda. At least The Fox bozos let you know that upfront, they never pretend to be even-handed while supporting their agenda. Moyers in particular is a chimp.

Not only are Rose and Moyers better than Hannity and O'Reilly, PBS is better than ALL the cable shows as far as news goes if content matters to you at all.

At PBS, in a dark studio where there are no distractions, the interviewer better damn well know what he's doing and know his topic or his idiocy will be readily apparent.

Conversely, only a bright studio with flashing lights, and wild graphics, and multiple station feeds, monitors, and sound bytes can men like Hannity (who only has a HS education, by the way) hide his general ignorance due to his lack of exposure to any ideas or concepts beyond his own uninformed opinion (which I'm sure he regards quite highly).

I have an agreement with you and a disagreement and will start with the latter-

I don't give a flying fuck if someone went to college. Going to college means jack shit if a person is intelligent and exhibits common sense, Barrack Obama went to college and he's nothing but a trained seal at best.

I agree with you on the formatting of PBS programs, likewise C-Span. Far more conducive to informative discourse. But that doesn't mean Moyers or Rose are the brightest bulbs in the box. They aren't.
It's always amusing to note that while conservatives insist we don't have a democracy (wrongly) and also insist (wrongly) that that is a good thing,

they don't seem to have a problem with such examples of direct democracy like Proposition 8 in California.
Not only are Rose and Moyers better than Hannity and O'Reilly, PBS is better than ALL the cable shows as far as news goes if content matters to you at all.

At PBS, in a dark studio where there are no distractions, the interviewer better damn well know what he's doing and know his topic or his idiocy will be readily apparent.

Yes, their idiocy is readily apparent, you're right about that. Why should we have to pay for you to get your leftist shills on TV who can't make it in a free marketplace? Why don't you pay for that yourself? Hannity and Rush make it in a free marketplace with no help. They're not bright? Yeah, right. You're not. You want once again government to tell you what to think. And like the good little sheep you are, you think it.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride

Same reason temples and synagogues get the same free ride
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

That they provide facts and information which conflict with your errant, subjective right-wing dogma doesn't make them “rabid left wing nuts.”

They're all biased on both the left and right, genius.

You must've gotten your law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. Your critical thinking skills ..........

barely exist.

you're amusing....

fauxnews viewers least informed
pbs... most informed

Yet Another Survey Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed NPR Listeners Best-Informed Mediaite

perhaps you should try actually addressing his point instead of doing the rightwingnut dance

You're got to be the dumbest left wing chic on this entire board, and that's a pretty low bar. Obviously you have reading comprehension problems witht my post.
Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Liberals are kind simple in the head that way. Don't bother them with principles or evidence. It's faith in the rightfulness of their view that counts and liberal are all about faith.

Conservatives are thinkers.
Liberals are feelers.

What conservatives are those? The Conservatives who 'think' the Iraq war was a brilliant idea?

The Conservatives who 'think' the Earth is 6000 years old?

Who are you talking about, exactly?
LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.

Take it up with your Congressperson.

You missed the whole point, dum dum.

I'm talking the BIG picture as in what our founding fathers had in mind when they created this country. They didn't envision your fucking welfare state; they envisioned limited government and limited roles for the federal government.

Now here's a quiz. Why do you think national security can only be a federal function?

Because state National Guards don't exist?

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.

Take it up with your Congressperson.

You missed the whole point, dum dum.

I'm talking the BIG picture as in what our founding fathers had in mind when they created this country. They didn't envision your fucking welfare state; they envisioned limited government and limited roles for the federal government.

Now here's a quiz. Why do you think national security can only be a federal function?

Because state National Guards don't exist?


Wrong. And YOU should know better.
LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.

Take it up with your Congressperson.

You missed the whole point, dum dum.

I'm talking the BIG picture as in what our founding fathers had in mind when they created this country. They didn't envision your fucking welfare state; they envisioned limited government and limited roles for the federal government.

Now here's a quiz. Why do you think national security can only be a federal function?

Because state National Guards don't exist?


Wrong. And YOU should know better.

Not only are Rose and Moyers better than Hannity and O'Reilly, PBS is better than ALL the cable shows as far as news goes if content matters to you at all.

At PBS, in a dark studio where there are no distractions, the interviewer better damn well know what he's doing and know his topic or his idiocy will be readily apparent.

Yes, their idiocy is readily apparent, you're right about that. Why should we have to pay for you to get your leftist shills on TV who can't make it in a free marketplace? Why don't you pay for that yourself? Hannity and Rush make it in a free marketplace with no help. They're not bright? Yeah, right. You're not. You want once again government to tell you what to think. And like the good little sheep you are, you think it.

How more free can a marketplace be than one in which every eligible voter gets to have his say on whether or not PBS will be funded?
Moyers is a moron and Rose is a corpse that has yet to fully decompose. Both irrelevant.


It's not that the shit that PBS broadcasts bothers me, it's just that they are irrelevant, an anachronism. MSCCCP fills the same political agenda, offering far left "news" and radical left commentary. The history and culture programs are eclipsed by thousands of cable channels with far better fare.

PBS should be shut down, it is a complete waste of time and resources.
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Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

That they provide facts and information which conflict with your errant, subjective right-wing dogma doesn't make them “rabid left wing nuts.”

They're all biased on both the left and right, genius.

You must've gotten your law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. Your critical thinking skills ..........

barely exist.

you're amusing....

fauxnews viewers least informed
pbs... most informed

Yet Another Survey Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed NPR Listeners Best-Informed Mediaite

perhaps you should try actually addressing his point instead of doing the rightwingnut dance

These studies are almost always flawed in that they define "least informed" as "not agreeing with liberals." Sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it. Well watch it being confirmed, step by step.

Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Liberals are kind simple in the head that way. Don't bother them with principles or evidence. It's faith in the rightfulness of their view that counts and liberal are all about faith.

Conservatives are thinkers.
Liberals are feelers.

The highlighted part is SO patently false. I've been listening to conservative talk radio on and off for over 20 years. With that long history to draw on as a reference, I can say without any fear of contradiction that conservative talk radio is a nonstop ploy to exploit the emotional fears of conservatives who seemingly buy into any and all wild theories, or stories, and/or completely unsubstantiated reports from the most disreputable sources imaginable.

It's a cultural curiosity that seems to verify that old famous quote attributed to P T Barnum that there's a sucker born every minute since all those conservative radio hosts have managed to parlay the ignorance of their conservative fans into a very healthy income stream.
I really do miss 'Firing Line'.

Firing Line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe the intellectual left could be introspective enough to support dissenting opinions.

They did in the 60's.


Wm F Buckley was a bloviator of the highest order, but he was also brilliant and thoughtful. Guys like Rose and Moyers are just morons who act earnest and heady as a way to attempt to disguise their intellectual shortcomings.

You've got a strange idea of what constitutes a moron as far as an on-air personality is concerned. Rose and Moyers offer thoughtful and thought provoking questions in a quiet environment which elicits thoughtful responses. By contrast, men like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity engage in loud, and usually partisan attacks (not to mention regular emotional rants) on guests, and they do this in a studio full of lights and noise and other guests trying to jump in to get 15 seconds of speaking time. All this is little more than a sensory overload to both the guests and the viewers which is designed to distract anyone from being able to carefully analyze what was said in order to separate fact from fiction. Instead, the whole set up encourages viewers to have their own immediate visceral emotional response much like what happens when someone watches a sporting event instead of an exchange of information and ideas.

I don't recall saying anything about the Fox Heads, nor do I see any such mention in my post you quoted.

Rose and Moyers are no better or worse than Hannity and O'Reilly. None of them are particularly smart, and they all lead with their agenda. At least The Fox bozos let you know that upfront, they never pretend to be even-handed while supporting their agenda. Moyers in particular is a chimp.

Not only are Rose and Moyers better than Hannity and O'Reilly, PBS is better than ALL the cable shows as far as news goes if content matters to you at all.

At PBS, in a dark studio where there are no distractions, the interviewer better damn well know what he's doing and know his topic or his idiocy will be readily apparent.

Conversely, only a bright studio with flashing lights, and wild graphics, and multiple station feeds, monitors, and sound bytes can men like Hannity (who only has a HS education, by the way) hide his general ignorance due to his lack of exposure to any ideas or concepts beyond his own uninformed opinion (which I'm sure he regards quite highly).

I have an agreement with you and a disagreement and will start with the latter-

I don't give a flying fuck if someone went to college. Going to college means jack shit if a person is intelligent and exhibits common sense, Barrack Obama went to college and he's nothing but a trained seal at best.

I agree with you on the formatting of PBS programs, likewise C-Span. Far more conducive to informative discourse. But that doesn't mean Moyers or Rose are the brightest bulbs in the box. They aren't.

Even a person with a relatively high IQ can be ignorant of many things. The problem with ignorance is that uneducated people are often unaware of what it is they don't know.

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