Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

That they provide facts and information which conflict with your errant, subjective right-wing dogma doesn't make them “rabid left wing nuts.”

They're all biased on both the left and right, genius.

You must've gotten your law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. Your critical thinking skills ..........

barely exist.
The truth does not have two sides.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The most conservative states in the US support PBS. You have to be on the fringe of the fringe to oppose it.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

they are not "rabid left wing". you are rabid right.

and public television and radio are the most reliable purveyors of fact.

but mostly, they exist so not everyone is as ignorant as you and your fellow trolls.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

Oh I'm sorry. Don't republics elect representatives who can vote on whether or not to fund something like PBS?

We are a democracy. Look it up.
Isn't PBS the one that shows Antique Road Show? I'm not real sure how anyone gets overly emotional about Antique Road Show. But, then again, we all have our pet peeves. Whatever.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.
You missed the whole point, dum dum.

I'm talking the BIG picture as in what our founding fathers had in mind when they created this country. They didn't envision your fucking welfare state; they envisioned limited government and limited roles for the federal government.

Now here's a quiz. Why do you think national security can only be a federal function?

How about something relevant?

I'm talking about what our government is doing now. The OP is clearly complaining, not because the Constitution didn't foresee funding public media, but because PBS doesn't cater to his particular brand of ideology. There are programs that don't cater to my particular ideology, either, but I don't bitch and moan about it, because we don't choose where our taxes go, except through our votes for Congress.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

That they provide facts and information which conflict with your errant, subjective right-wing dogma doesn't make them “rabid left wing nuts.”

They're all biased on both the left and right, genius.

You must've gotten your law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. Your critical thinking skills ..........

barely exist.

you're amusing....

fauxnews viewers least informed
pbs... most informed

Yet Another Survey Fox News Viewers Worst-Informed NPR Listeners Best-Informed Mediaite

perhaps you should try actually addressing his point instead of doing the rightwingnut dance
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

We do live in a democracy. The distinction you're making a fool of yourself over is that for most part we don't have direct democracy,

as opposed to representative democracy.

Both, however, are democracies.
We live in a republic. There is a huge difference which you are too ignorant to understand.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

you don't know what I think of the purported point raised about democracy vs republic. you only know what I think of your ignorance and expression of it.

this board used to be a decent place for discussion.

rightwingnuts feel the need to vomit trash all over it.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

The People choose to support PBS. That's how democracy works.

We live in a Republic. You might have known that if PBS wasn't such a leftist shit hole.

is there a point there? other than for you to spew rightwingnuttery?

The point is we don't live in a democracy as the moron and you (as equal a moron) apparently think. You can thank public schools and PBS for your collective ignorance.

We do live in a democracy. The distinction you're making a fool of yourself over is that for most part we don't have direct democracy,

as opposed to representative democracy.

Both, however, are democracies.

do you really expect rightwingnut toons to understand nuance?
I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA,

and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride

Yes Comrade, all money is the people's money. Government not taking money is the same as government giving people money.
Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Liberals are kind simple in the head that way. Don't bother them with principles or evidence. It's faith in the rightfulness of their view that counts and liberal are all about faith.

Conservatives are thinkers.
Liberals are feelers.

Now THAT is REALLY bumpworthy as it sums it all up! LOL


Note NPR far left.

How the hell can the Onion be considered a media for actual news?

You mean the Onion isn't actual news? Okay, next you're going to tell me the Deluxe Quarter Pounder Meal with a large Hi-C isn't a balanced meal.
It's about 175 million fer chrissake. Why? Because you're a cheap POS hater dupe. PBS is a lifesaver. Great dramas and documentaries...if the dupes would watch instead of America's Got Talent etc, they might have a brain. Stupid chumps miss out on PBS, Chevy Volts, Teslas, Solar houses just because they know that's commie. So gd dumb...

So for such a valuable service, you can't even raise your own 175 million in a country of 350 million for chrissake?

Probably not, liberals are skin flints when it comes to your own money. When I was in college, I rented a room from a liberal couple. They watched PBS all the time. Their kid watched PBS too. They both worked full time. I was a college student renting a room. The only PBS I watched was Doctor Who. That was the only way to watch it back then.

You guessed it if you were paying attention. I was a member of WETA, the local PBS station. They were not...

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