Why are the Antifa being Fascist?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
From no free speech at colleges, to censorship on the internet to Nancy Pelosi wanting to make sure a person doesn't run again for office..


What's to discuss? Really- the proof is in the pudding, so it's said- follow the money, see the agenda(s)- who/what funds them? I asked that yesterday and got nary an answer- from either side- I wonder why?
We elect people who's main allegiance is too keeping their job, The supposed purpose of electing them is that they have a far better understanding of both the constitution & our laws. We pay them a good salary to spend their time (while we work keeping America running day to day) looking for honest solutions that help the general population. their ability to keep a cool head when two sides of a situation become heated. BOTH SIDES DO NONE OF THAT. They work for them self's, their party, & their largest donors.
A fascist is someone who supports or promotes fascism—a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism
ANTIFA is fascist because the little brats have been coddled since infancy by over-protective parents and brainwashed with the belief that anybody who differs from their rigid groupthink is evil.

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