Why Are My Tax Dollars Going To Support Pbs

Sound like Ward Churchill. Thanks for verifying that post for me.

You're more than welcome.

Difference is, you won't find me starting whining threads about my tax dollars going to a war.

I have to jump in here because you have a serious misunderstanding of reality. The business of government is to defend a nation. This means armies, this means border control, etc. It also means police and courts and laws.

Providing news and pushing ideology is not the business of government ESPECIALLY when the government sets itself up to compete against private media interests. These media companies pay taxes and part of those taxes is being spent on a competitor to weaken them.

Government has no more business in favoring one of two political ideologies in society than it did in favoring same-race marriages over the equally viable between-race marriages.

It's not the role of government to compete in business against private interests nor to play favorites with political ideology.
"Most visceral...."

So it's somehow Rush's fault that all the liberals who have tried and failed at talk radio are wimps who even the most dedicated give up on after a few minutes listening?


I used to listen to Rush, many years ago 1990-91 when he sounded like The Duck Book and would attack both sides, but then he slid into the dark creavace of being one sided...
He still does.
Sound like Ward Churchill. Thanks for verifying that post for me.

You're more than welcome.

Difference is, you won't find me starting whining threads about my tax dollars going to a war.

The difference of course is PBS is not found anywhere in the COTUS.

But you knew that.

Not much of an argument. To be cogent there'd have to some sort of ban on that kind of subsidy. The military and different government departments have media subsidies, why not PBS?
Why should our tax dollars go towards Rush Limbaugh being broadcast on the military radio network overseas and on ships? He's the most visceral radio host around...?
Liberal talk radio barely exists. The reason is NO RATINGS....Ya know what that means? It means NOBODY wants to listen to that crap.
Tell me....What happened to Air America? Oh, you don't want to talk about that?
Air America had at best 400,000 listeners in any one segment. The company was in such bad shape, they bounced paychecks.Then Air America started bouncing employees. Then started bouncing on air talent. Shortly after that, they were shut down. ...
Ed Schultz? The number one lib blowhard has been LOSING dozens of radio stations across the country. Why? Poor ratings.
Visceral? Why because Limbaugh is anti liberal? Yeah, ok. Fine.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

EXACTLY how much does PBS cost each of us?

I mean, how upset should I be?

Hey, every liberal in America should send me $1 dollar. Really, it's not like every liberal sending me a dollar is going to break them, so why should they be upset? I can't think of a reason not to implement this fabulous plan.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

EXACTLY how much does PBS cost each of us?

I mean, how upset should I be?

Hey, every liberal in America should send me $1 dollar. Really, it's not like every liberal sending me a dollar is going to break them, so why should they be upset? I can't think of a reason not to implement this fabulous plan.

Because you're bat shit crazy? :biggrin:
Just my opinion but I think PBS would manage just fine without any taxpayer funding.
Of course it would.
"This program is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting under a grant by...".Fill in the blank....
If PBS can secure corp funding, then why should the taxpayers pick up any part of the tab.
All these leftist responses and not a single actual answer.

You mean like subsidies are only about 20% of PBS' budget and the fact that there are commercials? I guess we were taking it easy on the OP in light of his obvious mental disabilities.
Again , read my post, what are ANY of my tax dollars going to support socialist network

And why do I have to pay more taxes to make up for lunatic tax free outfits that sell fairytails as reality. Why should I pay taxes for "chaplains" that serve no other purpose other then to foster their delusions on the troops
The Chaplains are full military personnel with rank and training. Their religious function is merely an avocation.
"Most visceral...."

So it's somehow Rush's fault that all the liberals who have tried and failed at talk radio are wimps who even the most dedicated give up on after a few minutes listening?

seriously Henry? What does your comment have to do with the op, and money being spent on media by our gvt that may or may not match your own political stances?
The OP was replying back to YOU!
PBS s Moyers Gives Over 1.3 million to 4 of 6 Groups Attacking Conservative ALEC Media Research Center
Sure. No bias. Moyers gets rabid all the time with his narcissism toward conservatives.
That doesn't prove 'bias,' you nitwit.
The programming is patently biased.
POWER PATHS Documentary Film Independent Lens PBS
Park Avenue Money Power the American Dream Documentary about Income Inequality Independent Lens PBS
Tavis Smiley PBS
Nope no bias here. Hell Travis Smiley had one of Bobby Kennedy's kids on to talk about her film. All on my tax dollars.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

EXACTLY how much does PBS cost each of us?

I mean, how upset should I be?

Hey, every liberal in America should send me $1 dollar. Really, it's not like every liberal sending me a dollar is going to break them, so why should they be upset? I can't think of a reason not to implement this fabulous plan.

Because you're bat shit crazy? :biggrin:
Shut up....Put your money up....Write a check.
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

EXACTLY how much does PBS cost each of us?

I mean, how upset should I be?

Hey, every liberal in America should send me $1 dollar. Really, it's not like every liberal sending me a dollar is going to break them, so why should they be upset? I can't think of a reason not to implement this fabulous plan.

Because you're bat shit crazy? :biggrin:

And liberals aren't? Have you actually watched PBS?
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

Why is you christstain churches getting a tax free ride

I guess it's a case of ignorance, bigotry and plain hatred on the left when they would compare Christian tax exempt status to the freaking taxpayer support of left wing propaganda.
Sound like Ward Churchill. Thanks for verifying that post for me.

You're more than welcome.

Difference is, you won't find me starting whining threads about my tax dollars going to a war.

The difference of course is PBS is not found anywhere in the COTUS.

But you knew that.

Not much of an argument. To be cogent there'd have to some sort of ban on that kind of subsidy. The military and different government departments have media subsidies, why not PBS?


That is just stupid.

I mean recognizing that you in fact a moron, that statement is still stupid.

The Army has a media relations department, yes for obvious reasons.

Your statement leads me to ask this. Which Department is PBS a media subsidy of?
Bill Moyer's Journal, Charlie Rose, and Gwen Iffel, are all rabid left wing nuts. Why are my tax dollars going to support their biased diatribe very single week? Wonder what left would say if Rush Limbaugh got taxpayer subsided air time on PBS?

EXACTLY how much does PBS cost each of us?

I mean, how upset should I be?

Hey, every liberal in America should send me $1 dollar. Really, it's not like every liberal sending me a dollar is going to break them, so why should they be upset? I can't think of a reason not to implement this fabulous plan.

I'll have to deduct 99 cents for shipping and handling..
Why should our tax dollars go towards Rush Limbaugh being broadcast on the military radio network overseas and on ships? He's the most visceral radio host around...?
What makes you think American forces radio pays for the Rush Limbaugh show?

OFFICIAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESPONSE TOSec. Panetta, Get Rush Limbaugh Off American Forces Radio NOW! No tax money for abusive, divisive, insulting language.
Rush Limbaugh and Armed Forces Radio
By Bryan G. Whitman

Thank you for your interest in American Forces Network (AFN) programming for our service members overseas. We appreciate your participation in the "We the People" platform on www.whitehouse.gov and your concerns about the programming available to our troops.

AFN is charged with providing current information and entertainment programming to our Department of Defense audiences overseas, similar to what they could see and hear via the media in the United States. AFN acquires top-rated radio programs, as measured by audience ratings in the United States, and delivers them via satellite to our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen stationed worldwide in 177 countries. AFN does not advertise on, provide any funding for, offer products for sale, or sponsor any of the programs (including the Rush Limbaugh Show) it relays to its audiences.

AFN does not censor content, and we believe it is important that service members have access to a variety of viewpoints.

See the complete list of political talk shows offered on AFN.

Review all of our radio and television services/schedules.

Again, thank you for your interest in our service members and the programming services AFN extends to them.

Bryan G. Whitman is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.
ty! that's good to know!

Though I would guess that it is not a completely free service, meaning the gvt has to spend tax dollars to broadcast via satellite to the armed forces....

there was a petition with nearly 11, 000 military men and family signatures to have Limbaugh removed from the armed forces radio network, after the "slut" comment he made about Sandra Fluke, or something of the sort? Don't know if this is what Bryan G Whitman was responding to....?

Note NPR far left.
According to a national survey recently commissioned by PBS and undertaken by the bipartisan polling firms of Hart Research and American Viewpoint, 69% of voters oppose congressional elimination of government funding for public broadcasting. Over half of all voters say it would be a massive or significant loss for themselves and their family if Congress, voting to eliminate funding, forced PBS to eliminate some programming and jeopardized some PBS television stations. The survey also shows that six in ten voters believe this would be a massive or significant loss for the country as a whole.
Federal Funding PBS

I trust a study commissioned by PBS about as much as I trust Harry Reid.

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