Why Are the Ds Blowing the 2018 Gimme Election?

With a congressional platform of raising taxes, asinine investigations that even judges find dubious and impeachment on the grounds of Ss and Gs, polls are showing Rs moving up in the standings. And let's face it Trump and his congressional cohorts at least look like they could be defeated with humor in good taste and a platform in radio contact with reality. An example of each:

I would say President Trump only opens his mouth to change feet but in all truth he only shuts his mouth to avoid insects landing in it.

We will cooperate with ICE on the same conditions for legal and illegal immigrants.

That might be enough to stop the bleeding off of Democratic support. But nothing like that is likely. More problems with SALT appear daily to make up for a shrinking tax base in the Blue Wall. Drifting to the left of Cuba and Venezuela is also popular with the Ds. They are determined to snatch shocking defeat from the jaws of at least modest victory.
If the dems don't take the House it will be bad for them, but right now it looks like they will. No one predicts much for them in the Senate. If they stay even it'll be a .... wait for it .... uuuuuuge win.

All eyes are on 2020.

I don't know about that. Charles Grassley urged any Republican judges who are considering retiring to do it before the end of the year. That shows Republicans are becoming increasingly nervous about the Senate.
Then who is?

Due to Trump and not the estimated 90% negative reporting on Trump by the MSM?

Yes, focus on Trump--like the left isn't.

1. There does not have to be a specifica human target in an investigation.

2. Have you considered the fact that if Trump DITCHED twitter, things might be a lot better? Trump is the cause of his own problems. It's time for you guys to quit blaming everyone but Trump.

3. The right is still busy blaming Clinton and Obama. When will you move on?

When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There again...the utter hypocrisy between Benghazi and Mueller.

Ya know...I'm fine with waiting for results. I was fine with Benghazi and I am fine with Mueller.

You seem fine with one and not the other.

Absolutely correct, because there was reasonable suspicion with Benghazi and not the Trump election.

There was no reasonable suspicion of anything in terms of what happened with Benghazi. It was a sham investigation from the start.

When somebody lies about it and has their minions do the same on public television, it's very suspicious. I mean, Americans were getting tortured and murdered, and DumBama just went to bed because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning. It's almost like he expected it to happen. Also one of the bodies they found of a navy seal had a laser pointer in his hand. He was pointing at a target giving away his position. The only reason he would be doing that is if he was expecting air support to launch a missile at the target. Why would he be expecting that if he didn't have conformation that such assistance was on it's way?

So there were just too many questions including Hillary's lack of response for stronger security at the compound. As usual, they quickly tried to blame Republicans for not funding security, but that was quickly pointed out as BS because the Republicans did give a good chunk of change for that reason.
Trump is peripheral. He is part of the investigation but not necessarily the target.

Then who is?

Don't you think he and his supporters would be better off shutting the fuck up and letting it conclude? All this attention on Trump is...well...due to TRUMP.

Due to Trump and not the estimated 90% negative reporting on Trump by the MSM?

And while we are at it. GET OVER Obama. He isn't president and hasn't been for a year and a half. QUIT BLAMING Hillary - she lost, she's toast, she is irrelevant. Focus on Trump.

Yes, focus on Trump--like the left isn't.

1. There does not have to be a specifica human target in an investigation.

2. Have you considered the fact that if Trump DITCHED twitter, things might be a lot better? Trump is the cause of his own problems. It's time for you guys to quit blaming everyone but Trump.

3. The right is still busy blaming Clinton and Obama. When will you move on?

When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There was no phony dossiers. Parts of it had been verified and Nunes had said that the political nature of the dossier was on the application. Do you think that our intelligence services have Russian sources as well?

Very few parts were totally verified, and most were in the process, but not complete by the time they requested a warrant by presenting it as evidence. Also, very few believe that a judge would issue anything based on opposition research. Opposition research is usually very tilted to the people who paid for it.
What evidence? There is none. That's the point.
Plenty of evidence to get indictments and convictions

Why do you keep ignoring it?

And what evidence might that be?

They had two things: Trump making a joke about Russia having Hil-Liars emails and Popa-Dop when he was drunk at a bar in London saying that Trump had people in Russia to a strong Hillary supporter. That was it.

You see, any other investigation is into a crime and trying to match the person to the crime. In this case, it was targeting a person and trying to find a crime to fit the person. It had nothing to do with Russia and everybody knows it.

But it has generated a lot of sympathy for Trump and energized the R base.

That remains to be seen, but I think you're on to something. If Trump loses either the House or Senate because of these phony investigations, people will be pissed enough to make sure they vote for Trump's second term if he decides he wants one.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
Plenty of evidence to get indictments and convictions

Why do you keep ignoring it?

And what evidence might that be?

They had two things: Trump making a joke about Russia having Hil-Liars emails and Popa-Dop when he was drunk at a bar in London saying that Trump had people in Russia to a strong Hillary supporter. That was it.

You see, any other investigation is into a crime and trying to match the person to the crime. In this case, it was targeting a person and trying to find a crime to fit the person. It had nothing to do with Russia and everybody knows it.

But it has generated a lot of sympathy for Trump and energized the R base.

That remains to be seen, but I think you're on to something. If Trump loses either the House or Senate because of these phony investigations, people will be pissed enough to make sure they vote for Trump's second term if he decides he wants one.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
How long was Benghazi?
The way I see it now Mueller is damn if he does damn if he doesn't..

You have John Kerry still violating the Logan act multiple times , so how can you charge Trump with collusion?
Only problem is Kerry is breaking no laws

If he was, Trumps Justice Department would be all over him

No, Trump doesn't operate that way. He doesn't have the vengeance like McCain.

It's debatable if he's breaking any laws, but one thing nobody can deny, and that is he's sticking his big nose into matters that don't concern him.

You really are smoking something. Trump is the most vengeful politician I have seen. He harbors grudges just because people supported someone else in 2016. His attitude towards McCain is the perfect example. Ronald Reagan brought in the best people and didn't care who they supported. He brought in James Baker as Secretary of State despite the fact he had run Bush's campaign in 1980. He made Howard Baker his chief of staff. Baker had supported Ford in 1976 and tried to convince Ford to enter the race late in 1980 to stop Reagan.

Grudges and vengeance are two different things. Trump never tried to get even with anybody because he held a grudge. People who downright insulted him during his campaign like Romney and Haley, he made amends with and Haley accepted a position with his administration as well.

McCain has spent his time trying to get even with Trump using his position as a representative even if it meant going against his own word such as with Commie Care. It was McCain that gave the FBI the phony dossier to start trouble for Trump. Now we have the most qualified person running for the head of the CIA, and McCain is even going to try and stop her. I'm sure he has nothing against her, but she was selected by Trump, and now he's going to do what he can to F that up for Trump.

Trump had no intention of appointing Romney as SOS. He went through all the hoopla to get even with Romney. When Trump heard that Romney would win the Senate seat that Hatch was vacating, he tried to talk Hatch into not retiring.

Also a number of potential appointees were vetoed by Trump because they were not supportive enough or dared to support someone else.

Trump dumped Abrams over his criticisms during the campaign, sources say
1. There does not have to be a specifica human target in an investigation.

2. Have you considered the fact that if Trump DITCHED twitter, things might be a lot better? Trump is the cause of his own problems. It's time for you guys to quit blaming everyone but Trump.

3. The right is still busy blaming Clinton and Obama. When will you move on?

When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There again...the utter hypocrisy between Benghazi and Mueller.

Ya know...I'm fine with waiting for results. I was fine with Benghazi and I am fine with Mueller.

You seem fine with one and not the other.

Absolutely correct, because there was reasonable suspicion with Benghazi and not the Trump election.

There was no reasonable suspicion of anything in terms of what happened with Benghazi. It was a sham investigation from the start.

When somebody lies about it and has their minions do the same on public television, it's very suspicious. I mean, Americans were getting tortured and murdered, and DumBama just went to bed because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning. It's almost like he expected it to happen. Also one of the bodies they found of a navy seal had a laser pointer in his hand. He was pointing at a target giving away his position. The only reason he would be doing that is if he was expecting air support to launch a missile at the target. Why would he be expecting that if he didn't have conformation that such assistance was on it's way?

So there were just too many questions including Hillary's lack of response for stronger security at the compound. As usual, they quickly tried to blame Republicans for not funding security, but that was quickly pointed out as BS because the Republicans did give a good chunk of change for that reason.

Obama was CIC not Clinton. She had no authority to move troops into the compound. Yet the investigation focused exclusively on Clinton. Don't give us more of your crazy conspiracy theories.
For a few reasons
1. They're focused on metoo instead of focusing on issues that can gain them votes. Pretty much they're losing voters and turning off men.
2. They are acting like they don't give a shit about the American worker. Where is the discussion of jobs and ways to make more.

They're attempting the same old sack of shit that got their ass kicked in 2016...Didn't learn shit.
When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There again...the utter hypocrisy between Benghazi and Mueller.

Ya know...I'm fine with waiting for results. I was fine with Benghazi and I am fine with Mueller.

You seem fine with one and not the other.

Absolutely correct, because there was reasonable suspicion with Benghazi and not the Trump election.

There was no reasonable suspicion of anything in terms of what happened with Benghazi. It was a sham investigation from the start.

When somebody lies about it and has their minions do the same on public television, it's very suspicious. I mean, Americans were getting tortured and murdered, and DumBama just went to bed because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning. It's almost like he expected it to happen. Also one of the bodies they found of a navy seal had a laser pointer in his hand. He was pointing at a target giving away his position. The only reason he would be doing that is if he was expecting air support to launch a missile at the target. Why would he be expecting that if he didn't have conformation that such assistance was on it's way?

So there were just too many questions including Hillary's lack of response for stronger security at the compound. As usual, they quickly tried to blame Republicans for not funding security, but that was quickly pointed out as BS because the Republicans did give a good chunk of change for that reason.

Obama was CIC not Clinton. She had no authority to move troops into the compound. Yet the investigation focused exclusively on Clinton. Don't give us more of your crazy conspiracy theories.

The SOS is a main decider when it comes to things like that. Panetta was the person who could actually have made the call.
And what evidence might that be?

They had two things: Trump making a joke about Russia having Hil-Liars emails and Popa-Dop when he was drunk at a bar in London saying that Trump had people in Russia to a strong Hillary supporter. That was it.

You see, any other investigation is into a crime and trying to match the person to the crime. In this case, it was targeting a person and trying to find a crime to fit the person. It had nothing to do with Russia and everybody knows it.

But it has generated a lot of sympathy for Trump and energized the R base.

That remains to be seen, but I think you're on to something. If Trump loses either the House or Senate because of these phony investigations, people will be pissed enough to make sure they vote for Trump's second term if he decides he wants one.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
How long was Benghazi?

Irrelevant because the Benghazi investigation and Russia investigation are two different things. With Benghazi, the investigation was not to place blame or make charges against anybody, but to find out exactly WTF happened that led to the tragedy. In the Trump investigation, the main reason is to prove Trump (or somebody on his team) worked with Russia to tamper with the election; basically a crime.
Trump is peripheral. He is part of the investigation but not necessarily the target.

Then who is?

Don't you think he and his supporters would be better off shutting the fuck up and letting it conclude? All this attention on Trump is...well...due to TRUMP.

Due to Trump and not the estimated 90% negative reporting on Trump by the MSM?

And while we are at it. GET OVER Obama. He isn't president and hasn't been for a year and a half. QUIT BLAMING Hillary - she lost, she's toast, she is irrelevant. Focus on Trump.

Yes, focus on Trump--like the left isn't.

1. There does not have to be a specifica human target in an investigation.

2. Have you considered the fact that if Trump DITCHED twitter, things might be a lot better? Trump is the cause of his own problems. It's time for you guys to quit blaming everyone but Trump.

3. The right is still busy blaming Clinton and Obama. When will you move on?

When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There was no phony dossiers. Parts of it had been verified and Nunes had said that the political nature of the dossier was on the application. Do you think that our intelligence services have Russian sources as well?

Very few parts were totally verified, and most were in the process, but not complete by the time they requested a warrant by presenting it as evidence. Also, very few believe that a judge would issue anything based on opposition research. Opposition research is usually very tilted to the people who paid for it.

So you say. Please give us the link to the FISA warrant that proves it. The fact is that the parts of the dossier that were verified can be used in a FISA warrant. There is no evidence the dossier was tilted. COMMIE.
But it has generated a lot of sympathy for Trump and energized the R base.

That remains to be seen, but I think you're on to something. If Trump loses either the House or Senate because of these phony investigations, people will be pissed enough to make sure they vote for Trump's second term if he decides he wants one.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
How long was Benghazi?

Irrelevant because the Benghazi investigation and Russia investigation are two different things. With Benghazi, the investigation was not to place blame or make charges against anybody, but to find out exactly WTF happened that led to the tragedy. In the Trump investigation, the main reason is to prove Trump (or somebody on his team) worked with Russia to tamper with the election; basically a crime.
No. It was to fix blame.
There again...the utter hypocrisy between Benghazi and Mueller.

Ya know...I'm fine with waiting for results. I was fine with Benghazi and I am fine with Mueller.

You seem fine with one and not the other.

Absolutely correct, because there was reasonable suspicion with Benghazi and not the Trump election.

There was no reasonable suspicion of anything in terms of what happened with Benghazi. It was a sham investigation from the start.

When somebody lies about it and has their minions do the same on public television, it's very suspicious. I mean, Americans were getting tortured and murdered, and DumBama just went to bed because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning. It's almost like he expected it to happen. Also one of the bodies they found of a navy seal had a laser pointer in his hand. He was pointing at a target giving away his position. The only reason he would be doing that is if he was expecting air support to launch a missile at the target. Why would he be expecting that if he didn't have conformation that such assistance was on it's way?

So there were just too many questions including Hillary's lack of response for stronger security at the compound. As usual, they quickly tried to blame Republicans for not funding security, but that was quickly pointed out as BS because the Republicans did give a good chunk of change for that reason.

Obama was CIC not Clinton. She had no authority to move troops into the compound. Yet the investigation focused exclusively on Clinton. Don't give us more of your crazy conspiracy theories.

The SOS is a main decider when it comes to things like that. Panetta was the person who could actually have made the call.

Only the President can order American troops into the Benghazi compound once the attack began.
Then who is?

Due to Trump and not the estimated 90% negative reporting on Trump by the MSM?

Yes, focus on Trump--like the left isn't.

1. There does not have to be a specifica human target in an investigation.

2. Have you considered the fact that if Trump DITCHED twitter, things might be a lot better? Trump is the cause of his own problems. It's time for you guys to quit blaming everyone but Trump.

3. The right is still busy blaming Clinton and Obama. When will you move on?

When will we move on? When we find out more on how a FISA court issued warrants against Trump associates using a phony dossier paid for by an opposing candidate. Also paid for by the Democrat party. Also presenting information that was gained through Russia contacts. That's when we'll move on.

There was no phony dossiers. Parts of it had been verified and Nunes had said that the political nature of the dossier was on the application. Do you think that our intelligence services have Russian sources as well?

Very few parts were totally verified, and most were in the process, but not complete by the time they requested a warrant by presenting it as evidence. Also, very few believe that a judge would issue anything based on opposition research. Opposition research is usually very tilted to the people who paid for it.

So you say. Please give us the link to the FISA warrant that proves it. The fact is that the parts of the dossier that were verified can be used in a FISA warrant. There is no evidence the dossier was tilted. COMMIE.

Correct, parts that WERE VERIFIED could be used provided the judge is made aware that it was opposition research paid for by the DNC and Hillary. But the unverified parts (which is most of it according to Nunes) were likely used as well.

Even when Comey informed Trump about the dossier, he didn't tell Trump where it came from, who paid for it, and also that most of it was unverified.
That remains to be seen, but I think you're on to something. If Trump loses either the House or Senate because of these phony investigations, people will be pissed enough to make sure they vote for Trump's second term if he decides he wants one.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
How long was Benghazi?

Irrelevant because the Benghazi investigation and Russia investigation are two different things. With Benghazi, the investigation was not to place blame or make charges against anybody, but to find out exactly WTF happened that led to the tragedy. In the Trump investigation, the main reason is to prove Trump (or somebody on his team) worked with Russia to tamper with the election; basically a crime.
No. It was to fix blame.

Sure, without a doubt politics came into play, but it wasn't the main reason for the investigation. It wasn't an investigation into potential crimes. You can't charge somebody with a crime even if they didn't do their job the correct way or that it could have been done much better. In other words, no criminal intent.
And what if the investigation isn’t phoned?

If it wasn't phony, they would have had something concrete by now. The strategy seems to be harassing associates of Trump to get them to say anything that might damage him, even if it's a lie.
How long was Benghazi?

Irrelevant because the Benghazi investigation and Russia investigation are two different things. With Benghazi, the investigation was not to place blame or make charges against anybody, but to find out exactly WTF happened that led to the tragedy. In the Trump investigation, the main reason is to prove Trump (or somebody on his team) worked with Russia to tamper with the election; basically a crime.
No. It was to fix blame.

Sure, without a doubt politics came into play, but it wasn't the main reason for the investigation. It wasn't an investigation into potential crimes. You can't charge somebody with a crime even if they didn't do their job the correct way or that it could have been done much better. In other words, no criminal intent.
Politics wasn’t the main reason for the current investigation. It had strong bipartisan support.
As I recall only the Ds and RINOs were concerned that Hillary stole the nomination and therefore elected Trump then came the collusion BS from the same sources. Only Trump's nomination opponents gave a damn about Comey's failed attempt to save Hillary's campaign. Yeah, there were some D-lite supporters flying false R flags like the Bush family but they were just Ds running in states and districts where Ds could not be elected. What bipartisanship are you referring to?
Republicans told us their tax cut would not add to the debt. Debt is growing and many don't feel they are seeing much of a tax cut. If they put together a strong message it should still be good for dems. The repubs are in control of everything and they will have many failures to defend.
Republicans told us their tax cut would not add to the debt. Debt is growing and many don't feel they are seeing much of a tax cut. If they put together a strong message it should still be good for dems. The repubs are in control of everything and they will have many failures to defend.

Soooo, you're saying ya got nothing.

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