Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

They are not really poor
Cant be poor and own a fridge.
Fridge?.....our poor eat caviar and lobster for breakfast
they can certainly afford 5 dollar coffees and a pack of cigarettes a day though

And Cadillac Escalades
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

Why don't you spin more tales about how poor people have VCRs and microwave ovens
Cant be poor and own a fridge.
Fridge?.....our poor eat caviar and lobster for breakfast
they can certainly afford 5 dollar coffees and a pack of cigarettes a day though

And Cadillac Escalades
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.
[I ain't no fuckin' pussy, asshole. If you want to continue this conversation face to face, just show up at the 49ner Tavern in Long Beach, Ca on a Friday between 4:30pm - 5:30pm.

Since you are a pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat that is obviously a gay bar, right?
They don't need me to defend them
You mean you won't defend them, because you don't give a shit about them. That's okay, neither do I. But that doesn't stop me from seeing just how fucked they're being treated.

the so called poor in this country are no worse off than in any other first world country
They're actually better off. Sam Kinison had a line that said, "If you can't make it in this country, then where did you expect to go to make a life for yourself? If you can't make it here, you're fucked!"
There are selfish assholes who don't give a shit about anyone else in both parties, and all over the political spectrum, and all over the world. Obviously.

Now that we have that out of the way... Political partisans talk themselves into, and allow themselves to be talked into, things that, at some level, they surely know not to be true. But they can function with ideological blinders to the obvious.

In this particular case, conservative partisans are conditioned to ignore the fact that (a) there are many people who simply lack the capacity and/or opportunity, for many reasons, to fend for themselves and significantly improve (or even maintain) their lives, and (b) ignoring those people and allowing their problems to fester and grow and spread only affects and hurts all of us in the long run, through taxes and/or increased costs and/or safety and/or quality of life.

Their ideology permits them to ignore all of that, simply bundle those people up, dismiss them as "freeloaders", and move on.

This is why I'm so goddamn virulently against hardcore partisan ideology. It can take a normal, rational, intelligent, well-meaning person and turn them into something else.
Since you are a pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat that is obviously a gay bar, right?
It's a college bar right across the street from Long Beach State.

California is a state comprised mostly of Illegals, Negroes, Limousine Liberals, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, Feminazis, queers, confused college students and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors, and politically correct pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats. So which group hangs out at the 49ner Tavern?
Fridge?.....our poor eat caviar and lobster for breakfast
they can certainly afford 5 dollar coffees and a pack of cigarettes a day though

And Cadillac Escalades
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods
they can certainly afford 5 dollar coffees and a pack of cigarettes a day though

And Cadillac Escalades
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period
There are selfish assholes who don't give a shit about anyone else in both parties, and all over the political spectrum, and all over the world. Obviously.

Now that we have that out of the way... Political partisans talk themselves into, and allow themselves to be talked into, things that, at some level, they surely know not to be true. But they can function with ideological blinders to the obvious.

In this particular case, conservative partisans are conditioned to ignore the fact that (a) there are many people who simply lack the capacity and/or opportunity, for many reasons, to fend for themselves and significantly improve (or even maintain) their lives, and (b) ignoring those people and allowing their problems to fester and grow and spread only affects and hurts all of us in the long run, through taxes and/or increased costs and/or safety and/or quality of life.

Their ideology permits them to ignore all of that, simply bundle those people up, dismiss them as "freeloaders", and move on.

This is why I'm so goddamn virulently against hardcore partisan ideology. It can take a normal, rational, intelligent, well-meaning person and turn them into something else.

Conservatives hold to a dogma that anyone can be a CEO if they only work hard enough.

Every society has people who are either stupid or fucking lazy. You can't help it...that is how it works out

Our society used to provide low skilled jobs for these people where they could still support themselves. Since Reagan, this segment has been treated like lepers. Minimum wage has been frozen. Job opportunities where you can lift yourself out of poverty are few and far between. Today, the taxpayer makes up the difference in ridiculously low salaries. We look at welfare as a benefit for the poor. In reality it allows employers to pay substandard wages and reap the profits
And Cadillac Escalades
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period

Show me a flat tax where the rich don't end up paying less and the poor end up paying more
yes a reduction to the ridiculous instead of the truth

Republicans need people like you to point out how well off our poor people are

The wealthy don't need to pay more taxes.....Poor people are buying coffee

the wealthy don't need to pay more taxes the top 10% of earners already pay 70% of all income taxes

the bottom 50% pay zero % of all income taxes

and yes I hate to tell you this but if you are really poor you don't buy a $5 Crappaccino from Starfucks and you certainly don't smoke a pack a day

you buy a big tin of Folgers and make your coffee at home.

When you control most of the income...you pay most of the income taxes
Funny how that works out

I don't see many Starbucks in poor neighborhoods

No but there's a Dunkins on every corner and they sell those ridiculously expensive coffee drinks too

and there is no way that 10% of earners earn more in total than 90% of all earners

yet they still pay more in income tax than 90% of people combined

you want to talk "fair" share well it ain't what we got now

a truly fair share would be a flat percentage of everyone's income period

Show me a flat tax where the rich don't end up paying less and the poor end up paying more
If you're really paid ,,,you're worth the money lol
Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.

If you're really paid ,,,you're worth the money lol

No, you are paid exactly what you have demonstrated that you are worth. With few exceptions, primarily workers in union being one example.
Well after 50 pages I thought that I might summarise the general feeling.

1. Its their own fault.
2. Fuck em.
3. I did fine so why cant they ?
4. Fuck em.
5. I really hate them.
6. Its Gods will.
7. Fuck em.
8. I have done really well.
9. And so have my kids.
10. Fuck em.

Have I missed anything ?
Quite a bit, really. You missed the whole, "We need a Christian theocracy!!!" bit.
I dont think that charity and compassion are just Christian values.
Did you not see the other poster's insistence that Republicans follow the teachings of Jesus?
Single payer actually means everyone will be paying for the single higher government types getting all the healthcare and everyone else get's nothing. But you get to pay for it so maybe the term should be changed to single beneficiary.
RW idiocy. It means everyone pays for their HC in their taxes and the gov't controls the costs. Works great everywhere. Half our cost and better life spans. ACA will work too, just takes time...
And yet that has never happened anywhere in the world. There is no single payer system on the planet that let's the average person get the same healthcare as the government official. As a matter of fact a lot of these government official's get to come to the US for treatment at their tax payers expense. Everyone paying in simply means you get to pay for something you will never receive. You're paying for anyone but you.
Only if they're independently wealthy...so much bs misinformation... All other modern countries have better life spans than us and we spend 18% of GDP on health care. France is closest with 11%- UK is less than 8%. That's why our premiums and deductibles have to be so high- or we can do it the old GOP way, with scams, cut-offs, a half million bankruptcies a year, and 40k deaths a year.
In socialism nobody is independently wealthy you moron. The government took all of that. The only rich people are government officials who obviously didn't create their wealth they just stole it form the people they claim to be helping.
There are plenty of rich people in socialist EU, Canada, OZ, NZ, dupe. Just not on the backs of the non-rich like here...

You're right that there are rich people in socialist countries.

They are the politicians and their friends.

Politicians never get rich in government except on the backs of the people

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