Why are Republicans being blamed for this shutdown?

Why are the Republicans being blamed?

Because they are holding the country hostage
The TeaPs are at fault, but my GOP is going to get the blame and are going to be hurt in the next elections.

How badly depends on how long this asinine idiocy continues.
You didn't even address the point he made. He's from my state. He'll get re-elected for it. Book it.

"Our way or the highway" is what the Democrats are doing? It's republicans who shut the government down. Over something approved by the legislature, the judiciary, and the executive branch.

So your boy Woodall will get reelected for halting paychecks and hurting the economy for a few days... Way to go :cool:

This "law" was approved by one party. ONE. It was not passed in a bipartisan manner. Not in the slightest. But if you really want to get technical, Democrats paved the road to this shutdown 4 years ago when they passed the thing.

A) As I said previously, it was passed by one party.

B) Kennedy ruled that Obamacare was "a tax" and therefore fell inside constitutional bounds. There is no language in the ACA that defines it as such. You can spin it all you want. But no dice.

C) Obama does not get to pass laws, he can propose them. He took the liberty to change the law himself, which he is not allowed to. So don't lecture me about adhering to the "law" when the President and his party by their own actions have essentially nullified it.

D) And what's hurting the economy for a few days, as compared to hurting it for the past 5 years?

A bipartisan manner? Obama has done everything to be bipartisan short of switching to the republican party. Here's link below to an article from a liberal site on this.

Republicans Have Amnesia About Obama's Bipartisanship | Alternet
Obama could have stopped this from happening easily....all he had to do is agree to delay Obamacare for 1 year. This is NOT ready to be put in place....why is Obama wanting to delay parts of it if it's such a great thing and ready to go?

Oh...I think I also heard that the republicans were wanting a provision put in that would force Congress and the rest of the government to also have Obamacare. That was probably the killer right there, Dems don't want it but they want to force it on everyone else ... well, except their friends. What a mess!
Which party hs been running on the I HATE GOVERNMENT platform?

Given that who do you think the American people are going to believe is shutting down government?

G-Zeus K-rist on a crutch you Republicans are stupid, sometimes.
I am waiting to see why it is a bad thing government shut down. Seeing as all the things government is CONSTITUTIONALLY suppose to run are still going along with some shit they are not and only non essential people are sitting at home.....If they are non essential why they fuck am I paying them in the first place?
Obama could have stopped this from happening easily....all he had to do is agree to delay Obamacare for 1 year. This is NOT ready to be put in place....why is Obama wanting to delay parts of it if it's such a great thing and ready to go?

Oh...I think I also heard that the republicans were wanting a provision put in that would force Congress and the rest of the government to also have Obamacare. That was probably the killer right there, Dems don't want it but they want to force it on everyone else ... well, except their friends. What a mess!


the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a lying piece of shit has already delayed the Employer Mandate for one year.

Without Congressional Approval. Without consulting Congress, he unilaterally changed the Law. No.... He ignored the Law.

But he's a lying dimocrap scumbag; so what else is new?

the Stuttering Clusterfuck has issued over 1,200 waivers and exemptions to employers, mostly to those who have a Unionized Work Force and Unions themselves...... Even to the Congress and their Staffers.

And please, let's not have that JUVENILE debate about the FACT that the Stuttering Clusterfuck issued a waiver for Congress and their Staffers. He did, and anybody that denies it is a lying sack of shit. AND an idiot

What dimocraps are doing here is running an "Imperial" Country.

They gave Republicans little to no input on the original law. Not one Republican voted for it.

Not one.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck himself told us 'elections have consequences' and thumbed his nose at us.

Well, guess what, Sports Fans. The Constitution of the United States gives the House of Representatives the 'power of the purse'. Suck on it. Elections have consequences, bitches.

All Republicans are asking for is to be able to offer some ideas, have some input, have a say in what's going on but the fucking NAZIS in the dimocrap party don't want to hear about any of it.

If this takes the Republican Party down, so be it.

I was against the gubmint shutdown initially but now that it's on, we need to take it to the limit.

IMO, it should ON-on. dimocrap scum will never change. They are totalitarian scum just like their Nazi and Stalinist political mentors. Always have been, always will be.

And the only way to deal with totalitarian scum is to crush them.

Republicans need to find out what they stand for. We need to be either a Party that believes in something and fights for it or the Party that just wants to get along.

Personally, I welcome the 'fighting' Republican Party. It's a nice change but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for them to suddenly fight the balls necessary to finish the fight.

I think they cave and we come out of this badly bruised and demoralized.

Or not.... :dunno:
You are the ones who HELD (past tense) this government hostage for this healthcare bill of yours. :p


do you ever get tired of being wrong ???? it amazes me how one person like you can be sooooo ignorant...

I'm amazed you could have been here a year and a half and still be amazed at how stupid these people can be.
I was being polite ...when it comes to republicans and their ability to show one and all their stupidity .it just makes me all warm a fuzzy in side... 72% of the american people dislike what the republicans are doing ... keep it up republicans they're doing a great job destroying their party all by their ignorant selves
maybe PMS-NBC and CNN only polled idiots/buffoons who live in NY and Los Angeles?

you keep believing that ... just like romney believed that his polling, republican polling, who told him he had the win in the bag ... sooooooooooooooooooo wheres romney ??? HERE'S a clue .... he's not in the white house .... unless he's taking a tour .. oh wait !!!!! there's no touring in the white house right now... whys that repub-lie-tards
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People are going to the exchanges starting today to SHOP for healthcare plans. Once a few million have purchased healthcare plans, and are thus insured,

repeal of Obamacare is dead as an issue. Dead even to the current denialists who still think that issue isn't dead already.

Will the GOP be running on repealing Obamacare in 2016? How? Running to close down the exchanges? Running to cancel the insurance of anyone who buys insurance on the exchange? Running to kick young people off their parents' policies? Running to give back to the insurance companies the right to deny people insurance because of pre-existing conditions?

What do you mean "why are the republicans being blamed?" They're the ones holding jobs hostage in exchange for sabotaging Obamacare

You are the ones who HELD (past tense) this government hostage for this healthcare bill of yours. :p


Right, Obama held the government hostage so he could pass what Republicans wanted on healthcare in the 90's, angering the liberal base (who wanted Universal Healthcare) in order to get Republican votes because he wanted to be a uniting President.

You're an idiot.

Obama went against his own party and passed the conservative Republican healthcare law, keeping healthcare in private hands, but because he agreed with Republicans they couldn't possibly stand for that and have demonized their own fucking plan, now called Obamacare, but we're supposed to believe Obama's an uncompromising tyrant?
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Isnt it amazing how all the fascists aka progressives excuse Ried in this shut down????

it wasn't Reid that insisted on putting bills in the budget it was your republicans that insisted it be put in... the republicans led by boehner who ignored the people wishers for the republicans to remove the wording from the bill ... 72 % of the American people told the republicans to stop putting in the wording and the republicans ignored the will of the people ... so i wouldn't say we excused Reid, i would say the republicans ignored the will of the people ...
Isnt it amazing how all the fascists aka progressives excuse Ried in this shut down????

it wasn't Reid that insisted on putting bills in the budget it was your republicans that insisted it be put in... the republicans led by boehner who ignored the people wishers for the republicans to remove the wording from the bill ... 72 % of the American people told the republicans to stop putting in the wording and the republicans ignored the will of the people ... so i wouldn't say we excused Reid, i would say the republicans ignored the will of the people ...
Its called compromise. It seems to be a word you fascists dont really understand.
Boehner has been given a "clean bill" to keep the government running. It is his insistence on adding riders to overturn previous legislation that is causing the shutdown

Big question for Republicans

If you get your way.....what will you demand next year to allow the government to function?

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