Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

Why should our tax dollars go towards Rush Limbaugh being broadcast on the military radio network overseas and on ships? He's the most visceral radio host around...?
What makes you think American forces radio pays for the Rush Limbaugh show?

OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESPONSE TOSec. Panetta, Get Rush Limbaugh Off American Forces Radio NOW! No tax money for abusive, divisive, insulting language.
Rush Limbaugh and Armed Forces Radio
By Bryan G. Whitman

Thank you for your interest in American Forces Network (AFN) programming for our service members overseas. We appreciate your participation in the "We the People" platform on www.whitehouse.gov and your concerns about the programming available to our troops.

AFN is charged with providing current information and entertainment programming to our Department of Defense audiences overseas, similar to what they could see and hear via the media in the United States. AFN acquires top-rated radio programs, as measured by audience ratings in the United States, and delivers them via satellite to our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen stationed worldwide in 177 countries. AFN does not advertise on, provide any funding for, offer products for sale, or sponsor any of the programs (including the Rush Limbaugh Show) it relays to its audiences.

AFN does not censor content, and we believe it is important that service members have access to a variety of viewpoints.

See the complete list of political talk shows offered on AFN.

Review all of our radio and television services/schedules.

Again, thank you for your interest in our service members and the programming services AFN extends to them.

Bryan G. Whitman is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.
ty! that's good to know!

Though I would guess that it is not a completely free service, meaning the gvt has to spend tax dollars to broadcast via satellite to the armed forces....

there was a petition with nearly 11, 000 military men and family signatures to have Limbaugh removed from the armed forces radio network, after the "slut" comment he made about Sandra Fluke, or something of the sort? Don't know if this is what Bryan G Whitman was responding to....?

So, 11,000 vs the 1.5 million who didn't complain.

Note NPR far left.

How the hell can the Onion be considered a media for actual news?
Sound like Ward Churchill. Thanks for verifying that post for me.

You're more than welcome.

Difference is, you won't find me starting whining threads about my tax dollars going to a war.

I have to jump in here because you have a serious misunderstanding of reality. The business of government is to defend a nation. This means armies, this means border control, etc. It also means police and courts and laws.

Providing news and pushing ideology is not the business of government ESPECIALLY when the government sets itself up to compete against private media interests. These media companies pay taxes and part of those taxes is being spent on a competitor to weaken them.

Government has no more business in favoring one of two political ideologies in society than it did in favoring same-race marriages over the equally viable between-race marriages.

It's not the role of government to compete in business against private interests nor to play favorites with political ideology.

I'm afraid you have a serious misunderstanding of reality. Voters must think that it's ok for government to provide some money to one public station, because that is what the government is doing.

My point was, we don't pick and choose where our tax dollars go, whether we like it or not.

The only say we have is to vote in someone more aligned with our interests.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

For the same reason your tax dollars go to support the NFL, I guess. (501(c) 6 status)
But at least Bill, Charlie, and Gwen don't have criminal charges pending for wife beating and child abuse. Feel better now?
When I try to envision what a PBS that's acceptable to the far right would look like all I can come up with is Sesame Street shit-canned in favor of a Punch and Judy show for the kids and gratuitous war footage and wrasslin' for adults with lots and lots of advertizing for everyone.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Fuckin'-a are you stupid.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Well, I'm looking forward to Ken Burns on the Roosevelts, which I tivoed last night. But I really don't see why raising 500million or so per year in advertising would compromise their mission of quality.

Funding Cuts Leave The Future of PBS in Question
Still, the naysayers are more about ideology than dollars, and if I had to guess I'd say Murdoch and the Moonies are getting that corp welfare of one form or another.
PBS s Moyers Gives Over 1.3 million to 4 of 6 Groups Attacking Conservative ALEC Media Research Center
Sure. No bias. Moyers gets rabid all the time with his narcissism toward conservatives.

Unlike a few decades ago, todays liberals possess no critical thinking skills. That's why even the dumbest Americans are even ditching them now. Polls are cratering for libs and they remain in denial.

In fact, the entertainment factor of their cognitive dissonance has never been greater.

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I really do miss 'Firing Line'.

Firing Line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe the intellectual left could be introspective enough to support dissenting opinions.

They did in the 60's.


Wm F Buckley was a bloviator of the highest order, but he was also brilliant and thoughtful. Guys like Rose and Moyers are just morons who act earnest and heady as a way to attempt to disguise their intellectual shortcomings.

You've got a strange idea of what constitutes a moron as far as an on-air personality is concerned. Rose and Moyers offer thoughtful and thought-provoking questions in a quiet environment which elicits thoughtful responses. By contrast, men like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity engage in loud, and usually partisan, attacks (not to mention regular emotional rants) on guests, and they do this in a studio full of lights and noise and other guests trying to jump in to get 15 seconds of speaking time. All this is little more than a sensory overload to both the guests and the viewers which is designed to distract anyone from being able to carefully analyze what was said in order to separate fact from fiction. Instead, the whole set up encourages viewers to have their own immediate visceral emotional response much like what happens when someone watches a sporting event instead of an exchange of information and ideas.
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Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

That they provide facts and information which conflict with your errant, subjective right-wing dogma doesn't make them “rabid left wing nuts.”

They're all biased on both the left and right, genius.

You must've gotten your law degree out of a Cracker Jack box. Your critical thinking skills ..........

barely exist.
PBS s Moyers Gives Over 1.3 million to 4 of 6 Groups Attacking Conservative ALEC Media Research Center
Sure. No bias. Moyers gets rabid all the time with his narcissism toward conservatives.

Unlike a few decades ago, todays liberal possess no critical thinking skills. That's why even the dumbest Americans are even ditching them now. Polls are cratering for libs and they remain in denial.

In fact, the entertainment factor of their cognitive dissonance has never been greater.

The war on critical thinking in education is coming entirely from the right in the name of teaching students that the Holy Bible holds all the answers that anyone ever needs and that patriotic indoctrination should be compulsory.
I really do miss 'Firing Line'.

Firing Line - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Maybe the intellectual left could be introspective enough to support dissenting opinions.

They did in the 60's.


Wm F Buckley was a bloviator of the highest order, but he was also brilliant and thoughtful. Guys like Rose and Moyers are just morons who act earnest and heady as a way to attempt to disguise their intellectual shortcomings.

You've got a strange idea of what constitutes a moron as far as an on-air personality is concerned. Rose and Moyers offer thoughtful and thought provoking questions in a quiet environment which elicits thoughtful responses. By contrast, men like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity engage in loud, and usually partisan attacks (not to mention regular emotional rants) on guests, and they do this in a studio full of lights and noise and other guests trying to jump in to get 15 seconds of speaking time. All this is little more than a sensory overload to both the guests and the viewers which is designed to distract anyone from being able to carefully analyze what was said in order to separate fact from fiction. Instead, the whole set up encourages viewers to have their own immediate visceral emotional response much like what happens when someone watches a sporting event instead of an exchange of information and ideas.

I don't recall saying anything about the Fox Heads, nor do I see any such mention in my post you quoted.

Rose and Moyers are no better or worse than Hannity and O'Reilly. None of them are particularly smart, and they all lead with their agenda. At least The Fox bozos let you know that upfront, they never pretend to be even-handed while supporting their agenda. Moyers in particular is a chimp.
LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.

Take it up with your Congressperson.

You missed the whole point, dum dum.

I'm talking the BIG picture as in what our founding fathers had in mind when they created this country. They didn't envision your fucking welfare state; they envisioned limited government and limited roles for the federal government.

Now here's a quiz. Why do you think national security can only be a federal function?
Oh, you want a real answer?


Your tax dollars go to fund PBS and what you see as their liberal agenda, because my tax dollars go to fund the military, and what I see as a conservative and warmongering agenda.

Maybe I should pay for PBS and you should pay for the military.

Of course, you know that's not how it works.

LOL, providing for the national defense is actually in the preamble of the Constitution. PBS is not, darlin.
Liberals are kind simple in the head that way. Don't bother them with principles or evidence. It's faith in the rightfulness of their view that counts and liberal are all about faith.

Conservatives are thinkers.
Liberals are feelers.

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