Why are republicans so stupid when it comes to Food Stamps?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.

Here is the deal. A student that tests in the lowest quintile on the SAT but with a family income in the highest quintile has the same probability of attending a four year university as a student scoring in the highest quintile but with a family income in the lowest.

So yeah, poor parents usually have poor children and wealthy parent usually have wealthy children. But that is not a foregone conclusion, and quite honestly, is more a reflection on our society than on the parents. Like I have already said in this thread, when the rich have rich kids and the poor have poor kids, WE HAVE A FAWKING PROBLEM.

That's utter bull. If anything, minorities are given extra points to get into those liberal colleges. In some instances, Asians are deducted points to make it harder for them to get into those liberal colleges because of their advanced intelligence.

And yes, we do have problem. We encourage poor people to create more poor people, and discourage middle-class people from creating more middle-class people. It's not a foregone conclusion that poor people have poor children? Then you better look at how the war on poverty has failed the last six decades:

Robert Rector: How the War on Poverty Was Lost

Very few universities use a "need-blind" admission process. Most use "need-aware" admission process which means the students ability to pay is a factor in the selection process. So yeah, a piss poor student from a rich family is just as likely to attend college as a straight A student from a poor family, and he is more likely to graduate.

He is also more likely to drop out because of lack of funds.

Liberal colleges can rant about the unfairness of capitalism all they like, but colleges are the most capitalistic businesses in the country. They want their money just like anybody else. In fact, some non-profit colleges have a 20% profit margin.

They don't have to worry about getting their money from wealthy families.
Never saw a poor Republican?

If all Republicans work & don't get any government benefits, why do Red States lead the pack in welfare type programs?

A red state does not mean everybody in that state is a Republican. If that were the case, there would be no need for local and state elections. States don't get welfare--people in states get welfare.

We in Ohio are a swing state, but currently pretty red. We have several large cities where Democrats dwell. That's where a lot of our population lives, and that's where you'll most likely find the welfare types.

Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
Republicans want to shrink government. But their core voters benefit from assistance, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the most.

Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

US Food Stamp Capital Is 99% WHITE And 95% REPUBLICAN!!!

...It’s Owsley County, Kentucky. A place that is said to be 99.22% white and 95% Republican!

US Food Stamp Capital Is 99% WHITE And 95% REPUBLICAN!!! | Urban Intellectuals

According to the 2010 census reports, Owsley County has the second highest level of child poverty of any county in the United States. In terms of income per household, the county is the poorest in the nation

Between 1980 and 2014, the rate of death from cancer in the county increased by 45.6 percent, the largest such increase of any county in the United States.
Owsley County, Kentucky - Wikipedia

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

"But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps (17% for each group), according to the survey."

Still, Democrats have used the food stamp program twice as much as Republicans. That's a fact.

Did you note how the percentages did not add up close to the actual Demn/Rep percentages? Your study is based on questionaires & not everyone stated their party.

Republicans rant & rave & rail against those needing assistance, that Republicans probably didn't want people to know they needed help.
Sorry cupcake, I'm just saying after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies, the US lost 600,000+ jobs AND lost another 4 million in 2009 before Obama policies kicked in. Obama saw 16 million private sector jobs starting March 2010, the same year "job killer" Obamacares was passed? Weird right cupcake??

Were those jobs "shit welfare" jobs? Record Corp profits, lowest tax burden since before the great GOP depression? Maybe time to get rid of GOP policies like trickle down, if the "job creators" aren't doing their part??

All the policies in place right now are your dear leaders, when does he take responsibility for not lowering the numbers on welfare and food stamps?


Weird you haven't seen those numbers going down cupcake? Perhaps relook?


MARCH 18, 2015


No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy


The need is there and the share of eligible families receiving AFDC/TANF cash assistance declined, as you can see, 79% in 1996 to 32% in 2012. The budget proposals are targeted to serve these families, since less than one-third of eligible families are actually receiving cash assistance from TANF.
The President’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget: Strengthening the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program





Yeah, you got any raw numbers? Like there's 47 million on food stamps now, how many were on them last year and the year before? Stop with the percentage of population and adjust for inflation crap.

Under 42 million in 2016.



Really? YOu are sofa king stupid you can;'t find it?
1) The cost of food stamps is a small fraction of the overall welfare budget

2) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids

3) Few people even qualify for food stamps because it is reserved for the poorest of the poor. It's a program way behind on the rate of inflation as well.

4) Some Veterans are on food stamps.

5) Any adult on food stamps has a job

Republicans in congress are either complete assholes or are willfully ignorant.

But hey i get it: it gives republicans hard ons to say "i don't need a handout! I provide! I'm tough as nails! Derp, derp, derp!" They then pretend complete falsehoods or stereotypes about the program because it makes them feel more manly i guess.

Why can't facts ever permeate the republican bubble?
NOT ONE substantiated FACT! How can you expect people to believe you if you think we will just believe YOU?
Here is a fact:
1) First the FACTS..
but anywhere from about 42 to 58 percent is a reasonable summary of the report’s findings and more recent data available. We rate her statement Mostly True.
Barbara Lee says 60 percent of people on food assistance are working
So that means at least 40% on food stamps aren't working.
Today, 28 states continue to waive the work requirement altogether, despite an average unemployment rate of 6.72 percent. (The nationwide unemployment rate reached 10 percent during the fallout from the recession and now stands just below 6 percent.) An additional 13 states have waived the work requirement in some parts of their states, despite an average unemployment rate of just 4.58.
Food Stamps, without Work Requirements
a) If of the 8 million able bodied 4 million became employed food stamp savings : almost $7 Billion.
b) But more importantly if these 4 million are employed at say $30,000
Just in Social security/Medicare payments BY employer and employee of 12%= $14.4 billion in
just these two sources of Tax revenue.
c) Total difference between Trump's plan to have food stamp recipients show they can't work!
$21 billion a year in difference!
A red state does not mean everybody in that state is a Republican. If that were the case, there would be no need for local and state elections. States don't get welfare--people in states get welfare.

We in Ohio are a swing state, but currently pretty red. We have several large cities where Democrats dwell. That's where a lot of our population lives, and that's where you'll most likely find the welfare types.

Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
Republicans want to shrink government. But their core voters benefit from assistance, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the most.

Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

US Food Stamp Capital Is 99% WHITE And 95% REPUBLICAN!!!

...It’s Owsley County, Kentucky. A place that is said to be 99.22% white and 95% Republican!

US Food Stamp Capital Is 99% WHITE And 95% REPUBLICAN!!! | Urban Intellectuals

According to the 2010 census reports, Owsley County has the second highest level of child poverty of any county in the United States. In terms of income per household, the county is the poorest in the nation

Between 1980 and 2014, the rate of death from cancer in the county increased by 45.6 percent, the largest such increase of any county in the United States.
Owsley County, Kentucky - Wikipedia

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients

"But when the political lens shifts from partisanship to ideology, the participation gap vanishes. Self-described political conservatives were no more likely than liberals or moderates to have received food stamps (17% for each group), according to the survey."

Still, Democrats have used the food stamp program twice as much as Republicans. That's a fact.

Did you note how the percentages did not add up close to the actual Demn/Rep percentages? Your study is based on questionaires & not everyone stated their party.

Republicans rant & rave & rail against those needing assistance, that Republicans probably didn't want people to know they needed help.

HTF would somebody not know if they needed help? Geez
Why did Ronnie/Dubya grow Gov't then cupcake?
First of all they are career politicians. shit for brains
That's what career politicians do spend other peoples money unnecessarily.
From one side of the aisle to the other there is no difference between career politicians you dumbass motherfucker. LOL

Got it cupcake, the US is unlike that great libertarian nation of???
A control freak to the bitter end...

So the cupcakes can't think of one either?? lol
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
First of all they are career politicians. shit for brains
That's what career politicians do spend other peoples money unnecessarily.
From one side of the aisle to the other there is no difference between career politicians you dumbass motherfucker. LOL

Got it cupcake, the US is unlike that great libertarian nation of???
A control freak to the bitter end...

So the cupcakes can't think of one either?? lol
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can...
there are so many posts I'm dying to reply to,
and didn't know where to begin...until ^

Now, it all makes perfect sense.
Obviously, you reside in the land of Oz!

So, tell me....
will the wizard be getting back to you anytime soon,
about that brain you're in desperate need of?

As much as I'm dying to properly respond,
it'll have to wait until later tonight

Well, when you do "properly respond" make sure you tell me what is wrong with the statement of mine that you quoted. Do well fed children perform better in school? Do healthy children perform better in school? And do better educated children turn into more productive, higher taxpaying adults?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.



It should be ruled, unconstitutional unless the government can Actually solve that problem instead of just, claim to have solved that problem.
Well, when you do "properly respond" make sure you tell me what is wrong with the statement of mine that you quoted. Do well fed children perform better in school? Do healthy children perform better in school? And do better educated children turn into more productive, higher taxpaying adults?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.



The federal government should be giving a hand up not a handout… They must've missed the memo
In the Age of Corporate Welfare? Seems like just Standard, "right wing hate on the poor".
Got it cupcake, the US is unlike that great libertarian nation of???
A control freak to the bitter end...

So the cupcakes can't think of one either?? lol
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
just right wing fantasy? why not simply eliminate practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy to, "improve our gene pool and for the greater glory of our immortal souls"? We can start with the right wing.
I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.



The federal government should be giving a hand up not a handout… They must've missed the memo
In the Age of Corporate Welfare? Seems like just Standard, "right wing hate on the poor".
I hear a violin playing…
A control freak to the bitter end...

So the cupcakes can't think of one either?? lol
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
just right wing fantasy? why not simply eliminate practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy to, "improve our gene pool and for the greater glory of our immortal souls"? We can start with the right wing.
It is impossible to assassinate every drug dealer, but as long as there are drug dealers there will be drugs and as long as there's drugs there will be people abusing them. That's life
Well, when you do "properly respond" make sure you tell me what is wrong with the statement of mine that you quoted. Do well fed children perform better in school? Do healthy children perform better in school? And do better educated children turn into more productive, higher taxpaying adults?

I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.

Here is the deal. A student that tests in the lowest quintile on the SAT but with a family income in the highest quintile has the same probability of attending a four year university as a student scoring in the highest quintile but with a family income in the lowest.

So yeah, poor parents usually have poor children and wealthy parent usually have wealthy children. But that is not a foregone conclusion, and quite honestly, is more a reflection on our society than on the parents. Like I have already said in this thread, when the rich have rich kids and the poor have poor kids, WE HAVE A FAWKING PROBLEM.

That's utter bull. If anything, minorities are given extra points to get into those liberal colleges. In some instances, Asians are deducted points to make it harder for them to get into those liberal colleges because of their advanced intelligence.

And yes, we do have problem. We encourage poor people to create more poor people, and discourage middle-class people from creating more middle-class people. It's not a foregone conclusion that poor people have poor children? Then you better look at how the war on poverty has failed the last six decades:

Robert Rector: How the War on Poverty Was Lost
It may be what happens, when the right wing prefers to be immoral and bear False Witness to our own laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.
So the cupcakes can't think of one either?? lol
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
just right wing fantasy? why not simply eliminate practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy to, "improve our gene pool and for the greater glory of our immortal souls"? We can start with the right wing.
It is impossible to assassinate every drug dealer, but as long as there are drug dealers there will be drugs and as long as there's drugs there will be people abusing them. That's life
Did you know, the US government is the largest purchase of drugs, in the Entire World?
The nanny state will not work, it will run out of other peoples money sooner than later.
Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
just right wing fantasy? why not simply eliminate practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy to, "improve our gene pool and for the greater glory of our immortal souls"? We can start with the right wing.
It is impossible to assassinate every drug dealer, but as long as there are drug dealers there will be drugs and as long as there's drugs there will be people abusing them. That's life
Did you know, the US government is the largest purchase of drugs, in the Entire World?
The federal government is the enemy… That is a fact
It should be ruled, unconstitutional unless the government can Actually solve that problem instead of just, claim to have solved that problem.
you are talking about the "War on Drugs"? Yes?

when has the government ever claimed to have solved the problem?
Last edited:
All the policies in place right now are your dear leaders, when does he take responsibility for not lowering the numbers on welfare and food stamps?


Weird you haven't seen those numbers going down cupcake? Perhaps relook?


MARCH 18, 2015


No Mystery Why SNAP Enrollment Remains High: It’s Still the Economy


The need is there and the share of eligible families receiving AFDC/TANF cash assistance declined, as you can see, 79% in 1996 to 32% in 2012. The budget proposals are targeted to serve these families, since less than one-third of eligible families are actually receiving cash assistance from TANF.
The President’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget: Strengthening the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program





Yeah, you got any raw numbers? Like there's 47 million on food stamps now, how many were on them last year and the year before? Stop with the percentage of population and adjust for inflation crap.

Under 42 million in 2016.



Really? YOu are sofa king stupid you can;'t find it?

Search engines don't have listings for the voices in your head.

Then, end the drug war.
The only way to do that is assassinate every single drug dealer…
just right wing fantasy? why not simply eliminate practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy to, "improve our gene pool and for the greater glory of our immortal souls"? We can start with the right wing.
It is impossible to assassinate every drug dealer, but as long as there are drug dealers there will be drugs and as long as there's drugs there will be people abusing them. That's life
Did you know, the US government is the largest purchase of drugs, in the Entire World?
The federal government is the enemy… That is a fact
cluelessness and Causelessness, is the "enemy" under our form of federal Government.
I don't know that they do or don't. To my knowledge, no study has been done on that. But no matter if they do or don't, how is well fed, better educated and more productive taxpaying adults my responsibility?

There have been dozens. Here is just one.


And it is not about responsibility. It is about an investment in the future. Once again, you complain about the worthless parents, and perhaps they are worthless. But do you want those children to grow up and be worthless or do you want them to grow up and be productive citizens, UNLIKE their parents?

And you can bitch and moan till the cows come home. That is not going to change the behavior of those parents. Nor is any government crackdown or cuts in food stamps going to suddenly turn those parents around. What you can do is support the programs that improve the chances of those children being productive citizens.

Yes, from the person that supports a party that fought school vouchers.

I'm sick of liberals using "children" to turn our country into a socialist state. I don't care about the children. They are not my responsibility, liability or my concern. The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, and somehow, that's not enough, and we have only mediocre results to show for this spending.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Worthless parents will raise worthless kids, and there is nothing you can do about that. If a kid grows up in an environment of government dependency, he or she will continue that dependency because that's all they know. Forcing people to work for a living teaches their kids that life is not as easy as signing a piece of paper and getting checks in the mail. You have to do what you can to earn a paycheck. That's the best education you can give a child.



The federal government should be giving a hand up not a handout… They must've missed the memo
In the Age of Corporate Welfare? Seems like just Standard, "right wing hate on the poor".

What is the "Age of Corporate Welfare"? Be specific. Give me facts regarding "corporate welfare".
Because as it is now businesses, both corporate and non-corporate which I guess you are claiming get "corporate welfare".. i.e. your local donut shop ...corporate..maybe...your local barbershop...non-corporate maybe all have paid according to this chart:
Corporate income tax.. $341.7 billion or 11% of all federal revenue
Payroll taxes ...$ 535 Billion or 16.2% of all federal revenue (You dummies seem to forget that businesses ALSO match the SS/Medicare deductions of the employee.)
A total of $876.7 Billion or 27.2% of the total federal revenue.

So tell me again where "corporate welfare" might come in?
Are you talking about the number one tax write-off that corporations also get? i.e. Employee Medical insurance premiums and care: $235.8 Billion!
That's the largest tax deduction and guess what... EMPLOYEES BENEFIT! They couldn't get private insurance this cheap...i.e. FREE!
What are the largest tax expenditures?


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