Why are the Ds throwing the election?

I love this place. First he says:
I don't say absurd things do I?
Then he says:
Every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's when the rest of the world was war torn on it's ass. .
Okay. So tell me:
  1. How does a 2.0% GDP illustrate that "every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's"?
  2. How does a crash in the Treasury Bond market by 55% illustrate that "every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's"?
  3. How does the Fed dropping rates 25bps illustrate that "every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's"?
  4. How does markets screaming for another 50bps drop illustrate that "every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's"?
  5. How does a drop in the manufacturing index illustrate that "every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's"?
Please answer these 5 questions specifically, no avoidance, no deflection. I'm sure you can do it.

Go ahead. Lay your expertise on us. I can't wait to see this.

This place is just MIND BLOWING.
it's what the Dems do.... f-up! they truly are not very good at this political crap... and really, never have been good political strategists

Repubs can run circles around the Dems.. in the dirty politics realm too...
Prior to the debate last night the Ds were in bad shape now they are in worse shape. Ignoring the witch hunt investigations and not calling for the impeachment farce to be dropped was stupid. Stupid because Trump's economic numbers are daunting already, especially Black and Latino unemployment numbers. Without a huge downturn in the red/purple states to match or exceed the January to May 2020 blue state downturn the Ds can't win so why is there no appeal to red states just in case?

Because a crash is coming and they want no part of it.
As the original party of the big lie of Andrew Genocide Jackson winning the "second war of Independence" after the peace treaty was signed I find all claims of D virtue dubious at best.
All depends on how you look at it. I don't laugh at your opinions, though, do I?

I don't say absurd things do I? Every economic indicator says we have the best economy in our history outside of the early 50's when the rest of the world was war torn on it's ass. When these trade deals are worked out, we will SKYROCKET into unheard of numbers. So Trump ain't popular in Europe or Asia...tsk tsk...that's because Uncle Sugar is out of business. We no longer bow and pay everybody's bills but we are grudgingly respected again thanks to President Trump. Your side has done everything in their power to hurt him/us and yet he continues on unabated, and unbowed. Wait until 2020...your side will be lucky to carry Kali and New Yawk.
I don't say absurd things do I?
Neither do I.
How the yield curve predicted every recession for the past 50 years

The Tragedy of Trump's Foreign Policy

Trump Administration Officially Revokes Obama-Era Clean Water Protections


This may not be the thread to argue any of those topics in detail, but there is a whole 'nother perspective on Trump's doings that has nothing to do with his little hands or his nasty mouth. You can blame it all on a despondent media or you can admit the truth: There is certainly another side to the story and it is just as valid as yours.

I think it would be very decent of you to stop laughing at Dems' ideas when you know damned well there is just as much reason for their viewpoints as yours.
The tragedy of trump foreign policy is a hit piece and you cannot back up any claims of racism or bias against black or Latinos. How many times has the curve been inverted and we did not have a recession? Your posts hating on trump are typical emotion, not facts or critical thinking. Have your opinion but stop spreading baseless anti trump propaganda that can’t stand the light of day.
i was taking a shot everytime someone said in the debate that Trump is racist, and now my liver is shot!

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