WHY are Obama's Occidental College Records Still Sealed?

Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

Not a thing. Except where he went to school, the names of his teachers, his registration forms, testimony from former classmates, his yearbooks, various pictures, who he lived with, where he lived, bios on his mother, his father, his step father, his grandfather, his grandmother, family photos, his highschool, middle school, catholic school, primary school. Teacher assessments of Obama as a student, impressions from classmates, school photos, pictures form his prom, the name of his prom date what sports he played, what Obama did for fun, where he traveled to, and an extensive autobiography documenting his childhood.

But other than that.....'nothing'.

Remember, just because you close your eyes doesn't mean that the world disappears.
Go ahead and print all of that out. Good luck!
Double standard? The left knew every moment of George Bush's college life including his marks and his frat life and his alleged anti-social behavior and the left's sleazy researchers even made an issue of his daughter's college life. We can't even get a look at Barry Hussein Sotoro's birth certificate much less his college records. The "most open administration" makes sure everything is locked in a freaking vault.

Bush never released his college records. His Yale records were leaked by someone.

And don't pretend every minute of Obama's life since childhood has not been held up for ridicule, dick. Your own snide little "Sotoro" [sic] reference confirms that.
We really don't know anything about Obama's childhood, but his greatness from bootlickers like yourself.

Not a thing. Except where he went to school, the names of his teachers, his registration forms, testimony from former classmates, his yearbooks, various pictures, who he lived with, where he lived, bios on his mother, his father, his step father, his grandfather, his grandmother, family photos, his highschool, middle school, catholic school, primary school. Teacher assessments of Obama as a student, impressions from classmates, school photos, pictures form his prom, the name of his prom date what sports he played, what Obama did for fun, where he traveled to, and an extensive autobiography documenting his childhood.

But other than that.....'nothing'.

Remember, just because you close your eyes doesn't mean that the world disappears.
Go ahead and print all of that out. Good luck!

Laughing...still claiming we don't know 'anything' about Obama's childhood?

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