Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

They guy in your video is totally and completely wrong.
I have read hundreds of papers on covid-19, and not a one said it really does any harm at all, and all have said it is only the "cytokine storm", the over reaction by the immune system, by which all the damage is done and all the deaths caused.

If you want to learn how this happens, then just seach on "covid, cytokine storm".
But here is the first one I ran into early on.

You should contact Professor Roger Seheult, MD. :rolleyes:
Most right wing fads are like this level of mentality:


After all, they went to the same schools as left wing deviants did.
You MANDATE clowns just don't get CHOICE. Just admit you want a STALINIST, ANTI-FREEDOM State

You want to be BULLIED by your own damn government UNTIL a RIGHT OF CENTER president is elected, then we can expect RIOTS masquerading as "protests" and burning our cities and murdering our citizens.
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I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

So you bought into the media bullshit. How nice.
You MANDATE clowns just don't get CHOICE. Just admit you want a STALINIST, ANTI-FREEDOM State

You want to be BULLIED by your own damn government UNTIL a RIGHT OF CENTER president is elected, then we can expect RIOTS masquerading as "protests" and burning our cities and murdering our citizens.

Fuck you, I've never said anything in support of mandates. Strawmen are another feature of right wing idiocy. There really is no difference in the results of right or left wing nutjobbery.
Lets put your statement to a test.

Left claim is that more intelligent people support democrats, including around half of whites, nearly 95% of blacks, and nearly 90% academia.

Can you explain to me, why blacks have lowest vaccination rate of all minority groups? Why scientists are refusing to get vaccinated?

The lie you participate in today becomes the future you live in tomorrow. Enjoy your boosters.

Correction: he is going to enjoy a lifetime of Immunity as a Service shots due the Vaxx ruining his immune system.
Neither is fake.

MRNA vaccine research is decades old.

This article id from 2018

Yes, it is. And mRNA research to produce vaccines for animals has been a disaster. The animal subjects die at very high rates.
They are vaccines and they do no such thing
FDA had to change the definition of what vaccine is to be able to fit mRNA chemicals into it.

Even J&J shot is not a vaccine, since it doesn't deliver what vaccine suppose to deliver, dead or depleted virus, but it's vector tech that delivers only the spike to your cells and it still fuses to your cell walls, which eventually will cause blood clots and reward you with a heart attack in few years.
FDA had to change the definition of what vaccine is to be able to fit mRNA chemicals into it.

Even J&J shot is not a vaccine, since it doesn't deliver what vaccine suppose to deliver, dead or depleted virus, but it's vector tech that delivers only the spike to your cells and it still fuses to your cell walls, which eventually will cause blood clots and reward you with a heart attack in few years.
The change actually made the definition more accurate since there has never been a vaccine in existence that ever provided 100% immunity
Fuck you, I've never said anything in support of mandates. Strawmen are another feature of right wing idiocy. There really is no difference in the results of right or left wing nutjobbery.
Should be 'fuck you, sir'.
FDA had to change the definition of what vaccine is to be able to fit mRNA chemicals into it.

Even J&J shot is not a vaccine, since it doesn't deliver what vaccine suppose to deliver, dead or depleted virus, but it's vector tech that delivers only the spike to your cells and it still fuses to your cell walls, which eventually will cause blood clots and reward you with a heart attack in few years.
Better to put your faith in science, er, I mean windmill profits and get all three jabs and catch the 'Rona.

Ever stop and think Big Pharma puts out a jab, knowing quite well what the true infection and contagion rate is

and it ends up you were no better off in the first place with or without a jab?

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Leftists cannot understand the concept of "assumption of risk."

If I am a healthy adult, and know that my chances of getting sick enough to DIE from Covid (regardless of the strain or "variant") are, say, one in a hundred thousand, I might very well decide that I would rather not be bothered with vaccines or masks or social distancing; I WILL ASSUME THE RISK.

But Leftists wail, "WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU?" Well, they can decide for themselves whether to take precautions and what precautions to take. If THEY are vulnerable due to age or medical condition, then THEY need to take whatever precautions THEY deem necessary. I will tell them that I (speaking hypothetically here - I am vaccinated to hell and gone) am not vaccinated, and I promiscuously gather, unprotected, with other unvaccinated people, so they might want to take extra precautions around me.

Assuming this risk is an entirely rational choice, like choosing to ride a motorcycle, or skydiving, or driving too fast on the road. If you don't like it, then take precautions to protect yourself. What could be simpler than that?
Leftists cannot understand the concept of "assumption of risk."

If I am a healthy adult, and know that my chances of getting sick enough to DIE from Covid (regardless of the strain or "variant") are, say, one in a hundred thousand, I might very well decide that I would rather not be bothered with vaccines or masks or social distancing; I WILL ASSUME THE RISK.

But Leftists wail, "WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU?" Well, they can decide for themselves whether to take precautions and what precautions to take. If THEY are vulnerable due to age or medical condition, then THEY need to take whatever precautions THEY deem necessary. I will tell them that I (speaking hypothetically here - I am vaccinated to hell and gone) am not vaccinated, and I promiscuously gather, unprotected, with other unvaccinated people, so they might want to take extra precautions around me.

Assuming this risk is an entirely rational choice, like choosing to ride a motorcycle, or skydiving, or driving too fast on the road. If you don't like it, then take precautions to protect yourself. What could be simpler than that?
Spoiled children who have never been taught that they must accept personal responsibility for anything.

I want them out of my country. When's the divorce final?
The change actually made the definition more accurate since there has never been a vaccine in existence that ever provided 100% immunity
"actually" o_O

When leftist zombie uses "actually" to "explain" something, you know it's gonna be either a lie, or a talking point (which is also a lie).

Nope, the change made it fit the narrative. The old description is the only one that explain what vaccine is, since mRNA shot is not the vaccine.

Mental midget such as yourself can't process that.
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