WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?

Obama, the man who promised to have the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh', is still keeping his Occidental College records sealed....why?

OBVIOUSLY the man has something to hide, as that is the only reason one would seal records - to prevent others from seeing something. The files on the assassination of JFK are a prime example.

Another great example is AG John Kerry's military records. Kerry, when he ran for President, claimed back in his (treasonous) military days that he had spent one Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968...when his li...er, claim was challenged he declared he would released his sealed records to prove his claim. Yeah, Americans are still waiting on Kerry to release those records.....

Obama claims to be a genius, a Constitutional Scholar...so why not release his records?

LINK: The Occidental Tourist

His scores are none of your business. Unfortunately for you, you're too stupid to know that they are none of your business.
Obama, the man who promised to have the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh', is still keeping his Occidental College records sealed....why?

OBVIOUSLY the man has something to hide, as that is the only reason one would seal records - to prevent others from seeing something. The files on the assassination of JFK are a prime example.

Another great example is AG John Kerry's military records. Kerry, when he ran for President, claimed back in his (treasonous) military days that he had spent one Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968...when his li...er, claim was challenged he declared he would released his sealed records to prove his claim. Yeah, Americans are still waiting on Kerry to release those records.....

Obama claims to be a genius, a Constitutional Scholar...so why not release his records?

LINK: The Occidental Tourist

His scores are none of your business. Unfortunately for you, you're too stupid to know that they are none of your business.

Democrat Senator and Jew Charles Schumer would disagree.
Obama, the man who promised to have the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh', is still keeping his Occidental College records sealed....why?

OBVIOUSLY the man has something to hide, as that is the only reason one would seal records - to prevent others from seeing something. The files on the assassination of JFK are a prime example.

Another great example is AG John Kerry's military records. Kerry, when he ran for President, claimed back in his (treasonous) military days that he had spent one Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968...when his li...er, claim was challenged he declared he would released his sealed records to prove his claim. Yeah, Americans are still waiting on Kerry to release those records.....

Obama claims to be a genius, a Constitutional Scholar...so why not release his records?

LINK: The Occidental Tourist

His scores are none of your business. Unfortunately for you, you're too stupid to know that they are none of your business.

Democrat Senator and Jew Charles Schumer would disagree.

So what? You go live your life based on what Chuck Schumer says.
Why is his records "unreleased" everytime I apply for a job I have to show my college records before they will hire me.
Why is his records "unreleased" everytime I apply for a job I have to show my college records before they will hire me.

I've never had a job request my college records before I was hired. In fact, I've never even heard of a job requesting full college records.
Nor I. Never.

I don't know anyone who has ever asked, or been asked, for college records. And I have participated in a zillion job interviews.

A diploma is the most for which anyone asks.
Why is his records "unreleased" everytime I apply for a job I have to show my college records before they will hire me.

There's no indication in that post that you've gotten through grade school. Perhaps your would-be employers need objective verification.
After 8 years and countless articles debunking this kind of stupid shit we still get dummies who can't get it right. Student records have been protected by federal law since 1974. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

I wish you asshats would read the law and try to understand that those records aren't for your prying eyes and no amount of stupid posts like this with the council of naysayers nodding in agreement is going to change that.
So all this shit we hear about he was at the top of his class is bullshit? Because he has not proved he is smart in the last seven years.

If anything, its fairly certain that based upon his knowledge of the Constitution and American jurisprudence, the only time Obama was actually at Harvard Law was for the class picture
Why is his records "unreleased" everytime I apply for a job I have to show my college records before they will hire me.

I've never had a job request my college records before I was hired. In fact, I've never even heard of a job requesting full college records.
Nor I. Never.

I don't know anyone who has ever asked, or been asked, for college records. And I have participated in a zillion job interviews.

A diploma is the most for which anyone asks.

I don't think I've ever had to supply a college diploma, either - just my GPA, which is on my resume.

I think I've had jobs where I've had to show my high school diploma, when I was younger.
Obama, the man who promised to have the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh', is still keeping his Occidental College records sealed....why?

OBVIOUSLY the man has something to hide, as that is the only reason one would seal records - to prevent others from seeing something. The files on the assassination of JFK are a prime example.

Another great example is AG John Kerry's military records. Kerry, when he ran for President, claimed back in his (treasonous) military days that he had spent one Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968...when his li...er, claim was challenged he declared he would released his sealed records to prove his claim. Yeah, Americans are still waiting on Kerry to release those records.....

Obama claims to be a genius, a Constitutional Scholar...so why not release his records?

LINK: The Occidental Tourist
The only reason would have to be that his grades were poor.
No, it will show us what his nationality is, and how he got into Harvard. Elizabeth Warren was caught lying about being a Native American in order to get in there, cause some aunt on her mothers side, 10 generations ago was possibly a Native. I will put it that way.

What a Liar she is. Of course she is allowed to lie. She is a democrat.

Not only will we find out his shit grades, but it is mainly about hiding that FACT that he IS a KENYAN.

We know more about John Quincy Adams schooling and grades than we know about this most transparent president ever.
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

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