Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

I'm not in disagreement. I'm telling you WHY they are fat. Their diet sucks, and they eat a shit ton of fast food (typically.) They are usually ignorant about nutrition and what to buy, how to cook, etc.
in order to eat fast food,one has to get there, so they also waste money on unnecessary trips to that fast food establishment.
There are fast food places everywhere. Most people can walk to one.
most don't. otherwise, they wouldn't be fat.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
32 oz carrots, $1.84 at Walmart
So you now you think everyone should be a rabbit and eat carrots all the time huh? How many commercials do republicans finance advertising carrots?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?

Food high in calories, but lacking in nutrients. Fast food.

Fast food is EXPENSIVE, vegetables and poultry from the store are far cheaper. Your answer fails.

I'm not in disagreement. I'm telling you WHY they are fat. Their diet sucks, and they eat a shit ton of fast food (typically.) They are usually ignorant about nutrition and what to buy, how to cook, etc.
in order to eat fast food,one has to get there, so they also waste money on unnecessary trips to that fast food establishment.

It isn't a coincidence that there's a direct correlation between poor communities and a proliferation of fast food restaurants. Notice how many are almost always right next to a bus stop.
Back in the day when I had a shit paying manual job I was generally too knackered to cook or shop. I could have done so at a push but c'mon, it took me an hour every night to scrape the shit off me.
When I had a better job I actually enjoyed cooking and even shopping for food. I ate better and probably spent less but then I had more time and energy to do so.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

Every now and then I would be downtown which is frequented by the homeless. When I had an extra couple of bucks, I would give a few of them some money. Giving the homeless money is unlike giving anywhere else. They grow this huge smile on their face, are non-stop thankful even though it's only a few bucks. Some are so giddy they begin to laugh like they hit the lottery.......

Then I read it was a bad idea to give those people money. This was written about in the newspaper by homeless advocates and support groups. They claim that giving those people money is actually hurting their cause rather than helping because many of them will go out and buy drugs or alcohol. Those with no addiction save all the money they get. Some hide it, but most carry it around, and your generosity just helped them become a target for crime.

If you really want to help the homeless (as the article pointed out) donate to a professional homeless organization, and they will make sure your money is properly and safely spent.

The point is, sometimes you may be trying to help people but end up bringing them more harm, while other times you may be doing good, but it just seems like you're a rotten SOB.

We conservatives are not for helping people who don't feel like taking care of themselves. We are for taking care of those who have no ability to take care of themselves. People who are physically and mentally capable of holding down a job should be. There is nothing cruel about that.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS
Because they want their follower to believe they are being punished for their own good. Thats why a lot of the idiots that fell for Drumpf wanting to repeal Obamacare had no idea it was the same thing as the ACA.

As opposed to Democrats not knowing what "suffrage" means?

I never heard that one but I will take your word for it since I am not a Dem.

I before E.
Fast food is EXPENSIVE, vegetables and poultry from the store are far cheaper. Your answer fails.

I'm not in disagreement. I'm telling you WHY they are fat. Their diet sucks, and they eat a shit ton of fast food (typically.) They are usually ignorant about nutrition and what to buy, how to cook, etc.
in order to eat fast food,one has to get there, so they also waste money on unnecessary trips to that fast food establishment.
There are fast food places everywhere. Most people can walk to one.
most don't. otherwise, they wouldn't be fat.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
NO you won't.
"People who are physically and mentally capable of holding down a job should be. There is nothing cruel about that."

How do you determine that since you arent an expert in mental health or physical health?
in order to eat fast food,one has to get there, so they also waste money on unnecessary trips to that fast food establishment.
There are fast food places everywhere. Most people can walk to one.
most don't. otherwise, they wouldn't be fat.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
32 oz carrots, $1.84 at Walmart
So you now you think everyone should be a rabbit and eat carrots all the time huh? How many commercials do republicans finance advertising carrots?
What's a healthy diet to you then?

5 lbs, $4.92

35 cents a pound

Want to keep going?
Loaf of bread?
Conservatives are animated by their paternal ("pull yourself up by your bootstraps") side, liberals by their maternal ("poor thing, let me help you") side.

As with most things, proper equilibrium between the two is best, but ideologues only see their own side for the most part. So they overdo it.
There are fast food places everywhere. Most people can walk to one.
most don't. otherwise, they wouldn't be fat.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
32 oz carrots, $1.84 at Walmart
So you now you think everyone should be a rabbit and eat carrots all the time huh? How many commercials do republicans finance advertising carrots?
What's a healthy diet to you then?

5 lbs, $4.92

35 cents a pound

Want to keep going?
Loaf of bread?
A healthy diet consists of protein, antioxidant rich foods, some healthy carbs, and adequate time to prepare it in a healthy manner. Bread is a shitty food.
yep, so why not bring in the immigrants to take away more jobs so you can keep people poor. yep, that is a left agenda.
Thats actually a money thing. They can pay immigrants less than citizens even though the immigrants are already trained and our citizens are not.
no, paying the immigrants is what keeps salaries down.
Thats what republicans and businesses want. They want to keep your salaries down. Why do you think they hate increasing the minimum wage?
far from that. again, the illegal immigrants are the ones that keep middle class salaries down. if they weren't here, the companies would be forced to pay more. you still don't understand.
Illegal immigrants dont keep middle class wages down you dummy. They work at jobs middle class people wouldnt accept like picking fruit and cleaning toilets in hotels.

Why do you suppose Americans won't do those jobs? Perhaps it's because they don't pay enough. The reason they don't pay enough because eventually some foreigner will come along and take the job.

If you think foreigners only pick fruit and wash toilets, then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in the USA. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and they are flooding our industry. They are on the highway driving right next to your family mini-van in a 75,000 lbs truck and can't read a Fn word of English.
most don't. otherwise, they wouldn't be fat.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
32 oz carrots, $1.84 at Walmart
So you now you think everyone should be a rabbit and eat carrots all the time huh? How many commercials do republicans finance advertising carrots?
What's a healthy diet to you then?

5 lbs, $4.92

35 cents a pound

Want to keep going?
Loaf of bread?
A healthy diet consists of protein, antioxidant rich foods, some healthy carbs, and adequate time to prepare it in a healthy manner. Bread is a shitty food.
List it out. I bet I can buy a weeks worth for less than $60, cheaper than fast food.
Thats actually a money thing. They can pay immigrants less than citizens even though the immigrants are already trained and our citizens are not.
no, paying the immigrants is what keeps salaries down.
Thats what republicans and businesses want. They want to keep your salaries down. Why do you think they hate increasing the minimum wage?
far from that. again, the illegal immigrants are the ones that keep middle class salaries down. if they weren't here, the companies would be forced to pay more. you still don't understand.
Illegal immigrants dont keep middle class wages down you dummy. They work at jobs middle class people wouldnt accept like picking fruit and cleaning toilets in hotels.

Why do you suppose Americans won't do those jobs? Perhaps it's because they don't pay enough. The reason they don't pay enough because eventually some foreigner will come along and take the job.

If you think foreigners only pick fruit and wash toilets, then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in the USA. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and they are flooding our industry. They are on the highway driving right next to your family mini-van in a 75,000 lbs truck and can't read a Fn word of English.
He specifically said illegal immigrants. The legal immigrants that come over here are trained for the high tech jobs most americans are clueless about. I saw it alot in my field.
"People who are physically and mentally capable of holding down a job should be. There is nothing cruel about that."

How do you determine that since you arent an expert in mental health or physical health?

When somebody applies for public assistance, they should be evaluated before getting any help; a physical just like some of us have to take to get a job, and a mental evaluation like some have to take to get into a police force or fire department.
show me the stats that prove your argument and I will believe you.
32 oz carrots, $1.84 at Walmart
So you now you think everyone should be a rabbit and eat carrots all the time huh? How many commercials do republicans finance advertising carrots?
What's a healthy diet to you then?

5 lbs, $4.92

35 cents a pound

Want to keep going?
Loaf of bread?
A healthy diet consists of protein, antioxidant rich foods, some healthy carbs, and adequate time to prepare it in a healthy manner. Bread is a shitty food.
List it out. I bet I can buy a weeks worth for less than $60, cheaper than fast food.
I dont have to. Read this and educate yourself.


Poor families have limited food budgets and choices, and must often stretch supplies toward the end of the month, before another check or allocation of Food Stamps arrives. This leads to unhealthy behaviors in several ways:

  • Families choose high-fat foods dense with energy – foods such as sugars, cereals, potatoes and processed meat products – because these foods are more affordable and last longer than fresh vegetables and fruits and lean meats and fish.

  • Poor families often live in disadvantaged neighborhoods where healthy foods are hard to find. Instead of large supermarkets, poor neighborhoods have a disproportionate number of fast food chains and small food stores providing cheap, high-fat foods.

  • Economic insecurity – such as trouble paying bills or rent – leads to stress, and people often cope by eating high-fat, sugary foods.
Options for regular physical activity can also be restricted for poor people:

  • Families cannot usually afford to pay for organized children’s activities outside of school – and schools in impoverished areas are less likely to run sports or physical activity programs than schools with more resources.

  • Due to inflexible work schedules, lack of transportation, or unmet needs for child care, poor parents, especially single mothers, may find it hard to support extra activities for their children. Leaving kids in front of the TV is often all stressed poor parents can manage.

  • In many poor neighborhoods, parks, playgrounds, trails, and free public gyms are often not available or safe. Neighborhoods may be crime-ridden, and there may be no nearby indoor places for play or exercise. Ironically, parental efforts to keep kids safe and indoors may increase encourage sedentary behaviors such as watching TV and playing video games.
no, paying the immigrants is what keeps salaries down.
Thats what republicans and businesses want. They want to keep your salaries down. Why do you think they hate increasing the minimum wage?
far from that. again, the illegal immigrants are the ones that keep middle class salaries down. if they weren't here, the companies would be forced to pay more. you still don't understand.
Illegal immigrants dont keep middle class wages down you dummy. They work at jobs middle class people wouldnt accept like picking fruit and cleaning toilets in hotels.

Why do you suppose Americans won't do those jobs? Perhaps it's because they don't pay enough. The reason they don't pay enough because eventually some foreigner will come along and take the job.

If you think foreigners only pick fruit and wash toilets, then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in the USA. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and they are flooding our industry. They are on the highway driving right next to your family mini-van in a 75,000 lbs truck and can't read a Fn word of English.
He specifically said illegal immigrants. The legal immigrants that come over here are trained for the high tech jobs most americans are clueless about. I saw it alot in my field.

This is true, but to me, they are one of the same because both groups bring the same negative effect to our native born citizens.
Conservatives are animated by their paternal ("pull yourself up by your bootstraps") side, liberals by their maternal ("poor thing, let me help you") side.

As with most things, proper equilibrium between the two is best, but ideologues only see their own side for the most part. So they overdo it.

There is a difference in approach as well.

When a conservative sees someone in need and hungry, they pull out their wallet and buy the person a meal.

When a leftist sees someone in need and hungry, they take the conservatives wallet by force, give the contents to the poor person, and call the conservative "greedy."
"People who are physically and mentally capable of holding down a job should be. There is nothing cruel about that."

How do you determine that since you arent an expert in mental health or physical health?

When somebody applies for public assistance, they should be evaluated before getting any help; a physical just like some of us have to take to get a job, and a mental evaluation like some have to take to get into a police force or fire department.
Thats an option but you didnt answer my question. I asked how did you know?
Thats what republicans and businesses want. They want to keep your salaries down. Why do you think they hate increasing the minimum wage?
far from that. again, the illegal immigrants are the ones that keep middle class salaries down. if they weren't here, the companies would be forced to pay more. you still don't understand.
Illegal immigrants dont keep middle class wages down you dummy. They work at jobs middle class people wouldnt accept like picking fruit and cleaning toilets in hotels.

Why do you suppose Americans won't do those jobs? Perhaps it's because they don't pay enough. The reason they don't pay enough because eventually some foreigner will come along and take the job.

If you think foreigners only pick fruit and wash toilets, then you have another thing coming. They are in nearly every field of work in the USA. Trust me, I'm a truck driver, and they are flooding our industry. They are on the highway driving right next to your family mini-van in a 75,000 lbs truck and can't read a Fn word of English.
He specifically said illegal immigrants. The legal immigrants that come over here are trained for the high tech jobs most americans are clueless about. I saw it alot in my field.

This is true, but to me, they are one of the same because both groups bring the same negative effect to our native born citizens.
if there were no immigrants legal or illegal tomatoes would cost $20 each, you would need to be a millionaire to eat at a restaurant or stay at a hotel, the tech industry would collapse, etc etc.
Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

Interesting article and much of it chimes with what we see in the UK.

It has to be coated with a thin veneer of religion to make it acceptable but in essence right wing politics is based on a selfish me me me doctrine. DISCUSS

You know what happens when you feed, clothe, and house the poor?

They make more poor.
Why is that a problem? Are you saying that poor people shouldnt have kids?

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