Why Are Some Men Such Sexists?

I agree completely. It’s absolutely abhorrent that women are voting, working outside the home, voicing opinions in public places and otherwise ignoring their proper place and role in Society.

Oh boy! Here we go!

Sorry, I only take advice from women about fashion, cooking, childcare or homemaking.

Leave the serious conversations to the Men, hun.

Obviously you never had a mother who told you that she brought you into this world and she can take you out.
Liberal men online are the biggest offenders. This place can get bad once in a great while but I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT worse. Conservative men are not perfect but the real misogyny comes out in the liberals.

I put a poster on perma-ignore for calling me an Islamophobic Twat over and over and over because I don't coddle his chosen folks. That would be @JoeB131 Not unusual for men to use puerile names, but he wouldn't let it go, in the way liberal men are toward women, especially conservative women. For them it usually gets sexual and/or intensely personal, all the while they cry about conservative misogyny.

In the end they're miserable people. As in the poster above, I let them go to their own misery.
Nice to know I am living in your head rent-free.

I gave you your special nickname because you have been consistently racist, homophobic and Islamophobic. What really set me off is when you repeated a bald-faced lie about FGM being condoned by Islam (It isn't) and even linked you to scientifically researched papers on the subject.

To which you responded by going to a particularly rancid website that misquoted a hadith (which isn't even official doctrine.)

Be a nasty person, get called nasty names.
It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now. I recently wrote a comment of how excited I was to see the new movie Gran Turismo, but apparently I'm not supposed to like racing because it's a "man's sport" and movie. At least according to one troll. Gee, I wonder what his political party is. :rolleyes:

I agree 100%. Even though I write a lot about men's issues, I agree that women deserve respect and at least equal rights.

Conservative men must do everything they can to support Conservative women.

From selfish perspective, we must be grateful to Conservative women -- we must understand what Progressive victory would mean for men.
Little girls are being traumatized by confused boys in dresses lurking around the lockers and the showers. Women who have trained most of their lives for a shot at big time sports are crowded out by six foot two men who pretend to be women and you worry about a freaking movie allegedly made for men? Go figure.
That would be correct. It was her job to bring me into the world but it would have been my father’s job to take me out of this world, if that had been necessary.

she shoulda told you to stfu b4 slapping you real hard.
well, ... marion, ... i'll splain it to you....

because the OP is whining about how 'It truly does disgust me of how women are being treated in this country right now.'

but has no problems with a woman --- of any age --- being forced into giving birth against her will.

hypocrisy. :slap:

I think women are smart enough to know how to not be forced into giving birth against their will.

How often does that even happen? :dunno:

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