Why are Political Forums Overrun with RWNJ's?

As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Political forums are overrun by NJ's from both ends of the spectrum.

Not a lot of independent thought. Not a lot of intellectual curiosity.

You're just looking at it from a biased, left wing perspective.

You do know that, right?

I am a moderate and there's no question in my mind that the massive austerity these idiots demand is of the far right wing side of the spectrum. Doesn't make much sense.
You're talking about one policy issue and he's talking about behavior and tossing out insults.

Which you did too, with "idiots".

I don't know if either of you see this.

I use to be a extremist that listen to savage and other talk radio daily. I voted for George w bush, McCain and Romney...Believe it or not I posted all the shit from those sites as the op explained above as recently as 3 years ago.

What changed my mind is the reality that the movement moved so far to the right under Obama that it was attacking everything I loved and made sense to me. Why should we cut science, education and infrastructure I started to wonder??? I always thought those things were common sense and most republicans throughout history would in fact agree with me...But, as you can see the extremist in teh tea party doesn't seem to think so. I started studying other nations from China, India and developing countries from all over the world and all of them would think the tea party is bat shit crazy in their belief system. I took classes in politics, economics and history just to have what Ive seen be strengthen.They honestly believe in a wild west way of thinking that would be very bad for this country.

There's no way in hell we want unregulated capitalism as the tea party screams for...It is a no go right out of the cage! If that isn't extreme of the extreme well, I don't know what to say. Take it from a former nut case of the far right...None of it really makes a shit load of sense once you start thinking about it.
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As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
Political forums are overrun by NJ's from both ends of the spectrum.

Not a lot of independent thought. Not a lot of intellectual curiosity.

You're just looking at it from a biased, left wing perspective.

You do know that, right?

I am a moderate and there's no question in my mind that the massive austerity these idiots demand is of the far right wing side of the spectrum. Doesn't make much sense.
You're talking about one policy issue and he's talking about behavior and tossing out insults.

Which you did too, with "idiots".

I don't know if either of you see this.

I use to be a extremist that listen to savage and other talk radio daily. I voted for George w bush, McCain and Romney...Believe it or not I posted all the shit from those sites as the op explained above.

What changed my mind is the reality that the movement moved so far to the right under Obama that it was attacking everything that I love and made sense to me. Why should we cut science, education and infrastructure I started to wonder??? I always thought those things were common sense and most republicans throughout history would in fact agree with me...But, as you can see the extremist in teh tea party doesn't seem to think so. I started studying other nations from China, India and developing countries from all over the world and all of them would think the tea party is bat shit crazy in their belief system. I took classes in politics, economics and history just to have what Ive seen be strengthen.

There's no way in hell we want unregulated capitalism as the tea party screams for...It is a no go right out of the cage! If that isn't extreme of the extreme well, I don't know what to say. Take it form a former nut case of the far right...None of it really makes a shit load of sense once you start thinking about it.
I don't see anyone calling for "unregulated capitalism". If you'd like to provide a link I'll be happy to check it out.

What they actually do is automatically support less regulation without indicating that they're considering any negative macro consequences.

And right there is the difference between the hyperbole of partisanship and more reasoned observation.

Personally, I think we need more of the latter.
The ends of the political spectrum have taken over the conversation, and that means less honesty, less curiosity, less agreement, less progress.

It also means more personal attacks, more insults, more distortions, more toxicity, more division.

Worse, both ends are far too narcissistic and closed-minded to see this, or care.


Please name 5 regular USMB members from either side of the political spectrum. Then, please name a few nationally recognized leaders from both sides of that spectrum.

Since "both sides do it", this shouldn't take but a minute and your examples should be equally egregious in nature.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.

:iagree: their lives are dedicated to destroy 240 years of tradition, values, patriotism, freedom, liberty and so many other things America has stood for, for the first 232 years!! :up:

Why are Political Forums Overrun with RWNJ's?

how many "political forums" do you know of, and visit?

Much of this problem is caused by lead in drinking water. That coupled with disproportionate levels of caffeine, fear, anger, low self-esteem, and hate.

Don't forget inbreeding
the bigger question should be: why are they overrun by leftwing whiners who wails constantly about THOSE others on there who might have a different opinion of the high and mighty leftist snobs who makes up the leftwing
Much of this problem is caused by lead in drinking water. That coupled with disproportionate levels of caffeine, fear, anger, low self-esteem, and hate.

maybe you should consider a change in your lifestyle, if all those things are affecting your ability to get along with others, your HATE is overwhelming you. :up:
WHEN you have to hate a person just over their politics and who aren't someone in a position of power to hurt you. then there's something very wrong with you the person. so buck up, stop whining and get off the message boards is what it sounds like you need
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
The simple answer is that Libtards gave no ideas...they can't compete with their warn out whining and pleas for assistance, no matter what the problem.
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
of course liberals have better lives.
conservatives have to spend 8 to 12 hours a day working to support the liberals. Liberals on the other hand just get to collect the free money and do as they wish all day.
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.
of course liberals have better lives.
conservatives have to spend 8 to 12 hours a day working to support the liberals. Liberals on the other hand just get to collect the free money and do as they wish all day.

for proof, just look at the left supported groups like the OWS and the BLMS. DON'T these people work? where do they find all this time and money? well guess where it comes from? people like op who supports a party that thinks freedoms are only for a certain segment of the people and that is them
As a counter to the stupid "Observations about Liberals" thread, skim through this political forum.

Now, skim through other general political forums.

Why are they overrun with a disproportionate amount of RWNJ's?

There are certainly partisan sites for conservatives and liberals, but on open forums such as this one, polls don't mean much because they are always dramatically weighed towards not just conservatives, but the kinds of conservatives who live beyond the backyard and just over the cliff of other conservatives.

They talk and talk a lot about liberals not having jobs, but when you study every thread and study who the most prolific posters are, they are almost always exclusively RWNJ's who do nothing more than copy & paste propaganda they've gotten from places like Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, all the usual suspects. And they spread this crap every single day, dozens of times daily. Who else but unemployed bums have time for this?

If RWNJ's aren't just a bunch of lazy takers, then they certainly don't have lives. All the things they accuse liberals of are the things they themselves are most guilty of. They demagogue about the "sickness" or the "cult" that is liberalism, yet who else but RWNJ's need strength in numbers online? And how do people who copy & paste propaganda all day not appear to be a cult?

Notice how difficult it is on this site to have an actual political conversation? It's less a conversation and more an exercise of RWNJ's piling on talking points.

Say what you will about liberals, but they actually seem to have lives.

Conservatism in America has been hijacked by Faux News and conservative talk radio, and these entities paint a phoney picture of the world so as to corral as many conservatives into an impenetrable bubble of misinformation as possible.

These entities paint themselves as 'fighters for our team' and then demonize anything that goes against their propaganda as 'other' and 'out to get you'. Fear and anger are the two open wounds on conservatives that they intentionally keep open so they can push a finger in the wound and cause a pavlovian howl and reaction.

And it works well.

Liberals don't have this mindset. 'Liberal' by definition means liberated, free, and liberals for instance listen to the FM dial of the radio, where the music and zeal for positive life are. Its the same reason liberals own Hollywood, the creative minds are liberal. They don't search out or NEED 'gathering places' so they can repeat ad nauseum the mantra 'we're good, they're bad, we're good, they're bad', 'life is miserable and its all someone else's fault'. This is what conservative media does. 24/7, with the intent on separating conservatives and keeping them in a perpetual state of fear so as to manipulate them.

Again, it works well.
Conservatism in America has been hijacked by Faux News and conservative talk radio, and these entities paint a phoney picture of the world so as to corral as many conservatives into an impenetrable bubble of misinformation as possible.
*YAWN*..... yet another sequel to "It's all Fox News fault that conservatives don't agree with me" :crybaby:

'Liberal' by definition means liberated, free,
No, liberal used to mean that until the authoritarian, gub'mint worshipping left starting using it to describe itself.

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