Why are the forum whites so damn defensive sensitive and whiny when discussing race?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.
Racism exists on many levels. And I think that many who are racist to some degree do not even realize they are being racist.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Bass is a racist. He only knows to keep posting racist comments about whites, like the one that starts this thread and then pretend whites are the problem.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Bass is a racist. He only knows to keep posting racist comments about whites, like the one that starts this thread and then pretend whites are the problem.

No, I don't think Charlie is a racist. I think a lot of minorities are a product of an environment that is changing.... they have seen the ugly face of racism. Obviously, that impacts on their view. They, more than most, have a right to question.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.

REALITY check. Until the Democrats started the " new society" and created victimhood for all blacks the reality is black families prospered and did well. Only in the last 40 years have we seen the near total destruction of the inner city black family and its moors and work ethic.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Bass is a racist. He only knows to keep posting racist comments about whites, like the one that starts this thread and then pretend whites are the problem.

The comment that started this thread wasn't racist, if it is then your thread about the race card is racist. Its a fact that when it comes to discussing race and racism whites do feel the most uncomfortable about it, especially when it comes to discussing what whites past and present have done to nonwhites, but since you're too damn mentally challenged and stupid to see things through the eyes of nonwhites[except when whining and crying like a puss about affirmative action and how its hurting whites so bad, :rolleyes: ] you cry "the Bass is a racist" every time.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.

One of the main reasons I dislike 'liberal' policies is that, to me, they are fundamentally racist. They start off with the assumption that minorities need to be taken care of, given special status. Black people - like whites - and everyone else - are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. I find the liberal attitute towards miniorities offensive. I don't treat anyone as more or less deserving than anyone else. I could not give a rats ass about color. The liberal policies only serve to emphasis what divides people. There is no 'black culture' any more than there is a 'white culture'.... There is no such thing as 'African American'... We are all American.
Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.

REALITY check. Until the Democrats started the " new society" and created victimhood for all blacks the reality is black families prospered and did well. Only in the last 40 years have we seen the near total destruction of the inner city black family and its moors and work ethic.

Stupid, this racism and new society crap you're spinning about isn't the result of any damn political party because whites, whether Democrat and or Republican benefit from the racist acts of their ancestors and blacks, whether Democrat or Republican suffered and still because of it. The white over black dynamic is the one constant that has not changed.

The destruction of the black inner city people came with the explosion of crack and the government's fake war of drugs which is being fought exclusively in black inner cities, little wonder why drugs in white neighborhoods are ignored and spiral out of control.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Here we go again, same old crap from Charlie Bass. Merry Christmas Charlie... Do you ever talk about anything beside racial stuff? This horse has been rode to death.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

The problem is that by "race relations improving", you mean whites kiss more black ass, give them more money, and basically roll over for them. That's what MOST blacks mean by "we need to improve race relations." They never mean WE BLACKS could clean up our act! To blacks, "ending racism" is entirely something that's a white responsibility.

What I wish whites would do is grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. We're white. We've got a right to be with each other and do our own thing. If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere."
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Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

The problem is that by "race relations improving", you mean whites kiss more black ass, give them more money, and basically roll over for them. That's what MOST blacks mean by "we need to improve race relations." They never mean WE BLACKS could clean up our act! To blacks, "ending racism" is entirely something that's a white responsibility.

What I wish whites would do is grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. We're white. We've got a right to be with each other and do our own thing. If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere."

Blacks have as much right here as you do, William. You don't like that - you fuck off and go elsewhere.

If people like you would stop justifying racism, people like Charlie wouldn't have to keep reminding us that racism still exists. You, William, are the problem - not the solution.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Here we go again, same old crap from Charlie Bass. Merry Christmas Charlie... Do you ever talk about anything beside racial stuff? This horse has been rode to death.

I thought the horse had been Beaten to death?

The saying you're talking about is, "They'll WORK a Good Horse to death."

Frankly, my favorite is "Its been dead so long, it ain't worth skinnin."

Oh, and BTW, I agree with Charlie's sentimate that we need to continue to face certain facts in order that we resolve them as problems or not.

To me, the most glaring racial problem in the USA is this:

Why is our aggregate population only about 15% African American, but our prison population is 60% African American. This is a HUGE difference!

I reject the notion that blacks are any different than whites, particularly in basic human needs: Health, Safety, Family, Friends....everyone wants these things, regardless of culture or race. (now, wait for some idiot claim that fewer blacks want these than whites).

There is SOMETHING ELSE that is causing black incarceration rates to be well out of proportion to the general population.

Not surprisingly, blacks will blame whites for this problem. After all, whites do write and enforce the law in the USA. (now, wait for some dolt to find a single small contradiction and post 1,000 words to support the contradiction). Whites also comprise most of the judiciary (yes, I know Judge Thomas is black, but I did say "MOST," and we're talking about criminal courts, not the supreme court).

Before anyone goes running over to SF to cut a rebuttal, I'll state that I believe blacks that blame whites are WRONG. I don't think that in a democracy that has elected a mixed race president is purposely imprisoning much of the black population. (now watch the conspiracy theorists come out of the woodwork).

Here is my theory: Blacks are in cultural evolution, as much as anyone else in the USA. There in no historical precedent for the US culture.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Here we go again, same old crap from Charlie Bass. Merry Christmas Charlie... Do you ever talk about anything beside racial stuff? This horse has been rode to death.

I thought the horse had been Beaten to death?

The saying you're talking about is, "They'll WORK a Good Horse to death."

Frankly, my favorite is "Its been dead so long, it ain't worth skinnin."

Oh, and BTW, I agree with Charlie's sentimate that we need to continue to face certain facts in order that we resolve them as problems or not.

To me, the most glaring racial problem in the USA is this:

Why is our aggregate population only about 15% African American, but our prison population is 60% African American. This is a HUGE difference!

I reject the notion that blacks are any different than whites, particularly in basic human needs: Health, Safety, Family, Friends....everyone wants these things, regardless of culture or race. (now, wait for some idiot claim that fewer blacks want these than whites).

There is SOMETHING ELSE that is causing black incarceration rates to be well out of proportion to the general population.

Not surprisingly, blacks will blame whites for this problem. After all, whites do write and enforce the law in the USA. (now, wait for some dolt to find a single small contradiction and post 1,000 words to support the contradiction). Whites also comprise most of the judiciary (yes, I know Judge Thomas is black, but I did say "MOST," and we're talking about criminal courts, not the supreme court).

Before anyone goes running over to SF to cut a rebuttal, I'll state that I believe blacks that blame whites are WRONG. I don't think that in a democracy that has elected a mixed race president is purposely imprisoning much of the black population. (now watch the conspiracy theorists come out of the woodwork).

Here is my theory: Blacks are in cultural evolution, as much as anyone else in the USA. There in no historical precedent for the US culture.

I think socieities continually develop - doesn't make any difference what color the individuals happen to be.

Personally, I think a lot of the problem is not color - it is attitude. When your parents have never worked and have lived on welfare or the proceeds of crime, that becomes the norm - an acceptable way of life. That is more prevalent among the black population because of the rampant racism that existed. Now society is changing its attitude towards race but the culture of the work ethic is not keeping pace with it. Strong families, decent jobs and teaching a work ethic are needed to offer an alternative to crime and welfare. It is not because someone is black that they don't succeed, it is because we don't teach them how to succeed.
Here we go again, same old crap from Charlie Bass. Merry Christmas Charlie... Do you ever talk about anything beside racial stuff? This horse has been rode to death.

I thought the horse had been Beaten to death?

The saying you're talking about is, "They'll WORK a Good Horse to death."

Frankly, my favorite is "Its been dead so long, it ain't worth skinnin."

Oh, and BTW, I agree with Charlie's sentimate that we need to continue to face certain facts in order that we resolve them as problems or not.

To me, the most glaring racial problem in the USA is this:

Why is our aggregate population only about 15% African American, but our prison population is 60% African American. This is a HUGE difference!

I reject the notion that blacks are any different than whites, particularly in basic human needs: Health, Safety, Family, Friends....everyone wants these things, regardless of culture or race. (now, wait for some idiot claim that fewer blacks want these than whites).

There is SOMETHING ELSE that is causing black incarceration rates to be well out of proportion to the general population.

Not surprisingly, blacks will blame whites for this problem. After all, whites do write and enforce the law in the USA. (now, wait for some dolt to find a single small contradiction and post 1,000 words to support the contradiction). Whites also comprise most of the judiciary (yes, I know Judge Thomas is black, but I did say "MOST," and we're talking about criminal courts, not the supreme court).

Before anyone goes running over to SF to cut a rebuttal, I'll state that I believe blacks that blame whites are WRONG. I don't think that in a democracy that has elected a mixed race president is purposely imprisoning much of the black population. (now watch the conspiracy theorists come out of the woodwork).

Here is my theory: Blacks are in cultural evolution, as much as anyone else in the USA. There in no historical precedent for the US culture.

I think socieities continually develop - doesn't make any difference what color the individuals happen to be.

Personally, I think a lot of the problem is not color - it is attitude. When your parents have never worked and have lived on welfare or the proceeds of crime, that becomes the norm - an acceptable way of life. That is more prevalent among the black population because of the rampant racism that existed. Now society is changing its attitude towards race but the culture of the work ethic is not keeping pace with it. Strong families, decent jobs and teaching a work ethic are needed to offer an alternative to crime and welfare. It is not because someone is black that they don't succeed, it is because we don't teach them how to succeed.

No, I think "we" do teach "them" how to succeed, and that some do succeed. Some of "them" even teach "themselves."

However, just because ALL Blacks do not succeed, or because a Huge number (60% vs 15%) fail miserably, isn't a measure of cultural overnight success........ or failure.

How long has it taken Western Culture to evolve to what it is today? DID it happen overnight? no. Nor did it take only 200 years.
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I blame dat rap music.

I don't feel uncomfortable talking about race with my black friends. In fact, a good friend refused to borrow my pink pen yesterday because he said it was gay. I replied "what's up with you black men and homophobia?" He responded "that's the way I was raised". There should be no shame in that. We're all a little prejudiced some times.
I blame dat rap music.

I don't feel uncomfortable talking about race with my black friends. In fact, a good friend refused to borrow my pink pen yesterday because he said it was gay. I replied "what's up with you black men and homophobia?" He responded "that's the way I was raised". There should be no shame in that. We're all a little prejudiced some times.

Rap sucks regardless of race.

I went to Grad school,at a "Black" University: Prairie View, A&M.

Baby, you don't know about being uncomfortable talking about race with your black friends.:tongue:
Why are the forum whites so damn defensive sensitive and whiny when discussing race?

They aren't.

The Basshole's perception is just all fucked up.

That's because the Basshole is a racist fuck, blinded by his irrationality.

Charlie is no more a racist than I am, Liability. He is not a racist. I wish people would stop dismissing everything he says with this 'racist' label. If you could understand where he's coming from, you would see no racism.... You would see a decent person who tries to challenge others to think about race.

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