Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

No one is denying it. As long as you have 100 million unvaccinated ppl walking around infecting themselves and spreading it to everyone including the vaccinated you're going to have breakthroughs. This is just basic common sense. Although even those numbers are relatively low. The only ppl having serious complications are the unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinated individuals are healthy, even the ones who have breakthroughs.

A new study out of NSW shows that two vaccinated individuals are up to 200x less likely to get covid from one another than two unvaccinated individuals. So while it's true, that the vaccinated can potentially spread the virus, they are not what is driving the current pandemic. Even with delta, a much more infectious virus, actual infections, hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to this exact same time last year. That's due to the vaccine, even in the face of a much more infectious virus. Again, science wins out over facebook conspiracy theories.

Wrong on all counts.

First of all, the evidence shows the vaccines have no useful effect after about 5 months.
All they do is temporarily stimulate antibody production, and do not at all enter T-cell memory.

Second is that the unvaccinated are developing immunity that the vaccinated are not getting, because recovery immunity does get into T-cell memory and is permanent.
It is the 100 million unvaccinated are who will achieve herd immunity and end this epidemic, through recovery immunity.
Those getting vaccinated are accomplishing nothing except hiding out from it.
They are not getting immunity from their mRNA injections.
No one is denying it. As long as you have 100 million unvaccinated ppl walking around infecting themselves and spreading it to everyone including the vaccinated you're going to have breakthroughs. This is just basic common sense. Although even those numbers are relatively low. The only ppl having serious complications are the unvaccinated. The vast majority of vaccinated individuals are healthy, even the ones who have breakthroughs.

A new study out of NSW shows that two vaccinated individuals are up to 200x less likely to get covid from one another than two unvaccinated individuals. So while it's true, that the vaccinated can potentially spread the virus, they are not what is driving the current pandemic. Even with delta, a much more infectious virus, actual infections, hospitalizations and deaths are way down compared to this exact same time last year. That's due to the vaccine, even in the face of a much more infectious virus. Again, science wins out over facebook conspiracy theories.

Although breakthrough cases can spread the virus, the viral load that is transmitted is likely to be very small compared to unvaccinated who become ill with the virus. The viral load you receive is a very important factor in determining how your body respond to it.
You should contact Professor Roger Seheult, MD. :rolleyes:
My understanding that in serious cases where lung size expands and O2 levels in blood are well below normal, the immune system is overreacts and often leads to death.

The immune system storm (cytokine) is a very serious problem but it typically comes not in the earliest stages but in the latter stages of the disease. If someone is peddling a cure, then they are surely charlatans
FDA had to change the definition of what vaccine is to be able to fit mRNA chemicals into it.

Even J&J shot is not a vaccine, since it doesn't deliver what vaccine suppose to deliver, dead or depleted virus, but it's vector tech that delivers only the spike to your cells and it still fuses to your cell walls, which eventually will cause blood clots and reward you with a heart attack in few years.
It Was the CDC not the FDA.
After covid-19 vaccines were introduced, and it was discovered that they do not necessarily "prevent disease" or "provide immunity", the CDC altered the definition of vaccines again to say that they simply "produce protection"." The Covid vaccines, flu vaccines, Tetanus and in fact most vaccine do not make you immune to the disease at some point you need another vaccination. The immune system memory in the B and T cells does not last a lifetime for all diseases. Covid-19 and Flu shots will provide protection falling to about 40% to 50% after 6 months. The MMR vaccine is very effective at protecting people against measles, mumps, and rubella and it lasts a lifetime.

Scientist don't know why our immune system memory dulls after 6 months for the flu or Covid and last a life time for other pathogen.
Apparently only for about the first 4 months or so.
Then the vaccine no longer seems to have any effect.
And that is what we actually should expect, since the vaccines only promote spike protein production, which can't be remembered by the immune system T-cells or trigger on them later.

Study after study has shown that tcell immunity is both present in naturally infected and vaccinated individuals equally. There is no difference between the amount or the antibodies themselves, according to the evidence. This is a another silly junk science lie debunked by real science, and facts. Furthermore, tcell immunity against a coronavirus is next to useless for protection against infection anyway, especially when coronaviruses attack humans in our upper respiratory tracts. You will get infected, you just won't get seriously ill and die because your tcell antibodies will come to the rescue eventually.

They guy in your video is totally and completely wrong.
I have read hundreds of papers on covid-19, and not a one said it really does any harm at all, and all have said it is only the "cytokine storm", the over reaction by the immune system, by which all the damage is done and all the deaths caused.

If you want to learn how this happens, then just seach on "covid, cytokine storm".
But here is the first one I ran into early on.

It's as if everyone, including the world's leading scientists, virologists, vaccinologists are ALL WRONG, except you! You should be leading the fight against covid19! Please head straight to the cdc now and make them see reason!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The vaccinated are actually the “super-spreaders” that everyone was told about in the beginning of the pandemic, Malone argued.

He said:

“If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him … He might not have any symptoms … but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”

Malone also touched on the idea of “the noble lie:”

“If the government isn’t going to disclose to you what the [vaccine] risks are, and they’re not going to disclose to you what’s really going on because they think that you can’t handle the news … this is called the noble lie.”

Of course your side hates this guy. He only was instrumental on the tech used for your precious vaccines. He warned of their use because they have serious problems. These vaccines fit the definition of Leaky Vaccines. It has already been proven that vaccinated can spread the disease and have the same or greater viral loads.


Malone is a ivermectin pushing crack whore, who's now a regular on every wacked out anti vax podcast you can find. I wouldnt be surprised to see him on Alex Jones, so it's no wonder the woefully ignorant would continue to champion him as their leading "expert" on all things covid. How much do you want to bet he's gotten one of the mrna vaccines. Yet no one who follows him religiously would give a shit. This pandemic has given him the notoriety he's always wanted, but in a different way, but hey, fame is fame amirite? However, what you quoted from Malone is correct, vaccinated individuals do have less symptoms. That's because by day 3, the virus is already being slaughtered and viral load is dropping preciptuosly during the course of the next few days. Meanwhile in unvaxxed individuals covid is replicating exponentially, in the absense of a single antibody. Gee, i wonder who's a lot more likely to spread the virus.
It Was the CDC not the FDA.
After covid-19 vaccines were introduced, and it was discovered that they do not necessarily "prevent disease" or "provide immunity", the CDC altered the definition of vaccines again to say that they simply "produce protection"." The Covid vaccines, flu vaccines, Tetanus and in fact most vaccine do not make you immune to the disease at some point you need another vaccination. The immune system memory in the B and T cells does not last a lifetime for all diseases. Covid-19 and Flu shots will provide protection falling to about 40% to 50% after 6 months. The MMR vaccine is very effective at protecting people against measles, mumps, and rubella and it lasts a lifetime.

Scientist don't know why our immune system memory dulls after 6 months for the flu or Covid and last a life time for other pathogen.

I don't think that's whats happening. Early evidence is showing very strong tcell memory. I think the first problem we're dealing with is that the vaccine was made specifically against the alpha strain. It's not unusual to see more infections and breakthroughs as a result of this, although i would say it's still incredibly effective. The second problem is, we have 100 million ppl walking around refusing to be vaccinated. If we were experiencing a smallpox outbreak on the same scale as covid, we would be seeing tons of ppl getting smallpox even in vaccinated populations, they simply wouldn't get severe forms of the disease or die from it, much like what is happening now with those who are vaccinated but had breakthroughs. The last and most important problem is, this is a coronavirus, this is a disease that attacks us through our lungs and science has never discovered a means to provide a vaccine that protects us in the same way it does with other viruses. I think the recent drive to develop nasal spray vaccines and nasal spray treatments as a means of prevention may be the key as that actually keeps the virus out of our lungs. Putin has already got himself one.
Pulled out of my ass? How do you know that exactly?

Did you ask me? Did you look them up yourself? Nope.

So are you just lashing out because you don't happen to like them?


Your “proof” is a poll?

Thats not proof because polls are often inaccurate or biased
"actually" o_O

When leftist zombie uses "actually" to "explain" something, you know it's gonna be either a lie, or a talking point (which is also a lie).

Nope, the change made it fit the narrative. The old description is the only one that explain what vaccine is, since mRNA shot is not the vaccine.

Mental midget such as yourself can't process that.
So now I'm a leftist?

The other day one of you idiots was calling me a Trumper.

And yes the new shots are vaccines and every scientist, virologist and doctor will tell you the same thing
No, they are not vaccines. The CDC changed the definition of vaccines so that these mRNA treatments could be considered "vaccines". They are an experiment, and they are failing.
You're still wrong.

And I'm still waiting for your proof that lab animals die at far greater rates from mRNA vaccines
Cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disease, and soft tissue cancers. Yep
OK where is your scientific proof that an mRNA vaccine causes cancer or autoimmune diseases?

And the RARE cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are acute cases and will heal themselves. And a COVID infection carries a far greater risk of myocarditis than does the vaccine.

And fyi the risk of heart inflammation is about .017%
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OK where is your scientific proof that an mRNA vaccine causes cancer or autoimmune diseases?

And the RARE cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are acute cases and will heal themselves. And a COVID infection carries a far greater risk of myocarditis than does the vaccine.

And fyi the risk of heart inflammation is about .017%

Don't have time to hunt it all down here. Follow molecular biologist Gabor Erdosi on Twitter. More and more scientists are seeing the warning signs now.
Your “proof” is a poll?

Thats not proof because polls are often inaccurate or biased
Yes dummy, serious polling is how we know things like party identification.

That is the best information and that is what I believe. You believe whatever the fuck your little heart desires.
Yes dummy, serious polling is how we know things like party identification.

That is the best information and that is what I believe. You believe whatever the fuck your little heart desires.
Yes dummy, serious polling is how we know things like party identification.

That is the best information and that is what I believe. You believe whatever the fuck your little heart desires.

You can also see how much people REALLY trust these vaccines by what they're willing to do to their kids. In my state, a month after they have been available everywhere, only 1 in 5 children age 5 to 11 has had their first shot.

Confidence level: not that great, I would say. Also reflective of how ineffective the "Covid is killing kids" campaign has been--not very.
OK where is your scientific proof that an mRNA vaccine causes cancer or autoimmune diseases?

And the RARE cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are acute cases and will heal themselves. And a COVID infection carries a far greater risk of myocarditis than does the vaccine.

And fyi the risk of heart inflammation is about .017%

It says it in all the memes posted on facebook. What more proof would you need, amirite?

yes, we're talking several hundred cases, which is insanely small, but I would recommend children and younger adults take either astrazeneca or J&J if they want to lower those odds even further.
Wrong on all counts.

First of all, the evidence shows the vaccines have no useful effect after about 5 months.
All they do is temporarily stimulate antibody production, and do not at all enter T-cell memory.

Second is that the unvaccinated are developing immunity that the vaccinated are not getting, because recovery immunity does get into T-cell memory and is permanent.
It is the 100 million unvaccinated are who will achieve herd immunity and end this epidemic, through recovery immunity.
Those getting vaccinated are accomplishing nothing except hiding out from it.
They are not getting immunity from their mRNA injections.

This is what you call passing along misinformation. Where are the studies that show this. Post your evidence that the mrna vaccines don't produce any tcell antibodies. I'll wait.
OK where is your scientific proof that an mRNA vaccine causes cancer or autoimmune diseases?

And the RARE cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are acute cases and will heal themselves. And a COVID infection carries a far greater risk of myocarditis than does the vaccine.

And fyi the risk of heart inflammation is about .017%

Teens recover quickly from rare post-vaccine heart inflammation, study says

Rare blood clots more likely after COVID-19 infection than from vaccine, report finds

Nevada teen suffers seizures, extremely rare brain clots after Johnson & Johnson vaccine

DoD Confirms: Rare Heart Inflammation Cases Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines

Comirnaty and Spikevax: possible link to very rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis.


You're trying to sound like you know what you're talking about, but in reality you're just parroting media lies.

So many articles about something that suppose to be so rare, that normally you wouldn't even care about. Media and government are downplaying it to something that you shouldn't worry about, that if happens you can fully recover, again depending what they mean by that. I believe the full recovery is considered if the patient has no further advancement of the illness and can get off the prescription. Of course, they don't mean that.

Myocarditis and myopericarditis are a serious problems and will ruin your heart in under a decade. Your heart doesn't just "recover", it scars. When caught early, the inflammation will not cause big damage when treated, you could be as good as new. If you have some damage to the heart, you will have to live on prescription made by the same vaccine makers, possible for the rest of your life, and not just that... You have to alter every aspect of your life. Physical exertion is gone when troponin levels are high. A heart attack becomes a real threat and heart failure almost inevitable. How long you can live like that... 5, 10, 20 years. Tell that to teenager, and ask the same teenager, or anyone who took the shot, is that what you signed for when you agreed to take it?

The heart is like a well balanced machine, the left and right side operate in harmony. When one side is damaged, the other side must work harder to pick up the slack which will result in early failure. Now imagine a helicopter, it runs perfectly well and the propellers are functioning as intended. But if you remove the dynamic balancing mechanisms that keep vibrations from growing strong enough to make the blades flail widely, if you get it out of balance, you can expect a failure in seconds. Myocarditis in kids was something almost unheard of, and now is common due to the mRNA "vaccines".

For anyone interested in more, read it here.
You're still wrong.

And I'm still waiting for your proof that lab animals die at far greater rates from mRNA vaccines

Marek's disease mRNA vaccine is leaky, just like the Covid one, and

"Over the past fifty years, Marek’s disease—an illness of fowl—has become fouler. Marek’s is caused by a highly contagious virus, related to those that cause herpes in humans. It spreads through the dust of contaminated chicken coops, and caused both paralysis and cancer. In the 1970s, new vaccines brought the disease the under control. But Marek’s didn’t go gently into that good night. Within ten years, it started evolving into more virulent strains, which now trigger more severe cancers and afflict chickens at earlier ages.

Andrew Read from Pennsylvania State University thinks that the vaccines were responsible. The Marek’s vaccine is “imperfect” or “leaky.” That is, it protects chickens from developing disease, but doesn’t stop them from becoming infected or from spreading the virus. Inadvertently, this made it easier for the most virulent strains to survive. Such strains would normally kill their hosts so quickly that they’d die out. But in an immunised flock, they can persist because their lethal nature has been neutered. That’s not a problem for vaccinated individuals. But unvaccinated birds are now in serious trouble."


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