Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

I agree, went to a restaurant the other day and wanted to see my vaccine card to be able to dine. I showed them my card, told them I don’t like their discrimination and would no longer frequent their establishment.
Well, that was certainly very ethical of you. Thanks
Count me in then . Take this vaccine and shove it. It don't belong here anymore. As a matter of fact it don't do jack so take it with you out the door. Take this vaccine and shove it. It don't belong here no more

Early treatment. cheap drugs. telling big pharma to KISS MY ASS.......is the proper solution. Our gov't has caused hundreds of thousands to die unnecessarily from them having MODERNA tattooed on their asses.

The STATS DON'T LIE...........Our countries stats are the WORST IN THE WORLD............No reason to LISTEN TO FAILURES.

I refer to INDIA........and how they did it with cheap drugs. And a TRADITIONAL VACCINE that is a WHOLE VIRUS VACCINE.

I also refer to the warnings of many doctors and scientist around the globe who say the mRNA vaccine is circulating through the blood stream leaving spike proteins all over the body. The VAERS DATA is showing a lot of this even as they try to cover it up.

They can't hide this forever. The truth will eventually be known to most.

Complaints about my views based on studies I've read are being accepted in the 2nd port o let to the left basement section.

Why COVID is still killing hundreds of thousands of people
So apparently having had Covid does not protect you
Nope it does not and neither does the vaccine. So much for the science community claiming having Covid and the vaccine will protect you even more.

So far the vaccine has not done a thing for me.

Plenty of articles trying to attack this all over the world. All of them with tatooes on their asses of Big Pharma. They will also show the Gov't of India not agreeing as they are in with the WHO. But India is made up of STATES. And the central gov't doesn't make the decisions in them. Kinda what we need again here.

Look at the deaths per million.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

Government forced experimental gene therapy is not what the founders had in mind.
Of course they would. This is science and medicine...not politics
If it were all about science, then those who have already had Covid would be exempt from the jab because they have acquired immunity.

Also, many countries in Europe have barred the use of Moderna in young men because it tends to cause inflammation of the heart.

And lastly, some European countries use such treatments as hydroxycholiquine but in the US it is not because Trump mentioned it.

MOST prominent Republicans are (a) vaccinated, and (b) opposed to a vaccine mandate.

Apparently this juxtaposition is more than Leftists can handle.

The Media play a role in the "confusion" about the current situation. When vaccinations swept the country, they were constantly printing stories about vaccinated people WHO TESTED POSITIVE!!!, thus giving the false impression that vaccination served no purpose.

But the fact is that those being vaccinated were told very candidly that they could still be infected, but that the vaccine would make it very unlikely that they get seriously sick or die. That was the value of the jab.

It is now the case that approximately 90% of the people getting seriously sick and those who are dying are UNVACCINATED, but a casual reading of the daily headlines would not reveal that critical fact. So many people are still convinced that the vaccine (1) is not effective (in preventing infection), and (2) could result in long term problems that are not yet known.

And the fact is that, from a risk standpoint, the chances that any individual healthy adult will get sick and die from Covid is very small. It happens, but it's rare. It is still the case that the vast majority of the serious victims are either quite elderly or medically compromised. So would I significantly change my lifestyle to accommodate this small risk?

It is not being "irrational" to assess a small risk and decide to live with it. Another example being, I choose to ride a motorcycle, knowing that I am ten times more likely to be seriously injured or killed in the event of a traffic accident than someone riding in a car. Increased risk? Absolutely. And I accept it.
MOST prominent Republicans are (a) vaccinated, and (b) opposed to a vaccine mandate.

Apparently this juxtaposition is more than Leftists can handle.

The Media play a role in the "confusion" about the current situation. When vaccinations swept the country, they were constantly printing stories about vaccinated people WHO TESTED POSITIVE!!!, thus giving the false impression that vaccination served no purpose.

But the fact is that those being vaccinated were told very candidly that they could still be infected, but that the vaccine would make it very unlikely that they get seriously sick or die. That was the value of the jab.

It is now the case that approximately 90% of the people getting seriously sick and those who are dying are UNVACCINATED, but a casual reading of the daily headlines would not reveal that critical fact. So many people are still convinced that the vaccine (1) is not effective (in preventing infection), and (2) could result in long term problems that are not yet known.

And the fact is that, from a risk standpoint, the chances that any individual healthy adult will get sick and die from Covid is very small. It happens, but it's rare. It is still the case that the vast majority of the serious victims are either quite elderly or medically compromised. So would I significantly change my lifestyle to accommodate this small risk?

It is not being "irrational" to assess a small risk and decide to live with it. Another example being, I choose to ride a motorcycle, knowing that I am ten times more likely to be seriously injured or killed in the event of a traffic accident than someone riding in a car. Increased risk? Absolutely. And I accept it.

At it's root, Leftism does not allow any type of dissent of any kind. It is an ideology based on presumed superior morals, intellect, and purpose for the collective good.

In fact, socialism is so good they need to force it on the entire world, or it simply won't work right.

And when it gets forced on the entire world and does not work right, it will be because it was not implemented correctly.
So apparently having had Covid does not protect you
Protects you by 27 times more than the jab. It actually trains you T cells and this is shown in the study from Israel who are VERY PRO VAX. 800000 in the study showed this.

By definition ...until they CHANGED THE DEFINITION.......this isn't a VACCINE AT ALL.

By their definition ......ASPIRIN is a dang Vaccine now.


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