Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2013
A Red Welfare State
This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

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?? Does Bill O'Reilly know about this??

War on falafel! War on falafel!

Oh, my!

This piqued my curiosity. I just looked up "Islam and masturbation" on Wikipedia. They're even worse than the Catholics and Mormons. Some sects permit masturbation only if one "fears fornication" is on the nigh, or if marriage is an unobtainable institution for an individual, whatever the reason. Needless to say it is forbidden by the Shi'a. There are several quotes from Islam's different votaries dealing with the subject of masturbation here:

Islam and masturbation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This piqued my curiosity. I just looked up "Islam and masturbation" on Wikipedia. They're even worse than the Catholics and Mormons. Some sects permit masturbation only if one "fears fornication" is on the nigh, or if marriage is an unobtainable institution for an individual, whatever the reason. Needless to say it is forbidden by the Shi'a. There are several quotes from Islam's different votaries dealing with the subject of masturbation here:

Islam and masturbation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now for the excuses to follow about why that of course is not important.
Well you do know that you will go blind if you masturbate to much as a child...

Why do you think so many only do it till they need glasses??
This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

Did you see the way those guys look at each other at 3:16????
Clearly, they've discovered they don't need to masturbate alone.
This video is just creepy! I want to put on some army fatigues and go rescue him. He can stay at aunt Carla's. And why are they spying on him with binoculars? What young boy doesn't masturbate? It's healthy, and it's a part of life. It's safe...no STD's, or unplanned pregnancies. Who is it hurting, and why is it any of their business? And why would it be any of their business that he's watching porn?

Did you see the way those guys look at each other at 3:16????
Clearly, they've discovered they don't need to masturbate alone.

You do know what that leads to??

A burning irritation
There's a War on Masturbation, eh? :eusa_think:

Kind of reminds me of the war on contraception in the aftermath of the wars on abortion and premarital sex. Maybe they're all just battles in the War on Anything Remotely Connected to Human Sexuality, because heaven forbid, that as God's created playthings, we ever figure out how much fun it is to play with ourselves and each other. :eusa_dance:
This piqued my curiosity. I just looked up "Islam and masturbation" on Wikipedia. They're even worse than the Catholics and Mormons. Some sects permit masturbation only if one "fears fornication" is on the nigh, or if marriage is an unobtainable institution for an individual, whatever the reason. Needless to say it is forbidden by the Shi'a. There are several quotes from Islam's different votaries dealing with the subject of masturbation here:

Islam and masturbation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Christians permit masturbation as long as you don't fantasize about fornication. :) Shouldn't be a problem given how into cars some people are. :)

"We can say this for sure. If masturbation involves sexual fantasies and/or pornography, then it is certainly not pure and is very sinful. The Bible clearly teaches that our minds are as important to God as our bodies are and that we are to remain pure in both. Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery'; 28 but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." (Matt. 5:27-28). Jesus is saying that thinking lustful thoughts is sinful. Therefore, masturbation involving sexual fantasies (at least not of one's spouse) is undoubtedly sinful."
Is masturbation a sin Masturbation and the bible Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

(have extensive bookmarks) :)
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Everyone masturbates (and some even know how to spell it.) Begins in the womb, and continues in our sleep (hence ancient folklore about Lilith coming to men's beds and stealing their seed, though as we understand now it was merely nocturnal emissions - wet dreams.)

Numerous confirmed physical as well as psychological benefits to masturbation for men and women alike. I've always found it curious with how often religion rails against sexual immorality, they'd also condemn masturbation. We're hardwired to desire sex so we can sustain our species. So we're gonna hev these desires. Suppressing them doesn't work (ask the Catholics.) And after the epic failures of the government to insist on abstinance during World War 1, and millions of soldier getting veneral diseases, in World War 2 the US government finally accepted reality and handed out condoms. Seems we've take a few steps back of late though with how we're once again favoring unreality pushing abstinance despite ample evidence that method doesn't work.

We should be encouraging masturbation. No risks of pregnancy or disease, and actual benefits for our health to it. I can see the slippery slope arguement of course but given the alternatives, it's better than wearing boxing gloves to bed every night.

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