Why are the forum whites so damn defensive sensitive and whiny when discussing race?

Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Well, perhaps you should stop baiting people and stop this nonsense. It’s funny, you never have anything positive to say, it’s always negative, generalized and thinly disguised attacks. You are race baiting, so you want a pat on the back or a Nobel Peace prize for it? Dude, get a shrink.

Trolling the Bass' post isn't going to change facts so why resort to trolling?

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie: Why DO you troll?
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Charlie is no more a racist than I am, Liability. He is not a racist. I wish people would stop dismissing everything he says with this 'racist' label. If you could understand where he's coming from, you would see no racism.... You would see a decent person who tries to challenge others to think about race.

Well, except for the fact that you are wrong about him and that he is a racist.

You don't challenge "those" white folks to ponder an alleged fact if the only basis you have to claim the alleged fact as a "fact" is that you are being a racist about "those" whites in the first place.

Most of what the Basshole says fits in that category.

He makes glaring, usually baseless, generalizations about whites as though his racist perceptions were "the truth."

When whites behave like that toward blacks, they are rightly condemned as racists.

Well, guess what? When a black guy does it about whites, he too is just being racist.

If he wants to challenge the way many or most whites allegedly think about race issues, then he is first obliged to back up his premises. Basing them on racial stereotypes is a racist shortcut to actual thought. And if the Basshole is guilty of that (which he is) then the right label is properly applied to him and his manner of "debate:" racism.

Perhaps I see it as more understandable for a black person to be slightly sceptical when it comes to racism. I perhaps cut people some slack because I think that blacks experience more racism than I do. What I experience - on a regular basis - is people judging me on my blonde hair and blue eyes - you think the dumb blonde thing is a joke? It isn't. People make judgements about me - 'she's cute therefore she's stupid' - I even once had a guy who told me that I didn't have to work hard, I could get by on my looks. I kid you not! That attititude affects people. Perhaps that's why I understand Charlie. I like Charlie. I think he has a good heart.

He doesn't. He is one of the nastier racists I have seen in many years.
Cause you're a racist piece of bullshit.

And I *never* take seriously anyone who posts in the Third Person like you do.

Nope. I laugh at them. :lol: :rofl:

And feel sorry for them that they think they're so important, when they're really not. They're not even an amoeba on a flea on a rat.

Well, except for the fact that you are wrong about him and that he is a racist.

You don't challenge "those" white folks to ponder an alleged fact if the only basis you have to claim the alleged fact as a "fact" is that you are being a racist about "those" whites in the first place.

Most of what the Basshole says fits in that category.

He makes glaring, usually baseless, generalizations about whites as though his racist perceptions were "the truth."

When whites behave like that toward blacks, they are rightly condemned as racists.

Well, guess what? When a black guy does it about whites, he too is just being racist.

If he wants to challenge the way many or most whites allegedly think about race issues, then he is first obliged to back up his premises. Basing them on racial stereotypes is a racist shortcut to actual thought. And if the Basshole is guilty of that (which he is) then the right label is properly applied to him and his manner of "debate:" racism.

Perhaps I see it as more understandable for a black person to be slightly sceptical when it comes to racism. I perhaps cut people some slack because I think that blacks experience more racism than I do. What I experience - on a regular basis - is people judging me on my blonde hair and blue eyes - you think the dumb blonde thing is a joke? It isn't. People make judgements about me - 'she's cute therefore she's stupid' - I even once had a guy who told me that I didn't have to work hard, I could get by on my looks. I kid you not! That attititude affects people. Perhaps that's why I understand Charlie. I like Charlie. I think he has a good heart.

He doesn't. He is one of the nastier racists I have seen in many years.

He and 52nd Street are both nasty ass racist pricks.

No use for them. None at all.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Here we go again, same old crap from Charlie Bass. Merry Christmas Charlie... Do you ever talk about anything beside racial stuff? This horse has been rode to death.

AMEN! The Big Black Dog nails it! :clap2:
The problem is that by "race relations improving", you mean whites kiss more black ass, give them more money, and basically roll over for them. That's what MOST blacks mean by "we need to improve race relations." They never mean WE BLACKS could clean up our act! To blacks, "ending racism" is entirely something that's a white responsibility.

What I wish whites would do is grow a spine and say, "Yes, I'm white. We're white. We've got a right to be with each other and do our own thing. If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere."

Blacks have as much right here as you do, William. You don't like that - you fuck off and go elsewhere.

If people like you would stop justifying racism, people like Charlie wouldn't have to keep reminding us that racism still exists. You, William, are the problem - not the solution.

He wasn't justifying racism. He was saying it runs both ways.

Well, maybe if our ancestors had been treated the way that historically blacks were treated, maybe we would feel a bit pissed about it too. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's understandable. We don't solve it by pretending everything is fine. We must remember the mistakes of the past in order to continue to learn from them.

I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.
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Blacks have as much right here as you do, William. You don't like that - you fuck off and go elsewhere.

If people like you would stop justifying racism, people like Charlie wouldn't have to keep reminding us that racism still exists. You, William, are the problem - not the solution.

He wasn't justifying racism. He was saying it runs both ways.

Well, maybe if our ancestors had been treated the way that historically blacks were treated, maybe we would feel a bit pissed about it too. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's understandable. We don't solve it by pretending everything is fine. We must remember the mistakes of the past in order to continue to learn from them.

I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.

But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character.

Good advice.

Please relay it to The Basshole.
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He wasn't justifying racism. He was saying it runs both ways.

Well, maybe if our ancestors had been treated the way that historically blacks were treated, maybe we would feel a bit pissed about it too. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's understandable. We don't solve it by pretending everything is fine. We must remember the mistakes of the past in order to continue to learn from them.

I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.

But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character.

Good advice.

Please relay it to The Basshole.

If Charlie's a racist, why does he agree with me - someone who does not support affirmative action? Why does he have me - a blonde haired, blue eyed girl on his friends list? He's not a racist any more than I am.... That you don't understand the man does not make him a racist, it makes him a complex individual. I like complex individuals. They are interesting.
Well, maybe if our ancestors had been treated the way that historically blacks were treated, maybe we would feel a bit pissed about it too. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's understandable. We don't solve it by pretending everything is fine. We must remember the mistakes of the past in order to continue to learn from them.

I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.

But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character.

Good advice.

Please relay it to The Basshole.

If Charlie's a racist, why does he agree with me - someone who does not support affirmative action? Why does he have me - a blonde haired, blue eyed girl on his friends list? He's not a racist any more than I am.... That you don't understand the man does not make him a racist, it makes him a complex individual. I like complex individuals. They are interesting.

A black guy can accept a white woman on an internet message board "friends list" and yet still be a racist.

It is the whining crap he says about whites overall that tips his hand. Fuck it. He is almost as incoherently racist about other black people if they have the audacity (as defined in his closed mind) of disagreeing with him! The, of course, the racist Basshole declares the other blacks to be Uncle Toms1

His mind couldn't GET any more tightly shut. And it is shut pretty much exclusively along the lines of race.

I am glad you like him. But I am not persuaded that you are sufficient evidence that the Basshole is anything other than what I have determined him to be. He calls me "troll" because I have no compunction about getting in his racist face about the racist shit he always says. Too bad. I call him racist because what he says is racist. If he thinks that makes me a troll, then his ignorance is even deeper than I had previously thought.

But, he's not JUST a racist. At least he's also homophobic!
The Bass believes some of the forum whites get easily defensive and whiny when discussing race because they have a conscious and or latent superiority complex that causes them to label anyone as racist that doesn't agree with the fake superiority of whites.
The Bass believes some of the forum whites get easily defensive and whiny when discussing race because they have a conscious and or latent superiority complex that causes them to label anyone as racist that doesn't agree with the fake superiority of whites.

Hi The Bass, this is The Frogen.

I have never believed in any way, sense or purpose that I am superior to any African Americans, or really anyone else (well except maybe Oprah and Jerry Springer), but having spent years in Naval showers I can tell you my penis is the 14th Amendment equal protection clause.

Just ask the Supreme ****.

*I know, that is a joke too far, but like Lenny Bruce I want to see how far I can take this before I die in obscurity and degradation.
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Look in the mirror Bass. That's your fucking racist ass problem in front of you. It's yourself. I have never heard someone talk so much shit about whites and be so racist against others, although in the next text you claim the whites and the world is against blacks and yourself. I'm so sorry you hate your life so much that you blame everyone else on it. Maybe look inward and you will find your own demons and finally realize that's it's almost 2010. No one gives a fuck about your bullshit blaming and petty comments about how you and your race are so unfortunate these days. Again, as I've said before, life's a bitch, eat it up!
Look in the mirror Bass. That's your fucking racist ass problem in front of you. It's yourself. I have never heard someone talk so much shit about whites and be so racist against others, although in the next text you claim the whites and the world is against blacks and yourself. I'm so sorry you hate your life so much that you blame everyone else on it. Maybe look inward and you will find your own demons and finally realize that's it's almost 2010. No one gives a fuck about your bullshit blaming and petty comments about how you and your race are so unfortunate these days. Again, as I've said before, life's a bitch, eat it up!

The incessant whining has to just stop, learn to face facts instead of crying racist when facts are presented.
Look in the mirror Bass. That's your fucking racist ass problem in front of you. It's yourself. I have never heard someone talk so much shit about whites and be so racist against others, although in the next text you claim the whites and the world is against blacks and yourself. I'm so sorry you hate your life so much that you blame everyone else on it. Maybe look inward and you will find your own demons and finally realize that's it's almost 2010. No one gives a fuck about your bullshit blaming and petty comments about how you and your race are so unfortunate these days. Again, as I've said before, life's a bitch, eat it up!

The incessant whining has to just stop, learn to face facts instead of crying racist when facts are presented.

Then YOU should try presenting facts instead of your stupid baseless opinions in your whining manner, Basshole.
Well, maybe if our ancestors had been treated the way that historically blacks were treated, maybe we would feel a bit pissed about it too. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's understandable. We don't solve it by pretending everything is fine. We must remember the mistakes of the past in order to continue to learn from them.

I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.

But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character.

Good advice.

Please relay it to The Basshole.

If Charlie's a racist, why does he agree with me - someone who does not support affirmative action? Why does he have me - a blonde haired, blue eyed girl on his friends list? He's not a racist any more than I am.... That you don't understand the man does not make him a racist, it makes him a complex individual. I like complex individuals. They are interesting.

Look in the mirror Bass. That's your fucking racist ass problem in front of you. It's yourself. I have never heard someone talk so much shit about whites and be so racist against others, although in the next text you claim the whites and the world is against blacks and yourself. I'm so sorry you hate your life so much that you blame everyone else on it. Maybe look inward and you will find your own demons and finally realize that's it's almost 2010. No one gives a fuck about your bullshit blaming and petty comments about how you and your race are so unfortunate these days. Again, as I've said before, life's a bitch, eat it up!

Well said! :clap2: :clap2:
I'm not saying that whites should feel guilty, we should not. But.... we need to stop seeing color and see character. That's what MLK said - and MLK was right.

I happen to agree.

Hint: Clue in your racist buddy Basshole. His life would be infinitely better if he knew this basic truth.
Its seems like everytime race is discussed and in particular when the crimes of whites against nonwhites are discussed, why do the forum whites try to make others look just as bad as their genocidal, murderous ancestors and argue the same strawman argument that people are accusing all whites? Whats the matter? Some of these same forum whites have no problem talking the good that whites have done past and present but get red and hot in the face when the crimes and wrongs of the same people are being discussed? race relations will never improve by ignoring the past and pretending that if it isn't discussed it isn't a problem.

Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.

This is the exact same point I always try to point out to the white posters.
Whites today some how feel that they should all be absolved of all the crimes that their
white slave rapist, and slave murderers committed.

Modern day whites are on a campaign of denial, and diversionary arguments , as to why they owe nothing to modern day black Americans. While Black unemployment is at %35 ,
and white male unemployment is only %9.

White people in America seem to have the wool covering their eyes.And are in a constant state of denial when it comes to Black White race relations.
Racism exists... but racism exists in all races. I think a significant number of whites just feel that we are not responsible for the sins of the past and, by continually whining on about things we cannot change, perpetuates racism. The only way we can stop racism is to allow it to die - not keep using it against each other.

Many of todays whites may not be committing the same exact sins of their ancestors, no one is saying this so its pointless for anyone to get defensive and beat on that strawman argument, just because todays whites did commit the sins of their ancestors do not they're absolved from dismantling the racist legacy their ancestors have perpetuated. The social and economic order that exists today was started in the days of slavery, not by so called dysfunctional "black culture," laziness and unwillingness to succeed.

This is the exact same point I always try to point out to the white posters.
Whites today some how feel that they should all be absolved of all the crimes that their
white slave rapist, and slave murderers committed.

Modern day whites are on a campaign of denial, and diversionary arguments , as to why they owe nothing to modern day black Americans. While Black unemployment is at %35 ,
and white male unemployment is only %9.

White people in America seem to have the wool covering their eyes.And are in a constant state of denial when it comes to Black White race relations.

Newsflash: None of us are responsible for actions of our ancestors. Not even you. If your great great great great great great grandfather sold some of his tribe to white slavers, YOU are not today responsible for that heinous act.

I absolve you.

Actually, common sense itself absolves you.

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