Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Death rate....death rate....concentrate now...he is talking about DEATH RATE.

Florida has accounted for 1/3 of all deaths in America last month, biggest Covid spike they've had since the start of the pandemic and you think thats a success story? :cuckoo:

Is it that hard to select the "death" from pulldown menu?
The Benefits of the vaxxine FAR outweigh the drawbacks..especially if you are in the politically elite class getting the B12 and/or Saline solution fake covid shots.

The drawbacks are only important if it is YOUR CHILD.
The Benefits of the vaxxine FAR outweigh the drawbacks..especially if you are in the politically elite class getting the B12 and/or Saline solution fake covid shots.

The drawbacks are only important if it is YOUR CHILD.

Slovenia COVID Scandal: Whistleblower Nurse Says Politicians Receive Saline Instead Of mRNA Vaccine​

Thousands In Germany Thought They Had Their Vaccine. It May Have Been Saline Instead

LifeSiteNews (or simply LifeSite) is a Canadian Catholic far-right anti-abortion advocacy website and news publication. It has recently become anti-vax site.
What that has to do with my post?

By the way, is there any comment on NPR?
What that has to do with my post?

By the way, is there any comment on NPR?
Sorry that was meant for someone else. Saline in vaccines, fake cancer drugs, and doctored drugs are as old as medicine itself. Sometimes it's intentional and sometimes it's a mistake.
I am in Michigan. We are in a bad wave. Almost EVERYONE I know who has covid--and that is a lot of people--are fully vaccinated. My count is at least 10. And yes, those who are fully vaccinated are obviously getting it AND transmitting it freely.

I just posted a thread on this, but let's see if your mind is actually open to any information, or if you're just a Vaccine Cultist here to preach.
The bolded part is being denied by the pro-vaccine nazis. Getting this vaccine doesn't mean you won't get it or spread it.

But if you're looking at the actual evidence, if you've been vaccinated, and you do get the virus, you have a much better chance of having serious complications from the virus.
This says nothing about what the disease does.

This guy explains in exquisite detail what this disease is and how it does it.

They guy in your video is totally and completely wrong.
I have read hundreds of papers on covid-19, and not a one said it really does any harm at all, and all have said it is only the "cytokine storm", the over reaction by the immune system, by which all the damage is done and all the deaths caused.

If you want to learn how this happens, then just seach on "covid, cytokine storm".
But here is the first one I ran into early on.

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The bolded part is being denied by the pro-vaccine nazis. Getting this vaccine doesn't mean you won't get it or spread it.

But if you're looking at the actual evidence, if you've been vaccinated, and you do get the virus, you have a much better chance of having serious complications from the virus.

Apparently only for about the first 4 months or so.
Then the vaccine no longer seems to have any effect.
And that is what we actually should expect, since the vaccines only promote spike protein production, which can't be remembered by the immune system T-cells or trigger on them later.
The bolded part is being denied by the pro-vaccine nazis. Getting this vaccine doesn't mean you won't get it or spread it.

But if you're looking at the actual evidence, if you've been vaccinated, and you do get the virus, you have a much better chance of having serious complications from the virus.

No one is denying it. As long as you have 100 million unvaccinated ppl walking around infecting themselves and spreading it to everyone including the vaccinated you're going to have breakthroughs. This is just basic common sense. Although even those numbers are relatively low. The only ppl having serious complications are the unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinated individuals are healthy, even the ones who have breakthroughs.

A new study out of NSW shows that two vaccinated individuals are up to 200x less likely to get covid from one another than two unvaccinated individuals. So while it's true, that the vaccinated can potentially spread the virus, they are not what is driving the current pandemic. Even with delta, a much more infectious virus, actual infections, hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to this exact same time last year. That's due to the vaccine, even in the face of a much more infectious virus. Again, science wins out over facebook conspiracy theories.

I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

Most right wing fads are like this level of mentality:


After all, they went to the same schools as left wing deviants did.
No one is denying it. As long as you have 100 million unvaccinated ppl walking around infecting themselves and spreading it to everyone including the vaccinated you're going to have breakthroughs. This is just basic common sense. Although even those numbers are relatively low. The only ppl having serious complications are the unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinated individuals are healthy, even the ones who have breakthroughs.

A new study out of NSW shows that two vaccinated individuals are up to 200x less likely to get covid from one another than two unvaccinated individuals. So while it's true, that the vaccinated can potentially spread the virus, they are not what is driving the current pandemic. Even with delta, a much more infectious virus, actual infections, hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to this exact same time last year. That's due to the vaccine, even in the face of a much more infectious virus. Again, science wins out over facebook conspiracy theories.

The vaccinated are actually the “super-spreaders” that everyone was told about in the beginning of the pandemic, Malone argued.

He said:

“If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him … He might not have any symptoms … but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”

Malone also touched on the idea of “the noble lie:”

“If the government isn’t going to disclose to you what the [vaccine] risks are, and they’re not going to disclose to you what’s really going on because they think that you can’t handle the news … this is called the noble lie.”

Of course your side hates this guy. He only was instrumental on the tech used for your precious vaccines. He warned of their use because they have serious problems. These vaccines fit the definition of Leaky Vaccines. It has already been proven that vaccinated can spread the disease and have the same or greater viral loads.

They guy in your video is totally and completely wrong.
I have read hundreds of papers on covid-19, and not a one said it really does any harm at all, and all have said it is only the "cytokine storm", the over reaction by the immune system, by which all the damage is done and all the deaths caused.

If you want to learn how this happens, then just seach on "covid, cytokine storm".
But here is the first one I ran into early on.

And we have shown cheap drugs that can stop that storm if taken early. Sending people home who are positive with nothing, and being told to wait til the oxygen level drops is AN INSANE STRATEGY. Once they have trouble breathing the Storm is already there. And the damage is already done.

Conclusion Apparent benefits of the combination between early detection and early pharmacological approaches for COVID-19 demonstrated to be consistent when when compared to different control groups of untreated patients. The potential benefits could allow a large number of patients prevented from hospitalizations, deaths and persistent symptoms after COVID-19 remission. The potential impact on COVID-19 disease course and numbers of negative outcomes and the well-established safety profile of the drugs proposed by the Pre-AndroCoV Trial led to ethical questions regarding the conduction of further placebo control randomized clinical trials (RCTs) for early COVID-19. Early pharmacological approaches including azithromycin in combination with any of the options between nitazoxanide, ivermectin or optionally hydroxychloroquine should be considered for those diagnosed with COVID-19 presenting less than seven days of symptoms. Of the three drugs, we opted for nitazoxanide, due to more extensive demonstration of in vitro and in vivo antiviral activity, proven efficacy against other viruses in humans, and steadier safety profile.

Results: The experience with a first group of 20 women, pregnant (17) or in immediate puerperium (3) was successful in 18 cases with two unfortunate deaths. The five cases treated in an Internal Medicine service showed a positive outcome with two patients weaned from mechanical ventilation. Of the remaining 16 patients treated in an ambulatory setting, all got cured. Nitazoxanide seems to be useful against SARS-CoV-2, not only in an early intervention but also in critical condition as well as in pregnancy without undesired effects for the babies. As an adjunctive therapy budesonide was used that seems to contribute to the clinical improvement.

Conclusions: Nitazoxanide could be useful against COVID-19 as a safe and available regimen to be tested in a massive way immediately.

It has demonstrated broad spectrum antiviral efficacy in vitro, against a range of viruses including the respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, coronavirus (CoV), rotavirus, norovirus, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), dengue virus, yellow fever virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Furthermore, clinical trials suggested the potential role of nitazoxanide in gastroenteritis, hepatitis and influenza (Rossignol, 2014). A significant finding is the ability of nitazoxanide to promote balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses in humans, which could play a crucial role in COVID-19 by curbing the hyperinflammatory cytokine storm

It was used for MERs. And it kills the storm which kills you. Early in this study it EXPLAINS THAT.

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