Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?

From a purely practical standpoint, encouraging masturbation provides an excellent incentive to getting up early for school/work if getting out of bed to masturbate is part of your daily routine. And at least for guys, nohting helps us fall asleep better than climax. Whether alone or with a partner, drowsy's drowsy. :)
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

so not masturbating makes you a serial rapist? Having read countless psychosexual evaluations of actual rapists, I've never seen one who didn't have porn and masturbation in excess issues.

I think you are about as likely to find someone who went blind masturbating as you are to find a serial rapist with any degree of self control
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

so not masturbating makes you a serial rapist? Having read countless psychosexual evaluations of actual rapists, I've never seen one who didn't have porn and masturbation in excess issues.

I think you are about as likely to find someone who went blind masturbating as you are to find a serial rapist with any degree of self control

Who knows, I think it could lead to someone becoming a serial rapist, yes. Mitt Romney attacked a young gay guy while he was in school and cut his hair. Maybe it was all that pent up rage from not masturbating. Or maybe it happened because the Church teaches people to hate gay people, I don't know.

I just know that masturbation is normal, healthy, and most (normal) people do it. Again, why make them feel bad about it, and why would it be any business of the Church?

Females masturbate too, but this video is directed at young men for some strange reason.
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

so not masturbating makes you a serial rapist? Having read countless psychosexual evaluations of actual rapists, I've never seen one who didn't have porn and masturbation in excess issues.

I think you are about as likely to find someone who went blind masturbating as you are to find a serial rapist with any degree of self control

Who knows, I think it could lead to someone becoming a serial rapist, yes. Mitt Romney attacked a young gay guy while he was in school and cut his hair. Maybe it was all that pent up rage from not masturbating. Or maybe it happened because the Church teaches people to hate gay people, I don't know.

I just know that masturbation is normal, healthy, and most (normal) people do it. Again, why make them feel bad about it, and why would it be any business of the Church?

Females masturbate too, but this video is directed at young men for some strange reason.

Religions and especially cults frequently control their followers' sexual lives. Because it's such a big part of everyone's lives, if you can gain control of it you gain a tremendous amount of control over the person.
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Everyone masturbates (and some even know how to spell it.) Begins in the womb, and continues in our sleep (hence ancient folklore about Lilith coming to men's beds and stealing their seed, though as we understand now it was merely nocturnal emissions - wet dreams.)

Numerous confirmed physical as well as psychological benefits to masturbation for men and women alike. I've always found it curious with how often religion rails against sexual immorality, they'd also condemn masturbation. We're hardwired to desire sex so we can sustain our species. So we're gonna hev these desires. Suppressing them doesn't work (ask the Catholics.) And after the epic failures of the government to insist on abstinance during World War 1, and millions of soldier getting veneral diseases, in World War 2 the US government finally accepted reality and handed out condoms. Seems we've take a few steps back of late though with how we're once again favoring unreality pushing abstinance despite ample evidence that method doesn't work.

We should be encouraging masturbation. No risks of pregnancy or disease, and actual benefits for our health to it. I can see the slippery slope arguement of course but given the alternatives, it's better than wearing boxing gloves to bed every night.

I totally agree.
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

Really?! Is that what your thread is all about, Carla? I do not believe so. I believe it is far easier for you to target a religion that isn't threatening to cut your head of for condemning their kidnapping, serial rape of not one, not two, but entire schools full of Girls! Can you say Islam, Carla? Amazing how you strain a gnat to swallow a camel on this religion thread and by the way! Masturbation is a sin! The Mormons got it right on that one. If you think for one second you are fooling anyone here you are mistaken. It is quite obvious you are in fear of any religion that would actually pose a threat to you and therein you go after the ones who are not out there cutting off heads, kidnapping young girls, serial rapists who practice sex slavery and far worse. Yes, Carla. You are quite the coward and the cowardly won't be inheriting the kingdom of heaven so make a note of that one.

I think I've heard it all now. People who don't masturbate will become serial rapists?!

Ha! In a pig's eye!
you know, you guys are the creepy ones. If people don't want or need to play with themselves, what's the issue?

If someone isn't sinning? They're not happy! How dare anyone consider a holy life! That is the message here. The world has gone mad! What else? We've got Satanists preaching morality now! As if! Oh the irony!
you know, you guys are the creepy ones. If people don't want or need to play with themselves, what's the issue?

Because it's unhealthy. There is evidence supporting the fact that suppression/abstinence is unhealthy. Look at all the problems with the Catholic Church as an example. Look at how abstinence worked out for Bristol Palin.

No one is going to stop horny teenagers from masturbating? Again, why make them feel bad about something that is normal and healthy?
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

Oh no they are not! Only in your imagination which says everyone must lower their standards to meet mine. Too bad, Carla. Everyone is NOT going to lower their standards to meet yours. Get over yourself.
This piqued my curiosity. I just looked up "Islam and masturbation" on Wikipedia. They're even worse than the Catholics and Mormons. Some sects permit masturbation only if one "fears fornication" is on the nigh, or if marriage is an unobtainable institution for an individual, whatever the reason. Needless to say it is forbidden by the Shi'a. There are several quotes from Islam's different votaries dealing with the subject of masturbation here:

Islam and masturbation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even so, I'd be reluctant to enter a Mastubatory Cathedral. While I agree that there's nothing inherently evil about Masturbation, I don't want to sit in a congregation while they are permitted to practice it.
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

Oh no they are not! Only in your imagination which says everyone must lower their standards to meet mine. Too bad, Carla. Everyone is NOT going to lower their standards to meet yours. Get over yourself.

Oh yes they are!
you know, you guys are the creepy ones. If people don't want or need to play with themselves, what's the issue?

Because it's unhealthy. There is evidence supporting the fact that suppression/abstinence is unhealthy. Look at all the problems with the Catholic Church as an example. Look at how abstinence worked out for Bristol Palin.

No one is going to stop horny teenagers from masturbating? Again, why make them feel bad about something that is normal and healthy?

That is ridiculous.
what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

what do you care if other people don't masterbate?

Because I don't want a bunch of serial rapists running around. Young men are going to do it anyway, why make them feel bad about it?

so not masturbating makes you a serial rapist? Having read countless psychosexual evaluations of actual rapists, I've never seen one who didn't have porn and masturbation in excess issues.

I think you are about as likely to find someone who went blind masturbating as you are to find a serial rapist with any degree of self control

Who knows, I think it could lead to someone becoming a serial rapist, yes. Mitt Romney attacked a young gay guy while he was in school and cut his hair. Maybe it was all that pent up rage from not masturbating. Or maybe it happened because the Church teaches people to hate gay people, I don't know.

I just know that masturbation is normal, healthy, and most (normal) people do it. Again, why make them feel bad about it, and why would it be any business of the Church?

Females masturbate too, but this video is directed at young men for some strange reason.

Religions and especially cults frequently control their followers' sexual lives. Because it's such a big part of everyone's lives, if you can gain control of it you gain a tremendous amount of control over the person.

Good point.

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