WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?

Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We know quite a bit about Obama's childhood

I like the story about how he learned to play golf at a Kenyan country club
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We know quite a bit about Obama's childhood

I like the story about how he learned to play golf at a Kenyan country club
Is that where he learned how to snort cocaine?
Obama, the man who promised to have the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh', is still keeping his Occidental College records sealed....why?

OBVIOUSLY the man has something to hide, as that is the only reason one would seal records - to prevent others from seeing something. The files on the assassination of JFK are a prime example.

Another great example is AG John Kerry's military records. Kerry, when he ran for President, claimed back in his (treasonous) military days that he had spent one Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968...when his li...er, claim was challenged he declared he would released his sealed records to prove his claim. Yeah, Americans are still waiting on Kerry to release those records.....

Obama claims to be a genius, a Constitutional Scholar...so why not release his records?

LINK: The Occidental Tourist

Why? Because like every President he has declined to release his college records.

Why would you expect him to behave differently than every other President?
Declined? Were they ever asked to show their records? Obama needs to show his because we want to know.

Obama doesn't 'need' to do anything you want- frankly you are delusional to expect he 'needs' to do anything you say.

The voters ignored your demands, and President Obama was elected twice.

Oh and Romney ignored the demands for his college records too.

Because that is the presidential thing to do.
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We know quite a bit about Obama's childhood

I like the story about how he learned to play golf at a Kenyan country club
Is that where he learned how to snort cocaine?

I always wondered where Bush learned to snort cocaine.
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We know quite a bit about Obama's childhood

I like the story about how he learned to play golf at a Kenyan country club
Is that where he learned how to snort cocaine?

I always wondered where Bush learned to snort cocaine.
Are you saying Bush was Obama's mentor?
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We are not responsible for your ignorance regarding President Obama's life.

The truth is out there, if you are willing to go to a library or use Google.

I know the names of President Obama's kindergarten teachers- the names of many of his childhood friends- I know every school he attended- I even know who he went to prom with.

Can you say the same regarding any other President?
Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We know quite a bit about Obama's childhood

I like the story about how he learned to play golf at a Kenyan country club
Is that where he learned how to snort cocaine?

I always wondered where Bush learned to snort cocaine.
Are you saying Bush was Obama's mentor?
Are you saying Obama was Bush's mentor?
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We are not responsible for your ignorance regarding President Obama's life.

The truth is out there, if you are willing to go to a library or use Google.

I know the names of President Obama's kindergarten teachers- the names of many of his childhood friends- I know every school he attended- I even know who he went to prom with.

Can you say the same regarding any other President?
Proof that he did what you say.
"WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?"

[Rhetorical] Why are so many on the ridiculous right still whining about this non-issue.
Well liberals claim he was top of his class. We say prove it.

Which liberal exactly? Oh right- the imaginary liberal's in your mind.....the ones that say whatever is convenient for you...

We know he was one of the top of his class in Harvard- because he graduated Magna Cum Laude
Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991
; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama announced the creation of an exploratory committee Tuesday, effectively launching his bid for the presidency, but he revealed his decision to his closest supporters in a conference call days earlier.

“He talked about how the timing was not exactly what he himself expected, but with a tremendous response from the nation, that this is an important moment and a great opportunity to step forward,” Wilkins said.

Loeb University Professor Laurence H. Tribe ’62, who taught Obama and employed him as a research assistant, remembers him as a “brilliant, personable, and obviously unique” person. Tribe said that Obama’s theoretical perspective on applying modern physics to law was “very impressive.”

“He is obviously a serious intellectual as well as a fantastic campaigner who can reach across boundaries,” Tribe said. “He will make an extraordinarily fine president.”

Wilkins, too, vows to be “supportive of him in any way possible” and said that he is a “terrific candidate offering a fresh perspective that is desperately needed in American politics.”
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

We are not responsible for your ignorance regarding President Obama's life.

The truth is out there, if you are willing to go to a library or use Google.

I know the names of President Obama's kindergarten teachers- the names of many of his childhood friends- I know every school he attended- I even know who he went to prom with.

Can you say the same regarding any other President?
Proof that he did what you say.

I notice you ducked finding any other President who we know all this about.....LOL...

Proof that he did what?

Attended kindergarten?

Noelani Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii

Aimee Yatsushiro, Teacher: Kindergarten

Aimee Yatsushiro, a retired teacher from Kahului, served as a student teacher from September to December 1966 at Noelani Elementary School on Oahu. Her supervising teacher was Kazuko Sakai, the primary educator for about 25 students in a kindergarten class that included a boy named Barack "Barry" Obama. "He was a cute, likable, heavy build-child," Yatsushiro recalled. "I could visualize Barry smiling, dressed in his long-sleeved, white shirt tucked into his brown Bermuda shorts, and wearing laced shoes."

"He was a good listener from the time he was little," Yatsushiro said. "I remember him always smiling and observing, just watching all the time, smiling and observing. He didn't have to be the center of attention."

Katherine Nakamoto, Teacher: Kindergarten

Katherine Nakamoto, also a retired teacher now living in Wailuku, coincidentally was assigned to the same kindergarten class, only this time from January to June of 1967. Nakamoto said she never used a nickname for the student. "We called him Barack. . . . He was very well mannered, respectful, confident and independent."

"He (Obama) was always nicely dressed," Nakamoto said as she looked at the old photograph recently. "He wasn't outstanding in any way like being naughty or anything. I just remember him being confident, like the way a president should be."


Or proof that he went to his prom? He had a hot date.....

It has his actual Birth Certificate from Pluto or is it Mars?

Who really cares?

Maybe bad grades?

I do not care but I know you do so keep on digging and find out why and when you do please post it here, and I will still not care...

I just find it ironic how one of the 1st things Mr. 'Most Transparent Administrations Evuh' did was seal all of his transcripts and records...

Except of course- that is just a Birther lie.....

And gullible birthers keep believing it.
Obama is not running for President

Why are Trumps tax records still sealed?
WHEN Obama was running for President ALL of his personal records were (and still are) sealed.

Stop your hypocritical shining....'What's good for the goose', as they say....

Well lets see Trump's records.

Everything Birthers have demanded from President Obama

Starting with his kindergarten records (this still cracks me up)
to his college admission records and transcripts
to all of his draft deferment records
to all of his marriage and divorce records
"WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?"

[Rhetorical] Why are so many on the ridiculous right still whining about this non-issue.
Well liberals claim he was top of his class. We say prove it.

Which liberal exactly? Oh right- the imaginary liberal's in your mind.....the ones that say whatever is convenient for you...

We know he was one of the top of his class in Harvard- because he graduated Magna Cum Laude
Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991
; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama announced the creation of an exploratory committee Tuesday, effectively launching his bid for the presidency, but he revealed his decision to his closest supporters in a conference call days earlier.

“He talked about how the timing was not exactly what he himself expected, but with a tremendous response from the nation, that this is an important moment and a great opportunity to step forward,” Wilkins said.

Loeb University Professor Laurence H. Tribe ’62, who taught Obama and employed him as a research assistant, remembers him as a “brilliant, personable, and obviously unique” person. Tribe said that Obama’s theoretical perspective on applying modern physics to law was “very impressive.”

“He is obviously a serious intellectual as well as a fantastic campaigner who can reach across boundaries,” Tribe said. “He will make an extraordinarily fine president.”

Wilkins, too, vows to be “supportive of him in any way possible” and said that he is a “terrific candidate offering a fresh perspective that is desperately needed in American politics.”
That's hearsay, I've also heard he was fucked up all the time, he never showed up for class. The only way to know for sure is to see his transcripts.
"WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?"

[Rhetorical] Why are so many on the ridiculous right still whining about this non-issue.
Well liberals claim he was top of his class. We say prove it.

Which liberal exactly? Oh right- the imaginary liberal's in your mind.....the ones that say whatever is convenient for you...

We know he was one of the top of his class in Harvard- because he graduated Magna Cum Laude
Obama Left Mark on HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

The presidential hopeful graduated magna cum laude from the Law School in 1991
; his wife earned the degree three years earlier.

But the senator was still outstanding in his own right—“brilliant, charismatic, and focused,” said Wilkins, the Kirkland and Ellis professor of law. The two forged a relationship after Obama became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama announced the creation of an exploratory committee Tuesday, effectively launching his bid for the presidency, but he revealed his decision to his closest supporters in a conference call days earlier.

“He talked about how the timing was not exactly what he himself expected, but with a tremendous response from the nation, that this is an important moment and a great opportunity to step forward,” Wilkins said.

Loeb University Professor Laurence H. Tribe ’62, who taught Obama and employed him as a research assistant, remembers him as a “brilliant, personable, and obviously unique” person. Tribe said that Obama’s theoretical perspective on applying modern physics to law was “very impressive.”

“He is obviously a serious intellectual as well as a fantastic campaigner who can reach across boundaries,” Tribe said. “He will make an extraordinarily fine president.”

Wilkins, too, vows to be “supportive of him in any way possible” and said that he is a “terrific candidate offering a fresh perspective that is desperately needed in American politics.”
That's hearsay, I've also heard he was fucked up all the time, he never showed up for class. The only way to know for sure is to see his transcripts.

LOL...speaking of 'hearsay'.....unlike my post- which is 'not hearsay'- we will get back to that- your post is not even 'hearsay'- your post is just your own opinion.

An article from the Harvard Crimson showing that President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude is not 'hearsay'
A photo of Obama's kinder garten class- and interviews with his actual teachers- are not 'hearsay'- those are all direct evidence.

However- Birthers like yourself rely as usual- on anonymous hearsay for virtually everything you claim regarding Obama.
Obama did say in his own words, he liked to snot cocaine and then smoke pot to come down.

Really- in his own words? Sounds to me like those are your words.

Obama did admit to using cocaine as a teenager- and what does that have to do with either the stupid claim of the OP or any of your stupid claims?
Obama did say in his own words, he liked to snot cocaine and then smoke pot to come down.

Really- in his own words? Sounds to me like those are your words.

Obama did admit to using cocaine as a teenager- and what does that have to do with either the stupid claim of the OP or any of your stupid claims?
It's in his book.

Sigh....I take way too much pleasure in refuting this anti-Obama crap

Here is what you claimed:
Obama did say in his own words, he liked to snot cocaine and then smoke pot to come down.

Except nowhere in his books does he use the word cocaine- so not exactly his own words is it?

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance: Barack Obama: 9781400082773: Amazon.com: Books

Check it out.

Yes- Obama did admit using cocaine- but you didn't use his words- nor did you accurately describe what he did say- I doubt you even know what he said.

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