Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

Covid vaccines have been tested for well over a year before any mandate (with 500+ million doses already administered). Which btw followed full FDA clearance.

The courts ensure legalities, not layman opinion. But it seems moot for you to even go into legalities when your complaint is about the principle idea of mandating vaccines. If it's done by some other authority then it's all good? Come-on, you are just parsing distinctions without a difference.

I just don't buy your argument that this is a slippery slope. It just hasn't been, the courts have done well in ensuring proper jurisdiction and keeping personal rights on balance with public healthcare needs.
I firmly believe it's a slippery slope argument, especially when we are talking about democrats here. This is a new age, a different time. We don't act like we did even in the '80s. I 100% believe that if the Biden admin gets away with this, they are going to see what else they can get away with.

And rigorously tested for a year? Gimme a break. It took half a year alone to formulate and develop, they haven't tested it anywhere near as rigorously as vaccines in the past.

Besides, the damn things don't even seem to work.
I firmly believe it's a slippery slope argument, especially when we are talking about democrats here. This is a new age, a different time. We don't act like we did even in the '80s. I 100% believe that if the Biden admin gets away with this, they are going to see what else they can get away with.

And rigorously tested for a year? Gimme a break. It took half a year alone to formulate and develop, they haven't tested it anywhere near as rigorously as vaccines in the past.

Besides, the damn things don't even seem to work.
The work that mRNA does is ephemeral. Note that the drugs JoeXi’s son eats are also ephemeral.
I firmly believe it's a slippery slope argument, especially when we are talking about democrats here. This is a new age, a different time. We don't act like we did even in the '80s. I 100% believe that if the Biden admin gets away with this, they are going to see what else they can get away with.

And rigorously tested for a year? Gimme a break. It took half a year alone to formulate and develop, they haven't tested it anywhere near as rigorously as vaccines in the past.

Besides, the damn things don't even seem to work.

Sure seems like a lot of very special politico pleading.

Vaccine taking half a year to develop does not contradict what I've said, because pandemic started in early 2020, which is over a year and half ago and Mandates go in effect in 2022.

You saying vaccines don't work is simply false, as established by gold-standard medical studies. It's kinda ironic that you argue that vaccine wasn't tested enough, yet reject out of hand results that all the rigorous testing showed.
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Sure seems like a lot of very special politico pleading.

Vaccine taking half a year to develop does not contradict what I've said, because pandemic started in early 2020, which is over a year and half ago and Mandates go in effect in 2022.

You saying vaccines don't work is simply false, as established by gold-standard medical studies. It's kinda ironic that you argue that vaccine wasn't tested enough, yet reject out of hand results that all the rigorous testing showed.

If it was so rigorously tested, than why are all these breakthrough cases happening? Why is effectiveness going down to 30%? A year, half a year, whatever, is just simply not enough time to test things out.
I did not vote for Joe Biden, but I agree with Biden's vaccine mandate. The vast majority of the new COVID-19 cases and deaths in the last four months have been among the unvaccinated. Thousands of those people would be alive today if they had gotten vaccinated. We gave them over six months to do the right thing. The vaccines are safe and effective, by any reasonable standard. When it comes to a virus, no one is an island; it's not just "my body, my choice" because your choice can harm other people.

My risk of dying from COVID-19 is very low, but I got vaccinated because I don't want to risk infecting others and possibly causing their death. Those who say, "Well, I don't hang around anyone in the high-risk groups." Great, but you might infect other people who do hang around high-risk persons (i.e., the elderly people and the medically ill), and some of those people might die as a result.

Here is some sound scientific information on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines:

Because the mRNA and viral vector (DNA) vaccines are purely experimental.

In October 2019 Dr. Fauci himself said that mRNA vaccines would take a decade to approve even if *perfect*, since that is how long is needed to study long term effects in humans.

Short term adverse effects have been documented, and it doesn’t look good. They have much worse adverse reactions than any other vaccine on record. Plus they don’t even work, vaccinated can carry the WuFlu virus and get sick, and get hospitalized, and die from it.

So if you want to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma then go right ahead, don’t expect us all to follow you off that cliff.
If it was so rigorously tested, than why are all these breakthrough cases happening? Why is effectiveness going down to 30%? A year, half a year, whatever, is just simply not enough time to test things out.

Don't know where you got 30% from, but mRNA vaccines were 95% effective against Covid-19 A variant, and pretty much stopped transmission. 98% of hospitalized Covid-19 patients were unvaccinated, clearly showing real world results.

With Delta variant vaccination was only a few % less effective at keeping people out of the hospital. It is however more transmissible due to being more contagious.

With time some immunity wane was shown, which lead to booster shot recommendation for higher risk groups, though nowhere near 30% you are talking about.
There is a huge difference.

It's a capitalist vaccine, as American as apple pie and a credit to this country.

So go fuck yourself and half baked anti-vax conspiracy horseshit.
Hes forgotten more than you know. You prove you are clueless more everyday
Don't know where you got 30% from, but mRNA vaccines were 95% effective against Covid-19 A variant, and pretty much stopped transmission
LOL that’s what they claimed. Now we know the vaccines wear off over time and are useless, and they never stopped transmission.
LOL that’s what they claimed. Now we know the vaccines wear off over time and are useless, and they never stopped transmission.

That's a bunch of made up BS.

Studies showed alpha transmission halted by vaccination, Delta spread reduced by vaccination and not a single study showed vaccines to be "useless" overtime. It's not all-or-nothing proposition you and other anti-vaxers like to push.
Don't know where you got 30% from, but mRNA vaccines were 95% effective against Covid-19 A variant, and pretty much stopped transmission. 98% of hospitalized Covid-19 patients were unvaccinated, clearly showing real world results.

With Delta variant vaccination was only a few % less effective at keeping people out of the hospital. It is however more transmissible due to being more contagious.

With time some immunity wane was shown, which lead to booster shot recommendation for higher risk groups, though nowhere near 30% you are talking about.

When they first rolled out, yes, 98% stopping power was the norm. But those shots first administered earlier in the year are now only 30% effective, they aren't working right now. I believe with another year or two of research, a 100% effective vaccine can be rolled out, but by then we may be done with this. Enough people will get sick with it anyway that we won't need it.
That's a bunch of made up BS.

Studies showed alpha transmission halted by vaccination, Delta spread reduced by vaccination and not a single study showed vaccines to be "useless" overtime. It's not all-or-nothing proposition you and other anti-vaxers like to push.
If the vaccines didn't wear off, we wouldn't need a booster...lol
That's a bunch of made up BS.

Studies showed alpha transmission halted by vaccination, Delta spread reduced by vaccination and not a single study showed vaccines to be "useless" overtime. It's not all-or-nothing proposition you and other anti-vaxers like to push.
Worked so good that they had to change the definition of vaccine.

That's a bunch of made up BS.

Studies showed alpha transmission halted by vaccination, Delta spread reduced by vaccination and not a single study showed vaccines to be "useless" overtime. It's not all-or-nothing proposition you and other anti-vaxers like to push.
Yea sure. Once it’s pointed out they don’t prevent one from getting and transmitting WuFlu, you all suddenly change your tune and say “we never said it would prevent infection” (when they did say this), and that the vaccines are more for “lessening the symptoms”. Oh, so it’s no different than just using Ivermectin then if it’s just therapeutic, except you don’t get all the nasty side effects of an experimental vaccine type.
Yea sure. Once it’s pointed out they don’t prevent one from getting and transmitting WuFlu, you all suddenly change your tune and say “we never said it would prevent infection”
You have trouble understanding what you read.

Vaccine reduces Delta transmission, and highly reduces odds of death and hospitalization.

Just because it is not perfect does not mean it's not well worth getting vaccinated.

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