Why Are Some of My Fellow Conservatives Being Irrational About COVID-19 Vaccination?

So because you are backed up against the wall with nowhere to run unable to refute any of the evidence I gave,you dismiss it as bullshit,what a fucking coward troll,your buddies at Langley pay you well fir your ass beatings,same as idiot 4 all and Mike,neither of you will attempt to address and try and debunk it so you can only grasp at straws and say it’s bullshit like the cowards you are. :auiqs.jpg: You dismiss hard facts that disprove your bullshit as rambling,what a dumbfuck.:auiqs.jpg:
I bet I make your day just responding. I bet no one listens to you in real life. This is the internet where even low life’s who just make up shit are allowed to post.
Someone farted in here.:9:

did I call it or did I call it folks thst trollboy whom I just schooled,would come back and talk to himself again?:up:
They don't care. Gov't is their GOD. Just the cheap drugs would save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Western countries are doing the same in many places. Going full Nazi in many. Brain Washed idiots.
Trollboys like him and dacosa Mike and others have no interest in hearing those facts of course because as you just said so well eagle1462010 the government is THEIR god,anything that does not conform to the government they worship,they dismiss.
Trollboys like him and dacosa Mike and others have no interest in hearing those facts of course because as you just said so well eagle1462010 the government is THEIR god,anything that does not conform to the government they worship,they dismiss.
tump is your ilks' god, and anything that does not conform to the god they worship, they dismiss as "fake", "lies", "stolen", etc.
They call themselves "conservatives" but they are just tump supporters. They eat whatever tump says, for lunch. Let's not forget that tump has been a liberal Democrat all his sorry life, until he had to change his stripes to run as a Republican.
You're 100% correct.

Trump was about one thing, sticking it to someone. Didn't matter who they were. Its the same thing you see on reality TV.
They call themselves "conservatives" but they are just tump supporters. They eat whatever tump says, for lunch. Let's not forget that tump has been a liberal Democrat all his sorry life, until he had to change his stripes to run as a Republican.
As a fraud and a grifter he couldn’t get enough support from Democrats. They weren’t gullible enough. But conservatives bought all this shit. Heck, they’ll believe in the tooth fairy. After all, he’s captivated the white supremacists of the country.
As a fraud and a grifter he couldn’t get enough support from Democrats. They weren’t gullible enough. But conservatives bought all this shit. Heck, they’ll believe in the tooth fairy. After all, he’s captivated the white supremacists of the country.
Most of these people are not conservatives, because they don't have conservative values. They, for some reason, have adopted tump's values and enjoy him expressing them--like mocking a handicapped person, threatening other countries with his "locked and loaded" attitude, dissing a gold star family because of their color, virtually challenging our way of life with his attack on our election, etc.
Most of these people are not conservatives, because they don't have conservative values. They, for some reason, have adopted tump's values and enjoy him expressing them--like mocking a handicapped person, threatening other countries with his "locked and loaded" attitude, dissing a gold star family because of their color, virtually challenging our way of life with his attack on our election, etc.
I don’t know what conservatives values are ? It hasn’t been demonstrated by the gop for decades. There is one party that has had 11 of the last 12 recessions, didn’t pay their bills, has had the most criminal indictments, leads in the greatest deficit and has been stomping on voting rights for 20 years. This didn't start with Trump.
I don’t know what conservatives values are ? It hasn’t been demonstrated by the gop for decades. There is one party that has had 11 of the last 12 recessions, didn’t pay their bills, has had the most criminal indictments, leads in the greatest deficit and has been stomping on voting rights for 20 years. This didn't start with Trump.
Maybe True, but I am referring to family values, moral compass, taking responsibility. Trump did none of the above. Recessions don't necessarily originate during Republican times, because the seeds are planted long before. About Trump--he is challenging our democracy with his nefarious antics.
Maybe True, but I am referring to family values, moral compass, taking responsibility. Trump did none of the above. Recessions don't necessarily originate during Republican times, because the seeds are planted long before. About Trump--he is challenging our democracy with his nefarious antics.
Moral compass ? Really ? All the recessions originated during the Republican administration.
Its the administration responsibility to “pay the bills” and keep money flowing from the worlds biggest emplyee, enforce regulations passed by Congress and support the full function of the regulatory commissions. The gop does none of that. It’s not rocket in how to avoid recessions. The gop traditionally fails.
Moral compass ? Really ? All the recessions originated during the Republican administration.
Its the administration responsibility to “pay the bills” and keep money flowing from the worlds biggest emplyee, enforce regulations passed by Congress and support the full function of the regulatory commissions. The gop does none of that. It’s not rocket in how to avoid recessions. The gop traditionally fails.
I know that you are anti-Republican. I try to support the person and not the party. Hence, Tump is
out of the question. Liz Cheney, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney are good people who I could support.
Hubert Humphrey, Reagan, George H W Bush, Jeb Bush were others that I supported. Obama and Kerry-yes.
So yes, moral compass.
Carter, Clinton were responsible for recessions that were their doing for the most part, even though Republicans inherited their mess.
I know that you are anti-Republican. I try to support the person and not the party. Hence, Tump is
out of the question. Liz Cheney, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney are good people who I could support.
Hubert Humphrey, Reagan, George H W Bush, Jeb Bush were others that I supported. Obama and Kerry-yes.
So yes, moral compass.
Carter, Clinton were responsible for recessions that were their doing for the most part, even though Republicans inherited their mess.
Wow, Bush did a wonderful job turning a booming economy with years of balanced budgets into the biggest recession since 1929. You’re going to blame a recession that started seven years after Bush entered office on the previous President Clinton. Someone is really stupid. Wonder if those huge tax cuts and letting banks and corporations run amuck had anything to do with it. Bush was a stupid nimrod whose saving grace was the bigger idiot Trump……”covid will be gone this spring” and “let’s look into injecting people with industrial cleaner” works for you. The gop is filled with crooks from every admin but Bush one. 11 of the last 12 recessions were under GOP admins. Over 200 indicted under the gop to 2 under Dems. Nice job trying to throw shit.
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I know that you are anti-Republican.
I’m anti any party that’s anti science, anti voter rights and backs Trump. The GOP is now discussing not engaging in any debate for national offices because of Trumps influence . This is what dictatorships do. The gop has become an apartheid party of minority rule in control of the highest bidder. I used to vote for repo candidates as an independent till they ALL started taking the crazy pills.
I’m anti any party that’s anti science…

Is Bruce Jenner a man or is he a woman?

Which party is it that has, as an explicit plank of its platform, a denial and repudiation of the hard science that pertains to the biological distinction between men and women?

Wow, Bush did a wonderful job turning a booming economy with years of balanced budgets into the biggest recession since 1929. You’re going to blame a recession that started seven years after Bush entered office on the previous President Clinton. Someone is really stupid. Wonder if those huge tax cuts and letting banks and corporations run amuck had anything to do with it. Bush was a stupid nimrod whose saving grace was the bigger idiot Trump……”covid will be gone this spring” and “let’s look into injecting people with industrial cleaner” works for you. The gop is filled with crooks from every admin but Bush one. 11 of the last 12 recessions were under GOP admins. Over 200 indicted under the gop to 2 under Dems. Nice job trying to throw shit.
Clinton admitted that he was responsible for the recession at the end of his presidency. I speak of Bush senior, not Bush junior. I never insinuated that industrial cleaner should be used. I agree with you totally about Bush Jr. and tump, and did not support either of them.
Is Bruce Jenner a man or is he a woman?

Which party is it that has, as an explicit plank of its platform, a denial and repudiation of the hard science that pertains to the biological distinction between men and women?
Tell us, why is that a problem for you ? There is no science involved in that question. They have addressed everything about sex differences. It’s just you changing the conversation to something you have a problem with.

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