Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2011
Ron Paul offers a lot of individual freedom and this scares Republicans. After all, the outcome of liberty is unknown and most Republicans are scared of the unknown. They need control and they need to manipulate the outcome.

Hence, whey they want to impose their social conservative beliefs onto society. They are afraid of liberty and seek control. Hence, why they lied and manipulate wars instead of practicing diplomacy. Diplomacy brings into the unknown and this does not resonate well with Republicans. They need control, hence why they lied and manipulated into war.

American Conservatism is most closely related to classical liberalism in which there is an element of the unknown. However, an element of the unknown goes against the grain of the Republican and scares them. Instead, they seek to power to control and manipulate, instead of allowing man to be free.

Liberty scares Republicans, hence why they constantly throw their support behind statists freaks like Romney, Santorum, Bush, and even Reagan. Not to mention Nixon and Ike. Liberty scares Republicans and always has. They have always been mostly authoritative statists freaks, backed by soft appeals to liberty.

p.s. liberals are not better. They clamor for individual freedom, yet look for the state to grant them it, often times violating someone's elses freedom. So, please keep your strawman arguments to yourself.
Because, unlike republicans who campaign like libertarians then govern like libroidal democratics, he mans it.
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For Romney's sake, and mine !! I hope and prey he puts Paul somewhere in his administration before the election. As we all know, Paul supporters vote in the masses and Romney needs a chunk of that youth vote to beat Bozo!
why do paulians think ANYONE is afraid of ron paul?

Poor Jillian who just trolls and negs me without offering anything of substance.

You are garbage and completely incapable of having a discussion on the issues. Go dump yourself into a polluted harbor.
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Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?'


Republicans have always been afraid of limited statism, pro-liberty philisophy. You shot down Goldwater in 64 and shoot down Ron Paul in 2012, and for who? For Mitt or Rick?

Republicans are statist hacks who hate limited government and individual liberty.
and just to add, If we have a Romney/McDonnell ticket, Yobama can kiss Virginia&N. Carolina good-bye,but just knowing that Ron Paul will have an important role in the Romney Administration will excite the base. I dont buy any of these polls. Romney will take New Hampshire,Nevada(thanks for dissing Las Vegas Yobama!!) and shouldnt have any problem sweeping the rust belt (being Obama hates anything that has to do with coal and energy)
Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?'


Republicans have always been afraid of limited statism, pro-liberty philisophy. You shot down Goldwater in 64 and shoot down Ron Paul in 2012, and for who? For Mitt or Rick?

Republicans are statist hacks who hate limited government and individual liberty.

Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.
Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?'


Republicans have always been afraid of limited statism, pro-liberty philisophy. You shot down Goldwater in 64 and shoot down Ron Paul in 2012, and for who? For Mitt or Rick?

Republicans are statist hacks who hate limited government and individual liberty.

Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.

IOW, human nature sucks and we need an authority figure to make it all better.

At least you are an honest Republican who believes that he needs to control others in order to make it all better.
Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?'


Republicans have always been afraid of limited statism, pro-liberty philisophy. You shot down Goldwater in 64 and shoot down Ron Paul in 2012, and for who? For Mitt or Rick?

Republicans are statist hacks who hate limited government and individual liberty.

Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.

Libertarians understand the fallibility of human nature...That's why they want the fallible humans involved in gubmint to have as little power as possible over the rest of us.

Try reading The Law some time....It won't take but about an hour or so.
Republicans have always been afraid of limited statism, pro-liberty philisophy. You shot down Goldwater in 64 and shoot down Ron Paul in 2012, and for who? For Mitt or Rick?

Republicans are statist hacks who hate limited government and individual liberty.

Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.

Libertarians understand the fallibility of human nature...That's why they want the fallible humans involved in gubmint to have as little power as possible over the rest of us.

Try reading The Law some time....It won't take but about an hour or so.

Sorry, but I nailed it.
Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.

Libertarians understand the fallibility of human nature...That's why they want the fallible humans involved in gubmint to have as little power as possible over the rest of us.

Try reading The Law some time....It won't take but about an hour or so.

Sorry, but I nailed it.
You didn't nail shit.

A classic liberal (i.e. libertarian) society worked famously in America until progressive/neocon demigod Teddy Roosevelt fucked it all up.
Ron Paul offers a lot of individual freedom and this scares Republicans. After all, the outcome of liberty is unknown and most Republicans are scared of the unknown. They need control and they need to manipulate the outcome.

Hence, whey they want to impose their social conservative beliefs onto society. They are afraid of liberty and seek control. Hence, why they lied and manipulate wars instead of practicing diplomacy. Diplomacy brings into the unknown and this does not resonate well with Republicans. They need control, hence why they lied and manipulated into war.

American Conservatism is most closely related to classical liberalism in which there is an element of the unknown. However, an element of the unknown goes against the grain of the Republican and scares them. Instead, they seek to power to control and manipulate, instead of allowing man to be free.

Liberty scares Republicans, hence why they constantly throw their support behind statists freaks like Romney, Santorum, Bush, and even Reagan. Not to mention Nixon and Ike. Liberty scares Republicans and always has. They have always been mostly authoritative statists freaks, backed by soft appeals to liberty.

p.s. liberals are not better. They clamor for individual freedom, yet look for the state to grant them it, often times violating someone's elses freedom. So, please keep your strawman arguments to yourself.

I wasn't aware Republicans were afraid of Paul. But just out of curiosity how many Democrats would vote for Paul over Obama or any other Democrat running for President?

Libertarians understand the fallibility of human nature...That's why they want the fallible humans involved in gubmint to have as little power as possible over the rest of us.

Try reading The Law some time....It won't take but about an hour or so.

Sorry, but I nailed it.
You didn't nail shit.

A classic liberal (i.e. libertarian) society worked famously in America until progressive/neocon demigod Teddy Roosevelt fucked it all up.

You mean until the group think of human nature derailed it?
Libertarianism has the same problem as Communism.

Human nature makes both unworkable.

Libertarians understand the fallibility of human nature...That's why they want the fallible humans involved in gubmint to have as little power as possible over the rest of us.

Try reading The Law some time....It won't take but about an hour or so.

Sorry, but I nailed it.

No, you did not. You claimed that human nature is fallible and therefore needs to be dictated by other fallible humans.

You did not prove shit, other than proving that you simpleton.

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