Why Are Republicans So Relentlessly Cruel to the Poor?

All poor folks are 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeymen to the average white Republican. They generalize and demonize. It makes them feel justified in hating and abusing the least fortunate among us. It's exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught. Yet most of them truly believe the pearly gates await them. They're lost hateful souls.
Republicans Most Generous People In The World, Democrats: Not So Much

Republicans give more to their churches
Means money goes to Pastors, church maintenance, a new organ, robes for the choir

Doesn't mean the money is going to poor families
Tithe goes to salaries...offering to charity.
Still deducted on their taxes
so then get behind ending tax deductions for ALL charities
I've been saying we should do that for years
Nobody is cruel to the poor, these lefty morons just need something cry about.
What is taking their health insurance away in order to provide a tax cut for the wealthy?
I had a good creative career as an Engineering Director. I hired many creative conservative engineers in my time. Even a few Liberal ones.

You are full of bullshit if you suggest that political belief is somehow tied to creativity.

When are you going to stop your deflection and answer the question I asked you three or four times?
Most engineers know nothing about history and politics, so are usually GOP dupes. Their creativity and knowledge is limited to engineering, like yours, dupe. So many accountants, doctors, lawyers, marketers, DITTO.

Have you ever considered not insulting others when you communicate? You might find you can get people to listen more if you stopped

He can't. He is simply one more whiny ass who needs to make himself feel better about putting down others. Classic really.
He is also a hypocrite, he has never sent a dime extra to help his precious "poor".
They don't want your once in a blue moon charity, dupe. They want good jobs, cheap training and ed, and a good safety net for the next corrupt GOP world economic meltdown and day to day misfortune.

My point stands, you are a hypocrite. You don't do anymore than anyone else does. Grow up old man.
I'll bet he doesn't actually do anything at all
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say
Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.

I'm quite aware of that, and do you know why? Because these are the same promises liberals made to us before welfare reform began. Between the time the law passed until it's implementation, we were promised riots in the streets, decomposed bodies of people from starvation, children running naked with no place to live, stores closed down and boarded up so nobody got any food.............. It never happened.

What will hungry people do with no food? Earn money to buy food.
What will people do with no HUD home in the suburbs? Seek shelter in the inner-city

How do we know most people would react this way? Because it's a basic law of electricity which also applies to people.

Electricity will take it's least path of resistance to travel. People do the exact same to survive.

You need food, and you have two choices A) government giving you food, or B) Go out and work for food. Now, what's is that path of least resistance to obtain food? What about shelter? What about utilities?

You on the left don't give people enough credit. If forced to, people would rather live another day to fight than to give up, crawl into a corner and die just because government isn't there to take care of them.
First off, 50% of those receiving government welfare have jobs, mostly par time and temp jobs.

Secondly, the majority of those that do not work at all either have to care for a number of children, have drug or alcohol addiction problems, mental problems, physical disabilities, lack of education, lack of any job training, or a criminal background. They are poor candidates for even minimum wage jobs. I have worked around these people in food banks and a homeless shelter. Believe me you would not even consider hiring most of them.

My major concern with a proposal to stop all goverment assistance to the poor is not so much for the poor but for the effect it would have on all society. However, the chance of this happens is about zero so it's hardly worth discussing.
So you spend/waste all of your time doing all you can for people you don't think are even capable of standing on their own. Actually you never said you did that. You just want all of us to pay for someone else to do it.
How 'bout making the rich and giant corps pay some for a change?

How about finding out who pays most of the taxes in this nation and stop posting such utter crap for a change?
the top 10% of earners pay 70% of all income taxes
The bottom 50% pay zero %

but that's still not "fair" I guess
No, you're delusional.
No one Can afford these socialist entitlement programs...
Only fucking inbred morons like yourself would trust the federal government.
Every other modern country does, and without our advantages in natural resources. Don't worry, we can still be loudmouth rubes lol. If you GOP dupes would study actual facts the gov't wouldn't be screwing us all now with pander to the rich GOP garbage.
Every other country that does it cannot afford it, we would be in the same boat....

And despite your misinformation, not one single country is the world has opted to change to our employer group health insurance system.
Who's going to pay for your socialism? Why include everybody that does not want anything to do with your social?
Obama didn't want a mandate...Paid parental leave doesn't cost as much as the dupes think either...That's all I want...

yeah it doesn't cost anything to pay people not to work

are you fucking high?
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.

OK do an experiment

put out a table full of Twinkies, Devil Dogs, Oreos, Soda and candy bars and a table full of fruits , vegetables, rice, beans and oats and ask people which is the healthier food

People know what food is good for you and what isn't
Why are much of the poor in The United States fat?
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I didn't say prefer to eat I said ask them which food is better for them

they already know so as I said they CHOOSE to eat crappy food even though they KNOW what healthy food is

So we should restrict what kinds of food can be bought with government handout money
They eat cheap high caloric food loaded with starch, fat, and sugar.
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I didn't say prefer to eat I said ask them which food is better for them

they already know so as I said they CHOOSE to eat crappy food even though they KNOW what healthy food is

So we should restrict what kinds of food can be bought with government handout money

But then ask them WHY a salad is better for them rather than a snickers, and do you think they'll be able to give a good enough answer for them to make a good decision?

Do you know what sugar does to your brain? Do you know why it reduces the oxygen levels to your brain making you more forgetful? Do you know what things you need to take in order to be healthier?

Many don't. You need to teach people.

I've been doing research into the impact of bad eating on learning, and it's shocking, and I know for certain those most people don't have a clue.
if you're in the 29% bracket you do not pay 29% of your income in federal income taxes

and FYI there is no 29% bracket it's 28%

unless you're tying to tell me you pay a net tax of 29% which means you're in at least the 35% bracket and no one here would believe you make that much

It's so funny how the wealthiest people on USMB (the ones claiming to pay the highest tax rates) are always looking for government to take more, and then are insulted when we question their honestly.
There is one thing we've never tried (at least in my lifetime) to end poverty, and that is to end the handouts.

If you get hungry enough, you'll take one of those jobs posted at every corner of every street in the US. If your income is not enough, you will work more hours to bring in that income. If there is nothing incentivizing you to not work more hours, you may end up working 60 plus hours a week.

I would love to see all handouts stopped for a period of two years just to see the end results. I'd bet a months paycheck we would reduce poverty more that way than giving people money they didn't work for. I bet with no handouts, less people would enter poverty in the first place. Like I said, it's never been tried. The closest we came to that was in the 90's with welfare reform, and that was a huge success.

But why look back at what worked? Just listen to liberals to solve poverty.
Take away food from the poor and you have a lot hungry people.
Take away housing from the poor and you have a lot more homeless people.
Take away healthcare from the poor and you have more sick people.

In the US you have 9 million single parent families on welfare which includes 19 million kids. Take away government support and you'll have more runaways, child prostitution, and juvenile crime. With very rare exception, a single mother in poverty can not make enough money to support a family and care for the kids.

I'm quite aware of that, and do you know why? Because these are the same promises liberals made to us before welfare reform began. Between the time the law passed until it's implementation, we were promised riots in the streets, decomposed bodies of people from starvation, children running naked with no place to live, stores closed down and boarded up so nobody got any food.............. It never happened.

What will hungry people do with no food? Earn money to buy food.
What will people do with no HUD home in the suburbs? Seek shelter in the inner-city

How do we know most people would react this way? Because it's a basic law of electricity which also applies to people.

Electricity will take it's least path of resistance to travel. People do the exact same to survive.

You need food, and you have two choices A) government giving you food, or B) Go out and work for food. Now, what's is that path of least resistance to obtain food? What about shelter? What about utilities?

You on the left don't give people enough credit. If forced to, people would rather live another day to fight than to give up, crawl into a corner and die just because government isn't there to take care of them.
First off, 50% of those receiving government welfare have jobs, mostly par time and temp jobs.

Secondly, the majority of those that do not work at all either have to care for a number of children, have drug or alcohol addiction problems, mental problems, physical disabilities, lack of education, lack of any job training, or a criminal background. They are poor candidates for even minimum wage jobs. I have worked around these people in food banks and a homeless shelter. Believe me you would not even consider hiring most of them.

My major concern with a proposal to stop all goverment assistance to the poor is not so much for the poor but for the effect it would have on all society. However, the chance of this happens is about zero so it's hardly worth discussing.

Then let me ask: why is it I can support myself because I never had children, never became addicted to alcohol or drugs, had a lack of education or job training, or have a criminal record?

You see..... these are called choices. We all make choices in life. As for those legitimately physically or mentally incapable of taking care of themselves, we as a society do take care of those people.

Our government can't create programs to rectify bad choices in life. When somebody makes a bad choice, they have to live with the consequences. If you are a 18 year old punk who doesn't know any better and tries to rob a bank, you may end up in prison for over 20 years. if you make the mistake of murdering somebody, it may cost you your life.
I think it's obvious the poor did not make the right choices. The problem is the 16 million kids they produce who live in poverty. You can't cut the parents out of welfare programs without cutting the kids. Most of the welfare money goes to families. Unless they are disabled single adults without dependents get very little welfare money. The families are the problem.

Great. So because of the kids, do nothing to end generational welfare because let's face it, we have to feel bad for somebody, don't we? And we will use the excuse of the kids next discussion, and the discussion after that, and the discussion after that, and the...........

20 trillion in the hole and rolling. Someday there won't be a choice whether to cut people off of welfare or not. There won't be anywhere to borrow money from. They will die out in the street because there won't be any jobs by then either.

It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when."
they CHOOSE to eat that garbage

Choices are often made based on what people know. If you educated people badly, they'll then eat bad food at lot.

But then you'll have excuses for why people shouldn't be educated, just so you can blame them for making bad choices.
that's bullshit too

ask anyone if a salad is healthier than a Snickers bar and tell me what they say

Yeah sure, and ask anyone which they'd prefer to eat, and many would say Snickers Bar simply because they don't know what the snickers bar will actually do to them.

Again, it's about making choices and having reasons to make those choices.

If the salad tasted better because they'd been taught how to do it, taught how to enjoy salad, then maybe they'd eat it. If they'd been taught what sugar does to their brains then maybe they'd have reasons no to eat the snickers. Some would, some wouldn't.

But education is how you change people's attitudes. Maybe if a snickers wasn't cheaper than a salad, then maybe people would also choose to eat salad.

But hey, you keep them there excuses rolling.
I didn't say prefer to eat I said ask them which food is better for them

they already know so as I said they CHOOSE to eat crappy food even though they KNOW what healthy food is

So we should restrict what kinds of food can be bought with government handout money

But then ask them WHY a salad is better for them rather than a snickers, and do you think they'll be able to give a good enough answer for them to make a good decision?

Do you know what sugar does to your brain? Do you know why it reduces the oxygen levels to your brain making you more forgetful? Do you know what things you need to take in order to be healthier?

Many don't. You need to teach people.

I've been doing research into the impact of bad eating on learning, and it's shocking, and I know for certain those most people don't have a clue.
it doesn't matter.
everyone KNOWS already that fruit is better than candy
everyone knows that to lose weight you need to eat less and move more

sooner or later everything is a choice

eating like shit is a choice
being fat is a choice

sorry to tell you this but I am not responsible for other people's poor choices neither is anyone else
if you're in the 29% bracket you do not pay 29% of your income in federal income taxes

and FYI there is no 29% bracket it's 28%

unless you're tying to tell me you pay a net tax of 29% which means you're in at least the 35% bracket and no one here would believe you make that much

It's so funny how the wealthiest people on USMB (the ones claiming to pay the highest tax rates) are always looking for government to take more, and then are insulted when we question their honestly.

It's the Warren Buffet hypocrisy syndrome

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